
Intel Drop #41 - The Planned Holocaust Of The Soul - Part 2

"Everyone I am speaking with is panicked about [this nano tech]. There is a real sense of fear over this, and a strong interest to get the antidote."
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We Are Sovereign @OculumLabs · Jan 5, 2024 · edited: Jun 13, 2024

Intel Drop #41 - The Planned Holocaust Of The Soul - Part 2


usdr csrq gideon intel drop 41


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Intel Drop #41


The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: I've put together a list of notes for our discussion today, since there's so much to talk about. I'm going to start with some recent news events, so we get that covered. What are your thoughts on the Epstein list?


Gideon: "It is almost entirely a distraction, as the actual crimes are not being discussed."


Bill: That's how I felt about it. Isn't it good, though, that the information is coming out?


Gideon: "Some individuals are being named, but they are still protected Sovereigns. They have roles to play. You might say they are sacrificial lambs. They have already been prepared, in advance, that they will be publicly exposed. It does not matter, because none of them will face any persecution or actual justice at all.


The true crimes are not being revealed by the documents released. They are talking about teenage girls who saw famous individuals, or experienced uncomfortable massages. They are not talking about the child rape or sacrifice they all participated in on the island, the gruesome torture of children all of these people on these lists participated in. The Epstein list is, in short, a limited hangout."


Bill: Understood. What about this Miami incident with the police response, do you know anything about that?


Gideon: "I have asked some of my sources about it, but I have not heard anything back. The police response seems unusual to me."


Bill: Some people said it could be part of Project Bluebeam. Do you think it's a test of that by the cabal?


Gideon: "It is possible. I will only say this, if the cabal did not want people to talk about it, no one would be talking about it. I have seen many gatekeeper channels discussing it, so it must be something the cabal wants people talking about."


Bill: I see, and I agree, it spread around a lot pretty fast. Let's move on. I want to get back to what our previous Intel Drop was talking about, which is how the cabal has poisoned the food supply. Do you have any new updates on this?


Gideon: "I have quite a few, yes."


Bill: Ok, just to confirm everything, the cabal has put some kind of nano dust in the food supply. Can you go over that again, briefly? What the operation entailed and when it began?


Gideon: "We believe it started in 2021. Our information indicates some kind of highly advanced nano-dust contaminated almost all of the world's food supply. The estimates we have seen is that within six months, 85% of humanity would have consumed it. By now, that estimate is 98%."


Bill: It's not activated yet, right?


Gideon: "No, it is not, but it will be activated some time after CSRQ comes online."


Bill: What will happen to people once it's activated?


Gideon: "The long-term goal in place is that the nano particulates will interface with some kind of neural net apparatus being built that will come online by 2025. Once activated, the human soul itself will be connected to a worldwide grid, which we believe is connected to Starlink. Once activated, the nano particles will allow astral entities to enter your body and take control of your soul. This is why the antidote is so important."


Bill: We talked about it before, but this technology goes way beyond just mind-controlling people. It gets into spiritual discussions, and things a lot of people don't even believe.


Gideon: "In terms of whether we have a spirit or soul?"


Bill: Right, a lot of people don't even believe humans have souls.


Gideon: "Well, they are gravely mistaken, if they believe we do not. We do, and the soul is something the cabal is very interested in capturing, or controlling."


Bill: Has the cabal ever in the past been able to capture the soul?


Gideon: "Not physically. Only through consent, through agreements, whereby individuals 'sell' their souls to the cabal, 'sell' themselves to the designs and purposes of evil. It required people to make a conscious decision to commit themselves to Satan.


Now, with this technology, we believe the cabal is trying to bypass that, to gain control over the soul with or without consent."


Bill: I just want to be clear, we already have this nano dust in our bodies, right now? All of us? You and me?


Gideon: "Yes, we do."


Bill: Could have we avoided it at all?


Gideon: "I do not think we could have avoided it, unless we had been given all of the information well in advance. We would have needed to essentially go off-grid and grow our own food to avoid it."


Bill: Does it affect us at all, without it being activated?


Gideon: "As far as we know, it does not, because the Sovereigns also all consumed it. They do not want to negatively impact themselves. They are not going to harm themselves, or allow their own souls to be captured or controlled by this Starlink apparatus they have created.


That is why the antidote is being prepared and will be given to Sovereigns before full activation."


Bill: How will Sovereigns get this antidote?


Gideon: "We believe the app they are developing will send a classified-type of alert to all Sovereigns, and give directions on how to obtain it. We believe it will be distributed through pharmacies worldwide, and Sovereigns will physically go in and retrieve it. Or, it may be mailed in some way to certain high-level Sovereigns.


The app will have a section where the Sovereign will confirm they have taken it. Once all 10 million or so Sovereigns have taken the antidote, then the nano dust will be activated in everyone else."


Bill: How long do you think that will take for the Sovereigns to get protected against it?


Gideon: "Probably a few months for all of them to consume the antidote."


Bill: Will they wait until every, single Sovereign takes it? It seems to be there would be some Sovereigns who might slip through the cracks or fail to take it.


Gideon: "There will be some who do not take it, for various reasons, by probably ignoring the app alerts or not taking action. It will not be many, and we do not believe the cabal is concerned about that."


Bill: Will every Sovereign use the app? What about those who don't use it?


Gideon: "My understanding is that you cannot be Sovereign, or fully activate your own Sovereign status, without using the app, once it is released. It will be required in some way to activate your Sovereign status using your Biometric ID. If you do not, then you will not be a confirmed Sovereign. You also have to have a Biometric ID issued by CSRQ to be Sovereign, which is what our team has received, so we will be safe, I believe."


Bill: So it's really up to the Sovereigns to follow through and be ready for the app?


Gideon: "Yes, and they will be ready, and we will be ready."


Bill: For all of these people who are Common, Restricted and Quarantined class, which is basically Billions of people, what will happen to them once the nano dust is activated?


Gideon: "We suspect a gradual change will occur, and it will not be obvious at first. The nano dust will begin electromagnetically attaching itself to the soul, something that cannot be done without an activation that we believe can transcend this dimension. The Starlink satellites seem to have this capability. It is extremely advanced.


The cabal cannot do anything to the human soul within this dimension, the 3rd dimension, with conventional technology. What they are doing is so advanced, it is hard for us to fully understand it, but it does require that a person have this nano technology within their bodies, and putting it in the food supply was the most efficient method of deployment."


Bill: How can they just bypass people's free will and poison them like this?


Gideon: "They have been doing that for decades. They have put fluoride in the water, they have lied about vaccines, they have done all sorts of heinous experiments on humans without consent. They do not appear to need consent, which is disturbing in and of itself.


However, compromising the soul itself goes beyond what the cabal has been allowed to do in the past. In the past, they were only allowed to violate the physical body."


Bill: We talked a lot about how the rules have changed, how the cabal operates. Did these rule changes allow the cabal do to this? Because it seems to be that trying to capture a person's soul goes over the line of what's been allowed.


Gideon: "It does, or it once did. We discussed how those rules changed in the previous Intel Drops, specifically, the Cosmic Rules Have Changed series we did. We warned about this many times, and now we see the cabal is doing exactly what we warned about."


Bill: What will actually happen to the souls of the people who don't receive the antidote?


Gideon: "The worst and most disturbing information I received is that the soul will not be allowed to leave the Earth realm upon death, and that the nano tech allows entities to attach themselves to souls. After death, you would find yourself being 'held' in the astral realm the cabal controls. So, they want control of your soul in this Earth realm and in the afterlife.


The cabal is also developing technology to keep people alive and living in our bodies for much longer, for hundreds of years. If this happens, people will be put into dense so-called '15 minute' cities and tightly controlled and hooked up to technology.


I was told the film by Stephen Spielberg called 'Ready Player One' shows the cabal's planned future for humanity, to some extent. So do many other dystopian TV shows. They want humans trapped and kept alive in this realm, and to ensure their souls are under the control for the cabal and cannot escape, cannot reach God."


Bill: But can't a person ask for God to save them? To free them from this nano-dust prison?


Gideon: "Yes, but they will not ask this, Bill, not by the time CSRQ is online. They will not ask this. That is our worry."


Bill: But won't people like those who read those Intel Drops ask for God's help? Many of them have very strong faith, and they'll resist it and seek God.


Gideon: "I have been told once the nano particles are activated, something will happen where people will not ask this, or seek God. The entities will be allowed in, and they will affect a person, and distort their soul connection that connects to the mind. The person who told me this has a story of their own, which I discussed with you."


Bill: This was the official in the United States. Can we talk about that in the Intel Drop?


Gideon: "We can discuss certain aspects, yes."


Bill: What you told me was pretty shocking. Do you want to start from the beginning? How you learned about this person and their situation?


Gideon: "We can, yes."


Bill: You didn't speak to them directly, right? You were told this by one of your sources?


Gideon: "Correct."


Bill: What did they tell you?


Gideon: "That a well-respected and publicly-known U.S. official learned about the nano program and attempted to the blow the whistle, and they were silenced."


Bill: You told me they were a devout Christian, and they learned about the side-effects of this nano dust and that's what made them want to blow the whistle, is that right?


Gideon: "Yes. They learned that once it is activated, people will not seek God, even if they were previously Christian or believers. Something will change in them, the power of the nano dust coupled with the activation technology captures the soul and changes something. It terrified them, especially learning how the entities will have control over a person of faith. This caused them to try to speak out, and I was told they were killed."


Bill: Were they Sovereign?


Gideon: "They were not, they were Common class."


Bill: How did they actually learn about something so classified?


Gideon: "There are a number of U.S. government officials who are not Sovereign, but who still work with the cabal unknowingly. This official had high-level access to certain things, and it seems they accidentally learned about this program. It scared them to death, and they started to act on it, but the cabal intervened and killed them before they could do anything."


Bill: How did you learn about this?


Gideon: "A source I work with knew this person and was close to them, and was devastated by what happened."


Bill: That source is Sovereign, right, and working with us?


Gideon: "Yes, and their own life is in grave danger."


Bill: Are we putting them at risk by talking about this?


Gideon: "We would be, but I have altered some information here to protect them."


Bill: Ok, so some details are changed?


Gideon: "Yes, but they are unimportant as to the information I am sharing and its importance. A person was murdered for learning about this classified program, but it is not just one person. Dozens have been killed the past few years, anyone who the cabal believed was a threat or would blow the whistle on CSRQ. It is similar to all of the microbiologists murdered before Covid-19 occurred."


Bill: I remember that, I remember that clearly. Years leading up to Covid a ton of virologists and microbiologists were murdered. They must have known too much, or the cabal thought they were a threat?


Gideon: "Yes, they were identified by the cabal as scientists who would speak out against Covid, so they were eliminated as a precaution by the cabal. It was murder, in every case."


Bill: Now they're eliminating people who know about CSRQ or might speak against it?


Gideon: "They are, and they have."


Bill: I still find it hard to believe some kind of technology could prevent people from seeking God, I find that really hard to accept.


Gideon: "It is not that it will prevent them, Bill, it is that they will not seek God, they will forget about God in some way, that is how the nano dust works. It does something to the soul to change it, to suppress it, to siphon off its energy. That is why I consider the nano-dusting of the food supply the greatest crime ever committed against humanity."


Bill: If they forget about God, what happens to their soul?


Gideon: "It becomes trapped, property and under the control of the cabal. It is almost as though a person becomes a drone, or soaked in a deception, or illusion. This is what I have been told. They could still seek God, or ask for God because the cabal cannot prevent that. They cannot prevent that.


Instead, the cabal designed a technology so they will forget to even reach out to God in the first place. It is deeply upsetting, and I fear for those who do not receive the antidote."


Bill: Are you certain you have all the details on this nano tech correct? Are you worried you've been fed disinformation?


Gideon: "I am very concerned about that, but I have confirmed all of this with my guide. My guide confirmed it. My sources, the most reliable ones, are also reiterating it. Some of it was also shown and discussed during the meeting I attended, whereby I viewed future events with a remarkable device, which I spoke about in a prior Intel Drop.


Everything is pointing to this nano tech being a key for the cabal to completely take over Earth and the human soul. Everyone I am speaking with is panicked about it, as well. There is a real sense of fear over this, and a strong interest to get the antidote."


Bill: I need a moment to process this and gather my thoughts. Can we talk off the record for a minute? I need to ask you something personal.


Gideon: "Yes."


(Conversation resumes)


Bill: Ok, we'll return to this topic, but for now let's move on to some other discussions. We need to talk about crypto and USDR. I have some notes on that, can we get into that now?


Gideon: "Go ahead, yes."


Bill: We were talking the other day about the crypto market, and you said no one understands any of it. I thought we could get into some of that, since it's not something we've talked a lot about recently.


Gideon: "It would be good to cover it."


Bill: You've told me the whistle blowers are watching all of this, in real time, so can you get into what they're seeing on their end?


Gideon: "They are seeing extraordinary in-flows of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies into CSRQ. This is to obtain USDR, which will be the future one world currency."


Bill: Will it be called USDR?


Gideon: "They believe it will, but they said it is possible their department has been shown a preliminary name and it may change by the time it comes online."


Bill: Does the name itself matter?


Gideon: "It is not important, no. We expect it will have some kind of three or four letter designation and be something universally well-understood. SDR and XDR have also been seen in documents by the whistle blowers as possible terms, but we simply will not know until CSRQ comes online."


Bill: I wanted to say that the social credit system won't be called 'CSRQ'. I don't know if all of our readers know that.


Gideon: "It will not be called CSRQ, correct. We use that term because it describes the various status levels, which are also terms that may change by the time of launch. The name of the entire social credit system is not even known by the whistle blowers, other than various terms used in memos they have seen."


Bill: Ok, well, it's not unusual for prototypes or something in development to use different terms.


Gideon: "That is correct. We also know the cabal would use different terms than what will be used at launch as an obfuscation technique. They do not want the real names or terms leaked, and they do not want them even known by employees, like the whistle blowers."


Bill: That makes sense. What about the nature of the digital coin itself, can you talk about that? I mean USDR.


Gideon: "Yes, on this point, we have better details. It will be a capped supply, like Bitcoin. This is an extraordinary change in how the money system will work. It will revolutionize it. It is a positive thing, if CSRQ did not exist. But because of the social credit system, most of humanity will not enjoy the benefits of a limited supply, non-inflationary currency. Only Sovereigns will enjoy it, and they have created the currency this way so their wealth grows even more than it has in the current inflationary, fiat system."


Bill: Remarkable. They created Bitcoin, and now they are modelling this after Bitcoin. Is that right?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: What will happen to all of the other cryptocurrencies?


Gideon: "Many will be shut down or seized, but many will still exist after the Reset. What has to be understood is there will be only one currency, USDR, and all existing cryptos now will be re-priced in USDR. If you are not Sovereign, if you are different class, even if you hold a lot of Bitcoin, for example, it will not matter. Your total allowed assets will be capped at a certain, low amount of USDR. You will not be able to even redeem your Bitcoins in any significant way. The cabal also has mechanisms in place to essentially make many of the popular cryptos now ineffective for use as capital, and also to ban some of them."


Bill: We've seen the crypto market go up recently, but that's because Sovereigns working for the cabal are buying them and transferring them to USDR, right?


Gideon: "Yes. The market has risen, too, in response to that, but that is the main driver behind it. The whistle blowers have told me they have seen massive in-flows of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptos into CSRQ recently due to the re-activation of in-flows. So, that is where most of the rise in cryptos is coming from, it is Sovereigns buying it and then moving it into CSRQ and acquiring USDR with it."


Bill: What happens to the crypto they send into CSRQ?


Gideon: "It is processed by CSRQ in a variety of ways, and each CSRQ account is given a credit for it. This will either represent the crypto after the Reset, or be redeemable later on for more USDR. We are unsure, except to say the cabal is not throwing away any money here. Everything they do is designed for them to increase their wealth, while the rest of the world will have to adapt to CSRQ and highly restricted amounts of USDR they are allowed to hold."


Bill: How much will the other statuses be able to have of USDR? Do we have any updated numbers on that?


Gideon: "Yes, we have learned more about the expected purchasing power of USDR, and also we have some new numbers. Common classes will receive $5,000 USDR per month, while Quarantined and Restricted classes will receive significantly less, expected to be around $1,250 USDR, which will not be enough to survive on, by design. Total assets will be capped at around $10,000 USDR for Common class, and far less for Quarantined and Restricted."


Bill: $5,000 USDR seems like a lot for Common classes. What will that be like compared to Euros, for example?


Gideon: "It may be similar to around $1,500 Euros today, in terms of purchasing power, possibly less. You have to remember, people will be using CSRQ as a social credit app or system, and through good behaviour and compliance, they will gain more USDR credits. These amounts will be for food vouchers, coupons and so on. The system will monitor their behaviour and reward them, and they will also be able to report their own behaviour and perform certain tasks to gain more USDR. It will not be large amounts, but enough to help them survive. Many people already live paycheck to paycheck, so they will find some security with this arrangement, especially after the economic collapse."


Bill: How will rent be reorganized, and real estate?


Gideon: "Private property is expected to be eliminated by 2030. The process of doing that will be complex, but also coincide with a major calamity expected in 2025. By the time these events unfold, people will not be able to protest or complain about how their land was stolen. It will simply be taken by decree, under the guise of redistribution of wealth.


Private property will become 'public' in a certain way, but it will still be controlled by the cabal. One purpose of the mass migrant influx in the U.S. and Europe is that those migrants will be given homes and land currently owned by citizens of those countries or areas."


Bill: Won't this lead to outrage?


Gideon: "Bill, nothing has led to outrage thus far. The only major disruption we have seen was the Canada trucker protest, which the cabal did notice. The cabal made adjustments based on that. They are well-prepared for how people will respond to having everything taken from them. Most people will accept it, partly due to the economic collapse that will be underway and stress of survival. Most will welcome free USDR and the social credit system, because it will provide a basic safety net, at the cost of great freedom."


Bill: They already gave it all up for Covid, so I think you're right, they'll give it up for something even worse, I'd think.


Gideon: "They will."


Bill: I know you have some pretty high-level sources in U.S. and U.K. intelligence agencies, and we've talked privately about what they're saying, can we get into that now?


Gideon: "We can, but I will have to be careful about what I say."


Bill: What are those sources saying about all of this? Do they know about CSRQ and USDR?


Gideon: "Yes, they do. One of them is Sovereign, and another one is not, but they know about all of this. The first individual is helping our team. The other individual wants to become Sovereign, and is waiting for the cabal to contact them."


Bill: You told me one of them is really worried, is that the one without Sovereign status?


Gideon: "Yes, this is in part because their family has a great deal of generational wealth, but they are all Common class and have not been approached by the cabal. The numbers involved are about $15 Million U.S. Dollars in land and real estate. This person knows their family will lose all of it."


Bill: What is their background?


Gideon: "They work in the Washington D.C. area. They have connections and contacts who have given them a lot of insight as to the plans ahead, and all of that they have communicated to myself, as well. They have confirmed everything the whistle blowers have told me."


Bill: So, is this someone who you think the cabal would contact or want to make Sovereign, or are they not high up enough?


Gideon: "They would be someone on the cusp of that. Not everyone will receive Sovereign status who works in their field or at their level. They are worried they will be bypassed."


Bill: We can make them Sovereign, right?


Gideon: "We can, but they will still lose a great deal of their land wealth. We cannot help them transfer that. The steps to do that are out of the purview and ability of the whistle blowers, and their own family is completely ignorant to what is coming, so they refuse to sell their land holdings. They do not realize they will lose all of it. So, they very worried about this, and they are hoping the cabal will contact them first."


Bill: I see. So their own family doesn't get what's coming?


Gideon: "No. They have tried to explain it to them, but they refuse to believe CSRQ is real or coming, despite the qualifications of this individual. Many people simply refuse to believe this can happen, and they will clutch to their belief in the old system until everything is swept out from under them."


Bill: You said there will be suicides from this, from losing everything?


Gideon: "There will be, more from upper classes who were not made Sovereign. They will not be able to cope with the loss of all they have. These are the types of people who either believe Biden was legitimately elected, or believe Trump will save them. On both sides of the political spectrum, they refuse to see what is coming, and instead believe in the comforting lies the cabal provides them."


Bill: I'm sorry for them. It amazes me how people are so wilfully ignorant. What about our team program? Can you give some updates on how that's going?


Gideon: "It has been a general success thus far, due to the obfuscation technique we developed. The cabal cannot triangulate or determine who we are changing to Sovereign status in CSRQ. They would have to stop the development of the system completely and re-issue new Biometric IDs to all Sovereigns to circumvent what we are doing, and they will not take that drastic of a step.


They also believe firmly that anyone we make Sovereign will be coaxed and tempted by the benefits of Sovereign status, and do nothing to act against them once CSRQ comes online. They believe the rest of our team will also be tempted by this. Since we will have so many advantages, and enjoy the freedom others do not have, and enjoy having acquired substantial USDR holdings, the cabal believes we will not give any of that up to fight them."


Bill: Do you believe that?


Gideon: "No, but I do fear some on our team are weak, that some will succumb to the temptation of having Sovereign status. I do fear that a lot."


Bill: I think our core team is strong, though, I think it would just be a few people, right?


Gideon: "I pray that is all it will be. My guide told me it will only be a few, but also warned me, again, about one who will betray us and completely compromise our team. They said it still remains up to that person what they will decide."


Bill: Can we do anything to stop that person? Did your guide say who it was?


Gideon: "No. My guide said we will not be allowed to know who it is. They are supposed to make their own choice, without intervention."


Bill: Ok, but I feel like if we could stop them or knew who they were, we could protect our team. I don't understand that.


Gideon: "I do not, either, but I trust my guide. I also trust this person will make the right choice and not betray us, in the end."


Bill: Why would they even betray us in the first place? Why would they help the cabal?


Gideon: "My guide said they will be deceived by agents, and led to believe horrible things about us, or about you, specifically."


Bill: So some agent will just tell some lies about me, and they will believe it?


Gideon: "Yes, but there will be convincing evidence provided. It will be false evidence, but convincing. The cabal has the power to create almost anything and it appear to be real, of course."


Bill: This really makes me angry. I hate these agents, I really do.


Gideon: "I understand, Bill, but we have to trust God, and trust God's plan here."


Bill: Ok, I do. I do. I trust Him, and I know He has a plan for us to win in the end, it can just be hard to see that sometimes. Let me get back to my notes. What about the wealthy benefactor, the one who is helping our team? Are they still helping us?


Gideon: "No, unfortunately we have not had any communication with them for the past week. They did help, but they have ceased communication, so it is something we are very concerned about."


Bill: I'll discuss that with you later, then. What about the tier levels? Should we talk about that here? I know you got a lot more information.


Gideon: "I can share a few things. The good news is that Sovereigns with under $5 Million USDR are going to get some residual benefits. This was something we were unsure about. The whistle blowers said they are seeing a lot of new updates in CSRQ, and they can see all of the tier benefits now. We will share that on our password-protected pages. It is very good news."


Bill: Ok, good. What about the cyberattack? Is that something the cabal is still going to do? A lot of predictive programming is out there on it.


Gideon: "I personally believe they will do this, sometime in April of this year. I have multiple sources confirming it is still part of the plan, and that the power will go out for about two or three weeks in many areas. It will be enough chaos to bring CSRQ online."


Bill: I posted more confirmation of it on my Twitter. It seems like the cabal really had the intent to put that out there, before they do it.


Gideon: "As I said, I believe it will happen and so do my sources. It will, or certainly could be, the catalyst for the economic collapse and unwinding of the fiat system."


Bill: The U.S. is in such incredible debt, $250 Trillion is what I've heard, there's no way you can believe this system can go on much longer.


Gideon: "Mathematically, it cannot. The cabal knows this, they have planned accordingly. USDR will be a radical change in the economic system, and as I said, it is very good how they designed it, but its benefits will only be enjoyed by Sovereigns."


Bill: It would be like if they made Bitcoin the official currency, or gold?


Gideon: "Similar in concept, yes."


Bill: I'm just checking my notes again. I've had a lot of people ask for more information from your guide, or if you could share more of what they are telling you. I'd also be interested in that, too. Is there more you can share of what they've told you about what's coming?


Gideon: "There is. We can share that with our team, privately."


Bill: Ok, I'll talk to you about that later. I had someone write me, another American, saying we're wrong and that Trump will win and restore the Republic. They said the cabal is being arrested, and so on, it's the same thing we've heard over and over and nothing's happened. Why are people still falling for this?


Gideon: "Because the Q Anon cabal gate-keeping operations are very well-funded. People are drawn into them and they become their source for information."


Bill: We've been asking people to share our information. How important is it that we spread the word? Or is it too late to matter?


Gideon: "It is never too late. My guide insisted we push more, but there is not a lot we can do. We need help. We need others to help us spread the word."


Bill: We have a great person who opened a YouTube channel and posted our Intel Drops, but now they're channel is being attacked, getting strikes and limitations, which I posted about on my Twitter. That is just straight up proof right there what we're telling is the truth. Their channel is really small, so there's no way YouTube would go out of their way to worry about it unless they didn't want the Intel Drops popularized.


Gideon: "Correct. They would not target a small channel otherwise."


Bill: I guess I'm frustrated, because I see all of this gate-keeping garbage getting hundreds of thousands of views, I see Telegram channels with 200,000 members, and it's all cabal-run. People don't care, don't think, don't realize it, meanwhile we've been working for a year and a half and our Telegram group hasn't even grown. It makes me want to give up, and it makes me want to say let's just take this underground and not even bother with the Intel Drops.


Gideon: "I understand fully the frustration, Bill. My guide instructed we still must try, and that God has a bigger plan for us than we can see now."


Bill: Ok, I trust that, then. I'll bring this conversation to a close. Are there any last words you want to share?


Gideon: "Those reading need to understand the seriousness of the nano dust issue, the fact we are all infected, so to speak. This is their end game. They have satellite technology that will activate it, and short of living underground forever, we cannot escape it. We need the antidote.


That is our mission now, to help as many as we can through our team. Take into consideration your family, your friends, too. If you can wake them up, please take the time to do so. We have one or two months left before we will not be able to help anyone."


Bill: Ok, thank you again for your time. We'll speak soon. God bless, and stay safe.


Gideon: "You too, Bill."




Update: We continue to see serious problems with email. Emails like MSN, Me, iCloud, Outlook, AOL, Gmail, Gmx, Yahoo, Hotmail, Comcast and many others routinely BLOCK and CENSOR our emails. These email providers are also known to read your emails and offer no security at all. No one should be using them, but many people who contact us are using them.


We recommend opening an anonymous account using Proton.me, Skiff.com, Hushmail.com, Tutanota.com or Dnmx.org (service for Dnmx.org may not be reliable). These providers are end to end encrypted, and have proven they do not block our emails.


Update: If you need help setting up Telegram (without using your real phone number), write to us at: securecommssov@proton.me - title "TG Account". We will provide the steps to create an anonymous Telegram account so that your real, personal phone number is not connected to it.


Please share this article, so we can keep spreading the word. Join our Telegrams (group, announcements, news, spiritual discussion). Join Bill's Twitter here, and our official We Are Sovereign Twitter here. Our official email is securecommssov@proton.me.


Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and (censored) website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download), Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.


Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3).


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