
Here's a hawt chik ~ 'Gloria Alvarez' ~ doing (mostly) conservative ( = Anti-Commie-Tard / Anti-U$eful-Idiot) stuff. It's a GR8 example how 2 dress sleek in N E 'CoffeeHouse Commie' / "Edge Of CrazyTown" type 'Interview $how$' U might do. =)
República & Populismo - Gloria Alvarez - 23/11/2014

Here speaking English is more fun 2 listen 2 ( & dressed hawt =)
Dennis Prager Talks Politics with Gloria Alvarez and Felipe Moura Brasil
Fun 2 listen 2 her talk English more, with that cool 'exotic' accent. Spanish has 2 many syllables = gets tiring 2 listen 2, & especially annoying when the 'toad demons' (brown beaner sewage) speak it, as they R constantly inflecting up & down 4 no reason ~ I think U know what I mean, like a roller-coaster of hate (U know everything they R saying 2 each other is code 4: "KILLWHITEY!" this, "KILLWHITEY!" that =))

Speaking of cool voices, there's a movie called "Kundo: Age Of The Rampant" with the most awesome sounding Asian female story teller over the top ~ so SMOOOTH =) Really it's AMAZING = a model 4 N E Asian chik who wants 2 sound $LEEEEK!! I have no idea what the narrator LOOX like, but man ~ that voice! =D
Maybe check it out ~ GOOD movie!!

N E wayz, Alvarez... $he's on a $hill channel here on U-Boob run by some fat old kike out 2 rot white nation$ from the 'In$ide' with his 'I'm your Fire$ide Chat Con$erva-Buddy' Bull$hit, Etc.! ~
LOL! =))

Check out his epic hypocri$y...
$hilling 101: ( = Typical Pretender) = "Our Disappointing Neighbor to the North = Canada has become Europe North including Europe's antipathy for Israel." = Note how he goes on 2 bash gays (rightly so, but only as a trick 2 convince 'con$ervative$' (((He))) wants 2 'help' them.) ~ Watch how the yid contradicts himself 2 'Inject The Poi$on'...
"...one's sexual orientation does not have to define one's political values. "
So yeah, 2 B 'conservative' or 'republican' is 2 pander 2 faggots & lick jew a$$ = What typical PROPAGANDA! HAHAHA But 2 $ELL those LIE$ he (like so many well (((connected))) lefties) dedicate extreme effort & time 2 building an elaborate fake facade ~ the whole 'wolf in sheep's clothing' routine.

He really reminds me of 'Milo' that way =)) There is no such thing as a 'gay conservative'. They R more like 'suicide bombers' = infiltrate & wreck. Gayness is pure nihilism, like a heroin junkie...
Note the crosses (2 4 good measure LOL!!) ~ meanwhile he says he is a gay JEW! So all a B.S. from top 2 bottom = $cam 2 'Inject The Poison' of gayness & Isra-Hell & bla bla... Other kikes run 'Fake Oppo$ition' cover 4 him, pretending 2 B 'outraged' about him (2 give him 'legitimacy' like he is something 'authentic', but he isn't)...
“Breitbart is a company staffed almost entirely by Jews,” said Milo Yiannopolous last November when asked about accusations of anti-Semitism made against his former boss, Stephen Bannon. “I am a gay Jew, and he made me into a star.”

More about this Prager-Faker...
"New York’s Jewish Week described Dennis Prager as 'one of the three most interesting minds in American Jewish Life.' Since 1992 to 2006 he taught the Hebrew Bible verse-by- verse at American Jewish University. ... He has taught Russian and Jewish history at Brooklyn College; and was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to the U.S. Delegation to the Vienna Review Conference on the Helsinki Accords."

"an attempt to improve relations between the Communist bloc and the West. ... not binding as they did not have treaty status."
Here R some important 'Inject The Poison' points of the accord = "Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, & equal rights and self-determination of peoples." That's code 4 $cam 2 attack N E nation based on bull$hit 'freedom' violations like not letting fags 'recruit' & refusing 2 give sex changes 2 kids, 'respect' LEFTIST BULL$HIT arti$t$, etc., same wah these PRETENDER joo 'con$ervative$' bash Russia 4 supposedly snuffing anti-Putin journalists (because they R pissed that he kicked the worst of the (((Bank$ter$))) out = yawn.

This Prager, like many 'uppedy educated' himeys in the 'rat army' ~ he's 'charming & sophisticated' = a ma$ter of the kind of lying that takes skill & practice. Watch him 'Go'...
"Furthermore, I am talking only about leftist Jews, not liberal Jews. " = (more or less): "U should PRETEND 2 B 'con$ervative' so U can more easily infiltrate & destroy white people by ruining republican & other 'Right Wing' movements from the inside, giving them $hill$ 2 'believe' in, as if they will help them, but meanwhile doing our bidding without hesitation."
Fascinating stuff ~ the levels of bull$hit (((they))) go through 2 $ell more death...