
Intel Drop #17 - The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change (Part 2)

"The meeting will consecrate a covenant that will give full and complete reign to the cabal over Earth."

Intel Drop #17 - The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change (Part 2)



September 5, 2022


You can read Part 1 here.


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Note: We are building a team. It doesn't matter what class you are in CSRQ, you will still be able to help us post-Reset if you share in what we believe and want to fight back. We will need people we can rely on and coordinate with from all over the world. You can fill out our anonymous questionnaire here.


Here are excerpts from my conversations with Gideon, which are collated from multiple discussions. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: I did what you recommended, I meditated for an hour before our discussion today.


Gideon: "Good, it will help you."


Bill: I feel better. These topics are heavy. Maybe everyone should meditate before reading this?


Gideon: "It is up to them. I like to listen to sounds made with crystal bowls. It is very important to listen to something made with a real instrument or crystals, and not the electronic or computer-made sounds."


Bill: You sent me your favourite 432hz, so I'll include the link for anyone else who wants to try it. You also like this one for 528hz. Are there any others?


Gideon: "Yes, let me get you the other one."


Bill: Ok, this is using crystal bowls but a lot of frequencies. This seems very strong, I can feel it just playing it for a few moments. Very nice. Anyway, shall we begin?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: I have notes I'm going to reference here, since I have a lot of questions. If I get off-track I'll try to get us back on course. Sound good?


Gideon: "Sounds good."


Bill: We talked about how the cabal has a special meeting in September. Is that still planned and why is that meeting so special?


Gideon: "It is still planned. The meeting will consecrate a covenant that will give full and complete reign to the cabal over Earth."


Bill: Who else is agreeing to that? Or is the cabal just issuing a decree?


Gideon: "It is being declared through their emissaries and vassals on the other side, in the astral plane, who have much more power than anyone on Earth. And yes, they are issuing a decree, there is no other side negotiating with them."


Bill: Where are the good forces? Where are the righteous you talked about? There's no way they would agree to this.


Gideon: "They are shut out of the agreement. They don't agree with it, but right now they have almost no one on Earth strong enough to resist or fight back."


Bill: What about in the astral plane?


Gideon: "They are fighting a war there now. All of their resources are going into that, and there's almost nothing they can expend on Earth. Earth is also so cut off from the astral, that they have a lot of trouble just communicating at all with anyone here. They can't even get through to hardly anyone here, Bill."


Bill: So they know what's happening, what the cabal is going to do, and they've decided they can't save Earth?


Gideon: "They have decided that, because there's nothing they can do. They also know they are going to be starved of righteous souls passing over, with this new vaccination plan, and they very are concerned, but what can they do? Their access to Earth is limited, they cannot reach anyone here.


It is like a fog, pushing through a cloudy soup, it is hard to describe, but this realm is about as real and accessible to them as us using sonar the way a dolphin or whale does. If someone told you to go swim in the ocean, close your eyes and use sonar to see around you, could you do it, Bill? Would you be able to see anything?"


Bill: No, I would see nothing, I couldn't do it. Point taken. But it sounds like the cabal has humans here on Earth that can connect with the astral with ease. Why is it so easy for the cabal to go back and forth between these dimensions?


Gideon: "They can connect to the astral through their occult ceremonies. They are trained in these practices. They connect routinely with spirits from the other side, to receive instructions."


Bill: But the righteous people here on Earth, they are not trained? They're not able to connect?


Gideon: "No, they used to be, but many of those souls are in the astral now. Earth has been depleted of those trained in these practices, it has been for many years, partly due to the cabal's efforts to target them and in some cases, kill them."


Bill: What about this Galactic Federation I hear about, all the people who channel them?


Gideon: "I would say half of it is completely bogus, and the other half you have dark entities connecting with unsuspecting channellers, feeding them deceptions."


Bill: Why are the channellers able to connect, but righteous people here on Earth can't connect to the other side?


Gideon: "Because, again, it has to do with the training and who is being targeted. The channellers are completely unprepared and lack understanding of what they are doing, and they are easily exploited by dark entities. Any time a righteous soul from the other side might try to make contact, a dark entity will interfere and take over. The channeller doesn't know better, they're untrained. If the righteous here on Earth try to make contact with the righteous in the astral, they are targeted, sometimes even deceived, because they lack training, too."


Bill: Do these dark entities on the other side somehow have more power, more of an ability to get through to this realm? It seems they do.


Gideon: "Yes, in part because the cabal has so many of their humans trained in connecting with them. The cabal also physically controls some of the portals, there are ones in South America, Russia, Iraq, and more than a few important ones in Arizona, Utah and Colorado; the cabal controls their physical access, giving them an extraordinary advantage.


The good forces here are spread apart, while the cabal is highly organized, highly dedicated to occult practices. A lot of whom I would call good 'teachers' are also under intense attack here on Earth. A lot of good souls, doing their best, receive the most psychic and spiritual attacks of anyone, this makes them even less able to do the work they need to do."


Bill: Ok, thank you for explaining this. It's making sense to me. I'm just trying to understand why it seems like the cabal has so much power, while these good forces seem outnumbered.


Gideon: "It is simply because the cabal's control over Earth has been increasing steadily for years, while the balancing powers of good forces have been waning and declining.


The battle on the other side was about even, then the poison shots were taken by literally Billions of spiritually-dead people, who will now die and work for the cabal in the astral. This will greatly boost the cabal's war footing there.


Meanwhile, the left over unvaccinated who are still here on Earth, still alive, while aware and awake in many ways, they do not have a plan at all for what is coming, nor do they even know what is coming. They will not be allowed to have a natural passing to the astral, to join the good forces there, or to be with the Creator, nor will they be allowed to do any good work here on Earth, once they are vaccinated with this new [life-extending] formulation."


Bill: Thank you, that's helping me conceptualize what's going on. This is a complex spiritual war-game across multiple dimensions. Let's return to the cabal, their claiming of Earth. Once they have this ceremony, what's going to happen?


Gideon: "These restrictions they always adhere to, those will be gone. Some are already gone. They always followed some rules."


Bill: But those rules didn't seem to stop them from killing, murdering people, and hurting children.


Gideon: "No, but they did keep all of that secret and contained, cloaked in deception, or kept underground, literally and figuratively. Now they won't."


Bill: Why did they have rules in the first place?


Gideon: "Because there were once much more powerful beings on this planet who were righteous, who enforced some of these rules, but they are all but gone now. The cabal is more confident than ever they can simply take over Earth without repercussions."


Bill: What about the unvaccinated, who resisted? Are they not powerful enough?


Gideon: "Collectively, there are things they could do to harm the cabal, but they are not what I'm referring to. I'm referring to beings who held great power over the cabal, who were spiritually advanced and trained in proper techniques. They could match the cabal's power, and they enforced these previous rules.


They could not stop the cabal's evil and killing, but they could impose some restrictions, to prevent the cabal from turning Earth into a literal hellscape of horrors. Those beings are no longer here, they are in the astral fighting the war there."


Bill: I see. I've seen some things going on that seem to not follow any rules anymore, like the lock downs in China, the starvation of people, the vaccines for kids, scientists telling us we now need to eat human flesh, or scientists claiming paedophilia is somehow normal. This seems way more bold, way more. Does this relate to these other meetings you told me about?


Gideon: "Yes, it does. They've already had a series of meetings and crafted new agreements, which is why some of what they are doing is more brazen than usual. This meeting in September seems to be the final one for these purposes."


Bill: Ok, this is confirming everything you told me, because I've felt they're not even following rules or laws they used to.


Gideon: "No, they are not."


Bill: Now they're just telling people directly, "We are going to do this to you." They just said the booster shots aren't even tested, openly, by the way. Not tested! I guess because they now think Earth is all theirs, no need to waste time with testing. I also saw Kanye West had some Satanic ritualistic thing in Atlanta, out in the open.


Gideon: "Yes, but deception is still in place and still key. I don't think that will go away completely right now, but they are going to be more direct going forward. The game here on Earth isn't really complete until 2030, for the cabal."


Bill: I see. After 2030, the vaccinated will be dead, and the unvaccinated, who will eventually be vaccinated, will be hooked up to the Metaverse?


Gideon: "That is correct. By then, if you somehow lived without being injected and retained your Sovereignty and your soul, you will see things you cannot even believe."


Bill: I already see things I can't believe, coming from these maniacs.


Gideon: "The true test of it will be how the public at large reacts. They have been heavily exposed to the truth, yet they ignore it."


Bill: I want to understand something better. The cabal plans to vaccinate every unvaccainted person. If an unvaccainted person takes this formulation, or they are forcibly injected with it, you've suggested to me many times that this will irrevocably alter them in some way. Will they be the same person?


Gideon: "Based on what I know about this formulation, no, they will not be the same. It is not a poison, Bill, not like the current ones. It will take the most advanced techniques in terms of transhumanism and nano-tech and install them into the human body."


Bill: There's a lot of reports of the nano tech, of the tracking, people being caught on Bluetooth, and so on, you've said that is just testing for the future vaccine for the unvaccainted, correct?


Gideon: "That is correct. They've tested a lot of things on the vaccinated, but the purpose is to kill them, that's it. Anyone who took the vaccine by their own choice, the purpose is to kill. Of course, in the course of issuing billions of these doses, the cabal has put out all kinds of experimental doses, too. Those experiments are just tests for their future formulation that will be used post-Reset, once CSRQ is online."


Bill: I see. What about the children? What happens to them? Why would they vaccinate them?


Gideon: "Bill, this is one reason why these meetings took place, why the cabal is claiming Earth, so they can kill the children."


Bill: Won't the children join the righteous forces in the astral? Why would the cabal want that? It would offset all the vaccinated souls they sent there.


Gideon: "No, children will go be with the Creator. The cabal doesn't want them on Earth, and they cannot be sent to the astral. The cabal wants to get rid of them, and stop new births. Children bring light into this world that the cabal cannot extinguish. Animals do, too."


Bill: Wow. You just opened another can of worms and my head is spinning. I never in a million years considered any of this. So the kids don't go to the astral?


Gideon: "No, they do not. They go back to the Creator. They bypass the astral. The cabal would like to be able to prevent that, they've tried for millennia, but some forces in the Universe, some rules cannot be broken."


Bill: I don't know if this is good news or bad news. I'm glad they are going to be with the Creator, but what they are doing to these children, by injecting them, by killing them, it is heinous beyond description. I'm so sad for these kids.


Gideon: "Their souls are protected, Bill. God protects them. They will know little pain from this, they will believe, at the time of the shot, their parents were doing the best for them and loved them. They will rejoin the Creator almost instantly after passing. The parents, on the other hand, they will have written into the code of their own souls a contract with the cabal that is everlasting."


Bill: You first doomed yourself taking the poison, then killed your child. There are no words for that. What about animals? I saw a horrifying story that they want to inject the mRNA shots into animals.


Gideon: "They do and they are. They're killing everything, Bill. Part of destroying the food supply is to back the unvaccinated into a corner. Part of getting rid of animals is to take away humanity's companions, too."


Bill: I need a break. I need to breathe. Can I take a moment?


Gideon: "Sure."




Bill: I need to talk about something else. I need a day to just process some of this. Let's continue, but I have some other topics in my notes here I want to address.


Gideon: "Proceed."


Bill: I've known about Sovereign class way before we ever came out with this, and it wasn't a word I saw often, now I see it a lot more. Is that directly related?


Gideon: "Yes and no. There are some references, probably put there intentionally by the cabal, but the term Sovereign belongs to each soul and is a spiritual term, stolen, or co-opted by the cabal, so the term itself is not exclusive to just CSRQ and the classification."


Bill: I've asked you quite a bit about the Sovereign Citizen movement, too, is your opinion still the same? They never have any information for non-Americans, either, it's not even practical for the rest of us.


Gideon: "My opinion is the same. It will not stop the cabal whatsoever. There are also some claims relating to it that seem specious to me, claims people are recovering millions of dollars from their secret accounts."


Bill: If that were true, why would a guy like David Lester Straight need to charge all this money for his seminars? He should already be a multi-millionaire, if he says it's that easy to go recover all this money.


Gideon: "He wouldn't need to charge money, no. But if he is a Sovereign, he would want to get more money to change into USDR."


Bill: We never checked on him, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was. The whole thing might be a honeypot, too. They are getting a very good list of the kinds of people they will definitely want vaccinated.


Gideon: "It might also be a cabal ritual. I said before, the contracts they described are completely invalid and illegal. You cannot agree to a contract at birth, yet they are proposing that is what was done. You cannot even agree to a contract as an adult if such is done under deceptive circumstances, yet they are saying that is what you are doing when you sign certain things, or sign your name. So what they are doing is actually validating the illegal contracts by legally trying to get out of them."


Bill: They're validating the process. That's insane. There's nothing to get out of, because none of it's legal in the first place.


Gideon: "That is correct. They would be better served by working to dismantle the illegal occupying police state criminal mafia that passes as their government, the U.S. Government."


Bill: Thank you for clarifying that again. I bring it up because so many people are into that stuff. Another question I have is I spoke with someone the other day about gang-stalking, they were saying it's increasing. Can you get more into that?


Gideon: "Yes. They are the teachers I spoke about, the ones who are attacked the most. The gang-stalking can be done by entities, or it's done by intelligence agencies. They go after the people who are spiritually the biggest threat."


Bill: I see, I believe that. I know people are are gang-stalked. So if you really look, can you find the teachers? What do we look for to find them?


Gideon: "I think some astral travellers are good to listen to, because they can do something very special and rare. Unfortunately, they are untrained, and it's rare to find one who has a solid connection with the righteous on the other side. These astral travellers are seeing glimpses of things, sometimes deceptions, too. I think the ones warning people not to go into the light, they have great wisdom. If someone is being maligned, attacked and censored, give them your ear and consideration, too."


Bill: Hmm, I see. Who should we follow then?


Gideon: "You shouldn't be thinking in terms of following anyone."


Bill: Who should we seek out for guidance, is maybe a better way to put it?


Gideon: "Seek out those who realize the true nature of reality. Your soul can sense the truth in another, if you listen to your intuition. People do not listen to their intuition. God gave us an antenna inside of us, our pineal gland, but we ignore it. That voice inside of us is highly attuned and will always guide us, but you would not believe, Bill, how many people consciously, directly ignore those senses and feelings!"


Bill: No, I get it, I get it completely. You know why I get it? Because I saw 9/11 happen a week before it happened, and I did nothing.


Gideon: "Right, you've told me this story."


Bill: I saw it all, the Towers exploding in fire, the news, a week before. I was watching CNN, and Barbara Olsen was on Larry King, and I froze and said inside myself, "She's going to die in a plane crash in a week," and then I saw the Towers on fire and heard the term of terrorism.


Gideon: "I believe you. I know others who've had similar experiences."


Bill: When this happened, I walked right outside my house and looked south to D.C. that night, I said, "I need to do something." The drive was really far, really far, I thought about that, at least a day, but I was ready to do it. Then you know what I did? This feeling came over me of shame, and I felt silly, and I said, "Oh, this is nothing. This won't happen. It's not my country, anyway, why am I so concerned?" And I forgot about it. Then a week later, it happened. I did nothing. I could have stopped it.


Gideon: "You could not have stopped it. You would have just gotten yourself killed. The cabal would not let you, one man, stop it."


Bill: I know, I know. I'm more upset I doubted myself. The good thing is that it showed me there's a lot more to this world. How could I perceive such an event a week before it happened? It defies all known science. I know it wasn't a false memory, because it was so distinct. Barbara Olsen really was on Larry King that week before, I really was watching it, I really did walk outside and look south of the border to D.C. I know it happened. The memory is clear as day.


Gideon: "It's an incredible story for you, and you should never forget or doubt it. The cabal promotes their static version of the universe, that says there is nothing, there is no mystery, we are just solid, dead matter. They know better."


Bill: They don't want us using DMT, LSD or Ayahuasca, do they?


Gideon: "They don't want anyone exploring anything beyond this world, unless they are in charge of that, such as a Satanic seance they run. Or if the person is untrained, then they don't mind. What is interesting is they found the dark entities could use the television to control people far more than introducing psychedelics to the masses."


Bill: That is interesting. Are those drugs good to use, by the way?


Gideon: "Not unless under the right circumstances, because they will easily open you up to dark entities who can invade you, deceive you. It's also better if you can train your own mind to become more sensitive. The brain already produces small amounts of DMT."


Bill: I've never done them, but I would want to do them with a teacher or guide I trusted.


Gideon: "That would be wise."


Bill: Do you think when people come together and intently form a collective thought, that it can have an impact for change?


Gideon: "Yes, it is small effect, but yes, it can make an impact."


Bill: I guess the frustration I feel and a lot of people feel, and felt after reading Part 1, is this sense we can't win, or we're not winning, or the cabal is going to win. This is what I hear from people.


Gideon: "It's very hard to process and to accept, but it is better to accept reality than believe in comforting lies or fantasies."


Bill: You don't truly believe the cabal is going to win, do you?


Gideon: "No, but they have been successful so far, we have to admit that. They are very powerful, we have to admit that. They can be stopped, they can be destroyed, but I think people are too vulnerable to their tricks. We need truth seekers to be strong, not weak. I see too many people following their gatekeepers. I see too many people who are seemingly aware and awake, who then quickly fall back into traps. This is what worries me."


Bill: What's an example of that?


Gideon: "There are countless examples. One that I noticed recently is I saw people comparing Biden's speech to Hitler. It's a shame, such a misunderstanding of history. The imagery is effective, but it just reinforces the cabal's falsehoods, from the very people who think they speak the truth."


Bill: It would be better to compare him to Stalin or Mao, right?


Gideon: "That would be more appropriate, if you are comparing him to a despot or dictator, or fascists. Comparing Biden to Bush would make more sense."


Bill: Bush Sr. or Jr.?


Gideon: "Both, but in terms of what the public understands, Bush Jr. Or Cheney. These are figures people at least have some concept were divisive, corrupt tools of the cabal. Biden is much more like them."


Bill: I see. You don't think Hitler was like those guys?


Gideon: "History shows he wasn't. Unfortunately, he made critical and terrible mistakes toward the end of the war, and had questionable alliances."


Bill: General Patton said we defeated the wrong enemy, do you agree?


Gideon: "The Americans did, for certain. The British were led by a madman, in Churchill. All sides were compromised by the bankers, so it's hard to say there was any 'good' side in the war. But the claim Hitler would have taken over the world is completely false. Something else far more evil took over the world instead."


Bill: That's a hell of a way of putting it. The history of WWII fascinating, because it's layered with lies. Do you like David Irving?


Gideon: "He is one of the finest historians that ever walked the Earth, in my view."


Bill: Agreed, I like him a lot. I'm also seeing everywhere this idea the Nazis somehow survived and there's this underground Nazi force getting ready to take over the world. Out of the blue, I'm seeing this all over.


Gideon: "It is total nonsense."


Bill: But some Nazis survived WWII, right?


Gideon: "Yes, Operation Paperclip. That is real. But the idea of a large force of Nazis underground, none of that is real. Of course, it is possible the cabal may invoke such things for a purpose. We see some Ukrainian fighters were propagandized in this way, but it is entirely unconnected to Hitler's Nazi party."


Bill: Back to winning and losing, we know we have a real shot to stop the cabal, but I don't think people get that being Sovereign is a good thing. I had people say we're bad for doing it.


Gideon: "We are not wrong for doing it. There is actually nothing even wrong with being Sovereign in the software, because it carries with it no pledge, no requirement. The only thing I expect is if we go against the cabal after the Reset, they will come after us."


Bill: I told the Telegram, if they try to get us to take an implant or force us to do something wrong, there is no way we will do that.


Gideon: "We absolutely will not do anything that goes against what is right."


Bill: We're doing this to fight them on the other side of this. How can people not get that?


Gideon: "Poor reading comprehension, and reacting emotionally and not logically."


Bill: I wanted to ask you this, I know you know a lot of people in high places, what is their view of CSRQ? What are they saying?


Gideon: "They know it is coming."


Bill: They're preparing? Are they Sovereigns?


Gideon: "One is, a few aren't."


Bill: Ok, the ones who aren't, what are they doing? Are we going to help them?


Gideon: "One is going to be changed, but one of them declined to become Sovereign."


Bill: But they could really help us.


Gideon: "They will. They will be strong fighters on the other side of this with us as non-Sovereigns."


Bill: Are they one of the rich people you spoke about?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: They're all going to get wiped out, all of it erased, they must know that.


Gideon: "The ones I know do know that, but a lot don't. A lot are totally in the dark and in for a very rude awakening when this goes down."


Bill: Your friends will get wiped out.


Gideon: "Yes, but considering their resources, they can still prepare in ways almost no one can. They can't get USDR, but they can get other things. They feel they are in good position, so taking Sovereign status would be selfish, in their view, it would be taking from someone who could benefit more from it."


Bill: That's generous of them and strategic.


Gideon: "Very, on both counts. Remember, these are people with great integrity, who gained a lot of wealth but never joined the cabal, which is to say, they never joined any secret societies. Most are introduced through Freemasonry. Very few decline, because the benefits of networking with others are profound, even if the lower levels do not share any of the cabal's secrets. But once you are in, you are compromised."


Bill: That's incredible. How many of these types of people are there?


Gideon: "Quite a lot. The cabal is looking forward to them being made completely insolvent."


Bill: How many know what's coming? I mean, worldwide, there must be thousands and thousands of these rich people. Do they have any idea? They're all going to be made Common class or worse.


Gideon: "A few do. The ones I know, they know. But a lot would not know, a lot will not have the faintest idea. They will be scrambling to move their money into ten different things when the collapse happens, not realizing none of that will matter at all or save them."


Bill: I want to ask you again, there's all this talk about how we will succumb to the temptation of being Sovereign. I won't say who, what or where, but you know who said that. It's really crazy to me.


Gideon: "Yes, the cabal believes we will all become weak on the other side of this and not fight."


Bill: You told me, they love to conquer people. They don't always want to just kill their enemies, or harm them, they want to conquer them, conquer their souls.


Gideon: "They've compromised many great people. They prefer that over eliminating people."


Bill: The ones they do kill, I guess it's safe to say they were incorruptible?


Gideon: "Yes, certainly. Paul Wellstone, Larry MacDonald, Aaron Russo, come to my mind. Probably Bill Cooper. Probably JFK and his brother."


Bill: People who never backed down or joined them. Or people who walked away from them.


Gideon: "They were true warriors. There are many, in fact, in history, but fewer now."


Bill: Heroes. But not Alex Jones or Trump?


Gideon: "No, both are compromised."


Bill: What about Putin?


Gideon: "We don't know. We could not find him in CSRQ despite our best efforts. His activities as President of Russia are hard to judge."


Bill: But Russia doesn't really have freedom of speech, does it? Or much freedom at all?


Gideon: "It has some freedom of speech, as long as it is not against the Russian government. Otherwise, it is not terribly oppressive."


Bill: We've both said we would rather live in Russia over the United States.


Gideon: "Yes. A good life can be found there. But to say Russia is good and the U.S. is bad, that is far, far too reductive."


Bill: To get back to the original point, most everyone is corruptible and the cabal prefers that over outright just killing people, but they do kill people?


Gideon: "They kill people all the time, but usually before they do that, they make an offer or issue a clear threat."


Bill: I see. With us, well, you've told me whats going on, and they have made an offer.


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: Can you expound on that at all?


Gideon: "Yes. They are frustrated with us, because they can't figure out what we are are doing, because we were good with the obfuscation. It is not that they cannot find or stop our whistle blowers, they could eventually, it's just that to do so would require firing some of them, suspending operations, slowing the project down, and they aren't willing to do that.


So they are in a position of being irritated with us, to put it mildly. But they have figured a few other things out, so they decided to step in and make this offer."


Bill: I think it's good for us, but they think it's good for them.


Gideon: "They believe we are corruptible, and by the time this unfolds, that we will be weak and not follow through against them."


Bill: This has to do with USDR, mostly. We didn't realize it will be worth as much as it will be.


Gideon: "This is true, now we know."


Bill: So I have a lot, millions, and as you informed me, I'm much richer in USDR than I knew. I will be able to do a lot more with it.


Gideon: "You will be able to live a life similar to the highest echelons of how the cabal lives now, with yachts, large, palatial properties, a team of security protecting you. Since they are consolidating and concentrating the world's wealth, and essentially stealing it from everyone else, you will benefit as a Sovereign. They think you will be so comfortable with this, you will find ways to rationalize to never give it up."


Bill: It's funny to me, that they think money is that important to me.


Gideon: "We are benefiting from their belief we are corruptible, because they are choosing not to kill us or aggressively hunt us or my guys down."


Bill: I thought that was interesting, because if they manage to find us out after the Reset, I'd think they would just inject us.


Gideon: "No, for them, corrupting you or me will be a far greater victory for them."


Bill: That's incredible to me. But I can see how they see things. They corrupt everyone, I mean everyone. All the celebrities. I don't even think all these celebrities started out as bad people.


Gideon: "No, they didn't, but it is plain as day they all belong to the cabal."


Bill: Right, with the hand signs, oh my goodness, they do not hide any of it! Covering one eye, or making those signs with their hands, around their eyes.


Gideon: "Anyone who doubts those things is blind."


Bill: It's all real, all true, these secret societies, the symbolism they use, the rituals, the human sacrifices, how they murder children. It's all true.


Gideon: "All of it is true. It's worse than you can imagine."


Bill: They think they can turn you and me into that?


Gideon: "They want to."


Bill: They will fail.


Gideon: "They don't believe so. That is why they are making this offer."


Bill: I'm going to get things clear with the Sovereigns, so they understand all this, so we are clear and they pledge they won't get soft after the Reset or turn away from what we need to do.


Gideon: "Good."


Bill: I don't care what the cabal thinks, we need a team and we're going to keep looking for the right people.


Gideon: "Our objectives won't change."


Bill: I hoped we could stop this, but the public is out to lunch. They don't understand. I thought we did a good job of explaining it.


Gideon: "We did, but we are not offering the comforting lies. There are too many gate-keeping groups that are offering hope, people are drawn to that hope. So they go to those groups eventually."


Bill: There's no white hats, no military guys stopping this, no Quantum financial system, no way people are going to get rich off XRP. There's no aliens coming to save us.


Gideon: "We are not going to sell fantasy. There are some protests, there is a certain element of people really upset with the direction things are going, but the actual opposition is not even happening where it matters, in the U.K. or United States, there's nothing going on there."


Bill: True, I see some protests, there are some, but not in the big countries where the real power is located. So the cabal must not be that worried.


Gideon: "They know they can bring everyone to heel if they pull the plug, and they're about to pull the plug."


Bill: I'm glad people are resisting right now, I am, I really am, but you told me it's not growing enough to reach outside certain circles. You said it has to grow more.


Gideon: "Well, some of what we're seeing is just anger about economic conditions, Bill, so we can't confuse that with real opposition to the actual evils of the Reset. It's a mixture. A bad economy is what really gets people into the streets. The real anger comes from the economic pinch.


You could see the Dutch farmer protest is a reflection of that. It was resisting a really bad Reset plan, but it was also very much rooted in the economic reality the farmers were facing. Money is what gets people out of their chairs."


Bill: This is what you've said all along, why CSRQ will work. They will bribe people with money, they will move everyone around the way they want, because they hold the purse strings.


Gideon: "The entire human race gave up their sovereignty for a hundred years, maybe two hundred, maybe as far back as we can remember, to the bankers. There is no reason a nation needs a central bank, none, yet they exist. That is the fundamental question of the freedom of a nation, if it has a central bank or not, if it issues its own currency, or not. That is how you actually destroy the cabal, in real terms, you eliminate their banks."


Bill: People barely understand this. All I hear on the U.S. news, and not just the U.S. but other countries, is the Fed did this, the Fed did that. But the Fed is nothing. The Fed is nobody. The Fed is useless! The Fed is a private bank we hand over all power to for no reason.


Gideon: "This is true. People feed their faith into the Fed, which empowers the Fed. But it is totally unnecessary to the functioning of a nation's currency to have a central bank."


Bill: There's a guy in the Telegram calling for violence. I had to mute him. I'm not in disagreement really, but we can't just say that out in the open.


Gideon: "If you have a plan of action, you don't go around spouting it off. That is just a way to make yourself feel better. That is why we do not discuss what our plan of action will be after the Reset."


Bill: Is violence ever the answer?


Gideon: "It is if you are defending your body, home or others from harm. In the broader sense of stopping the cabal, it will play into their game, if people get too violent. There are other ways to resist. The best is to stop participating in their matrix and to walk away from it."


Bill: By walking away, what do you mean? Stop using phones? Stop watching TV?


Gideon: "Yes. Exercise discipline in one's habits. Only use cash, stop paying for streaming services or cable, be extremely judicious at the grocery store with what you buy, what brands you purchase. Visit farmer's markets. Get rid of the data plan and sanitize your phone. You can use social media, but do it anonymously, destroy their data gathering systems. Plenty of things we could all do, at once, to simply exit the system."


Bill: I already do those things, I know you do. It seems obvious to do them, but meanwhile you walk into any given grocery store in the United States and the average person has two carts full of total garbage, I mean total toxic garbage. Three slabs of American cheese, 12 packs of beer, Oreos, soda, those sugary cereals! Meanwhile, their face is buried in their new iPhone. It's you and me and a handful, against this horde of morons.


Gideon: "We are up against the brainwashed, who enable and empower the cabal."


Bill: It seems to me they could have clamped down on the Americans more, but they haven't. The country's a big mess, but not as many were vaccinated there.


Gideon: "They don't want to be that obvious with Americans. They will get them riled up if they impose too many restrictions, so they assault them with psychological operations instead. The Americans have this silly idea that they actually have freedom given to them by their government, which doesn't exist for them because they live in a de facto police state, but they naively believe it does exist, so they might fight for it!


We saw such a spirit doesn't exist in Germany, Austria, Ireland, The United Kingdom, New Zealand or Australia virtually whatsoever, so you can see America is quite different from much of the West and first world. Canada, on the other hand, seems to have a bit more spirit than we all suspected, which has been encouraging to see, but they almost all decided to take the poison, too."


Bill: It's really cultural, unique to each country, how people react to cabal's moves. Every culture has a sense of what freedom is, some value it, some don't know what it is. Some strongly care about certain freedoms, while they don't care about others.


Gideon: "The cabal adjusts their game plan for each culture."


Bill: How do they see the blanket imposition of CSRQ going, especially in America? CSRQ and USDR is this one world, one government approach.


Gideon: "Well, as we suspected, they will not likely be calling it one term universally. It will be one software program, internally, but it will be presented in each country as a separate entity. This is coming from my men working on it, because they've seen recent memos and new updates."


Bill: We talked about it and speculated on this. I'm assuming they just think this will mean it will all be accepted easier.


Gideon: "They run simulations, and clearly they concluded this will mean wider acceptance, to present it as a series of separate, nation-state CBDCs. It seems this is all stemming from whatever analysis they have done of national identity, and people are far too attached to their national identities. This is going to all but certainly ensure compliance, that CSRQ is going to be accepted by the vast majority."


Bill: You told me they are designing some new interfaces, logos and such for the bank accounts, both the front and back end.


Gideon: "Yes, this is something they had been doing, but now it's taking on a much bigger emphasis. What happens is now the whistle blowers are cycling through these different apps and screens, whereas before they just used the main one. They are all country-specific. They still use the main interface, but they are also testing some new variations. This points to the fact they are going to roll this out in some phony way, as if each country has come up with their own digital system."


Bill: Yeah, that's going to be a major deception. People are still going to think their national currencies are somehow separate. It's all nonsense. All transactions already go through the Bank of International Settlements. The separation of the borders is almost decorative at this point. They all work together.


Gideon: "It is highly interconnected. The nation-states, the names, the flags, they are placeholders to keep the people believing they have some power with their vote, or that their leaders represent them."


Bill: Klaus Schwab openly brags all these leaders are WEF acolytes.


Gideon: "They serve the cabal, not their respective nations they claim to lead."


Bill: I can already see the conversations I'm going to have in six months with these morons, when they say, "Bill, there was never any USDR or CSRQ. This is just the digital U.S. Dollar, it's not so bad. Since the economic crisis was so bad, they can only give us $1,000 a month, but we're all equal so it's ok. And since the new vaccine isn't mRNA like the old, bad ones, it's ok to take it." Oh my God, it's frustrating as hell! 


Gideon: "It is, that kind of conversation would not surprise me. The cabal's currency is deception."


Bill: I wanted to ask you if, because of these rule changes, what kind of crazy things they might do? What should we prepare for?


Gideon: "Someone who I trust, who would know these things, says the cabal is not going to do a fake pandemic for the next pandemic, they will do a real one. This is very concerning."


Bill: That's not good. We know they can't do a virus, right?


Gideon: "They cannot do a virus. They do not exist in nature, not in the way they claim. The vaccines have always been the real virus, and they have to be shoved into the bloodstream with force to infect people, or it's better to say, to poison people."


Bill: What are they going to do if they want to do a real pandemic?


Gideon: "They have a variety of toxins available to them, chemical and bacterial, and they have sound and electromagnetic weapons. They might even pretend it's a virus, more like a super virus."


Bill: They did their dirty work with vaccines, because it involved compliance, right? People had a choice to take them, for the most part.


Gideon: "Yes. They are throwing those old rules out the window. This is why I'm scared, genuinely scared for the first time."


Bill: You told me to expect the unexpected.


Gideon: "They will pull things off that no one is prepared for."


Bill: Will the cabal need to go and hide from whatever poison they are going to put out there?


Gideon: "We do not expect that, not something like anthrax. Not something that could harm them. They can target anything, anywhere, localize it, and produce the intended harm, exploit it and scare everyone else."


Bill: I see why this September meeting is such a grave matter. I wish we could stop them.


Gideon: "I am talking to a lot of people and putting feelers out on what can be done, I'm not seeing anything I can work with. I don't know the location."


Bill: What can people reading do?


Gideon: "Well, do not live in fear. Whatever the cabal does, it will be thankfully localized, as I said. Be smart and aware of your surroundings. I would not go walk around the downtown of a major city, or go to a music concert, for example."


Bill: What can our people do? Anything?


Gideon: "Share the information."


Bill: I tell them that's important. What about the people who wrote us? Most of them seem great to me, these are good people who can work with us.


Gideon: "You and Michael know what to do, so lead them in the right direction and we will get them up to speed."


Bill: I will. Thanks for your time again. There's ten more things I want to talk about, but we both have to go. I think we need a Part 3. I want to ask more about the war in the astral plane, and more questions about what it's like there.


Gideon: "A Part 3 is appropriate, but I would have to write a book to get down everything I know about this spiritual battle going on, it is incredibly complex."


Bill: I know. With each answer you give, I find there are more and more questions. I don't want to give up on exploring these subjects. I'm hearing from a lot of people who want to know more, so we won't give up.


Gideon: "We will reconvene again. Godspeed."




Note: We are building a team. It doesn't matter what class you are in CSRQ, you will still be able to help us post-Reset if you share in what we believe and want to fight back. We will need people we can rely on and coordinate with from all over the world. You can fill out our anonymous questionnaire here.


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