
(((Ben $hapiro))) is another joke that keeps on giving! =)) New 'Paul' clip notes he's not just a 'Never Trumper' but ALSO actively pushed the #MeToo krap with the $cammer Michelle Field's assault charge against Cory Lewandowsky when he ran the Trump campaign! WoW ~ typical kike (& Paul's corruption, like Joo-Humper Jone$, is that he doesn't point out the (((racial))) 'of course' with all that =))
The Crucifixion of Kanye West

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The popular term 4 ((($hills))) like ((($hapiro))) is 'R.A.T.' ( = 'Republicans' Against Trump), & 'R.I.N.O.' ( = Republican In Name Only = DemonCrats in transparent disguise).  Here R some images 2 illustrate the concept...



& here he is spreading obvious lies about Trump & his policies & activities (mixed with some random facts 2 try & ((($hill))), as U do)
Example = pretending Trump is against religious freedom & free markets.  Trump is not just pro freedom, but even backs gay marriage since 'it's settled' & 'leave it to the states' ( = super-freedom prezzie).  His tariff stuff is about equal treatment = always on about how he prefers NO tariffs if the other side stops gouging us with THEIR tariffs.  I could go on, but this kike is just 1 lie after another.  
BTW: If that Michelle Fields clown he uses as a "KILLWHITEY!" device had a screw-cap skull 2 replace that krap pile where a brain should B, could make a GR8 fuk toy! MMMM...






LOL!!! She should do porn instead...



"Breitbart’s support for Trump is one of the reasons I quit" – Ben Shapiro

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Michelle Fields, Ben Shapiro on resigning from Breitbart

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I ENDURED past the initial few SEKUNDZ of my initial 'turn off this screeching kike' reaction 2 his coaster-hat 'KILLWHITEY!' whine, only 2 hear him within few more SECONDS claim Trump is a bully, when in fact he merely DEFENDS himself when attacked. He is a 'counter' puncher... NEXT! =))

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Yet more proof these $hill clowns R racists who want all whites on Earth exterminated, as if the "KILLWHITEY!" (((coaster hat))) didn't say all that from the beginning??? (!!!) =:-o  ((($hapiro)) Tran$lation: "Yes absolutely keep the Witch Hunt going on 4ever 2 keep our '$hill Fail Train' rolling, & dragging down the nation & until the 'Savior Of The Goy Cattle' can be removed (((somehow))).  Tell us, does he ditch his recyclable materials in the proper bin?  Has he downloaded any music without paying for it?  Has he played poker with friends without declaring it on his taxes? These R important (((national security))) issues (((Inquiring minds))) need 2 know." =D  Remember: 'Official' Demon-Crats R not the only 'Lefti$t$' out there...


They $oft-pedde more death = just another of many faces on the "KILLWHITEY!" core (((Objective))).  Some fall 4 their ((($moke))), riding false alternatives 2 real hell ~ the (((Controled Oppo$ition)))...

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N E thing that harms whites, they will support, & N E thing that HELPS whites, they will attack.  This is the 'religion' of the (((Left))), like blackies who pretend every possible flaw in themselves is because of 'whitey' ... somehow, & the 'solution' is 2: "KILLWHITEY!".  Everything a left-tard, $hill, or other 'useful idiot' ever thinks, says, or does is always jsut code 4: "KILLWHITEY!"  Once U acknowledge this obvious, verifiable fact, everything they say & do is always entirely consistent & predictable.  =) 

Nature is dirty.  Even a 'patriot' like Alex Joo-Humper Jone$ shags jooz "on her mother's side" & has 3 himey kids with his X (among others), & even calls George $oro$ ~ real name (((Gyorgy Schwartz)))) ~ a 'Nazi collaborator' instead of a damn JOO! Tell us some more Dr. $hill how (((HollyWeird))) is run by the 'Chinese' & 'Arabs' = LOL!!! Oh those pesky (((Technocrat Globalist CFR Bilderberg))) bla bla bla...


The hellfire is really a matter of degrees.  $oro$ is molten lava, & Jones is more a 'cattle brand' 4 the $heep =))  https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=alex+jones+zionist+shill

U can't fix a flat tire by changing the headlights.  The (((Cho$en))) R where the rubber meets the road, & getting them out of the equation would reduce corruption 70% or more E Z.  BTW: 'End Time Junkies' (((Christbait))) R almost as bad, fishing 4 excuses 2 ram the wold down the drain 2 'Reach The Rapture'.  Note the 'DailyWire' is owned by a Ziio-Con Warmonger murder-mouth 'oil barron' goy cow troll...
"Inside Ben Shapiro’s Twisted Plan To Takeover Glenn Beck’s Collapsed Empire With Texas Money"

Note @ 8;43 + in this vid (linked below) Alex talks about how 'Billionaire Oil Goy' Zio-Con Warmonger Farris Wilks (must B or wouldn't back that 'KILLWHITEY!' sack of krap) is behind pimping this murdermouth kike ((($hapiro))) via his 'Daily Wire' (((propaganda))) rag...

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(U can click the above 2 skip 2 the 'meat' @ 8:43! ~ BRAZILIANT =)

OMFG what a freaking TURD that 'Oil Demon' is ~ Reminds me of Dick Cheny =))


May as well change his name 2 'JEB!' hahaha =))

U recall the big gulf spill where he ran both the group that did 'wel safety' as 'well' as the group that handles 'cleanup' = like the Charlie Chaplain skit where a kid breaks windows so their partner in crime can charge 2 'fix' thing$...

BTW: Paul is a GR8 writer, except 4 his endless war mongering against Iran & his pretending that being jewish never has N E thing 2 do with N E thing whatsover ever 4ever eternal no no don't call me a nazi pleeeeze I beg U no no give me some jew azz 2 lik B 4 I cry a lake of tears ~ LOL

Was N E of this 'research' even realy necessary? No, 'If U $imply Hav Eyz 2 C!' =8^D What does 'coaster hat' even mean? It's just code 4: "KILLWHITEY!" The rest is smoke... rather like YOU R just doing the 'get back at my crazy X by pretendign I am his opposite' ~ oh yes, nothing mass murdering millions more muzzies can't fix right? HAHAHA

Speaking of Muzzies ~ HOLY Krap! =:-o B sure not 2 bomb the ones like this OK? =D Seljuk+Greek vibe ~ lot of Turks R a mix from the archer nomads. Take me 2 your yurt! ~;D


Snap out of it, Ginger =D

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$pread far & wide 2 N E goy cattle U wish 2 De-((($hapiro))) =))