Intel Drop #47 - The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change (Part 5)
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Intel Drop #47
The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):
Bill: Before we begin this conversation, agents linked to pedophiles are attacking us again. I know Michael is instituting some security procedures. What's your take on this?
Gideon: "Some of the agents are still Common status, and they desperately want Sovereign status. They choose to attack us to gain favour with the cabal. They are well-aware of the need for the antidote, so that is highly motivating for them."
Bill: I keep getting some really hateful, heinous emails, too, which I assume are from agents. They say they're going to kill me, that I'm going to die. It's pretty demoralizing for me, to be honest.
Gideon: "That is how they are trained to operate, Bill. Do not allow them to dissuade you or bring you down, their words are empty and meaningless."
Bill: I try not to. In any case, this has been one of the hardest Intel Drops for us to get out, mostly because our comms are getting interrupted constantly. Michael's having to edit together multiple conversations we've had over the past few weeks. What's going on?
Gideon: "It is occurring because I believe some information my guide imparted to me is something the cabal does not want out."
Bill: How would they know what that is, though?
Gideon: "The cabal communicates with certain entities, using certain very advanced technology. Those entities would have said something about me, they would have said I was told certain things they do not want me to impart to you or to anyone."
Bill: I feel like people don't believe that's real or possible. I feel like they just can't accept those things.
Gideon: "This is a spiritual battle, Bill. If someone does not believe that, then they are not up to speed on what is really going on. You do not even have to be religious to see there is more to this world, and more going on."
Bill: I agree with you. What kind of technology does the cabal use to contact these entities?
Gideon: "My best information is that they use CERN in some capacity, and modified Kozyrev mirrors, which are scientifically proven to work and to break through certain dimensional barriers."
Bill: Can these entities tell the cabal exactly where you are, or exact parts of conversations with your guide, things like that?
Gideon: "No, because there is divine protection in place in the spiritual realm. The cabal still works within some restrictions that are imposed by divine beings in the spiritual realm. If nothing was imposed against the cabal, humanity would have no chance at all. As such, the entities can only impart some vague details to the cabal if there is protection in place."
Bill: So, for example, if they wanted to kill me, if they knew where I was, they could do that. But if they were to seek out these entities and ask where I was, then I'd be protected?
Gideon: "More or less, yes. There would be a spiritual block in place, in the spiritual realm. The entities would not be able to tell the cabal where you are. In the physical realm, though, the cabal could probably hurt you because the physical protections are not in place."
Bill: Do you know all this for sure?
Gideon: "It is how my guide has explained things, how things work. I believe it to be accurate."
Bill: What about the nano dust? When Covid happened, there was this secondary operation going on at the time, putting that stuff in the food supply. Why was that allowed, why was there no divine protection against the cabal doing it?
Gideon: "There are a couple of reasons. First, there are very few restrictions in the physical realm. The cabal can do as they please, essentially. In the spiritual realm, there are more restrictions, but this would not stop the cabal from doing Covid, the nano dust, or anything else, because that is largely taking place in the physical realm.
There is one exception to this, and it is very important, because ultimately the purpose of the nano dust and the Starlink activation is a physical and a spiritual one. That is where the cabal was able to breach long-standing divine orders that protect humanity."
Bill: The cabal wants to do a lot more than just activate some nano dust in us, it also has to do with our souls, correct?
Gideon: "Yes."
Bill: That's the big question, how they're allowed to do this.
Gideon: "They are allowed because humanity has made a choice to submit to the cabal's rules."
Bill: But not everyone. I don't think I have.
Gideon: "But you have, Bill. So have I. So have many of us, even those who resisted the vaccines. We have submitted. We gave in. Everyone has, over the course of many years."
Bill: Please explain that, I think I get it, but please explain it. I thought if we resisted the vaccine, we were not part of the cabal's plans, but you're saying we already submitted. How?
Gideon: "Through countless choices we have made over the past few decades to submit to an existing Beast system in place. To passively to use credit and debit cards linked to corrupt systems, to pay taxes to corrupt entities, to completely fail to read our Bibles or see the changes that were made to scripture, to fail to follow God's laws in our day to day lives.
The list is endless, Bill. This goes much deeper than my brief summary. We have lived inside of the cabal's system and we have supported it, passively, even if not directly. This gave them permission."
Bill: Ok, I see what you mean here, I'm not fully in agreement, though, so I'm going to keep questioning you on this, is that ok?
Gideon: "Yes."
Bill: What about people like the Amish, who have separated themselves from the system. Are they different from you and me?
Gideon: "Yes, they are. I have been informed their food supply was not contaminated, not intentionally. It is possible some of them consumed the nano dust by accident, but it would not be in large enough quantities to be something that can be activated.
For the nano dust to fully work, a person needed to consume nano-dusted food for a certain period of time, up to four or five weeks, about every day. Since the nano dust operation went on for about two years, literally almost everyone on the planet was sufficiently infected, or implanted, with the nano dust."
Bill: So the Amish were not targeted by the cabal because they are divinely protected? Because they didn't participate in this system? Or they don't participate in it.
Gideon: "That is what I have been told. There are a handful of other groups, like Mennonites and Buddhist monks, totally divested from the system, who were not targeted. There are a few isolated people living entirely off the land who were never intentionally targeted. Again, they may have still consumed some nano dust by accident, but probably not at all in sufficient qualities. In short, they were and are protected."
Bill: What about chemtrails? Some people think the chemtrailling is how they might deliver nano dust, and that would mean no place is safe and no one is safe.
Gideon: "The nano dust was not delivered through chemtrailling, because that is not at all an efficient delivery system like the food supply."
Bill: Ok, all of this is revelatory for me. Is this new information from your guide?
Gideon: "Yes. I have been told many new things, giving me a much better understanding of what is going on."
Bill: Ok, let's go back to why the cabal was allowed to infect all of us with this nano dust, including you and me. What did we do that was so bad to deserve this?
Gideon: "We have lived long enough to participate in a quasi-Beast system already in place, truly in place probably since 1913, when the Federal Reserve act was created. I do not know for certain, I have not gotten some of these specifics from my guide yet, but she told me the Beast was already in place, and that is why the cabal was allowed to do the nano dust."
Bill: I talked about how I'd been seeing "666" a lot, so have other people. Are we marked?
Gideon: "I believe so, yes."
Bill: I never, ever willingly took any Mark of the Beast, and I never took the vaccine! I don't see how I've submitted to all this evil.
Gideon: "Have you used debit and credit cards, which are directly linked through SWIFT to the cabal's main money laundering hub that funds child trafficking, the Bank for International Settlements?"
Bill: Yes.
Gideon: "Have you paid taxes to governments who support the cabal's agenda?"
Bill: Yes.
Gideon: "Have you purchased or watched Hollywood films that contain evil symbolic imagery, or that employ actors who are known to be cabalists? Have you watched and enjoyed those films at any point in the past decade or two?"
Bill: Yes, I have, when I think about it, I definitely have. I don't like to support any of it, but if I really think about it, I've watched and paid for movies I shouldn't have. I've watched some bad television, too.
Gideon: "Have you willingly voted for a candidate for office you later realized was a cabalist? Who you likely would have known was a cabalist if you did better research?"
Bill: Let me think. Years ago, yes, I did, maybe more than a few of them.
Gideon: "Have you made purchases from companies owned by the cabal?"
Bill: Yes, a lot. Most companies are owned by the cabal.
Gideon: "Have you used cell phones and social media platforms that you knew would take your information and data and track you with it?"
Bill: Not recently, no, but in the past, yes, I did.
Gideon: "Have you followed and trusted cabal gatekeepers, who you later found out could not be trusted?"
Bill: Yes, again, not recently, but I definitely did in the past. Alex Jones was one of them. I ordered some stuff from his online store once. I thought he was a hero, until I found out he was compromised.
Gideon: "Those are some decisions you made to be a part of this, Bill, and there would be many, many more. I am guilty, too. Most of us are. We have lived willingly within an evil system for a very long time, because it was convenient and easy. The cabal slowly introduced all of these evil systems into our lives over time. Just because we say we are against them means nothing, we still participate in them daily, we actually help support them."
Bill: This is really going to be hard for people to take, but I think in the end, you're on to something here. This is a real gut-check for me, for everyone.
Gideon: "Many will not accept it, because their egos will not allow it. They will declare that they never agreed with these systems, or they will say they were tricked into them, or they will say, 'No, Gideon is wrong, that is not the Mark,' or, 'That is not really part of the Beast.' But, they are gravely mistaken."
Bill: Right, for sure, I can see that. But, if I really think about it, I find myself agreeing with you because the people who take the true, hard steps to resist, like the Amish, they lived hard lives but they have earned their freedom.
Gideon: "Precisely."
Bill: We just live these easy lives, all of it provided by the cabal.
Gideon: "We did, and we do now."
Bill: It seems unfair, but we did agree to all of it. I mean, it's really hard work to go live off the land, reject the cabal's version of modern life. It's also scary to put our lives at risk to fight the cabal, so we just go online and complain instead.
Gideon: "But we could have done those things, if we were truly spiritually-centred, and understood what was at stake. We did not. We did not even try. We simply told ourselves, 'The Mark is not here yet.' We are only saved by the grace of God, and the fact God is using imperfect, flawed beings such as us to try to stop Obsidian through our team."
Bill: What about all of these Christian pastors saying the Mark isn't here? The Beast hasn't arrived? They all say it's not here yet.
Gideon: "Most are either cabalists or they are deeply deceived."
Bill: But Revelation says it will be a Mark on the forehead or hand, that will prevent buying and selling.
Gideon: "Bill, we discussed how the cabal changed the Bible many times. The changes are undeniable."
Bill: So you're saying some of what's in Revelation was changed, so we think the Beast hasn't arrived yet? Or the Mark?
Gideon: "Ponder that deeply."
Bill: Well, when I think about all of those pastors, it's chilling to think of that, because it's true we're already sort of in a "Beast" type of system, we all participate in it, but not a single pastor has ever said, "Careful, you're already in the Beast." They've never said it, not one I know of!
Gideon: "No, they have not."
Bill: My mind is blown right now, but it's making sense. You know why? Because everything is so easy. We don't have to work at this. We just wait and say, "I'll resist the Mark when it comes." To actually, really resist, that means going off-grid fully and living a clean life! None of us do that!
Gideon: "Very, very few do that, very few."
Bill: We also don't fight back. During Covid, we just sat around. There was no fight, no insurrection, nothing. The only thing was the Canadian trucker protest.
Gideon: "No. We used the cabal's own social media platforms to complain so they could put all of our data into a database and into Obsidian, but few did anything to truly take a stand.
If a couple of million people simply marched to Washington D.C. and took over the city, it would have been stopped. If the local police joined them, and some of the military, some of the cabal would have been arrested. But nothing was done."
Bill: Is this all why the cabal is allowed to do the nano dust activation?
Gideon: "Yes."
Bill: This is why the cabal has been able to make a claim to Earth, isn't it?
Gideon: "It is. The cabal has argued that we are all participating in the system they have provided, and generally speaking, they have argued that successfully. They have been given total physical reign of the Earth, and some spiritual reign over it, but with a few restrictions. Without those divine restrictions, there would be almost no hope for our souls."
Bill: How will the nano dust activation affect us spiritually? I know physically it will be bad, but spiritually is the real scary part of this, because that carries over into the next life. That separates us from God.
Gideon: "A couple of things will happen upon activation. First, a number of people, mostly those who took the vaccine, will have heart-attacks and strokes. This may be passed off under an upcoming, staged pandemic, such as a bird flu pandemic, and it will serve to make the false pandemic feel very real.
Secondly, for those who live through it, they will be connected digitally to Obsidian through the nano-dust. The cabal plans to eventually integrate those people with trans-humanist technology, similar to Neuralink. Those people may end up stuck in the physical realm much longer than they anticipated, possibly living over 150 years here, over time attached to machines that will keep them alive. This also plays into Hollywood predictive programming showing this in countless films.
Those who eventually die will find that their souls are 'restricted' to the astral plane, which the cabal controls, and they will not be able to escape the electromagnetic, artificial net that surrounds Earth."
Bill: Right, but some people say that net is already in place, that it's projected by the Moon or Saturn. What do you know about that?
Gideon: "It does exist, but there are holes in it and souls can get through it, if their intention is to be with God. If you have the nano dust in you at the time of death, however, my guide said you will not be able to escape, and you will be routed into the astral realm where the cabal is in total control. It is similar to Earth, but more of a dystopian, controlled environment. This is partly why the nano dust was such an important program for the cabal, it was to stop souls from escaping this net."
Bill: What is this astral version of Earth like?
Gideon: "It exists overlaid our physical Earth, but we cannot see it. It is at a higher vibration level. People can read each other's thoughts, there is telekinesis and some other magical properties existing there. Money is also extremely important there, which tangentially ties into USDR, something I can explain later on. There is a strict control structure, too. There is also a lot of degeneracy and crime. It is similar to the world shown in both Blade Runner films, which Phillip K. Dick based on information he had of the astral realms."
Bill: Right, I remember he talked about how the Earth is a simulation, he seemed to know a lot. I think that was in the 1970s or 1980s, there's a video of him talking about it. Is the Earth a simulation?
Gideon: "No, but our physical space is somewhat deceptive. Time is simulated here, to some degree. We cannot actually see what is really around us, we cannot see the true nature of the universe. Einstein's theories of physics are also entirely wrong, while Electric Universe theory (1,2) is what is correct.
Being on Earth is like having a blindfold on. Even though we think we are seeing, we are really not seeing much at all. We are in a very heavy, dense reality, where negative energy finds its home, where negative energy can flourish. Negative entities also feed off of us and influence us without our knowledge."
Bill: I'm stunned by all this, but it makes sense to me. What about these channelers who say the "light beings" and "aliens" are helping us, and we're going to "upgrade" from 3D to 5D?
Gideon: "It is complete nonsense."
Bill: They're gatekeepers?
Gideon: "That, and people being deceived by entities."
Bill: Ok, I think we talked about this before, but I'm seeing a ton of Near-Death Experience videos everywhere. Almost all these people report things are great in the afterlife, there's a lot of love, and God is in charge, and Earth is some kind of school. What's your take on all that?
Gideon: "Largely, they are reporting deceptions that they believe are real. They do die and they are deceived in the afterlife, and bring back those deceptions. They are well-meaning but deceived."
Bill: What is real, in terms of the death experience?
Gideon: "The soul leaves the body often through the top of the head, and slowly expands to reach its original, higher vibratory state. This can happen in a few seconds or over a few hours. The soul might exist in the Earth plane for a short period before ascending. The soul might see their body, or hospital staff around them, then drift above and into the next realm.
At this point, a bright light usually greets the soul, and they are lured into the astral trap, and kept inside the net. Here, a number of simulated deceptions lead them along a path that eventually leads them to return to Earth, in a new body. The cabal is, essentially, recycling their soul and keeping it from God."
Bill: That sounds like reincarnation. You're saying it's real?
Gideon: "It is real."
Bill: I don't think that's Biblical.
Gideon: "The Bible did contain some information about it, but it was removed, and some of the removed Gnostic books do discuss it. All of that was heavily censored centuries ago. The cabal has a vested interest in people not believing in reincarnation. They also have control over the Eastern philosophies, like Hinduism. Hindus believe in a completely false, karma-based idea of reincarnation, so they are, too, steeped in deception, even though they have part of the picture right."
Bill: Christians aren't going to accept this.
Gideon: "Unfortunately, Christianity has been heavily influenced and controlled by the cabal, and virtually all of modern day Christianity is an abomination, lead by false teachers at the pulpit."
Bill: Well, I can't disagree with you there. Is there a real, good version of Christianity?
Gideon: "Yes, but to find it requires deep searching and discernment. It requires effort. Most prefer to shuffle into church and receive the regurgitation of false or deceived pastors, whose main motivation is for their ego and adulation.
Remember, virtually no pastors spoke harshly against the vaccine, Covid hoax or lockdowns. Many had a lukewarm reaction. That tells you they have no discernment. Some even promoted the vaccine. In addition, virtually no pastors speak of the changes in the Bible, for which there is a great deal of irrefutable proof."
Bill: Before I forget, someone told me that Pixar move "Soul" was the cabal telling us about the afterlife, do you know what I'm talking about? Did you see it?
Gideon: "Yes, I saw portions of it and read about it. It does show some aspects of the afterlife, draped in deceptions. It is noteworthy because it shows reincarnation, how the souls are processed, and somewhat alludes to the false light people go into. It is an interesting film made by the cabal, but again, full of deception."
Bill: I also found another one, "Defending Your Life" by Albert Brooks, from 1991. It seems like it's full of cabal secrets about the afterlife!
Gideon: "I have seen parts of it, and it is."
Bill: Is the astral realm ruled by Satan?
Gideon: "Both the astral and Earth realms are ruled by Satan and Satanic entities, as is another, lower dimension within the Earth, a place some regard as Hell."
Bill: So Hell is real?
Gideon: "It is real. It is a real place, where entities reside, what we would call demons, and where some human souls end up."
Bill: Where does God reside?
Gideon: "Beyond the astral, in all dimensions above it, and outside of the Earth net or frequency trap. God is everywhere there, and His light and love permeates everything. There is complete freedom for our soul in that realm, where you can speak to God, His angels, and visit many beautiful places. Once there, you are provided some incredible things, too, comforts and assurances beyond imagination. No evil or fear exists there."
Bill: We can reach God if we pass through this net around the Earth?
Gideon: "Yes, easily."
Bill: The nano dust will prevent that?
Gideon: "My guide said it will be nearly impossible to escape the astral realm after death if the nano dust is active within our bodies. Right now, it is already difficult, but spiritually-aligned people can get through it easily. The cabal wants to completely shut it off."
Bill: How concerned is she, and those trying to help us?
Gideon: "Extremely concerned, but they are hopeful because our team is strong, and if our team is successful, we will stop all of this. But she warned there are serious threats surrounding our team, too, so there is concern about that. She said if agents can influence members of our team, we will fail in our mission, because they will compromise us."
Bill: Ok, I need a moment to process things. Just a short break. I'm feeling a ton of anxiety right now. Is that ok?
Gideon: "Certainly."
[Conversations resumes]
Bill: Thank you for that. My whole body was just shaking, I felt all this fear. I don't know why, maybe just the conversation, it's intense.
Gideon: "Those are fear vibrations. It is possible entities are trying to induce them within you."
Bill: How do we stop that?
Gideon: "Prayer."
Bill: Should I pray to God, or my guides, or angels?
Gideon: "Always to God, Bill. Never pray to anyone or anything else other than God. That is very important."
Bill: Ok, thank you, I will. I have my notes here, and I wanted to ask about this war in the astral, which you talked about in some of our past conversations, quite a long time ago. Can you give an update on that?
Gideon: "There is a great war going on, probably something most would regard as more incredible than even anything we see on Earth. The war is between the astral and God's domain over higher dimensions, essentially. The cabal is moving to establish new territory.
As I said before, the vaccine released - or killed - cabal-controlled assets, or souls, here on Earth to go fight in the astral, for the cabal. That was a secondary purpose of Covid and the vaccines, while the main purpose was the seeding of the food supply with the nano dust.
The cabal does not mind if millions of people die who serve them, because as you can see from our discussion, the cabal already regards you and me as servants of their system. The cabal regards all of the people who refused the vaccine as servants of their system. Do you see how this is all playing out? They do not need the brainwashed vaccinated to prop them up, because we already are."
Bill: I do see it, it's incredible. What about Twitter / X? There's so much resistance there! I know Elon can't be trusted, but so many people seem to be waking up, really waking up. There's posts on there bashing Israel and exposing the Jews that are getting millions of views.
Gideon: "I would refer to our previous discussion on this. Israel is slated for destruction, it is a ritual. I spoke of the coming bloodshed, now we see so many children being sacrificed in Gaza. The world will believe they defeated the enemy when Israel dissolves or fades from influence, but they will be wrong, they will be deceived entirely."
Bill: It's amazing to witness, to see people seeing the truth, finally, though. To see people realizing Israel did 9/11! It's great, in my opinion.
Gideon: "It is good, momentarily. Meanwhile, Elon and X are collecting all of the dissenters and cataloguing them, and they will be placed in Restricted and Quarantined status in Obsidian."
Bill: I did see Elon is working with an Israeli intelligence firm to collect everyone's personal data on X. It's just crazy, some people are speaking out against that. What do you think?
Gideon: "It is possible Elon will intervene and dissolve that contract, which is so blatantly against the ethics of free speech, but I would expect they will perform a bait and switch in some capacity. Or, they will do nothing. I have said that Elon will say one thing, then do another, over and over.
I have also said the cabal will be increasingly open and arrogant with their plans, because they know the nano dust is already in place. They simply do not even care that people know the truth, or some of it. I almost wonder if they want people to know the truth. It is a sign the cabal is very confident in their plans ahead."
Bill: I personally think David Icke is one of the only people on X who actually gets what's going on, because he's called out everything similar to how you have.
Gideon: "I have noticed that. He is doing good things."
Bill: Is it safe to continue using X?
Gideon: "Only if you signed up under an anonymous email, never used any personal information, and used a good VPN. Unfortunately, many of the people speaking out now, those exposing Israel, they are using their real names and photos, and they will be Restricted or Quarantined in Obsidian."
Bill: It's chilling to realize the reason the cabal doesn't care if the truth is out because they already know something we don't, or the world doesn't. There's no way they'd let all this exposure happen on X and TikTok if there wasn't some bigger plan.
Gideon: "They would not. Eventually, there will be more censorship, but the cabal seems to have transitioned to where they want people to think they have free speech and that the truth is being exposed, as long as they are controlling it.
Remember, many of the cabal's vaccinated minions are going to die, so that group of brainwashed people will be gone. The cabal's focus is now on people like you and me and those who read our Intel Drops. People who are sort of waking up. They want to control those people."
Bill: Right, a mixture of controlled opposition and full spectrum dominance. I saw Alex Jones was raided, but he's Sovereign status, what's going on with that?
Gideon: "The raid appears to be related to the Sandy Hook judgment. Overall, he is compromised, he also served to discredit the truth about Sandy Hook. He initially, mildly questioned it, then walked back on that, and denied the truth. They sued him anyway, to make an example of him, so others do not speak the truth about sensitive matters or cabal crimes."
Bill: He's always covered for Israel, but now he's not as much, and he's slowly starting to bash Israel. It shows how this is all orchestrated! He's a controlled asset, so he would never attack Israel unless he got the green light from the cabal. That's how we know all of this is staged and planned, by that I mean the exposure of Israel and Judaism.
Gideon: "You are correct. There is a greater plan underway. This is also a planned sacrifice. Many Israeli assets will suffer nothing, as they are Sovereign and protected. They will simply transition to new positions of power, if Israel falls."
Bill: It's like the cabal likes staging these things where some bad guys go down, but they really don't. Like Epstein went down, but he really didn't, since he's still alive and well and has an Obsidian account. It's wild how they hoax these things.
Gideon: "It is a protocol for them. What is interesting is how their tactics are changing. Before, they used censorship and mass-mind control to stop truth seekers. They did that for decades. Now, they seem to toy with the truth-seekers. They are much more into controlling the opposition, and it is much more clever and insidious. It is harder to detect the real truth than ever before.
I believe this is because of great advancements in A.I. and the coming use of the nano dust. They have total control. They literally do not care if people know the truth because they know they have control over us at a soul-level because of the nano dust."
Bill: What about the young people? What about children? How is it that they have to suffer the nano dust fate when they had no choice in the matter?
Gideon: "My guide said it is up to our team to stop Obsidian, to save those children. Bill, you are forgetting our role in this. You are forgetting we plan to defeat the cabal and Obsidian. We still intend to destroy Obsidian once it is online, and once we do that, we can take cabal assets and find the labs where they formulated the antidote. Then, we can mass produce the antidote. My guide has been showing me how we will do this."
Bill: Good, I'm sorry, I just lose focus, I get caught up in the fear. We can't let fear win.
Gideon: "No, we cannot."
Bill: What is the status of our team? How are we doing?
Gideon: "I believe our team is secure. That is the most important thing, that our team does not leak information to agents or compromise our team. I believe everyone is doing their part, so far."
Bill: Should people still join our team, in light of some of these setbacks?
Gideon: "I believe they should. It is the only way to guarantee access to the antidote. Without Sovereign status, there is absolutely no way to get the antidote."
Bill: You've spoken about a group that's going to release some information. Do you have an update on them?
Gideon: "Yes. They are still working on what they plan to do. Some of what they reveal will give out secrets about the astral realm. It is truly remarkable information they are going to release, things never revealed before. I have been shown some of it."
Bill: Well, I look forward to that. You told our team about something going on with Obsidian, how it's going to be rolled-out, do you want to talk about that here?
Gideon: "Yes. We have reason to believe when Obsidian comes online, it will be surreptitiously or secretly deployed, and only revealed that it has been online after a few months.
People will use their banks, credit and debit cards, and go about their day thinking nothing has changed, while, in fact, they are really using Obsidian, their data is being tracked, they are developing social scores, and the currency they are using is really USDR. The cabal wants to do this to trap people into Obsidian, so once it is fully revealed, people will just accept it."
Bill: So, Obsidian might be online right now, and we wouldn't know it?
Gideon: "Correct. It is not now, but that is correct, we would not know. Eventually, though, the system will be revealed and major transitions will take place in terms of how the economy is structured."
Bill: Our team will know, right?
Gideon: "Absolutely. We already shared with our team the date it will officially come online."
Bill: I'm checking my notes here, so I don't forget questions I want to ask. What did you think of the Trump felony conviction?
Gideon: "The entire proceedings were illegal. I suspect it will be overturned. What we are witnessing appears to be scripted. I am now leaning towards him winning re-election, but right now I still cannot envision what will happen."
Bill: What does your guide say?
Gideon: "That the cabal wants Trump in charge to oversee Obsidian."
Bill: Incredible. I'm going back to the nano dust here, then back to the bigger spiritual questions. I feel like I'm not asking the right questions. I'm sorry if I'm not the best at interviewing, and I feel like my mind isn't as sharp lately.
Gideon: "You are doing a fine job, continue."
Bill: Ok, you're talking about this astral net around the Earth. I've done some research, and it's really well-established that it's real. I mean, you're not just making this up, it's something people do talk about. I think even David Icke has talked about the Moon, and strange things about it.
Gideon: "Well, the Moon is a completely artificial structure, and it is hallow. I do not actually understand how the net works, or how it is projected over the Earth, or how it even manipulates souls from leaving it or reaching God. I only know it is exists, and is projected via electromagnetism and high voltage, high power. Since humans can only see a small portion of the light spectrum, we cannot see the net."
Bill: I talked to someone who attacked me for saying the Moon was artificial, but then I sent them some links and they came back and apologized. I don't know if we should post links on this or not, let me try to find something.
Gideon: "Go ahead."
Bill: Ok, this one by The Why Files is good called, "The Moon Revealed: It's a Hollow Spaceship, so who built it and why?" It's on YouTube, though, and we told people not to use YouTube. What should they do?
Gideon: "If they are not logged in, and they only view that video, it should be safe enough. Using a private browser window is also advised."
Bill: How does the nano dust connect to our soul, or compromise our souls?
Gideon: "Through the nervous system. The nano dust actually attaches to our soul, at a vibrational level. My guide said the technology is extremely advanced, and took decades to perfect. She said that is why the New World Order has been delayed so long. They wanted the nano dust to be ready. They could have instituted a full Mark and Beast system fifteen years ago, but it would involve legacy technology, such as cumbersome implants under the skin, digital scanning tech and so on. It would also be more obvious, and people would reject it.
She said the New World Order was delayed and delayed, because the entities who communicate with the cabal, which began around 2005, told the cabal to wait until the technology was perfected. It is so advanced that new things had to be invented for the nano tech to work at all. It has certain quantum properties, too. My guide said it does not entirely operate within this dimension, for example."
Bill: I see. Is this why the antidote is so important? Because people are telling me the nano dust can be flushed out with various homemade remedies or things like that, and I'm saying it really can't.
Gideon: "It cannot be removed by any household or natural means. And yes, the antidote is critically important, even to the cabal."
Bill: Why would they not want the nano dust in them, or to be activated? It seems like the nano dust wouldn't hurt, them since they do not want to leave the Earth net or astral realm or reach God.
Gideon: "That is a good question, but your assumption is deeply incorrect, Bill. The nano dust would prevent the cabal from taking over other dimensions beyond the astral. There is a war going on in the spiritual realm, and the nano dust will, essentially, slow them down at a vibrational level and restrict them. They do not want it activated at all within their bodies. They want it activated in the rest of us."
Bill: Got it, I see, thank you. What will happen to all of the billions of people who have the nano dust in them? I'm really talking about all the good people, all the people who rejected the vaccine.
Gideon: "As I have said, it will cause heart attacks and strokes, but mostly in the vaccinated. For those not vaccinated, you will see behavioural changes. You may notice they become more docile. You may notice they have less interest in fighting back. They may begin to argue that certain cabal measures are good. All of this means the nano dust is electromagnetically influencing their brain waves, and also their soul. This will happen somewhat slowly, over a few years. Then there will be far worse effects, changes I do not wish to speak of here."
Bill: Why not?
Gideon: "It would lead to escalation. I will share it with our team at some point."
Bill: Ok. Someone told me we need to make the antidote available to everyone, or release the ingredients. I don't think they really understand what's going on here.
Gideon: "The antidote cannot easily be manufactured, and the ingredients are not known to the whistle blowers. If they were, there is little we could do. We would need to initiate a contract with a lab, but most of them are controlled by the cabal. Even if we had a lab, and the ingredients, I doubt we could even manufacture it.
The key is that our team obtain the antidote, and defeat and destroy Obsidian from within. Once we do that, we can take over the cabal's facilities, find the antidote labs and manufacture it.
Another very important key is we will be able to shut down Starlink. My guide said if we can turn off Starlink, it will greatly slow or even stop the effects of the nano dust. It will not completely, but enough to give us time to save people."
Bill: I know Starlink is the key to activation. You're saying Starlink will be set to "on" somehow and has to always be doing something to keep the nano dust activated?
Gideon: "Essentially, yes. The electromagnetic energy Starlink will attack humanity with is needed to be projected continuously for the nano dust to fully work. I was told this continuous projection of energy from the satellites needs to last about three or four years before the nano dust fully fuses with our souls."
Bill: That's really interesting. It gives us more time, I guess.
Gideon: "It does, to some extent, yes, it does. I still think we need to move quickly once Obsidian is brought online. I believe we will have about a six month window to act against the cabal once it is online."
Bill: I'm at a point I almost just want to give up explaining this to people, because I still have people email me and say, "Bill, Trump will stop all of this, you're wrong." I just can't believe how naive they are.
Gideon: "Trump will not stop it. In fact, the cabal appears to want him in power to oversee it."
Bill: Right, and everything Elon is doing literally is word for word what you said over a year and a half ago. You were right about the bloodshed, it happened, it was also strange how Trump made that "bloodbath" comment, too. So many of the Intel Drops predict things that then happen. You should get more credit than you do, but instead we're just attacked and attacked.
Gideon: "This is not about getting credit, or glory, at all. We are here to try to inform those who are willing to listen, but our main goal is our team and our plain to destroy Obsidian."
Bill: I know, I'm just speaking up for you, you deserve some credit.
Gideon: "Thank you, but it is not important to me."
Bill: I'm feeling a lot of anxiety again, this keeps happening. I don't talk about it a lot, but it's been happening a lot. I just thought about how Obsidian did these audits and hurt our team. Then I thought about these agents. I gets to me. Is this entities or just me?
Gideon: "Maybe both. Your health has been attacked by the cabal. You have every right to be upset. Please know, we are divinely protected, Bill, spiritually."
Bill: Glancing at my notes, you touched on this release of information. Well, you've told me in private what it is, and it's really astounding. It actually gave me some hope. What can people expect or look for?
Gideon: "The group involved may release a small e-book, something free and easy to obtain. The issue is censorship. They are looking at blockchain technology that can basically fuse the e-book to a blockchain that cannot be deleted, and there are some options there that are promising."
Bill: Just to recap that, what does their information involve exactly?
Gideon: "Secrets of the afterlife, the astral plane, a suppressed archaeological discovery and certain exotic technologies. It is remarkable information, and hitherto nothing I have seen or heard about anywhere before. It will be new information brought to the world. It is going to be a very special thing, and I hope everyone reading is ready for it when it happens. We hope it will be released in a couple of months."
Bill: Does your guide approve of it? I mean, does she think it's ok?
Gideon: "She is actually working with the group, so yes."
Bill: We're sure there's no demonic or entity influence here? No disinformation?
Gideon: "We are absolutely certain."
Bill: The information is not coming from channeling, is it?
Gideon: "No, not that I am aware of. It is coming from multiple sources in the intelligence community, as well as two archaeologists who were attacked for what they found. Highly-trained remote viewers were also used to verify some information, and they did.
Some of these individuals have been attacked at multiple stages, as well. The cabal is aware of them, and there have been a lot of attacks. It really speaks to the sensitivity of the information. I think when it is released, there will be some pushback against it."
Bill: How involved are you?
Gideon: "My contributions have been minimal, mostly relating to security issues and advice on how to release the information."
Bill: We talked about this before, but does any of this relate to this guy Billy Carson, all the stuff he says? Like about the Emerald Tablets? I'm seeing his stuff all over the place.
Gideon: "In a round-about way, yes, but it also completely discredits his information. I believe he is a cabalist, personally."
Bill: I feel like Billy Carson takes people down this certain rabbit hole, but most of it's disinfo.
Gideon: "He leads people away from God."
Bill: That's what I felt. What do you think of this Jason Breshears aka Archaix on YouTube? I used to watch him, I stopped because we're avoiding YouTube, but he also has books and other channels, too. He talks about these "mud floods" and this idea of Tartaria, and how the past has been changed.
Gideon: "I am aware of him. While some of his information is compelling, how he presents things is done in a way to create a cult-of-personality that serves himself. As such, his group of followers are blinded by fierce loyalty to him and a lack of discernment. Some of his information is also greatly contradicted by the release of information from the group I spoke of."
Bill: Thanks for addressing that. By the way, I wanted to be clear, just so people know, your guide is not some angel you channel or talk to, she is a real person.
Gideon: "She is a real human, that is correct. I do not involve myself at all in channeling or trying to speak to entities in any way."
Bill: I know a little about her, and she's an amazing person with an incredible life story. Is there any way for people to contact her? Or for people to find their own guide? I'm sorry if this is too personal a question.
Gideon: "No, it is fine. I do not believe she would be available to be contacted. Her life is already in danger, and she works full time in a field that helps children, so her focus is on that. There are children she works with she wants to save from the nano dust, as well, because they are gifted souls.
Your other question, though, is a very important one. Everyone needs a guide, someone to be there for them. I would suggest those reading to pray to God and ask for their guide to enter their lives. Also pray for protection from evil entities who may falsely pose as a guide. We must always use discernment."
Bill: Good. Well, I think Michael will edit it out, but our comms were interrupted twice tonight. I'm tired of it. How many more Intel Drops do you think we can do or get out before Obsidian comes online? Because there's tons of questions I have, tons of things we still need to cover.
Gideon: "A handful, Bill. If the next Intel Drop is published, or allowed to be, it is because I held back on certain things, particularly the long-term effects of the nano dust, which is something the cabal does not want to be published, in my view. I will still share that with our team, one way or another. It is terrifying."
Bill: I know. I'm going to bring this to a close because you said you have to go. Do you have any final words for people reading this?
Gideon: "Yes. I do not emphasize it enough, but those who have followed us from the beginning, those who have joined our team, those who have seen through the attacks from the agents, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you."
Bill: Wonderful message. I'll speak to you soon, I hope. Be safe, may God protect you at all times.
Gideon: "You as well, Bill, goodnight, God bless."
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Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and (censored) website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download), Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.
Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4).
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