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We offer high level of privacy for both writers and readers. You don't have to create account to publish something. There's no advertising on entire page and we are not using any social media scripts. You can be sure that information about your activity on the site won't be used by advertising or social media companies.
Easy to use text editor with text formatting feature
Just paste text from another web page or a word processor. The text formatting and images will be preserved.
Pictures and movies
You can easily add images to your notes by dropping them on selected area or you can paste images directly from the clipboard into the editor. Embed YouTube videos simply by putting URL in separate line, e.g.
Short URLs with
Each note has a good-looking, short URL that can be used on social network sites.
Import text from image or document file
Start your note by uploading image and extracting text from it or upload document (e.g. .doc, .pdf) and extract text and images from it.
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"Its most significant appeal for users (...) is that runs fast even on slow internet connections. There are no additional items on the pages such as adverts or pop-ups, meaning it is extremely easy to use on mobile phones."
The Guardian
"It's all easy to use. Because the interface is very simple, no ads, no widgets, the site opens easily even in places where the internet connection is too slow(...)."
O Globo
"Its appeal stems from its flexibility and convenience: you can upload a variety of file types, tinker with videos and photos, and use a number of formatting tools. The free site also works with right-to-left languages, such as Arabic; there's no requirement to register an account; and it's fast and works well with mobile devices"
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