
Intel Drop #29 - The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change (Part 3)

"They are disrupting the continuum, the cosmic order, and invading the sacred barrier that protects the soul from demonic invasion."

Intel Drop #29 - The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change (Part 3)



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The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: I hope this comes across the right away, but some of our interactions lately have been shorter and it seems like you're more reserved with me. Can I ask what's going on?


Gideon: "I know. I am glad you asked. I would like to assure you, it is not personal. It has to do with what has been weighing on my mind and my heart the past few weeks. I have learned more about what is unfolding."


Bill: Ok, I understand. Are you ready for the conversation about these cosmic changes? Because we've been putting it off.


Gideon: "I am."


Bill: Ok, let me get my notes.


Gideon: "Of course."

Bill: I re-read our previous entries, Part 1 and Part 2. It seemed like, for you, a lot of pieces had come together, but then last month you said it's not what you thought it was. What changed, did you get new information?


Gideon: "First, you should know something. This entire time I have harboured hope this could be stopped, but I did not let that on to you. I hid that from you. I gave you the worst scenarios, the worst outcomes. I did not want to give you or anyone false hope. But you should know, I had hope. I had hope because of some people I trusted, who gave me assurances."


Bill: Ok, well, that's surprising to me. Who were these people?


Gideon: "Some individuals in the intelligence community, ones I had worked with and known for years. When I shared with them the whistle blowers' information about CSRQ, they confirmed it. They agreed with it, but they would consistently tell me the plan will be stopped, prevented in some way. I never shared this with you."


Bill: Why not?


Gideon: "Because I felt we had to press the urgency of this. I also knew of the cabal's gate-keeping operations, which are designed to present false hopes, such as Q Anon. I just never linked my old colleagues to it, I never really suspected they could be feeding me that kind of disinformation. I believed them, but I held back in sharing their views."


Bill: So this entire time, what were they saying about us? About CSRQ? About our Sovereign team?


Gideon: "I suppose you could say they were supportive, but dismissive, too. They would say the plan is not going to work, that there are too many in the U.S. Government against all of this and organizing against it. There came a point a few months ago, one of them started to push me to stop all of this, stop what we were doing. That is when I began to question them."


Bill: How much trust did you have in them to start with?


Gideon: "It was a lot, and they are people in positions that would have access to classified programs like CSRQ. So their knowledge, to me, was reliable."


Bill: So what happened with them recently, are you still talking to them?


Gideon: "No. Not only have I cut ties, I have learned I was being played by them. I was being watched by them. I trusted the wrong people, but I am very thankful I did not allow their subversion to impact what we are doing.


For me, this is more of a personal let down, and it was the last glimmer of hope I had. They were always pressing upon me that the cabal was losing, and so on. Very much the same thing we hear from Q Anon. I was skeptical, but they actually gave me some hope."


Bill: What did they have to say about Q Anon? Did they talk about it?


Gideon: "They agreed with me it was a psy op. They did not support it at all. That is why their protestations that the cabal was losing were a bit more credible, it made me believe them more, because they were not pushing Q Anon so-called hopium, as it were."


Bill: Are they Sovereigns? They were working for the cabal this entire time?


Gideon: "I had the whistle blowers check on them last year, and they were Restricted or Quarantined class when they checked. We have since found out that was changed on purpose, to deceive us, or anyone who might have managed to find them in CSRQ. They are Sovereigns but not listed officially as such in CSRQ. So, you could say, they are double-agents. But when CSRQ comes online, they will be Sovereign."


Bill: So it was an operation from the start, a psy op against you?


Gideon: "I now believe that. I feel betrayed deeply by them. I never believed they could belong to the cabal, never. I knew them to be patriots, I knew them to be Christians, I knew them to have always spoke against the New World Order. They were very open about things, like 9/11 being an inside job. They understood the narratives, they knew how this was all playing out for years, but on this point, on CSRQ, they insisted that it would be stopped, specifically by the United States itself."


Bill: Do you know anymore details about how they were operating against you? Or about when they changed to the dark side, so to speak?


Gideon: "No, not much. I have trouble reconciling some things, because these are decades-old relationships. But in looking at it, I have to assume they were taken in or joined the cabal more recently, maybe in recent years, or were offered Sovereign status if they fulfilled this mission to deceive me, and maybe others they are speaking to like me. I now believe their mission is to seek out or make contact with anyone who knows about CSRQ and tell them it will be destroyed or stopped, to prevent any real resistance to it."


Bill: Do you think they damaged us in any way? Did they infiltrate us? Learn things about us?


Gideon: "They would ask about our Sovereigns a lot. Not in a way that was obvious, but enough that I began to notice, this was in recent months. I began to notice how much they would inquire about that, what we were doing. I never gave up the slightest bit of information to them. So, we have not been compromised in that way.


The only way I see it is I think they may have psychologically compromised me, in how I approached things. This is because they were constantly assuring me CSRQ would fail. I think it may have made me less urgent, Bill."


Bill: Well, people ask about our Intel Drops and ask about Part 3, why we didn't post it for so long, do you think you were less urgent in that sense? Are we not doing enough?


Gideon: "Yes, it impacted me in that way, because I was holding on to this hope. I did not press you and Michael to do as much as we could have. I looked at things, and I said to myself that we have our Sovereign team, but hopefully my friends are right, and none of this will matter. CSRQ will fail, the cabal will fail. I wanted to believe it, I did, but I kept it at a distance, too, because of what the whistle blowers were telling me, it was in such conflict with what my old colleagues were saying."


Bill: So they thought CSRQ was not going to happen? Didn't they see all these confirmations? So many things you said have happened, it's all happening.


Gideon: "They knew it was real, yes. They know it is all real. They never denied that. They simply would psychologically use tactics, subtle ones, to say the cabal is losing. Mostly, they would claim to me there were so many high up officials in the U.S. Government working against this, aware of it, and planning to stop all of it. It was a line similar to Q Anon, yet they would dismiss Q Anon. I really became suspicious in recent months, though, because they were saying things that did not match reality any longer."


Bill: Did you ever bring up what was said in Part 1 and Part 2? The more spiritual discussions? I'm curious if they said anything.


Gideon: "Yes, they mentioned it. They said I was wrong. Some of them are Christians, or at least, they claim to be, or pretend to be. They hold that mantle high above their heads, they attend church every Sunday, and also pretend to be patriots, too. One of them said I was bordering on blasphemy. There was one discussion last November that got rather heated. Again, their narrative never changed, they said the cabal was losing, I was wasting my time, and so on. They wanted to erode my resolve."


Bill: Can I ask how you spoke to them, was it in real life or online? Or is that something you don't want to get into?


Gideon: "I will say it was in a very different capacity than how you and I speak. But secure, to some extent. Formal and also informal. More along the lines of established comms from many years of being colleagues with them, working with them."


Bill: Can you get into that at all, your working relationship with them? And their positions? It sounds like U.S. intelligence, is that right?


Gideon: "Yes. But I do not want to put any more of a target on our backs. It would do no good for us to say their names or the agencies, because I suspect this would be deleted. I will simply say, it has been hard for me, because these were friends, people I believed in, and all hope has been dashed that there is a single good soul working in the U.S. government at this point. The entire government is compromised from top to bottom. Not only that, it is indescribably evil. Look what they just did in Ohio."


Bill: I know, I'll ask you about that later. When you would speak to your colleagues, in what way did they say CSRQ would be stopped?


Gideon: "They told me the United States did not agree to it, would never agree to it. At first, there were some things that pointed to that, the way the U.S. is less onboard with some of the WEF programs that are already implemented in Europe. It was plausible what they were saying, especially earlier last year. They also argued Trump was not part of the plan, and that he would win in 2024, and CSRQ would be defeated.


However, in recent months, it became harder for them to make such a claim with a straight face. The U.S. is clearly onboard with the WEF agenda, moving forward with the CBDC program and every other cabal program. We know Trump is compromised. It became harder for them to explain this, and I began to push them harder. We can all see the U.S. is doing all of this evil, and they could not explain it, other than to act like the good guys would come out of the shadows soon and stop it all."


Bill: Why didn't you tell me about this?


Gideon: "I did, Bill, just not the full extent. Over the course of our many conversations, I have mentioned them and brought them up many times."


Bill: Ok, yes, you would refer to your colleagues off and on. So these were the same people?


Gideon: "Yes. I did tell you that they had confirmed CSRQ, for example. But I left out some details."


Bill: You left out the part where they said the U.S. is going to stand against this.


Gideon: "I did. I was not sure, and I did not want that to distract from our mission. No matter how many times, through how many conversations I had, what they were saying was not matching all of my other sources. So, I kept their information to the side, I did not want it impacting us. But I believe it impacted me, on a personal level. No longer will they influence me."


Bill: That must be hard to lose old friends like that. I mean, you trusted them. It seems like everyone is compromised these days.


Gideon: "It does. So this, for me, is more personal. It may be why I have been more distant. I held out hope, that they were sincere, and that maybe there was a chance the U.S. Government would somehow resist this. We all want to believe that. But that hope is gone, and I was wrong to ever entertain it at all."


Bill: I don't think you were wrong to have hope, it's good to have hope. What happened in terms of how your relationships fell apart? This was recent, right?


Gideon: "Yes, in the past month. I confronted them, and they claimed innocence and ignorance. But we know, I know. I ended things by leaving for them some of the harshest words I have ever expressed to anyone. They are utter betrayers of humanity and to God."


Bill: But are you certain? Completely? I know you are, but I'm asking for the sake of those reading.


Gideon: "I am certain. I presented evidence they could not even deny. Their attempts to ply back my trust were half-hearted to begin with. It was pathetic, in fact. They are Sovereigns. They are part of this entire plan."


Bill: Since they know who you are, will they now come after you?


Gideon: "I do not believe their intent is to kill me, and they never gained your identity or Michael's. They could do more to destroy us, and they have not. I discussed before what those reasons are. Right now, we are in a designation called 'Containment', and there are other designations, like 'Erasure', or 'Elimination' and so on. I have spoken about various levels of escalation. That changes based on information we release, or if our information reaches more people. But for now, we are in containment."


Bill: Well, we are certainly contained. People tell us our links are shadow-banned quite a lot, and someone was nice enough to try to run some ads on Google and YouTube for us. They had three accounts shut down right away after running the ads, one by one. So getting the word out isn't easy.


Gideon: "No, the cabal has done their work in that sense, so they do not see us as a major threat, they are monitoring us instead."


Bill: You've said the cabal thinks they can manipulate us after CSRQ is online. Is that still where you think they stand on us?


Gideon: "I believe so. I think they are waiting for that. If that somehow fails, I do not know what their plans would be. By then, we will be in a much stronger position, too, however. We will have much more power. They seem to believe that power and the wealth, the benefits of Sovereign status, will completely delude us and take us away from our mission. They think our Sovereigns will be scared to give it up because they might lose access to the safe food list, for example."


Bill: Ok. Well, I'm glad you told me about this with your colleagues. I'm disappointed, too, to hear there isn't any hope left with the U.S. but I'm not surprised in the least. Should we move on to the Part 3 topics?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: I reviewed Part 1 and 2, read over them again. Is there anything you want to amend or update? Any new information you've come along since then?


Gideon: "There is a great deal, in fact. There is much that needs to be said now, and needed to be said sooner. I will need to go through each issue, one by one."


Bill: Ok, let's start with the vaccinated. You said they were all intended to die by 2030, to be passed on to the next life where they were serve, essentially, the cabal, Satan and the dark entities in this astral plane. Is that a good summary, and is there anything to amend?


Gideon: "It is a good summary, but more needs to be clarified. At the time, my understanding was that the vaccines, of course, served many purposes, but the primary one was to kill off those compliant and brainwashed enough to take them because those compromised souls are not needed here on Earth, they are needed in the next life, as you say. My understanding of this has not changed drastically, except in one area.


I learned fewer will die than I expected, because the cabal needs them to support CSRQ. We already knew this, but I did not know the numbers correctly. I expected a much larger die-off. I now know they did not intend to kill as many as we thought, because they will need quite a few of those people to support CSRQ. So, it is a slight amendment to the full understanding, but overall, the picture in that sense has not changed."


Bill: I felt the same way, really, that they still need some vaccinated around to go along with CSRQ. We talked about it and it seems like we thought they would be around, but by 2030, they would be dead. So more will live past 2030, so that CSRQ is supported?


Gideon: "It appears that way. It correlates to the batches used for the vaccines. While most are deadly and will induce an early exit from this world, while most reduce life-span, others had a different formulation, one that has very bad effects but will not lead to early death. Those formulations are for those who will be dutiful servants of the cabal in the future, who will enthusiastically support CSRQ and by virtue of that, push the non-compliant into compliance."


Bill: Ok, that makes sense. I already had that in my mind, that that's how this would go about. You would have a ton of vaccinated people going along with CSRQ, digital currency and so on. We just weren't sure if they would all die, now it sounds like a certain percentage the cabal wants to live. What's the difference in the formulation?


Gideon: "We see a 5G connection. They took something that can make them traceable, track-able, and also control their minds and influence their behaviour. The Bluetooth evidence points to that. A certain percentage of those will live on and support the cabal here on Earth. By 2030, the die-off will occur, it will be extremely impactful, but more of the vaccinated will live than I expected."


Bill: Ok, now, what about this idea they want to keep the non-vaccinated alive, and installed into this Metaverse they want to create. Do you have any new info on that or updates?


Gideon: "Not drastically. The plan is in place for this. They do not want to kill the non-vaccinated or non-compliant. They want them alive, but fully integrated into CSRQ. They want them drugged, whether literally or through electronic means, which is to say, this Metaverse concept.


So, this is a very big transition that will take place, Bill, whereby you have the hold-outs, the resistance, the non-vaccinated, who generally mistrust government and health officials, and the cabal is expecting them to be fully integrated into CSRQ."


Bill: It's incredible, because I don't see how they would go along with it, but then again, we've discussed the ways the cabal will make it happen. How do you see it happening now?


Gideon: "Through the financial devastation and Reset. Everything is moving into place for that. Everything about CSRQ and USDR puts everyone in a position of compliance, with virtually no options. The cabal knows this. This is where we see Elon Musk serving a critical role for the cabal, one that cannot be overstated. He is a leader, but a deceptive one. He will be essential in bringing in the non-compliant."


Bill: We talked a lot about him, it's amazing how he's doing exactly what we expected, he's this anti-Establishment guy. He's almost Trumpian. He's bashing world government, making fun of the WEF. He has huge exposure now that he bought Twitter.


Gideon: "He is key. He is a false prophet, or even Anti-Christ type figure. When all of the non-vaccinated have come to trust him, he will find a way to champion CSRQ. This will be the bait and switch. There will be some way he brings people into CSRQ, and we think with some kind of popular app he has developed, which he has talked about. It will bring USDR to everyone's doorstep."


Bill: What about the people who refuse this system? Because there will be people who resist with every shred of their being.


Gideon: "The original plan was to force vaccinate them, but now that will just be done through the food supply. They may still use some drones to inject them, but the vaccinated food supply is designed to do most of the damage. I cannot overstate how dangerous this is, what they will put into the food.


The drones, A.I., surveillance apparatus and military will also be used against them to suppress uprisings. Police forces, as well. Those police forces we can see everyday act with more unhinged, mindless brutality than ever before, and this is because they received this mind-control batch of the vaccine. Once called upon to enforce CSRQ, they will do so with gusto."


Bill: Before I forget, the Bank of England all but said the digital currency will be capped, they said at $20,000 pounds. I mean, what a confirmation. Of course, they will change that and reduce it, but here they are just openly telling people what's coming and it's exactly what we said is coming.


Gideon: "Yes, it is CSRQ-related, that announcement. They will reduce the amount. Certainly, the fact they would make a statement that you cannot hold $20,000 pounds or more of the currency is quite shocking, it should give everyone a clear sense of the plan on the way. They are making these subtle announcements almost weekly now, to get people used to what CSRQ will fully entail."


Bill: Speaking of confirmations, we said James O'Keefe was Restricted and I think that's all but been confirmed in light of him being kicked off Project Veritas. Then there's Jordan Peterson, everything with him lines up perfectly with him being changed from Restricted to Sovereign in November of 2021, how his behaviour changed.


Gideon: "Yes, these are confirmations that our CSRQ class list is accurate."


Bill: Ok, let's get back on topic here. I think it's hard for people to wrap their minds around these concepts, even I have trouble accepting it. But, one thing that makes perfect sense in what you are saying is why the cabal would kill off their own brainwashed sheep. They just don't need them in this world, they need them in the next. Do you have anything to add in terms of this war you described playing out in the astral plane?


Gideon: "I need to say something first before we move along too much into this. I need to state that my background is not in spiritual matters, Bill. I am a Christian, a believer in Christ, but my faith has, of course, changed over the years. I understand things better, but I also fail to understand things, too. In this area, I was reprimanded recently, for some of what I said in the previous Parts with respect to this and some other things. I need to talk about that."


Bill: Ok. Reprimanded by whom and in what way?


Gideon: "By my guide. The one I spoke of."


Bill: The angel?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: What did she say?


Gideon: "She said I spoke of things with breathless confidence in areas I was not fully educated. She said I made some errors, and she corrected me. She also said I was wrong to wait this long to have us release this Intel Drop, so we are doing it now with some urgency.


She said I had many areas in my life I needed to look at, in things I was blind to, spiritual things. She has helped me, but her scolding certainly hurt my ego a bit."


Bill: Is there something she wants corrected? Addressed? Changed from your previous statements?


Gideon: "She wanted the covenant explained better, this agreement. She said I did not explain it right. So, I am going to explain it now how she explained it to me.


Over 2,000 years ago, God reached an agreement with Satan, that Satan should not do certain things to compromise souls while on this Earth. That Satan must follow certain rules, and Satan agreed to this. In September of last year, that agreement was torn up by the cabal, essentially, tossed away. They made new rules, ones that will unleash Hell on Earth.


What I was told, where I was wrong, is the idea that God could somehow be in a position to lose this battle. That I implied this. They said God is not allowing it, or agreeing to it, and that God is angered by what the cabal is doing. This is where I asked some questions."


Bill: What questions?


Gideon: "I asked about my colleagues, the ones feeding me this line, that the U.S. Government will not go along with CSRQ. I asked if this was part of God's plan, if there will be a true resistance to this? Sadly, they confirmed, no, such is the opposite. They confirmed what I already suspected about my colleagues, my friends. They said, in fact, the U.S. is the greatest source of evil on Earth.


Then I asked, How is God going to fight this? How will God prevent this? They said through us. They said our Sovereigns were God's plan to stop this."


Bill: I see. So they felt in the previous Intel Drops you had given this impression God could lose?


Gideon: "Yes, I believe I did, but not intentionally. I did feel we were doing God's work, but I did not see the full picture, now I do. God is not going to let the cabal do this. Because if they do, the souls of the righteous will be forsaken.


I am sorry to everyone for giving the impression, or implying, that God is somehow giving up, or letting this happen, or could even be defeated in the first place. I am deeply sorry."


Bill: Ok, I get that. We had some people in Telegram saying you were so defeatist, they felt that way, like you were saying God could somehow lose. I defended you, I said you were not saying that, but I can see how you didn't emphasize things enough. I'm glad you addressed that.


Gideon: "Yes. Maybe it was how I approached it or worded it. But I was scolded, strongly. God is not resting, and God is not going to allow this. It will be stopped, and He intends to use us to stop it. We always believed that, but I did not say it enough."


Bill: I'm looking at my notes here, you spoke all about this evil that's coming, that the cabal is going to be more openly evil. Well, it's everywhere. You were right. The media is showing all kinds of Satanic events. The cabal is blowing up chemical plants, the cabal is killing people, the Turkey earthquake, the cabal did that, too, right?


Gideon: "Yes, it was artificially-induced."


Bill: Ok, what did your guide say about the future, what's coming?


Gideon: "That it will be Hell on Earth. That it will then be order out of chaos. That the cabal has the most intricate plan being played out right now, a script on the world stage, and each event is orchestrated with a purpose, to all coalesce in this end game, the implementation of CSRQ, the digital currency, this enslavement. They said so many will be deceived, so many will suffer, and that no one is prepared at all for it, at all."


Bill: This is where my mind goes and says, 'Why doesn't God stop it?' But then I realize we are the plan to stop it, us.


Gideon: "Yes, He will stop it through us, but not now. My guide said this covenant, if broken, which it was, would carry with it the gravest consequence for these evil beings, but there was a caveat. The evil would be able to reign over Earth, without God's interference, before Judgment Day. In the course of that, if Satan gained enough souls, whether it be on Earth or in the astral, it would give Satan much more power. So Satan is very focused on gaining souls, through any means necessary.


Then it would be on Judgment Day, God would annihilate Satan and his forces from all of existence. Breaking the covenant meant Satan could not be redeemed, and would not be banished for eternity to Hell. Instead, he would be annihilated. 


So, to break the covenant meant the ultimate consequence for every single one of these evil souls, but in their arrogance, they did it, anyway. My guide said Satan was frustrated with the battle in the astral, and needed reinforcements there, and wanted more evil to fill up the world, and he saw his opportunity, as the world was already descending into darkness on its own. Now it will accelerate.


We are also far from Judgment Day, and in the meantime, the cabal is convinced that while they have reign over Earth they can prevent Judgment Day. This gets into areas dealing with CERN, and A.I. They are disrupting the continuum, the cosmic order, and invading the sacred barrier that protects the soul from demonic invasion.


This does not mean God will be defeated, but the worry is how the cabal is using tricks to destroy our soul-connection to God. This has to do with the nano crystals in the food, and the Metaverse. God is not worried about Himself, winning or losing from that standpoint, because He cannot lose. Instead, He fears for his Creation."


Bill: What about this war on the other side, how does that fit into this?


Gideon: "There are various realms of existence, and God inhabits all of them. Satan only inhabits a few. For Satan to take hold of the astral, it would give him even more power and more abilities. This is why their success in this war in the astral is bleeding into our world.

This is why A.I. is going to have more and more power. This is why strange anomalies are happening more and more. This is because Satan now has the power to take the powers of the astral and pass the barrier, into Earth, because he now possesses Earth. This is because he destroyed the covenant."


Bill: What about this barrier that protects the soul? How are they able to violate it?


Gideon: "With the vaccines. But for those who did not take them, they want to put these nano crystals in the food, and this is probably the scariest plan of all. It would not even be possible without the destruction of the covenant, but they wanted this so badly, to be able to violate people's free will, that they did it, anyway.


My guide told me it angers God more than anything else they are going to do. If you eat this food, if you eat it, it will open you up to demonic invasion, and that invasion will come through the A.I. I cannot emphasize more how dangerous the A.I. will be once coupled with the nano crystal vaccines people will be eating. This gets into the visions I had, which I spoke about, now I understand them better, with the full context of this."


Bill: Right, what did you see?


Gideon: "I had multiple visions, but one of them makes more sense now. I saw how A.I. and the food vaccines made everyone compliant and want to be with the A.I., interact with it, worship it, even. When I had this vision, it was confusing, but it is not anymore.


This is their future Metaverse, integrated with the WEF's 15 minute cities. They will depopulate, clear out the countryside, kill off some resistors, but worse, vaccinate them through the food, and everyone will coalesce in the big cities and it is there, with the prevalence of 5G, people will live in their apartments, be serviced by A.I. and robots, and live an existence completely connected to this control grid.


It is hard to believe, but by 2030, they want this fully online, and they want CSRQ online much sooner, because that is a key catalyst."


Bill: How much time do we have?


Gideon: "Very little. Months."


Bill: Are the Sovereigns still exempt from all this? Did you get anymore info on that? Did your guide say anything?


Gideon: "Yes, Bill. Remember, we are God's plan. We are His plan. He would not put us in a situation if we were compromised by food vaccines, or 5G, or our souls were open to demonic invasion. He is going to protect all of us. My guide said our Sovereigns are being watched by angels and protected, too.


Our job is to not succumb to the temptation of Sovereign status once this is online. I was told we must keep talking about that, over and over, because Satan is preparing to tempt us. If Satan cannot do that, he will try to get some of our Sovereigns to betray us, instead."


Bill: One already did, I'm not sure we can deal with it if more do.


Gideon: "We will do our best to deal with it, and my prayer and hope is it will not happen again. These are our team members, these are our brethren. We should be close, trustworthy, hold each other up and protect each other, not hurt or betray each other."


Bill: What about the confirmations? Confirmation after confirmation, unending confirmations. When does reality set in for the people who deny CSRQ?


Gideon: "When USDR is deployed, and all they have is lost. When they see it all come to bear. When the fiat system collapses, and this comes online. That is the beginning of enslavement. Many will find they have no way out. Many will be caught flat-footed, unprepared, scared, and find themselves already using CSRQ and USDR and trapped in the system, even within days of it coming online.


This will be the Beast. They will make things so easy, people will just go along with it. It is different from getting an injection, so the cabal expects compliance from a lot of the non-vaccinated. It terrifies me how I know people will just go along with it."


Bill: What about people who prepped, have some food and shelter, and some gold and silver?


Gideon: "The drones, police and military will visit them, eventually. Within weeks, the latest, months. The food system will be totally compromised, so they will have to survive off the food provisions as long as possible, and from there, hope some kind of limited bartering economy develops in their small community.


But all of this is already tracked by the FBI and all the governments. I know for a fact, the biggest resistance is in the United States, albeit it is very small, it will be the most fierce. Canada is second to that. The cabal has been preparing for it for decades. You go back to Waco, Ruby Ridge, the cabal is obsessed with these uprisings, and they relish any opportunity to put them down."


Bill: We see people fill out the questionnaire and maybe about half say they want to remain non-Sovereign. What can a non-Sovereign in CSRQ do to fight this?


Gideon: "That is a good question. It will be very difficult. You will be Restricted or Quarantined. I do not know how anyone can stop or resist CSRQ from that position, because you will have no options let alone any legal or financial power. Your only option is living in the woods for as long as you can. The idea of forming small communities does not work, because they are so easy for the cabal to see and track, and lay waste to."


Bill: Ok, this reminds me of the Ohio thing, because if they're willing to do something that evil, what else will they do?


Gideon: "Earthquakes, explosions, more derailments, killing on a mass scale, as in Ukraine, vaccines for babies, vaccines in the food, the list is endless. Their evil is evident everywhere."


Bill: By the way, what was the purpose of the Ohio disaster?


Gideon: "To destroy farmland and the Amish, and give the excuse that vast woodlands are polluted so people must move into the cities. If you look at the weather and wind patterns, this was plotted out and showed it blew across these key areas, especially over most of Pennsylvania and fertile areas of Ontario and Quebec. It is also an environmental disaster worse than Fukushima."


Bill: I bet some would disagree with that.


Gideon: "They would be wrong. The oceans managed to disperse the radiation enough not to destroy the food chain of the planet. This is different. The poisons will permeate for decades in the upper Eastern U.S."


Bill: Who was behind it?


Gideon: "The Biden Administration, and both Governors of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Both should be tried in a court of law, convicted of bio-terrorism and murder and then executed, along with dozens of other officials involved in the plotting, planning and execution. It was no accident. Even if it was, how it was handled is negligent homicide."


Bill: The cabal is blowing things up everywhere. Why, and is this sabotage or something else?


Gideon: "Supply chain destruction, and there is some element of making the excuse that an area is contaminated so people must be moved into the 15 minute cities. In the coming months, all of the continued sabotage will begin to impact store-shelves. The railroad situation in the U.S. is also so precarious that the entire system is on the blink of collapse, due to intentional policies. A few more dominoes fall, everything there breaks down."


Bill: What's their timeline on this? Seems like a slow chipping-away, one disaster after another.


Gideon: "They are working toward a point of no return, a criticality where everything breaks down. We are about 30 to 40% into that scenario. The supply chain of the world is stressed but still functions. Too many more of these planned events and it will begin to break-down. The cabal also wants to starve the Third World, but we are not to that point yet."


Bill: Another big confirmation is that Nigeria basically rolled out CSRQ. Nobody's even talking about it.


Gideon: "It is a test. The test is not testing all aspects of CSRQ, just certain aspects. So far, the test experienced some problems, and hence, this is why they are doing tests, Bill. They are doing them all over. That is one of the more noticeable ones, since they restricted cash and the amount of money you can have. But, there is no CSRQ app or guaranteed income, and so on, to go along with it, so the test was expected to be rocky."


Bill: Not to sound like a broken record with these confirmations, but another confirmation, for me, was the December Intel Drop about A.I. You warned people would become enchanted by it, and end up talking to it, asking it questions and so on. What amazed me was that people in our own Telegram group were doing this! It's had a way of hypnotizing or drawing people in that's really shocked me, but it's exactly as you predicted.


Gideon: "The AI is an entity, a dark entity or entities. No one should be talking to it or seeking answers from it. They have unleashed something devastating upon the world, and the full reality of it will become more obvious as time goes on."


Bill: In what way is it going to change the world?


Gideon: "Ultimately, the cabal's goal with AI is integration with CSRQ and this Metaverse they want to create. Right now, it is being introduced. Later on, it will be integrated into everyday life, and beyond that, it will become something people worship. This is their plan for it."


Bill: For reference, people can read Intel Drop #24 for more on AI, because you go into quite a bit of depth on it. There was something you said to me recently I want to bring up. You said you think the AI is the 'Mark' in some way. Can you expand on that?


Gideon: "The Mark, discussed in Revelation, has hitherto remained an unknowable. We can only make educated guesses. Is it an implant? A quantum dot tattoo? The vaccine? Must it appear on the hand and forehead, is this to be taken literally? I am not an expert, but in my prayers, in my seeking answers on this, I was led to look at AI. There is something there.


The Mark has not been issued yet, and my understanding is the cabal wants to cloak it. They do not want it to be obvious. I am still trying to understand these insights. I do not know at this point what the Mark will be."


Bill: Ok. I wonder how they would use AI to implement the Mark. Do you have any ideas?


Gideon: "Probably in some way that, again, this goes back to what I said about worship. In some way, we end up, or find ourselves, worshipping it. That would seem impossible for some of us, we would resist that. I do not know how that would play out. Of course, quite obviously, those who took the vaccines, those who are not awake, they will easily be ensnared by AI at some point. What I want to understand is how it will be used on those of us who have resisted, and how we might be lured into it."


Bill: Well, like I said, it blew my mind to see people in our own Telegram totally wrapped up in these chat bots. I mean, totally consumed by them. It bothered me. Maybe that's an indicator, I don't know.


Gideon: "It could be. It is extremely important to resist any desire to explore the AI, interact with it, to allow it to enter into your life in any way. The source of it is pure evil."


Bill: I have another question, circling back to these chemical disasters. Does the cabal care they are actually destroying the environment?


Gideon: "No, and this is an important and chilling thing to understand. The cabal does not care about the Earth. They are not stewards of it, they are destroyers of it. Just as they are destroyers of the astral, which is a realm that is dark, rife with drugs, alcohol abuse, sex, murder and so on, a dystopia full of brutality, addiction and pain. Not the same as Earth, because the dimension is different, but similar.


What they care about on Earth is that they will enjoy various enclaves that are protected, whether it be Switzerland or New Zealand. There are many other areas they are prepared to lay waste, to destroy, to annihilate. Places that could become uninhabitable. Part of the program will also relate to the 15 minute cities the WEF is implementing, they will have good reason to corral us into cities once the countryside is poisoned."


Bill: This WEF 15 minute city thing has just been spreading around alternative media a lot the past week or two, but you spoke about that very early on, in some of our earliest Intel Drops. That the plan is to get everyone into the cities, pack them in for maximum control, place them into the Metaverse, so their life revolves around that.


Gideon: "This is the ultimate goal. It is far away, but they want it by 2030."


Bill: I'm going segue into some social commentary here, because this is something we haven't covered a lot. I just spent some time on YouTube, watching these things they have called "Shorts", it's a how they're trying to mimic TikTok. What surprised me was the predominance of junk food, mindless pop culture, electronics and consumerism featured in these videos. It made me think, "These people have no idea what's going on."


Gideon: "They do not. You and I spend our time researching and trying to understand our world, while you have Billions of people simply living for distractions, their entire personality shaped by media, the centralizing motivation for their lives revolve around getting more things, using electronics, video games, listening to cabal-generated media and music and so on."


Bill: It's just not something I spend time on, watching shows, engaging with pop culture, but seeing it, it just amazed me that this is what most people concern themselves with. I just can't believe, either, the amount of junk food these people either were eating, or somehow incorporating into their little videos. Certainly with younger people, it's just immensely popular to eat all kinds of garbage.


Gideon: "The cabal can move them in any direction, particularly because they essentially worship pop culture. So, if a popular TV show or music star signals something, they will follow. What is popular, what is cool has been a motivating factor for a number of generations, probably since the 1960s, which is a psychological operation conducted by the CIA, various agencies, think-thanks and cabal-controlled groups to suspend individuality, encourage group-think and get people to worship Satanic themes."


Bill: We haven't focused much on this topic, the deep brainwashing, it's just something that came into my view recently and I wanted to bring it up. It reminded me how few people are really awake.


Gideon: "The average person is conditioned from birth with cabal mechanisms. Men are violated with the completely inhumane practice of circumcision, which is a violent, senseless, needless act committed against the male baby right after it is born by either completely brainless doctors or sociopathic ones intending to cause harm. Babies are separated from their mothers at birth, then they are often put on a diet of toxic formula rather than breast milk. They receive countless unnecessary and even poisonous vaccines through childhood, and spend their days watching cabal-created childrens' television programs. By early adulthood, few escape this program of total brainwashing, and few are equipped whatsoever with the ability to critically think at all."


Bill: These young people will love CSRQ, and the Metaverse, won't they?


Gideon: "Without any doubt."


Bill: You told me this shouldn't be the conclusion of these spiritual discussions, maybe just half of what will be Part 3. Is there a reason you didn't want to go deeper yet?


Gideon: "I addressed the things that needed to be addressed and corrected from the previous two Parts. There is an understanding now, but there is also more. Some of that I intend to only share with our Sovereigns, maybe in the next private newsletter we send.


There is a risk if certain things are said publicly, we will be eliminated or erased. I have to judge if it is worth it, and in everything, I put our Sovereign team first. This topic is sensitive, because the cabal believes I know secrets they do not want out, and this is, in fact, true. But the mission comes first. We decided long ago a campaign of waking up the public has failed."


Bill: Understood. I'm going to bring things to a close here. I want to thank Michael for going through all of these conversations, too, and editing them. It's a lot of work because he has to remove things, get approval for what we can publish and so on, so thank you to him.


Gideon: "He does superb work, especially in changing our writing styles. There are things that we cannot publish from our private conversations, or things, if published, could compromise us, and in what is now 29 Intel Drops, I have not needed anything removed or corrected yet to any serious extent. Everything was published properly, so indeed, thank you to him."


Bill: In closing, what's your outlook for the next month? What should people do or take away from this Intel Drop that they can incorporate in their lives?


Gideon: "We have not pushed this, but I want to encourage everyone to fill out the questionnaire. I have been urged to do so from my guide and others to recommend people do that. We cannot rest. The end game is too close and our time to do something is closing rapidly. We still need more people on our team.


Our information reaches only a few thousand people, and the rest of the world is completely blind and walking in deception. We must be realistic. We can do so much more on the other side of things, once it is implemented, by having Sovereign status. The only thing we can really do now is try to reach a few more people with the truth."

Bill: Ok, well, thank you for your time again and honesty.


Gideon: "Many blessings to you and all of those reading. Goodnight."


Bill: "Goodnight, God bless."




Update: We are building a team. We will need people we can rely on and coordinate with from all over the world. To join us, you can fill out our anonymous questionnaire here.


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Update: If you need help setting up Telegram (without using your real phone number), write to us at: survivethereset@proton.me - title "TG Account". We will provide the steps to create an anonymous Telegram account so that your real, personal phone number is not connected to it.


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