
B-Ware The Flipper$!  =;-o




'Mr. T.' is certainly infinitely better than the turds who ran against him, but no1's perfect. I mean, unless I ran the world, which would B AWESOME! =D The transparent self-contradicting dance routines so-called (((Politician$))) & others do is very entertaining! =:-o

Trump-Flopper =))

Jan 30...

The Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran. They are wrong! When I became President Iran was making trouble all over the Middle East, and beyond. Since ending the terrible Iran Nuclear Deal, they are MUCH different, but....

....a source of potential danger and conflict. They are testing Rockets (last week) and more, and are coming very close to the edge. There economy is now crashing, which is the only thing holding them back. Be careful of Iran. Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!

Later (Jan 31)...

Just concluded a great meeting with my Intel team in the Oval Office who told me that what they said on Tuesday at the Senate Hearing was mischaracterized by the media - and we are very much in agreement on Iran, ISIS, North Korea, etc. Their testimony was distorted press....

....I would suggest you read the COMPLETE testimony from Tuesday. A false narrative is so bad for our Country. I value our intelligence community. Happily, we had a very good meeting, and we are all on the same page!

LOL! =))  More on Trump's (((Incon$i$tencie$)))...

BTW: Ron 'NoWalls/KILLWHITEY!' Paul was another clown (but way better than O'ButtWipe). I voted 4 Palin, who is a zio-con mess, but @ least pro-'America', like 'trumping' Paul with the 'pre-MAGA' thing via 'Alaska Independence Party' affiliation & reducing corruption in her state (which is exactly why 'The E$tabli$hment' tries 2 destroy her = helping actual Americans is 'bad' 4 criminals, etc.)...

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Mc$hame is satanic, but Paul is a ((($hill))) = all talk, no action, like his 'I don't believe in walls' krap ~ so the ((($election))) was a choice between 3 different methods of suicide = Ron (beaner flood) Paul, John (beaner flood) Mc$ame & Barak (beaner flood) O'ButtWipe.  Then there was Prick (beaner flood R.I.N.O. [ = 'Republican In Name Only']) Con-Me (Mitt Romney) = ICK!!, & Billary (beaner flood) Clinton's alternative 'The Don' (pretend 2 will help reduce the beaner flood with an incomplete wall that only covers half the border & the cockroaches will just go around it) Trump = really just trying 2 $cam us 2 'tax' them...


PDF link:


The Eternal Balance Of Infinite Corruption with 'E$tabli$hment Mafia' like 'The So-Called (((Government)))' is 2 doll out decay & destruction slow enough to subdue violent (mob) resistance yet fast enough 2 avoid 'political' (organized) resistance.  It takes so many ([Brackets]) 'kuz they keep spewing Endle$$ Wall$ Of $ham$ all over like shotguns of bull$hit 2 C wat stix, & even after some trix collapse trampled under the truth their $pin Reinforce$ The Angle$ packed solid as shells of Russian dolls layered deep & endless through the tectonic depths of deception ~ deterring most 'M.G.M.' (Mere Goy Mortals?) from mining through the sting!  =;-o  U know = "Y give them more 4 le$$ wen U kan $ell them LE$$ 4 MORE!" =D  Speaking of 'Onions' 4 the Ma$$e$ = behold the next step ('kuz 'newer is always better'?) in 'Mass Individuality' since the wheelless single button mouse... 'Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard':

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Keep the pressure on that twi$ted jakazz Mr. T.! =D  REPENT!!  "Must B This Hawt 2 Enter!"


Now THESE R the kind of 'Venezuelan refugees' we need! =)

The so-called (((American))) government literally kicks out chix like this (from Argentina)...


(((Immigration))) $ez: "Sorry, U R not hideous & stupid enough 2 'help' (((us))) ruin the place so the (((Bank$ters))) can steal it easier.  BYE!"  In the interests of protecting your viewing screen from damage, I won't post 'cockroach army' (how the $panish refer 2 them) pix 4 comparison.  Thank me later =D  Here's More on McLame...

Enjoys harming his own 'gang'...

Says it's 'honorable' 2 reward criminality...

Pretends 'No busses' 2 remove invaders (right)...

Mc$hame believes 'ISIS R our buds'...

Lifesize Sand Nigga Available Now - FKN NEWZ

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Though he claims 2 B 'anti-war' & 'anti-invasion', Ron Paul is actually in favor of BOTH, but against whites instead of others, occasionally revealing he is just another ((($hill-Tard Goy Puppet Baby-$itter Clown))) who's job is 2 'talk' about 'freedom' while ramming it down the drain by flooding the place with 'anchor baby' type trash who want 2 slit our throats & piss on our bones, like pretending Trump should NOT B allowed 2 build a wall & should instead have 2 (unsuccessfully) BEG (((congre$$))) rather than 'just do it'.  Paul reminds me of other ((($hill))) trash like (((Ian Patrick Hine$))) & (((Ben $hapiro))).  It's a TRICK!  It's all 'bla bla complain' with fake non-solutions that make things WORSE ~ like a 'misery loves company' $ham$.  =P   Him & Ian Patrick (Anti-Brexit (((demon))) turd) Hines & Ben (((Coaster Hat Demon))) $hapiro R textbook examples of nihilist 'R.I.N.O.' / 'R.A.T.' ( = 'Republicans Against Trump') retard 'fuk buddies'...


Ron Paul quote: "I don't like walls. I'm a libertarian. I don't want to wall people out. I'm an OBGYN (BirthDeathMachine) doctor close to the border. People would pop in they'd have a baby then the next day they'd be at the courthouse signing up for welfare benefits."  WTF?!  Yea' Ron I guess we shouldn't have doors either = 'burglars welcome!' =)  That's anarchy/mobchaos 2 wreck our civilization, not 'liberty' LOL!!


So transparent!  Just need 2 catch his 'mistakes' = accidentally coughing up some 'secrets' because he has trouble keeping his endless lies straight.  U R not 'pro America' if U R anti-border.  Yes, Ron loves how he is able 2 rob white people who perform actual work so he can further ruin America by flooding the place with anchor babies & chain 'migrant' turd world sewage on the road 2 real hell, etc.  Frix sake, Ron is almost as bad as that (((DemonRat Zio-Con CoasterHat Dork = Ben $hapiro)))!!  =:-o

Stuff about his $ham ~> https://justpaste.it/4d74h


Or (((Ian Patrick Hine$))) with his "KILLWHITEY!" Anti-Brexit krap...  Oh wait, he & his so-called (((Con$ervative Action Committee))) tried 2 ram that 1 down the 'memory' hole as it was (((All 2 Obvious))) =)))  Here's a page save...


Some quotes from Mr. R.I.N.O. ~ (with '(...)' brackets 4 'editorial' flair =) : "Deploying the campaign’s Nation(destruction)Builder infrastructure... We took everything that we’d learned designing more than 100 ('KILLWHITEY!') sites on the platform... The website supported more than thirty different types of ($uicide) pages: from Posts to Petitions, Events to Endorsements. Each could be created, populated, and published—no developer required. That gave the campaign’s internal team incredible flexibility to act independently and scale their ($ubver$ive) efforts as the campaign evolved.... Strong email deliverability (translation: beggar spam =), facilitating regular engagement (translation: donations from 'useful idiots' & other demons =)... In the end, the campaign sent nearly 20 million individual emails... By polling day, they had created more than 11,000 individual website pages (oh joy!) and driven more than hundreds of thousands of individual signups. Across Britain, the campaign’s field team had organized and posted online more than 8,000 (suicidal retard) events. And on polling day, they used the website’s ('KILLWHITEY!') events calendar functionality to create a searchable map of more than 240 (pray for our own destruction) “campaign hubs” where volunteers could get involved (in the glorious ecstasy of self-annihilation =)."

How perfect they call it 'Nation Building' when it's all about WRECKING the nations! =P The (((E.U.))) is an (((un-elected bribery dictator$hip $cam))) designed 2 create endless fake, fraudulent debts & ram Europe down the toilet with an endless flood of ISIS RAPEugees & others, & hand the wreckage 2 the (((Bank$ters))). The cynical sarcasm from these truly evil, satanic figures is so typical. All that busy work endlessly spamming everybody they can, begging 4 $ 2 help them slit their own thraots & the rest, always trying 2 trick them into thinking they R part of some larger & more legit thing (like pretending they R affiliated with Trump) is all so 'cutting edge' & 'progressive' of them =:-D



U can surely trust a ((($mirk))) like THAT!  =)

Reminds me of (((Ben $hapiro))) LOL!!
