
Intel Drop #48 - The Cabal's Endgame Unfolds

"It is probably one of the biggest secrets that will ever be revealed, if they can get it out in the first place. It is one the cabal has kept close to the vest, only for themselves."
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We Are Sovereign @OculumLabs · Jul 8, 2024 · edited: Oct 7, 2024

Intel Drop #48 - The Cabal's Endgame Unfolds



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Intel Drop #48


The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: The public doesn't see what's going on, but we've had a rough week. Do you want to talk about what's going on with our team?


Gideon: "We can briefly discuss it."


Bill: Well, one of our team members has basically betrayed us and is consorting with an agent. Maybe you can explain why and how all of that happened.


Gideon: "As we have warned countless times, agents have been attempting to gain information about our team and contact our team members. Up until now, they had been unsuccessful, until they were able to find one of our members on social media and contacted them. From there, a careful campaign of deception began."


Bill: So, this team member believed the agent?


Gideon: "They believed the narrative they were fed by the agent, yes." 


Bill: How could they be that gullible?


Gideon: "You have to understand, there are varying ranks and levels for agent operators of the cabal. Many of the agents who flooded our Telegram were low-level agents with minimal skills and training. Those who were tasked with contacting and infiltrating our team are not only well-trained, they use an AI system to determine the best way to approach an individual, as well."


Bill: How does that work?


Gideon: "First, they create a profile of the target, or individual. This is usually done with a similar database as Obsidian, that would include all known personal data about that person. Then, an AI system determines, essentially, the best way to lie to that person. In other words, what type of deception would be most effective on the target." 


Bill: What kind of deception, can you give an example?


Gideon: "They might approach a team member and make a false accusation about you, Bill, based on the recommendation of the AI. Or, they may use a religious context to persuade the person, or act as an authority figure, or persuade them against us by acting as a friend.


There would be many approaches or narratives the agent might use. It is whatever the AI and agent determines is the most effective psychological approach for that individual, based on their personality type, traits and background."


Bill: Ok, I get what you're saying, it makes sense. It's like profiling a person. In our case, our team member betrayed us based on what seems like the religious aspect, right?


Gideon: "It would appear that way, yes. They were told a narrative by the agent which has led them to believe we are somehow operating against the Word of God, and the teachings of the Bible, and so on."


Bill: Right, they've since then attacked us and made a lot of threats against us. Everything they're saying about us is not true, either.


Gideon: "No, it is not."


Bill: Do you want to publicly get into what the agent said and how they framed all of this?


Gideon: "Yes, I can describe it. Primarily, the agent convinced them that the antidote is the Mark of the Beast, and that we are working with the cabal. It is important I explain clearly a few things with regard to this. 


First, we will not take the antidote if we feel it is not safe, or if we feel it may contain nano particles of its own. We are only reporting on what we know. When the time comes, we will use caution, and we will advise our team to use caution in taking the antidote. We also have no information, no data at all, that would suggest the antidote itself is the Mark of the Beast.


My understanding is that the Mark itself will be used on humanity worldwide, as a means to prevent buying and selling without that Mark. The Book of Revelation describes this. We believe the Mark to be the nano dust already deployed in the food supply, which will interface with Starlink and Obsidian at the time it is activated. The antidote does not fit this description, as it will only be consumed by a select few with the purpose to remove the nano dust. 


Furthermore, we are not operating against God or the teachings of the Bible whatsoever. In fact, many of us on our team are Christians."


Bill: I know, what the agent said seems like a mix of disinfo and nonsense. I'm really saddened this team member fell for it, but I also see how they might be scared and if the agent is good at what they do, they might be convinced. 


Gideon: "Yes, and we do have some insight into what the agent was telling this person, as the team member has sent us a series of emails and relayed various aspects of their thought process. Based on what I have observed from these exchanges, the agent is highly skilled and probably a high ranking cabal member, as well."


Bill: They built up a relationship with our team member, didn't they? It seemed like they did.


Gideon: "Yes, the relationship was carefully built up over a few months, without our knowledge."


Bill: The agent also seemed to have a real command of Biblical scripture. Do you think that was the AI doing the talking, or the agent, so to speak?


Gideon: "A mixture of both, but the agent is likely highly educated and well-versed in religious topics. Once the cabal knew they had identified one of our team members, I suspect they took care in finding a well-trained agent to interact with them."


Bill: How did all that start? On social media, then they became friends, or the agent reached out to them?


Gideon: "More or less, yes, they found the person, determined they were a member of our team, and carefully began to engage with them."


Bill: We've tried to talk to this person, this team member, but they seemed to become more and more emotional and angry in the emails, then they started making a lot of threats. Where do we stand now?


Gideon: "We have ceased communication with them, due to the threats they continued to make."


Bill: How much damage can they do?


Gideon: "They can do damage, but we were careful to compartmentalize certain information. They will not be able to pass along any information about any other team members, which will frustrate the cabal. We are more concerned that they may go on a public campaign to attack us, likely with social media accounts promoted via the cabal."


Bill: How can they not to know they are working with an agent and working with the cabal?


Gideon: "It is a matter of naivete, and possibly not having read our previous warnings about agents. That is why we have always tried to educate our team about agent techniques, but in this case, we failed."


Bill: No, we didn't fail, this person failed us. Besides, we never said our team had to take the antidote. I know we talked in previous Intel Drops, I'm sure of it, about how we'll be careful with the antidote. I don't know how the agent was able to convinced them of all this crap.


Gideon: "If a person is unprepared, and is not actively using discernment, anyone can be persuaded. We all must actively resist any attempt by anyone to influence us in a way that seems out of the ordinary, or unusual. That is one reason we issue so many warnings about agents and gatekeepers, as they are always active and always working to deceive."


Bill: What's going to happen to the person who betrayed us? What will the cabal do with them?


Gideon: "The cabal will monitor into the future to ensure they are not a liability in any way, or if they turn against the cabal, eliminate them."


Bill: So the cabal won't reward them for harming us?


Gideon: "In my experience, the cabal does not reward people in that way, if they have no prior history of working with the cabal or with secret societies associated with the cabal. This person is simply an unwitting dupe to the cabal, to be used and discarded later."


Bill: I think this person just screwed up their own life and harmed us for no reason, all because some agent fed them lies. It's just sickening to me, but I can't change what people do.


Gideon: "It is very upsetting, but we have always known there was a chance of this, so we have taken all measures to ensure such betrayals have minimal impact."


Bill: We also had some other strange things happen, first with one of our email accounts, and we saw some of our older Intel Drops on here have vanished. What's going on with that?


Gideon: "These are attempts by the cabal to either infiltrate or threaten, or send us a message. In the case of our email, we believe it may have been breached, so we are using precautions there. In terms of the Intel Drops, we believe they were removed by the cabal. Since JustPaste.it uses minimal security, we believe the cabal can access our account, even if Michael changes the password frequently."


Bill: I see, what about using a different platform?


Gideon: "We considered it, but since many of our supporters already re-post our Intel Drops, they will and should remain on the Internet, even if JustPaste.it is compromised. If the cabal chose to completely delete our Intel Drops, we would simply post them on a different platform."


Bill: If that happens, though, and we've talked about this, would we go dark? In other words, drop our public profile and focus on our team?


Gideon: "We may do that, yes. I know for a certainty the cabal does not want me to speak about certain things, so the removal of some of the Intel Drops, to me, is a shot across the bow, so to speak. They are letting us know to be careful.


It also may be there was something in one of the Intel Drops they wanted removed, so they removed a batch of them so that we would not know what that was."


Bill: I see. We talked before about this group you're working with who are trying to release information, how is that going?


Gideon: "It has seen some setbacks, unfortunately. I am only loosely involved, but I do get updates. I have heard two of their members experienced unusual tragedies and loss of life in their personal lives. We do not know if they are cabal-related incidents, but it is suspected they are."


Bill: That reminds me of something we talked about, about how the cabal is creating these "accidents", this is what you told me. Can you get into that?


Gideon: "Yes, and this relates to this other group, in terms of discussions I am having. It appears the cabal is shifting away from assassinations, which were used in the past, and instead toward targeted accidents. Their technology is so advanced, they can cause heart attacks literally using Starlink, or even cause car accidents. This is being done more, and it is harder to detect what is an accident and what is being intentionally done."


Bill: Well, I asked you about this, and you gave me an affirmative answer, and I'm talking about Rep. Thomas Massie's wife. She died, which seemed shocking, she was a healthy woman. I heard she fell off a ladder or something, something odd but not something you would think was foul play. What do you know?


Gideon: "My sources say that was a targeted, accidental killing. I should clarify, it was not accidental, but it was made to look that way."


Bill: Do you think Rep. Massie knows this? Because it didn't seem like he was treating it as suspicious, but I guess we can't know what's in his mind, I just mean from his social media posts.


Gideon: "I do not know for sure. Since it appeared accidental, he may not suspect foul play, but he should."


Bill: He has been extremely outspoken against AIPAC and Jewish influence. That made him a target. Does he realize how dangerous that is?


Gideon: "It appears he did not. He seems very genuine, but he may not realize what he is doing."


Bill: We talked before about how Israel is going to be destroyed, which goes into deep Biblical and prophetic issues, but what about right now, in terms of Jewish influence over the United States? Is that something the cabal still wants to protect?


Gideon: "Yes, and no. The Jewish operators in the U.S. will still operate to preserve their own power. I have no information that the cabal is giving them any kind of directive to change course, but the cabal is allowing them to be exposed. 


My understanding is that the final destruction of the U.S. will be brought about by Zionists, by Israel, and that endgame is going to play out soon. The cabal, however, operates on a higher level, and they are overseeing this operation."


Bill: Do these Zionists know they're not at the top of the food chain?


Gideon: "Only the highest-initiate rabbis know this. The rest are true believers in their dogma, and used by the cabal."


Bill: I've seen people suggest some Jews are demonic, or inhabited by Reptilians, and so on. Do you think Jews are fundamentally different from the rest of us?


Gideon: "I do, in fact. I do believe there were genetic changes that took place possibly over thousands of years that made Jews a more inviting or hospitable environment for entities to occupy, or inhabit."


Bill: Some people will say this is highly antisemtic what you're saying. 


Gideon: "I hold no enmity or hatred toward Jews. I am simply saying they are genetically different, and designed so that certain entities can more easily inhabit or influece them. They are agents and operators of the cabal, and used to carry certain agendas. It appears other people of different genetic backgrounds are not as suited for those purposes."


Bill: Well, I don't think its antisemtic to look at what they've done to Gaza and see how evil they are. Not just the military campaign, which has broken every Geneva Convention law, but also how they get into their little Telegrams and celebrate the killing of children. This stuff is real, they really are that evil.


Gideon: "They are. Not all of them, of course, but many of them hold hatred in their hearts for everyone who is not Jewish. They have always hidden that well, until now. The exposure of Israel, as I have said, is written, foretold, part of prophecy, and something certain rabbis know about and even support.


Something they believe is that one third of Jews must perish before their Moshiach can return, and for certain prophecies to be fulfilled. So, I expect the destruction of Israel at some point, and the destruction of the United States with it."


Bill: How do you counter the people who say Hamas is bad, too, by the way?


Gideon: "Hamas is largely supported and funded by Israel, secretly. Another example of controlling the opposition. Much like how ISIS attacked every country but Israel while it was operating, because it was funded by Israel and the CIA."


Bill: It's just mind-blowing how it all works. What's your take on Islam, by the way? I don't think we've ever discussed it in any Intel Drops.


Gideon: "Islam is a false teaching, but its doctrine is not as evil and insidious as Judaism, in my view."


Bill: What about Christianity?


Gideon: "You and me are Christians, but we also understand the church and doctrine is highly distorted and corrupted by the cabal over centuries."


Bill: People will say the Word of God can't be changed, so they'll deny the Bible changes. How could the cabal actually change the Word of God like that? How could God allow it?


Gideon: "As I have said, as my guide has advised me, the cabal has claimed domain or ownership of Earth, and they were able to successfully argue the Bible is included in that, as a property of Earth. Once that was decided upon, they used CERN to go back and alter Bibles and certain timelines, which has led to the Mandela Effect."


Bill: Can they literally step in and change things like a presidential election with CERN, like go back and make Hillary win instead of Trump?


Gideon: "My understanding is that, technically, it could be done, but it presents problems for the cabal. They would lose control of the timeline if they made major changes such as that. Instead, they make small changes and edits."


Bill: Someone emailed me and said God shouldn't be allowing the cabal to be doing all these things, there's no way God would allow it. What do you say to that?


Gideon: "My guide has told me we allow it, not God. God has to respect our free will, too. It seems our Creator believes each of us has made a choice to choose to live in a world controlled by the cabal, and not to resist it. I spoke of this in the last Intel Drop in detail."


Bill: Sorry, I know, I just get frustrated thinking about these things. It seems unfair, but when I think back on the last Intel Drop, I find myself agreeing with you, we have allowed all this.


Gideon: "God is giving us, our team, one last chance to resist this, once it comes online. Our mission has never changed."


Bill: That reminds me, what did your guide say about this person who betrayed us? Did you discuss it with her?


Gideon: "I did. She had already warned me this would happen, and she has warned me another will betray us eventually, too."


Bill: Will our team be destroyed by these betrayals?


Gideon: "It is a possibility. She said since God allows for free will, He cannot intervene. He can only direct His angels to protect us, but there are limits to that."


Bill: We had some other threats sent to us, just a bizarre rant of allegations from some random person. We get those from time to time, usually really angry emails. Sometimes they're agents, or sometimes I think it's just agents influencing someone. What do you think about all that, because I know you talked to Michael about it.


Gideon: "Agents can produce false evidence and make it appear real. That is very, very important to understand. I find most people are so lacking in discernment, they may see a video or read and article, and if it pulls on certain emotional triggers they are susceptible to, they will believe it without question. The cabal releases false data frequently, some of it relating to us."


Bill: I know, we try to warn people over and over about gatekeepers, I feel like it doesn't actually get through to anyone. You warned our team about Rumble, too, what's your thoughts on that platform?


Gideon: "It is remarkable for the fact it has more agents and gatekeepers present and operating on it than any other platform. While YouTube has far more due to its size, Rumble exceeds it, proportionally. It is, in short, a cabal platform. I would advise not using it, or using it with extreme caution."


Bill: We don't use it because, if I remember, they demand a phone number and a lot of rigmarole just to post videos. 


Gideon: "That is correct."


Bill: The thing is, people think Rumble is some independent, truth-telling platform, like everyone in the truth movement rushed over to it and embraced it. They can't even see what's going on, how the hell can we beat the cabal when people are so gullible?


Gideon: "The public cannot defeat the cabal because the public is fully captured by the cabal."


Bill: What about Bitchute? Is it compromised?


Gideon: "It is entirely compromised, but there are far fewer gatekeepers present there, and fewer on Odysee. Bitchute and Odysee are very small in terms of numbers of viewers, so the cabal is not focused on them."


Bill: We can use those platforms then, safely?


Gideon: "More or less. We recommend avoiding YouTube and Rumble, where agents proliferate."


Bill: I want to ask about some political things going on, should we move on to that?


Gideon: "We can."


Bill: Let's go over current events, then I want to talk on a deeper level about some things you've told me.


Gideon: "Very well, proceed."


Bill: The debate between Trump and Biden made a lot of news, and it's really shocking how the newsmedia has thrown Biden under the bus. What do you think is going on?


Gideon: "It is one of the more interesting shifts in narrative we have seen from the cabal, but not at all surprising. My sources believe, without any doubt, Biden is being pushed out, but a larger narrative is being set up." 


Bill: What would that be?


Gideon: "That narrative will be about age and cognitive decline. If Biden is replaced, Kamala Harris will take power, and the important point of that is who she selects as her own vice president, who will almost certainly be the cabal's choice to become president. That person will likely be young and fit.


The cabal may wish to juxtapose that person later on in the campaign against an aging Trump, and remind the public Biden had to step down due to age. At that point, Trump may find himself campaigning against a young, popular Democrat, after Kamala Harris steps down and allows that person to run for president."


Bill: Absolutely wild, but plausible. That seems like some inside political baseball there, too, and it makes sense, I can see that play out, but what about the end game? Who do they really want in power? Trump?


Gideon: "It may not matter. What I am expecting is an emotional rollercoaster that inflames the public. I have also been told the outcome is fluid, as the cabal's advanced AI is making many of the decisions. It appears they control the outcome with certainty, as well. 


As I have said before, if Trump wins, it will still please the cabal. If you pay attention carefully, Trump has actually, recently, taken on some odd positions that diametrically oppose is own rhetoric. Some keen observes have pointed this out. We can see Trump will say one thing, but do another, and this would be expected in his second term."


Bill: We talked about this before, but that AI they use interfaces with entities from the other side, is that right?


Gideon: "That is correct."


Bill: Ok, I won't go down that rabbit role just yet here, let's get back to how things are playing out. Keir Starmer is now the PM of the UK, he seems to be an even bigger WEF puppet than Mr. Sunsak. The UK is totally captured at this point, right?


Gideon: "They always have been. The few remaining seeds of individual spirit and freedom only remain in a few areas, namely in individuals scattered about the world, such as those who support us."


Bill: What about Viktor Orban, or Putin, I know we've talked about them, but they're in on the agenda, right?


Gideon: "They are either controlled assets, or actual high-ranking cabal members. Everything on the world stage is being organized to bring about Obsidian, in the end."


Bill: We talked recently how the cabal may cloak Obsidian, or hide it in a way that people won't notice it as much. This is something the whistle blowers told you. What updates do you have on that, and from?/


Gideon: "Yes, they have seen some operational changes happening that suggest Obsidian may be cloaked, or hidden. One thing we do know is that many banks are issuing more digital ID standards, and the U.S. is now going ahead with Real ID, another attempt to track people. We believe Obsidian may be hidden behind many of these measures, and then rolled out with X / Twitter at some point under a highly manipulative guise of freedom and free speech, and possibly sound money."


Bill: Interesting, how would they wrap a CBDC up in the concept of sound money?


Gideon: "With USDR. They may argue it is backed by gold, for example."


Bill: Would it be?


Gideon: "No. The cabal can simply lie about these things, as they lie about everything. Since the alternative media is completely captured and run by gatekeepers, expect them to fully endorse and promote anything Elon Musk endorses. If he says, 'This CBDC over here is good, we are going to use it on X' expect people to follow suit."


Bill: The scary thing is the idea of Obsidian being online but us not even knowing it. The whistle blowers are fully confident they will know when that happens? They've already shared the date, they will know, right?


Gideon: "They will. They are just seeing more attempts to cloak it. This means the cabal's AI system is suggesting a full-blown financial reset that results in a CBDC being issued may see too much public resistance, so they want a softer landing, so to speak.


This is not really surprising to us, but the larger concern is how hidden it might be. That means it will be very hard to get people to resist it, because they may not even believe it exists in the first place, or they will see Elon Musk endorse it, so they will trust it."


Bill: I see, it makes sense. How do you feel our position will be for our team, in terms of our holdings? 


Gideon: "We are in a good position, but not as good as higher-level cabal members, whose holdings are in the hundreds of millions to billions. This means we will be challenged to act after Obsidian comes online in a way that will be seen with legitimacy by other cabal members. We know they view those with low holdings as beneath them and barely worthy of Sovereign status."


Bill: I actually don't think people realize why the cabal does things with money the way they do, but you do know a secret about this. Can you reveal that here?


Gideon: "No. It relates to the group I have spoken about, who are going to release information. It is probably one of the biggest secrets that will ever be revealed, if they can get it out in the first place. It is one the cabal has kept close to the vest, only for themselves."


Bill: I know, it's mind-blowing. I can see why they want us to deny God, to believe in materialism, not believe there is a soul. They want us totally blind to what is on the other side.


Gideon: "They do, because it gives them so much more power in the afterlife. When people pass on, they are not prepared, and since many of the world's religions are full of false teachings, even the religious are not prepared."


Bill: If people actually knew this secret, they would look at money very differently.


Gideon: "They would."


Bill: Are you going to leave it up to this group to release this information?


Gideon: "Yes, it is best it is revealed by them, not by me, as I am not an expert on it, nor do I even have permission to release it here."


Bill: Ok. I've been asked this, so I don't want to forget it. Will there come a point people can join our team in the future?


Gideon: "Due to the existing threats, I do not see that happening."


Bill: I've had some emails from people who are scared, since they know the nano dust is in them. I'm worried about them, what we can do for them. After Obsidian comes online, do you see any way we can get the antidote widely distributed to these people?


Gideon: "I do not. We also must ensure the antidote is safe, as well. The whistle blowers also plan to take it, and they have said to me that they want to be sure, as well. So, contrary to the person who betrayed us, we will use great caution in taking it. We do want that option, though, it is better than having no option at all."


Bill: Of course it is. At least we'll have a choice. No one else had a choice.


Gideon: "They did, though, they had the choice to resist the cabal, and they did not. They chose to live comfortably in an evil system for decades. It does not seem fair, of course, and it is not fair to children, but I do believe God protects children, regardless."


Bill: I do, too. I'm going to let you go here, I know we have to get this brought to a close. Do you have anything to add before we speak again publicly?


Gideon: "I want to ask everyone to pray for our team. We need those prayers now. I have never felt this concerned before. Betrayal is a shock to the system, to a person's faith in others. So, we need support now, more than ever."


Bill: Good, thank you, I agree, I need that, too. I didn't even get into my health issues, I'm doing ok, but none of this is easy, I wish people realized that. I feel like we are living day to day here, hoping we get through to the next.


Gideon: "We are." 


Bill: Ok, we'll talk again soon, goodnight and God bless, stay safe.


Gideon: "You as well, Bill, goodnight."




Update: We continue to see serious problems with email. Emails like MSN, Me, iCloud, Outlook, AOL, Gmail, Gmx, Yahoo, Hotmail, Comcast and many others routinely BLOCK and CENSOR our emails. These email providers are also known to read your emails and offer no security at all. No one should be using them, but many people who contact us are using them.


We recommend opening an anonymous account using Proton.me, Skiff.com (discontinued), Hushmail.com, Tutanota.com. These providers are end to end encrypted, and have proven they do not block our emails.


Update: If you need help setting up Telegram (without using your real phone number), write to us at: survivethereset@proton.me - title "TG Account". We will provide the steps to create an anonymous Telegram account so that your real, personal phone number is not connected to it.


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Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and (censored) website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download), Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.


Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5).


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