
The Year Of Our YANGlin 2020


DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CFweesDpxQ1/

Kom Entz Aboot ~> https://dailystormer.su/2020-a-year-to-remember/

Diggit 'koz sounds kinda' like me, if I were a more fancy writer  =)

Quotes:  "2020: A Year to Remember  The Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Twenty has been one heck of a ride. In fact, it hasn’t been a ride so much as an extended crash scene, as so much of our humanity was stripped from us by the all powerful government and media, which have risen as two beasts to fulfill some strange manner of Biblical apocalypse in the name of a virus and a strange international revolutionary Marxist agenda.  Let’s look back upon the days of our lives.  (More like the daze of our lies, amirite?)


Coronavirus Mania  Obviously, the number one issue of the year was the coronavirus hoax.  This was a flu virus, which has a 99.98% survival rate according to their own fake numbers, and did not manage to increase the total death rate, meaning that everyone who died of the virus (allegedly) would have died of something else. That’s from a John Hopkins publication."


Source = "A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19" ~>


Short Link ~> https://bit.ly/391uIm2


John Hopkins Pulls Article Admitting That Coronavirus has Not Raised Total US Death Toll – Daily Stormer ~>


Short Link ~> https://bit.ly/3pOxuSi


BEHOLD!  The Ultimate (((Vax))) Of Infinite Vaxyness!


#JustFollowingOrders (Aaah (((Corruption)))  =))


¡Ay, Karona!  Bless Us In Eternal LockDown, Amen ~>



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CDSwqH7l8-Y/


Quotes:  The solution to the fact that there was a flu virus, presented by Bill Gates, was to shut down all small businesses while allowing large corporations to operate normally. They told us that the hospitals were going to be overwhelmed, so we had to “flatten the curve.” This term “flatten the curve” meant not to prevent infections, because at that time the government was still admitting you can’t prevent infections, but to stretch out the rate at which they are infected so that the hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. Because extra people would die if the hospitals were overwhelmed. It turned out that the hospitals were never overwhelmed, and instead the nurses were doing dances on TikTok.


Because hospitals were not overwhelmed, the entire “flatten the curve” narrative was thrown out, and the media and Gates just started saying we have to stay locked in our houses until there is a vaccine. (Now, of course, there is a vaccine, and they are telling us it doesn’t matter, we still have to stay locked up.)  Despite the fact that by March, it was obvious that this virus was a total nothing burger, it was allowed for this to become the total center of human reality, and it was used as a justification to completely strip the population of every one of their basic civil rights, and collapse the economy."



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CDfUwkvFFhH/


Quotes:  "Whilst the economy was collapsing, and tens of thousands of small businesses were collapsed, it was a public matter that the billionaires were increasing their fortunes by billions. It was obviously a massive wealth transfer, but no one in the media was willing to make the connection between the elite support of the lockdown and the wealth transfer, and the majority of the peasants haven’t noticed it.  We are never getting our rights back, we’re never getting our money back, this is all permanent and the people allowed this to happen."


Comments:  & Here YANGlin pretends he is the only 1 talking about it, when Rense.com ('Ground Zero' for 'Alt News') & (((Makow))) & so many others all over were LOOONG B 4 'dailystormer'.  What a goof.  True though B 4 i woz trollin' Rense about 'Joo Trouble' he was pretty much full time UFOs & Hippie Crystal-Gripping nonsense & I'm like 'DOOD!  So much ripe 'alt nooz' U could do about (((Zionism))) & other (((Issues))) ~ Don't B 'chicken'!!  =)



Sunny Side Up!


Comments:  & Makow was all about 'evil women' (savethemales.com) & I'm like "DOOD!  What will U jooz do when U R done yakking on all these random tangents when whites 'disappear' so not enough ((($hills))) left 2 'protect' U from them?  It'z tha JOOZ behind it & U know it, so U should try 2 get out the (((Root))) of (((Corruption))) in the so-called (((We$t))), 'koz Asians R cold-bloodded & zillions of 'em & they'll roll over the Earth like a tidal wave, squashing U like bugz!"  & even YANGlin himself was all about 'Accelerationism' 2 'bring on the revolution (faster)' in some 'Mad Max' type FANTASY ~ rather like 'accelerating' your laundry by pouring paint on your clothes? =))  Now @ least after considerable trollin' by random doodz lyke me he's a 'Trumper'.  It's not that Mr. T. is the best option out there, but just better than the alternatives who ran against him, which says a lot 4 how totally (((Corrupt))) the place is.


4 example Mr. T. could have EASILY avoided the whole (((Collapse))) if he just went around EDUCATING people about the (((Fake Plague Hoax))), but it's always '2 little 2 L8' with these cows ~ or maybe 'just pretending 2 try & help, after all is lost'???  I was a 'Trumper' even 'Before The Beginning' as soon as it was clear he actually wanted 2 'win' (the seat at least) instead of just ((($hilling))) 4 Billary same way he ((($hilled))) 4 O'Ba$tard with his bashing against Ron Paul (who is also a faker, pro-goblin invasion cow, but that's another story).  It's fun 2 wonder if they actually read the messages 'Sent To White House' as it's kind of surreal when they do some of the things U suggested, & surely lotads of 'random ranters' like ma'self sending 'him' similar ideas?  =))  1 thing's 4 sure = iv EYE wur world dik tador, thengz wood B wAAAy mor Awzom! =D  Like I guess the only 'LockDowns' would B on the borders, with big 'Must Be This Hot To Enter' signs.  Could get 'The Ladies' on board with the plan 2???  Lyk Zo  ~>



 WHOOP! ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CIGiT0Tp9M2/


Y e z z e n  D E E D !  =D


OH My My ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CIpDMaZJOhD/


Quotes:  "This was only possible due to the massive censorship regime that was introduced in 2017. This allowed the tech companies to silence anyone who was attempting to tell the truth about the virus, the lockdown, the wealth transfer – all of it. It was banned.  Imagine it: I was the first person banned and I was also the first person telling the truth about this virus."


Comments:  No, U Silly Goblin, U R just collecting the same $hit about it anybody can find & that people like ME troll U with via E-Mail & forums & whatever & then U phrase it in fancy creative ways with quotes & stuff on your entertaining 'Edgy Alternative Political Comedy' site 'The Daily Scorner'...



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlcDF-F337/


Quotes:  "Alex Jones was the second person banned, and he was the second person telling the truth about this virus (although his narrative is kind of confusing, he does say that the virus is not deadly and the lockdowns are designed to destroy freedom and steal money).  It doesn’t matter for any practical reason now, but I often picture future historians putting a lot of weight into my writings here, and I just want history to remember: this whole coronavirus crisis, which is triggering the total collapse of civilization, was a result of the internet censorship that began with the internet blacklisting of the Daily Stormer in August of 2017."


Comments:  Delusional! =)))  U R not that important.  U R just a better writer =D  It's a lot more fun 2 read obvious, verifiable facts with 'jew this, jew that' & 'fat girls are lame' jokes than a bunch of boring stats with alternative lies like 'Q Annon' krap or 'Jesus Saves' garbage... though U fall into both sometimes, when U run out of fresh lines, or get bored reaching for your 'Grab The Bag' (((Commie-Tard))) nonsense like U were in your 'Vote For A Communist Jew Like Bernie ((($anders))) 2 get Rid Of The Communist Jew (((Corruption)))' HAHAHA  LOADS of proof of that nihilist, suicidal 'Schizophrenia' (split pesonality disorder) of yours here:


LOL @ Andrew 'Yanglin' Of 'The Daily Scorner'  =)) ~> https://justpaste.it/235sc
(-; ~ The Miracle Of The Internet ~ ;-) [N.Z. Shooter, Etc.] ~> https://justpaste.it/7t8pg
((= The Comedy Of Daily Stormer & Andrew 'Yanglin' =))) ~> https://justpaste.it/60qxa


Quotes:  "This entire thing was planned, years before any of us ever heard of “coronavirus.” It was a totally planned agenda to transform society. The virus did not come from China, and we actually know as a matter of fact it was in Italy months before it was in China. The whole thing was and is a total and complete hoax designed to transform society."



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CFjH-WCpDdw/


Comments:  Note: It's just another ((("K!LLWHITEY!"))) tactic 2 accelerate the 'live in a pod & eat bugs & sterilize your 'Useless Eater' goy azz & DIE DIE DIE & U better do it SOON because U didn't go along with the (((Carbon Tax Cult))) krap fast enough' (((Regime))) =))

 Sailing The Seas Of (((Carbon Tax))) $uicide =D ~> https://justpaste.it/78alc


Quotes:  "Speaking of transforming society: Come summer, a black man died of a drug overdose while resisting arrest, and all of a sudden the media kicked off a gigantic program to claim that police are racists and they’re trying to kill black people on purpose.  All of a sudden, there was a massive “Black Lives Matter” movement, which was an aggressive Marxist movement dedicated, like the coronavirus hoax, to destroying the middle class and establishing a new order in the Western world.  The government of the United States, against Donald Trump’s protests, allowed blacks and “Antifa” Jewish homosexuals to burn down the entire country."



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CFcDFxJp_QR/


Comments:  No, just (((DemonRat))) run (((Zones))), who then try 2 blame Trump 4 it 'because mean orange man' & beg 4 his 'Federal' $ & he's like 'U did it 2 yourself by letting them get away with it while I tried 2 stop it, so no, U can pay 4 your own mess' HAHAHA =))


Quotes:  "These riots spread to every area of the country, and internationally. It was all based on the absurd and obviously, factually false conspiracy theory that police are trying to exterminate black people because they hate their skin color.  This movement started demanding that the police be defunded, which has begun happening, and which has caused the murder rate to explode. Also, they’ve de facto legalized intravenous drug use on the public street, because there are no cops.  However, there are still cops to shut down businesses that open against the lockdown rules."



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsf9g2ArRe/


Quotes:  "Basically, the plan is what I spent the middle part of the year trying to beat into the heads of the readers: they are going to create a situation where blacks can come to your house to kill you and your family, and if you call the police they will not come. However, if you defend yourself when the blacks come for you, the cops will come arrest you.  People got mad when I kept saying that, but now everyone understands that it is obviously true.  The solution is what I always said it was: move out of the big cities."


Comments: That was certainly (((The Plan))) but then ((($hill)))-Tard 'His Drooleyness' got ((($elected))), so they backed off a bit 2 try & make (((DemonCrats))) look a little less (((Pure Evil))) hoping it will help (((Them))) $teal the election easie through (((Vote Fraud))) ...



It's Never 2 Late!  =8^D


'Biden Most Popular President In The Universe' (((Narrative))) =))

Quotes: "The biggest fraud in the history of elections took place in November, with the usurper Joe Biden being awarded more than 81 million votes, which is 15 million more than Hillary Clinton got.  The reason this fraud was possible is that election law was totally overhauled in response to the false threat of the coronavirus.  Several swing states shut down their vote counts in the middle of the night after the election, then brought in new votes, or filled out new votes, filing them as mail-in votes.  The Republican Party largely refused to investigate any of this, and apparently, Joe Biden is going to be inaugurated as president in a couple weeks. ????"


Comments:  Not 2 imply (((America))) doesn't deserve 2 B destroyed, 4 all the (((Bad Deeds))) 'we' do...
Trump Should Stop Helping Demons ~> https://justpaste.it/4phdy
Trump $ponsoring Hong Kong Terrorism! =:-o ~> https://justpaste.it/6xec5



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfRnnIJ0iX/


Quotes:  "China Gibberish  Another weird thing was that China was turned into a boogieman. Even whilst we were watching the people that run our own countries purposefully destroying our countries, the media started saying that China was really bad and it was really important for us to be really concerned about what the Chinese are up to.  We are literally watching people in our own country – primarily Jews – destroy everything, and the peasants are out there talking about China. It’s actually amazing and almost unbelievable."


Comments:  It's all part of (((The Plan))), Grasshopper =))

Don't Believe The (((False Flag))) $tuff Mr. T.!  =) ~> https://justpaste.it/6g2kl
Trump Is Another (((War-Mongering))) Clown ~> https://justpaste.it/1jmla
Random Rant 'sent' 2 Mr. T. 2 ditch the (((Zio-Con))) WarMonger krap ~> https://justpaste.it/1euyr
B-Ware The Flipper$! =;-o ~> https://justpaste.it/1uf04


Endless (((Corruption))) = So Entertaining! =D

Y 2 Never Donate 2 (((Politician$))) ~> https://justpaste.it/2t235

~ Don't Get Played Like A Clown Mr. T.! =) ~> https://justpaste.it/5br9t
'Mr.' T., LEAVE  VENEZUELA  ALONE!  =) ~> https://justpaste.it/50b7h



DeTailz ~> https://justpaste.it/33wue


(((R.I.N.O.)))-Tards & the rest R always a fuking ((($kam)) !!!  =P

(((Ben $hapiro))) is another joke that keeps on giving! =)) ~> https://justpaste.it/4d74h
(((Prager U.))) & assorted ((($hill$cam$))) & Glorious Gloria Alvarez ~> https://justpaste.it/1i5lr

Trump's Fake Corona Poll ~> https://justpaste.it/6m70f

Quotes:  Real Gone Theme Song:  "This speaks to a fact that is often going unmentioned: what they’ve done to us this year has been very personal, for each one of us. This is not political, this is a direct assault on our must fundamental human identity. They have taken a part of who we are away from us.  There is an intense theme here, which I am feeling intensely, about being really, really gone.  Here’s the thing, kids: it’s all gone. Everything about your life and your existence just vanished in a puff of smoke in 2020, and none of it is coming back.  We’re in a new world now, and as much as we talk about politics, our first and primary agenda has to be figuring out how to deal with this on a personal level.  And what can I really say about that?  “Jesus saves.”



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CIaIGkMpyFr/


Comments:  LOL!!  Right YANGlin ~> When U run out of 'EvilJoo' lines & 'N!ggerJokes' just flip into 'pray 2 a magical spirit (((Accountant))) in the sky who gives U gifts after U die if U mass murder enough ragheads, & don't 4get 2 paste some (((Bible))) Pa$$ages 2 make your typical 'random complaint reaction' artidles of endless needless spaces seem a bit longer ~ Kind of like what I'm doing here quoting YOU, but much, MUCh worse because I am 'wholistic' whereas your 'views' flow with the wind of what gives U the most 'trolling' satisfaction 4 the moment, be it the (((LIE))) of 'Accelerating' freedom through (((Communism))) or bashing 'ALL' women as if that's how U get 2 build more white families, the ((($hilling))) continues =)) ...



DeTailz ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CHKYf1bpIEq/