
Intel Drop #46 - The Coming False Awakening

"The cabal believes if you follow one of their false teachers, then you belong to them. The problem is how skilled they have become in hiding their gatekeepers."

Intel Drop #46 - The Coming False Awakening



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URGENT ALERT: Please read the bottom of this Intel Drop for important notes and information on how to join our team.

Intel Drop #46 (Includes Q & A)


The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: First off, how are you doing, and how is everyone in your circle doing, including the whistle blowers?


Gideon: "I am doing well, and I can report everyone I know is safe."


Bill: Good. Before we begin, I wanted to thank everyone who sent in health tips for me. I appreciate it a lot, and some of it was great advice. I'm feeling a little better, but like we've discussed, we're pretty certain I'm being targeted.


Gideon: "I know you are worried for you life, but it is important to understand the cabal is far less interested in killing people than they are in compromising them."


Bill: I know I'm not compromised, so what do you think they want to do with me?


Gideon: "Possibly drain your energy, discourage you, or try to gain information about our team or my identity through you. I have given you careful steps to you so that they cannot do this."


Bill: I'm just wondering what kind of targeting they're doing, if it's Starlink or some automated AI type of thing, or if they have agents on the ground where I'm at? I don't think they do, because I feel safe where I'm at.


Gideon: "I do not believe they have agents at your location. It is likely remote surveillance or targeting. I also do not believe they intend to kill you, and my guide said you are protected."


Bill: I was relieved when you told me that, thank you. I guess we can get started. I have a lot of questions and topics I've lined up. Shall we begin?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill. Ok. I'm seeing more and more confirmations of Obsidian. I tweeted about this a couple times. First, the BIS seems to be openly discussing Obsidian, without calling it that. Secondly, there was some interesting intel that came out in which insiders are talking about the "glories" of a "new world" coming and the most "significant moments of a lifetime". Chilling stuff that sounds a lot like a type of Reset of the system. This was Larry Summers saying this, and some of it was said at Davos. I'm blown away they are so open about this.


Gideon: "The cabal is allowing more truth out than ever before, as I have said they would."


Bill: The BIS, which is the Bank for International Settlements, which you've said from the start is behind Obsidian, they're calling it Finternet, sort of a cross between 'Finance' and 'Internet'. Do you know of that term, and have the whistle blowers heard of it?


Gideon: "Yes. It is a term they have spoken of, but it is not used internally with the software they work with. It is simply a public relations term. We do not believe it will be used to describe Obsidian once it is online. The term we expect is 'X' or something related to that."


Bill: Got it. I wanted to ask about the date this comes online. We've speculated about it, but you were never able to pin it down until now.


Gideon: "The date when Obsidian will come online is confirmed. We now have the exact timing."


Bill: How confident are you in this date, that it's the real date?


Gideon: "Extremely confident, because it has been confirmed by multiple sources separately to me, including by the whistle blowers."


Bill: We discussed that we won't disclose this date publicly, but we'll privately tell our team what it is. Why don't you want to say it publicly?


Gideon: "We could be potentially censored and escalated if we reveal it. If we had a much wider audience to reach, I would reveal it, but we do not. It serves us nothing to reveal it because it will not spread fast enough before it is completely censored and we are shut down. However, in revealing it to our team privately, I think that is very beneficial for us."


Bill: You told me the date, and to me, it fits into the timing, based on what's playing out right now. It's on schedule.


Gideon: "Yes, it is."


Bill: People think that the world won't accept this, even though they accepted the Covid nonsense. Even if there's resistance, you told me it won't matter because of the nano dust and Starlink. Once it's activated, people's behaviour will change, is that right?


Gideon: "That is correct. Today, Obsidian would meet a fair amount of resistance because people would probably be uncomfortable with the idea of a one world digital system, one currency. But once the nano dust activation occurs, expect changes in behaviour, which would include far more acceptance of Obsidian after it comes online."


Bill: It seems like there's an awakening going on, so it seems like people wouldn't accept Obsidian. People seem angry at the elites, at their leaders, at everything going on.


Gideon: "They may seem that way now, but they are following the cabal's own gatekeepers, and they have the nano dust inside of them. Having opinions changes nothing. All they have are some opinions, Bill, which they voice on the cabal's very own platforms, like X. There is no real resistance."


Bill: So it's more like a false awakening that feels like a real one?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: I guess some people reading this won't like that, they're going to think humanity is really winning here, that we have the cabal on their heels. That Elon, and X, and Trump, and the so-called Galactic Federation, or the 'ninjas' Fulford talks about, it's all coming together where the cabal is retreating, they really believe that.


Gideon: "They make those claims, but the cabal is not retreating. Nothing is changing. People are simply venting online. All of the cabal's measures and agendas are moving forward, all of them, behind the scenes. The cabal only offers up a few sacrificial lambs now and then to pacify people, but nothing has changed. All of the leaders are still in place. No one has been removed. The corporate leaders are the same, too."


Bill: I know, I agree. How do you think this false awakening will play out?


Gideon: "There may be some kind of superficial 'changing of the guard', so to speak. You may see some leaders replaced. You may see Trump somehow win the Presidency, or RFK Jr. win. You may see Elon create new, so-called 'free' platforms, such as new email, new search engines. He will then present new payment processing platforms, tied to Obsidian. Social credit will be introduced, but carefully, not in a way that seems obvious.


You will think the world is becoming more free, while you are becoming more enslaved.


Everything Elon is involved with is anti-freedom, except for X, but only superficially. At some point, their new shadow-banning techniques will come into effect, if they are not already being used now. People will simply disappear, or be replaced by AI constructs. People will not notice the censorship. There will be no outrage.


The cabal has advanced their agenda to a point it is so clever and intelligent, it can overcome the more obvious or overt side-effects of totalitarianism or fascism. It is brilliant, but evil."


Bill: We've talked a lot about how the cabal is actually eliminating and replacing certain figures in social media, which ties into this false awakening.


Gideon: "Yes. The cabal is entirely replacing certain people online. In most cases, they are already compromised by being offered Sovereign status, but if they refuse, the cabal simply eliminates and replaces them with AI constructs.


It will feel like a person is still alive, but what proof of that will there be? There will be none anyone can verify, just a stream of Tweets pushing a very subtle agenda. Gatekeepers can also speak the truth but omit certain information, which is one, key strategy the cabal uses to gain trust. If certain information is omitted intentionally, and you do not have the full picture, then you can be misled."


Bill: This ties into the gatekeeping operations, which you say are increasing. Explain what's going on with that, if you don't mind.


Gideon: "The gatekeeping is becoming more advanced. Not only are many popular people in the Alternative Media completely compromised with Sovereign status, and working for the cabal to carry out scripted narratives, many are being replaced with the aforementioned AI constructs.


You must understand, the cabal believes if you follow one of their false teachers, then you belong to them.


The problem is how skilled they have become in hiding their gatekeepers. Many unwitting people, with weak discernment, are following false teachers right now as we speak who they truly believe are truth-tellers."


Bill: What would you say qualifies following a false teacher? Because even I follow these people, but I don't trust them. For example, I've listened to some Tucker Carlson interviews, but I don't trust him.


Gideon: "That is an excellent question, Bill. My guide has told me to be truly compromised, your heart must trust the person. That is something only you and God can know, but you will know it in your heart."


Bill: I know in my heart I don't trust Tucker, or Elon, or Trump or any of these snakes. We exposed all of them anyway, they're all Sovereigns.


Gideon: "Alas, many very well-meaning people do not know what we know, and they are blindly trusting them, trusting them with their hearts."


Bill: So the cabal thinks those people belong to them?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: In what respect? How?


Gideon: "In the sense that the cabal has free and complete permission to do as they please with them, from a spiritual standpoint."


Bill: What will that look like, for those people?


Gideon: "When Starlink activates, along with the nano dust already in those people's bloodstreams, then I fear for them, for their souls. Many of them rejected the vaccine, they are not vaccinated for Covid, yet they almost religiously follow cabal gatekeepers."


Bill: What's your guide say about them?


Gideon: "She says there is still hope for them, but there is no hope after the activation, and after this event she has told me about. There is no hope for them."


Bill: Ok, stop there, the activation, you mean Starlink and the nano dust?


Gideon: "Correct, the activation, which will take place probably a couple of months after Obsidian comes online."


Bill: Should I refer to it as "the activation" from now on, so it's something we can refer to easily?


Gideon: "That would work, yes."


Bill: Ok, I will. What about this event? That's different. You've mentioned it before.


Gideon: "It is celestial in some way, or a planetary event. It could be related to the Sun. My guide has said I am not to know all of those details yet, but before Obsidian comes online, she says she will inform me."


Bill: Why would she not tell you now?


Gideon: "To protect me. The cabal will know that I know of it, and I will be a much bigger threat to them. My guide wants to wait until the last moment to tell me, the last possible moment, but she said she must tell me and I must know if our team is to succeed."


Bill: Good. Will you tell our team?


Gideon: "Yes, when the time comes."


Bill: Ok. Before I forget, in terms of the gatekeepers, I'm seeing something different lately. I'm seeing there are some really good channels on the alternative video platforms, like Odysee, but they don't have a lot of views or subscribers. I'm talking about researchers posting quality content, similar to the things we're talking about and from a very truth and God-centred perspective, but no one is watching, or their following isn't growing. It's a few views, usually under one hundred, a couple of comments, almost no comparison to the big gatekeeper channels. You said this is part of the censorship that people aren't seeing.


Gideon: "Correct. The cabal has actually held back on a lot of censorship the past couple of years, and changed their tactics and methods in how it is done. Before, it was much more obvious, and it created a lot of criticism.


What they have done in recent years is bribe many people in the Alternative Media, so they took this bargain and received Sovereign status, and began to push certain agendas the cabal wanted. They did not change drastically, of course, but the cabal is now in control of them. The cabal also increased a type of clever shadow-banning that is not very detectable. They are targeting good sources of information by preventing their reach in clever ways.


This has also happened to us. While we are allowed to post information, people simply are not seeing it as they normally would. It is not spreading as it normally would. This is happening to others in the Alternative Media, too, who are not compromised. They are not being seen."


Bill: I know. A lot of our followers try to share our info, and I get emails and messages where they report they can't share or send things, or get the info out very easily. A supporter of ours put up a YouTube, posted our Intel Drops, and quickly got so many strikes the channel was taken offline completely. Beyond that, they also say a lot of people just refuse to read it or believe it. It makes me realize this whole awakening is a total false awakening. I can't believe how blind people are, even the ones who were against Covid. They have no clue what's going on.


Gideon: "They do not, because they all follow cabal gatekeepers without realizing it."


Bill: A lot of them just refuse to believe Obsidian can happen, or will happen, but they believe in every other conspiracy theory. It blows my mind, it's like there's a mental block. I don't think they want to believe it. The cabal is literally telling the world a CBDC will happen, but people don't believe it.


Gideon: "That is part of it, because it is a very hopeless scenario. If we present the facts, that this is going to happen without any doubt, they do not want to believe that because it is too frightening.


The cabal's gatekeepers always feed people some hope, to keep them believing this can be stopped, or there are good people behind the scenes fighting this."


Bill: There are some, though, right? I mean, groups you're in contact with, and your guide.


Gideon: "Yes, but they are in a similar position we are in, they experience threats, escalation, censorship, and a lack of coordination with people they need to effect any kind of change. I am talking about people in key government and corporate positions who could stop Obsidian, who know about it, but who refuse to, even if they have not accepted Sovereign status."


Bill: Why not? Are they afraid? What's stopping them? If they didn't take Sovereign status, what are they waiting for?


Gideon: "They are afraid for their lives, Bill. They are planning and prepping for their families. Most refuse to take any real risks. They do not believe Obsidian can be stopped, either."


Bill: How can we push them on this?


Gideon: "I have tried, others have tried. There is too much fear, and too few people who refused Sovereign status when the cabal offered it. Many of these people feel isolated within their own departments, they quietly stand alone as they watch Obsidian's development."


Bill: Are you talking about people working in the actual fusion centres, or outside of it somehow?


Gideon: "Outside of it, in government and banking sectors. They know about Obsidian. Either they were directly informed of it through various channels, usually through memos or updates, or they spoke to colleagues and it was leaked out in conversation. They know, but they feel powerless.


Some were offered Sovereign status and refused, and since then, they have reported strange things happening in their lives. There is no doubt that when a mid or high-level individual rejects that offer, the cabal puts an agent in place to monitor them or directs their AI surveillance to monitor them."


Bill: I understand. Have you been able to get some of these people to join our team?


Gideon: "In some cases, yes. In other cases, the person was too closely monitored by the cabal for us to do that. There is no way it could be done without them being detected. Turning some of those people away was heart-breaking, because they deserve it and they are in key positions where they could really help us."


Bill: That's horrible. How did you tell them?


Gideon: "Carefully, through back-channels."


Bill: Well, I feel even more thankful then, I think everyone on our team should, to be a part of it.


Gideon: "I agree."


Bill: I wanted to ask you about your guide. What's your guide saying to you about everything going on?


Gideon: "She has given me some warnings. Warnings for people reading this. I will share them."


Bill: Please do.


Gideon: "First, she warned that anyone who follows gatekeepers or trusts them in their heart is at grave risk of giving up their soul and power to the cabal. You must use discernment in who you follow or trust in the Alternative Media. Like Bill, you can watch things, but you should be extremely careful who you trust with your heart. So many of them have accepted Sovereign status and work for the cabal now, and they are acquiring USDR with any fiat money they make through their platforms.


Beyond that, my guide said the other group I have been in contact with is preparing for a release of information. She said there are many good forces behind this, people she works with, who will help that information get out. The information itself, some of it is a warning, a key warning, so we will help them, too."


Bill: What will we do?


Gideon: "Do our best to help get the word out, when they release it. I am working with a few others who can help, too, but it will be difficult, because none of us are gatekeepers. No matter how much we try, the cabal has a tight grip on the flow of information on the Internet."


Bill: When is that information going to be released?


Gideon: "In a couple of months."


Bill: You know, we asked people to try to help post the Intel Drops and share them, it seems like it helped a little, but not much. You can see the shadow-banning has really increased for us, because our old Intel Drops got double the amount of views.


Gideon: "It has, but it does not matter, in the end. We have a strong team, and that was always our end goal. I knew Obsidian could never be stopped simply by us talking about it because we would never be allowed to reach enough people, and we were not."


Bill: Did the whistle blowers know that? They must be disappointed. I'm sure they thought coming forward meant this could be stopped.


Gideon: "They are disappointed, but I prepared them. I prepared them for what would happen, and it happened, the censorship and attacks. They understand."


Bill: Before I forget, there's someone on our team who's been providing us very, very good intel in emails they send us, which I forward to you. What do you think of some of what they're saying and providing?


Gideon: "It is appreciated, and I take the time to read over their emails you forward to me. It is very good information, Bill. We have an incredible team. It is important they know that I appreciate all of them."


Bill: Good. What's the status of our Pipeline project, by the way? Will it continue?


Gideon: "The process is working, but I do not foresee it being open much longer. Obsidian is preparing to come online, and major updates and changes are happening, and the whistle blowers believe their access may change because they are being tasked with new operations and projects that move them away from the CSRQ accounts."


Bill: What will they be working on instead?


Gideon: "Banking integration with USDR."


Bill: So they don't think they'll have access to the accounts like they do now?


Gideon: "They do not think so, but nothing is confirmed on that. They will be moving to a new part of the building with new supervisors, as well."


Bill: I hope that goes ok. That could really hamper us, though. They won't be able to do as much for us.


Gideon: "No, but at this point, our team is secure and the accounts are secure. We simply will not be able to provide our Pipeline program any longer or bring anyone into our team."


Bill: Understood. We still need to do a follow up on the questions and answers segment we started. I thought I could ask you a few of those now, if that's ok?


Gideon: "I cannot speak much longer, but I will field a few questions, so proceed."


Bill: Ok. There's some interesting questions here. A supporter asked, "What does Gideon think of the movie about how Trump is still President called 'The Greatest Show on Earth', based on Derek Johnson's work."


Gideon: "I am not familiar with it, other than to say Derek Johnson is a cabal gatekeeper and not a word he says can be trusted. Trump is also not the President in any way, shape or form. As the father of the Covid poisons, and a servant of Israel, Trump cannot truly be trusted. He also did nothing for the January 6th protesters when he could have, and did little to fight the election fraud while he was still in power. Trump is a chess piece of the cabal."


Bill: Next one, "If the nano dust is in the food, it will also be in the food with shelf-life longer than one month. So, if people take the antidote, it purges the nano tech and itself within some weeks. Then some Sovereigns will again ingest nano dust from foods with longer shelf-lifes."


Gideon: "This is not a concern, except in one instance, and that is long-term food storage. Any long-term food storage made from 2020 to 2022 is not likely safe, and likely contains the nano-dust. I have been told this from a few reliable sources. If you have food storage from those dates and you are a Sovereign on our team, you will want to check on that.


Furthermore, as to the question itself, Sovereigns will not be eating any older food made during that time. The nano dust has also not been in the food supply at all for at least one year. By the time of activation, there will be zero risk that any Sovereign will be consuming food from years prior after taking the antidote."


Bill: Thank you for addressing that. Next one, "After the Reset, what happens to health care jobs? My wife is a registered nurse. If she doesn't go to work, people die. And she had been made Sovereign status, so will she still be paid her current rate in USDR?"


Gideon: "Very good question. She will continue to work as normal, and not reveal her Sovereign status to anyone. There are 10 million Sovereigns in Obsidian, and of those, a handful will, in fact, be health care workers like nurses, so it will not be unusual that she is a nurse. In terms of what she is paid, it will likely be similar to what she is paid now, and within the Common status pay structure and allowable USDR.


What might seem strange is if she continues in that position for a long period of time after the Reset, as most Sovereigns will simply retire with their USDR fortunes. The cabal may wonder why she is still working? This is something we will face at that time."


Bill: Another one, "What can someone without the antidote do? Will crypto be useful for the average investor?"


Gideon: "Unfortunately, without the antidote, when the activation happens, no one will be immune from that. You will experience a change, a shift. My recommendation is to seek spiritual guidance and resist it when it happens, resist it with all of your might.


In terms of crypto, it is completely worthless. It only has value in worthless fiat at this point, but it will eventually crash and be wiped out, and replaced with USDR."


Bill: This one is a little more complicated, but I'll share it anyway, "Who or what provided the recipe for the antidote and is it some type of anti parasitic? Would it be worthwhile to acquire and use some or all of the base components? Does the current ruler of earth ever present as a man and intimidate his servants? Can personal energy work and biofield activation provide defence against the activation of the nano?"

Gideon: "We do not have a detailed list of ingredients of the antidote. My understanding is that the nano dust floods every part of your body, and without a specific antidote designed to interact with the nano dust, it cannot be removed by conventional means.


I was told eventually, with enough study, lay people could figure out how to remove it, but this could take years and would require an advanced lab to deconstruct the nano dust itself to understand how it works and how it could be neutralized. By then, activation will have occurred and it will be far too late to study it.


In terms of the current ruler of Earth presenting as a man, I can only speculate the Antichrist may be this or present as us. Some speculate it is Prince William. I did not believe that for a long time, but I have reason to believe he harmed his wife, Kate. If he did so, then the cabal must have put him in a position so his anger and hatred was fully fleshed out. Now the darkness of his soul is present in this realm. So, it is possible he is the Antichrist.


You can likely prevent activation by living in a Faraday cage full time, but I was told it must also be built underground and preferably under a lead-lined roof. Everything I was told seemed incredibly impractical, but it would work. The problem is that it is expected Starlink will continuously send out the activation signal, non-stop, all day and night. So, if you leave the Faraday cage and go outside, activation will occur inside of you."


Bill: Thanks for explaining that. Next one, "Is the destruction of Starlink and related components that are directly involved with trapping souls the true mission of the team, in order to free them, as opposed to the destruction of only the financial system, digital IDs, etc.? And is the Buddhist cosmology correct and true?"


Gideon: "Very intuitive question, and the answer to that is yes, there is a greater mission for us at hand, but also for the group I spoke about above, and the information they plan to release. They are very focused on the larger question of how the cabal is trying to take our souls, our inherent sovereignty.


We must cross the finish line, so to speak, first, and by that I mean, we must get past the Reset, or our team will not be able to do anything effectively. That is my main concern right now.


As for Buddhism, it contains many truths, but also many falsehoods. Anything having to do with 'karma' or the idea we can free ourselves from material concerns through meditation is largely false. Buddhism does not free us from the 'matrix', so to speak, because it is does not directly address it in an honest way. It does not acknowledge enough the dark forces ruling the planet.


I also personally believe in Christ and that His blood is necessary for salvation, and so does Bill, but our religious views have no bearing on our mission or our team. While I believe there is a Biblical meaning in what is playing out, we must stop the cabal no matter what anyone's religions views happen to be. The cabal is a threat to everyone."


Bill: Another, "With agents trying to infiltrate the pipeline, if they are successful, doesn't that mean their reaching Sovereign status was accomplished? Or, do they have to report to their handlers they were converted, and would that be enough to be converted by the cabal? And if so, what's the difference if the pipeline or cabal converts them?"


Gideon: "As far as I know, any agent who achieves Sovereign status through our Pipeline must report it to their supervisors, and it will then be removed. They are already monitored by the cabal, so the cabal will know, as well. Furthermore, if a cabal agent tries to get Sovereign status for themselves, without doing their job or trying to destroy our team, the cabal will severely punish them. I suspect they would be eliminated.


So far, the main problem with the infiltration is that it limits a few things we can share on the password-protected page. Instead, we contact our members directly via email, so long as we are certain they are not agents. We have been able to detect some agents so far, as well, and remove them."


Bill: Another, "Practically from the first day, you adhere to the fact that your project is a kind of conspiratorial guerrilla warfare within the system. Let's imagine that at a certain point in time in the future you managed to take control of the key elements of the system. What will you do? How your control may differ from THEIRS."

Gideon: "And another good question, Bill. The person is asking how we will be different if we manage to stop, or overtake, Obsidian. We do not want control, or for the system to continue.


Some individuals I am working with want to help put a gold-backed cash system in place, and remove all digital systems, including all credit cards or debit cards. This may seem impractical, but after the horrors of Obsidian and the nano-dust inflict so much damage on humanity, we may want to go back to a simpler, cash-based system, based on real value, like gold. We also will dissolve any one world government in place and re-establish the old borders of today."


Bill: Another one, "What can you say about the data analyst, Clif High, who is absolutely convinced that CBDC will not happen and humanity will throw off the chains of the WEF enslavement. He claims (based on data analysis) there will be events this year that will turn things around and there could be10 or more years of turmoil as things get 'sorted out' and humanity once again takes control of their destiny. Is this just more misdirection or is he also being deceived?"

Gideon: "I am familiar with him. You must remember that his data analysis is drawing upon an enormous amount of AI-generated content, and I would want to ask if he has accounted for that? It is also drawing upon an enormous amount of gatekeeping content. So the data set itself is compromised.


It may be telling him things that do not reflect reality at all. It may even be telling him things the cabal has purposefully inserted into his data set! I would also venture that he is a likely a Sovereign, if he is pushing that narrative."


Bill: Right, I agree, I see some people upset about the WEF and all of that overall, but like you said, nothing's changing, people are just venting online.


Gideon: "You would need something like the Canadian trucker protest on a worldwide scale, one that did not end, and probably one that would involve some violence. The physical government buildings have to be taken over, or burned down, and the government leaders have to be captured and tried for treason. By that, I mean virtually all of them. Without that, nothing stops what is coming.


Could it be done? Yes, but there would have to be sacrifices made, and humanity would have to live under uncomfortable conditions while the cabal was removed.


That is also one reason they so forcefully went after the January 6th Capitol protesters, which was partly staged by the cabal, so that no one got the idea to raid Washington D.C. and stage a revolution. It made Americans afraid of protest, made them stay home while their country is being destroyed. It worked."


Bill: Entirely agree, what a shame. So many Americans were cowed by that, they couldn't see what a huge psy op it was. I have a lot more questions saved for another time, I'm glad we got through a few. Do you need to go, or do you want to do a few more?


Gideon: "I need to go. They were good questions. I look forward to answering more next time we speak."


Bill: One last question. Biden banned TikTok. What's going on with that? It seems crazy to me a free country would just ban a huge social media platform like that.


Gideon: "As for the basis, that it is a Chinese spy mechanism, this is only partly true. All of the social media platforms are spy mechanisms, as well, for the U.S. surveillance state, it should be noted, which speaks to the hypocrisy of the government on this matter.


In any case, it is being banned because there is too much anti-Israel content spreading on it, and younger people are waking up to certain truths. It is a very rare case in which the cabal has had to intervene to stop something, but it will have no impact in terms of Obsidian or the overall events playing out.


As I spoke about in the last Intel Drop, Israel's destruction, or partial destruction, is foreseen by the very rabbis who consult Israel's leaders and it is needed and required for certain prophecies to play out. It may simply be that the anti-Israel sentiment is actually growing too much for the cabal's taste, but I do not know for sure.


The cabal may even be intentionally creating a Streisand effect, to ironically increase anti-Israel sentiment in the run-up to a World War III. I am merely speculating on that, but it would not surprise me, because the cabal is rarely, if ever, caught flatfooted on something. On this, they likely have planned it out precisely."


Bill: That's a very complex series of issues there, thank you for clarifying all that. I'll let you go here, we'll plan another talk soon?


Gideon: "We will."


Bill: Ok. God bless you, please stay safe.


Gideon: "You, too, Bill. Goodnight."




URGENT ALERT: A new, efficient pipeline has been developed to convert Common, Restricted and Quarantined classed individuals to Sovereign class within the CSRQ / Obsidian (social credit system).


Update: Positions are limited, as the whistle blowers may only be able to create 5 to 10 new accounts going forward due to changes in their job duties. As a result, our Pipeline program is expected to close within the next few weeks.


This new method will not use any personal identifying information. Instead, we will use a letter and number identifier passcode that will be shared with the individual inquiring, provided by the whistle blowers and kept safe by our team through encrypted methods.


To begin this process, write to the email - SovPipeline@proton.me (copy and paste) - with the title, "CSRQ Class Change"


You will receive an email reply with detailed instructions and basic steps. Expect a reply within 2 to 3 days, so please check your email periodically throughout the week. (Add "SovPipeline@proton.me" to your contacts or white list so you receive the reply and so it is not blocked by your email provider.)


Update: We continue to see serious problems with email. Emails like MSN, Me, iCloud, Outlook, AOL, Gmail, Gmx, Yahoo, Hotmail, Comcast and many others routinely BLOCK and CENSOR our emails. These email providers are also known to read your emails and offer no security at all. No one should be using them, but many people who contact us are using them.


We recommend opening an anonymous account using Proton.me, Skiff.com (discontinued), Hushmail.com, Tutanota.com. These providers are end to end encrypted, and have proven they do not block our emails.


Update: If you need help setting up Telegram (without using your real phone number), write to us at: securecommssov@proton.me - title "TG Account". We will provide the steps to create an anonymous Telegram account so that your real, personal phone number is not connected to it.


Please share this article, so we can keep spreading the word. Join our Telegrams (group, announcements, news, spiritual discussion). Join Bill's Twitter here, and our official We Are Sovereign Twitter here. Our official email is securecommssov@proton.me.


Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and (censored) website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download), Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.


Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4).


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