
Trump's Fake Corona Poll



Official Weekly Trump Coronavirus Response Approval Poll


  • Do you agree with President Trump that our Nation's safety should be our first priority?
Trump is doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of making America safe.  He promotes the (((LockDown))) $cam & other bull$hit like war-mongering for (((Z.O.G.))).  Trump is literally the worst president ever.  Never in history has a so-called 'leader' mass-jailed the populatin to keep them from being able to even work so they can feed themselves & pay their bills = WTF!


  • Did you approve of President Trump’s decision to close our borders to China in January?
China is not the problem.  TRUMP is the problem, going along with every ridiculous anti-white thing the (((Media))) throws at him, like trying to start war with Korea, Hong Kong, China, etc.  Corona is a mild cold virus, not even as dangerous as the regular flu that comes around every year, yet he PERMANENTLY DESTROYS THE ENTIRE ECONOMY over it = what an EVIL RETARD!  & he calls himself "The best jobs president god ever created" he says = LOL!!!


  • Do you agree that President Trump’s decision to close our borders to China in January saved many American lives?
Absolutely NOT!  It's not 'China' locking white middle class people in their houses, forcing them out of work, & soon their houses, & then trying to force poison them all through 'vax'.  That's the so-called (((American))) government.


  • Do you approve of President Trump temporarily closing ALL borders to Keep America Safe?
NO!!  Corona is not dangerous.  It is a ((($cam))).  Everybody knows this, including YOU!  & of course while PRETENDING (saying) you have 'closed the border', U will continue flooding the place with more beaners than even Obama did.  Everything Trump says he will do, the RESULT is the EXACT OPPOSITE!  He is all 'rhetoric' and no 'action', like all his lies about 'draining the swamp', & it's only getting (((WORSE!))).


  • Do you approve of President Trump’s swift decision to sign the CARES Act, which will provide immediate relief to our Nation and its citizens during this difficult time?
All these so-called 'bailouts' are a ((($cam))) to hand over 'public' (white middle class) assets like parks & 'public' lands to the (((Bank$ters))).  Read the fine print, jerk.  They are 'loans'.  They're not even just 'money printing, but DEBTS that they will use as excuse 2 $teal even MORE!


  • Do you approve of the job the White House Coronavirus Task Force is doing?
The (((Ta$k Force))) spreads non-stop lies pretending a mild cold virus is the worst thing ever, as excuse 2 lock up every white person in their house until they run out of money & are thrown out on the street, then force-poisoned with 'vax'.  Get real.  They should be prosecuted for (((Trea$on))).


  • Do you approve of the production of thousands of ventilators from the federal government?
NO!!!  They actually damage the lungs, do not help corona (it is a problem with blood effectiveness, not respiratory volume) & you WA$TE over $40,000 in 'medicare' money every time they needlessly put one on somebody, even though it only HARMS them.  WTF!  So ((($urreal)))!!! =))  Hey if I 'go on a ventilator' can you give ME $40,000?  Maybe I already have corona too!  & the (((Doctor$))) won't have 2 lie about it! HAHAHAHAHA


  • Do you approve of the job President Trump is doing handling the coronavirus?
Trump is doing the exact worst possible thing at every stage of the (((Virus Hoax))).  It is even less dangerous than the flu, yet he TOTALLY AND PERMANENTLY DESTROYED the American economy over it, shutting everything down, basically forever, like restaurants and everything else where NORMAL people would happily be near each other.  Trump has 'succeeded' in wrecking America COMPLETELY far worse than O'Ba$tard ever dreamed of! =))


  • Did you take our Weekly Trump Coronavirus Response Approval Poll last week?


  • Is there anything else you’d like to share regarding how President Trump is handling the coronavirus threatening our Nation?
Corona is a $cam, & just like the (((Witch Hunt))) where Trump says AVOIDING prosecuting the (((Guilty))) is 'the right thing to do' (literally he said that!) he TOTALLY AND PERMANENTLY RUINS THE AMERICAN ECONOMY by going along with the (((LockDown))) & other aspects of the (((VirusHoax))).  Corona is a trick to ruin nations and hand the wreckage to (((Bank$ters))) through the forclosures & bankruptcies that result, & also lower the white birth rate by making them poor & poisoning them all with forced 'vax'.  More details here:
Note: The site won't submit responses!  It's a (((Prank)))!!  Seems they have purposely broken the site so they can pretend it's not their fault they are doing all the (((Wrong Things))), because some 'coding error' doesn't give them the 'feedback' they 'so desperately need' so they might understand how it is a bad idea to PERMANENTLY RUIN EVERY AMERICAN BUSINESS = LOL!!!
When hitting (through Firefox web browser) "Submit My Response" it goes here:
Note: Name & address changed to 'blabla' in this online post for 'security'.  =)


& says: "Your connection is not secure.  The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.  secure.winred.com uses security technology that is outdated and vulnerable to attack. An attacker could easily reveal information which you thought to be safe. The website administrator will need to fix the server first before you can visit the site.  Error code: NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY


When clicking (through Chrome web browser) "Submit My Response", it goes here:




& says: "This site can’t be reached.  The webpage at:


https://secure.winred.com/tmagac/coronavirus-approval-poll?email=blabla@live.com&firstname=blabla&lastname=blabla&zip=93433&WR_utm_source=ET_16&WR_utm_medium=email&WR_utm_campaign=20200524_34848_weekly-trump-coronavirus-response-approval-poll-3-nd_officialtrumppolling_tmagac&WR_utm_content=gop_surveys_text_take_top_other_all&additional[content_slug]=coronavirus-response-approval-poll-v2&additional[issue]=GOP&additional[topic]=Surveys&event=existing_lead&_ga=2.216498774.1368368949.1590356260-1682293378.1590356260 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Sent to 'White House: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/#page
The 'Presidential Questionnaire' page for 'Corona Poll 2' is broken & unable to submit responses (perhaps on purpose, so can pretend they 'do not know' it is a ((($cam)))???). The form is unable to submit ideas & stuff & instead generates error messages regardless of browser used. To get around that problem, here are some great ideas inspired by the poll posted on a more reliable web site for you guys to review! Go have a look! =)
Trump's Fake Corona Poll ~>
Corona is a scam, just like the (((LockDown))) ~>