
Y 2 Never Donate 2 (((Politician$)))


SO TRUE!  They ALWAYS 'Flip' On U!  =:-o

Sent 2 'White House':

HAY Mr. T.! =D This is a really GR8 site with some really kool advices! Sure they lie a lot, but not nearly as much as Trump! & if Trump followed their advices more, he could 'MAGA" instead of 'MIGA'...

Trump says 'stay true 2 ya'self' (but dozn't)...

This is exactly the reason I never donate 2 (((Politician$))). Regardless of wahtever 'rhetoric' they spew, it always degrades back 2 a butt-munching fest slurping the goo from (((Bank$ter))) bums...

Check this link for relevant quotes (probably over your 'character limit' here):

U guys should really all go read it! It's truly AWESOME information & not that long! =8^D & BTW: I'm a LATIN myself (Italianish Mediterranean, not 'brown beaner') born in Lost Angeles so know all about it. They even give me breaks at 'Mexican' grocery stores mistaking me for Spanish HAHAHA So good luck with the knee-jerk 'KKK Redneck' labels. Everything I say is true & YOU ALL KNOW IT! =D Oh, & my favorite girlfriend was black. There is overlap in the races (but most blackies R trash of course), like this guy is clearly trading up...

Lot of black gals R actually quite 'racist' (as in HONEST), tho' farthest 'Nikki' has said on camera is 'those guys have mental issues' LOL Oh come 2 think of it also a girlfriend was 'mexican' = looked like Catherine Zeta Jones =) There's a difference between Spanish (white) & 'Mexican' of course. Stop letting them flush their toilet into the North.

X-Tra Here: Some Loose Quotes (modded 4 clarity =) "Is Trump staying true to himself by not doing what he promised for the American people while boasting about making factories for foreigners? ... Is he staying true to himself by doing everything israel or jews ask of him, even when it DESTROYS everything about America he promised to do for us? If Trump follows his own advice and he stays 'true' to himself (at least, what he SAID he was), then he’s a liar and a traitor just like (((Javanka))) & other random (((Foreign Agents))) he surrounds himself with.

"Who the frak cares if the 'economy' grows while America is flooded with violent dumb third world trolls? Trump pretends to think we should be HAPPY that these goblins $TEAL our economy as he causes whites to be ruined because he promised a wall & other actual 'enforcement' but the criminal invasion only INCREASED. It's pure 'Clown World Contradictory OxyMoron DoubleThink' nonsense, as if we should be joyful about meaningless 'GDP' numbers as if that makes up for our neighborhoods turning into ugly violent third world trash.

"Any nation that won't even keep hordes of ugly trash out obviously has no sovereignty, & everything Trump tweets and retweets sounds like a sick joke at this point because he is not delivering on the one thing that is the ONE AND ONLY REASON ANYBODY VOTED FOR HIM = "REVERSING THE FLOOD OF RAW SEWAGE FROM THE TURD WORLD".  That's all so-called 'stopping illegal immigration' really means, & everybody knows it, including YOU! =)  Mr. T. (Trump) $eems 2 feel @ home spewing cookie-cutter nihilist mantras about 'GDP is better through criminal cockroach invasion' nonsense while tweeting about random distractions that don't really matter, & THAT, dear people, is Y it is so important to NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DONATE ANY MONEY TO ANY POLITICIAN = because their very (((RELIGION!))) is 2 betray everybody they tricked into $upporting them, unless of course they are rich (((Cho$en))) sorts =))  Deceit is absolutely how they 'rank' each other, & measure each other's 'success' by how much DAMAGE they can do to those they pretend to try & be 'helping'.

More ideas...

But Y is it this way in 'The So-Called (((We$t)))'? The reason is because it's just a puppet dictatorship of the (((Bank$ters))) & their (((Gang))), & therefore all about ruining nations 2 hand the wreckage 2 themselves.  The same way it's hard 2 invade & rob a well defended house full of strong & healthy people (on a small scale), it is also hard to conquer & enslave a nation with strong & healthy people, so they work tirelessly to destroy everything healthy and 'cohesive' that gives them strength in society = flooding it with the worst possible advices (like 'tranny kids' & 'gay rights' nonsense) & enemies & parasites (like dumping buckets of rats & insects into every room, in the form of beaners, etc...).  (((They))) view these degenerate filth as their 'Bio-Weapon$' 2 use against nations like America & Europe & N E where else whites may want 2 live.  Their (((Plan))) moves forward as usual, with the occasional moments of FALSE HOPE like 'Trump' only proving 2 B part of the same evil (((Machine))).  I mean, not that it wasn't OBVIOUS what an evil ((($hill))) he was from the instant many years ago that he was bashing Ron Paul (who is also corrupt but in a different way) as if we are 'wasting our time' by trying to help America.  'He Has No Chance' said Trump = Tsk tsk... & how 'Mr. Winner' (Trump) is just another ((($hill))) clown who doesn't do what he promised. =P

Mr. T., Stop trying 2 $CAM us & start trying 2 HELP us. There are TEN ZILLION WAYS 2 get rid of the third world $hit that has flooded into 'America', & it's real E Z 2 do & U have the power 2 do it with something as simple as issuing 'hunting' licenses so actual Americans can PAY YOU to do all the work FOR you.  All U need 2 do is make it LEGAL 2 defend America = 2 'Make America Great Again' =)  There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO border enforcement now.  In fact, they ASSIST the invasion by feeding & 'processing' & 'delivering' them 2 their destinations!!  It's truly $urreal! =:-o  Hell if Trump wanted the government could also make FORTUNE$ IN PROFIT by building 'resorts' along the border where legal gun owners can do their 'target practice', & also issue licenses 2 round them up in cities as well, like gathering them from real cities that don't want them there, & dumping the jew's 'cockroach army' (the criminal beaner invaders, etc.) into '$anctuary Citie$' like (((HollyWeird))) & the like.  "This Should Make Them Very Happy" (to quote Trump).  Y does he not 'just do it'?  =D

& oh gawd the 'zionist' nonsense about 'needing' more endless wars & attacking Korea & other stupid krap... if U want some FACTS about how INSANE that policy is, click this: https://justpaste.it/1jmla

The So-Called (((Government))) Literally Deports Gals Like This ...


(((They))) Want Only People Who Will Harm America, So Want Her Gone.
Google 'Dorismar' If U Think I'm Joking = 1 Of Zillions Of Examples.
I Vote A 'Must B This Hatwt 2 Enter' Law  =8^D____|_____?


These R The Kind Of 'Migrants' We Actually WANT!  =)