Intel Drop #44 - Major Update, Q & A With Gideon - Part 1
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Intel Drop #44
The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):
Bill: The past few weeks we've had our comms interrupted a lot, which prevented us getting any Intel Drops out. Do you want to get into why that's going on?
Gideon: "I can discuss some of it."
Bill: What's actually happening to our comms?
Gideon: "The cabal can see when we communicate, but they cannot read or hear anything being said, or determine the location from which I am transmitting. They can then intervene and cut off comms, but not permanently, because I am able to later re-route our comms."
Bill: Is this the cabal trying to find out where you are?
Gideon: "No, that is not what we believe it is. They are more concerned with information I have, which they believe I would then tell you and would end up in an Intel Drop."
Bill: Ok, so they don't want you giving me certain info. Before I get into that, I want to ask you, do you think they know your identity and exact location?
Gideon: "No, they do not. What they have been able to do is identify the comms we are using. While it is encrypted and we use multiple layers of obfuscation, they can see us talking, particularly on your end. They cannot see what we are saying, however. What they can do is break our comms, shut down some of the methods we are using, which is what has been happening."
Bill: Right, we talked about how if there's a weak link here, it's me. You think they might know where I am?
Gideon: "Yes, it is very possible they do, unfortunately."
Bill: It would explain my health problems. It really feels like I've been targeted. I strongly feel that now.
Gideon: "I believe it is likely you have been. I am sorry you are going through this."
Bill: It's ok, I know what I signed up for and I'm extremely grateful to be a part of this team. I know my soul belongs to Christ, whether I'm in this Earthly body or not. But I do want to survive, too, and get the antidote, because that worries me.
Gideon: "I do not think you should be worried, but I understand why you would be. I believe you will live to receive the antidote."
Bill: Thank you. We've talked about this a lot before, but do you think if they know where I am, they will get rid of me? I feel like they could get rid of us, or at least everything on my end, if they wanted to.
Gideon: "They will not do that, yet. The reason is because the cabal knows we have probably the best intel available right now, in terms of what they are doing. They like to monitor us. We are like a barometer for them. It gives the cabal a gauge on how much real intel is being released, whether it is being accepted or believed, and so on. They also react and respond to intel we release, and we have seen many confirmations of that."
Bill: Yes, I've seen you say things, then a week later, or even days later, there's something in the news about it, but it's usually twisted a little bit. It's like they take our intel, and then add some disinfo to it.
Gideon: "They are very much aware of the whistle blowers, and the fact we have exposed the social credit system and other agendas that are coming, so they occasionally issue disinfo to counteract it. Ultimately, they believe we are not a serious threat right now, so they allow us to exist, and they try to control the flow of information with agents who work against us, and now with comms disruptions."
Bill: I want to get back to our comms issues. We know that there's something you know that they don't want you discussing with me. Can I ask you, have we discussed it already or not?
Gideon: "We have, but each time we have, our comms have been disrupted. You know most of it by now, because I have discussed it a few times with you."
Bill: Does this thing they don't want out have to do with the timeline, or with the nano dust, or antidote? Can you give any specific hint as to what they don't want published?
Gideon: "It is actually none of those things. It has to do with a group of people we are trying to help. A group of people the cabal seems to fear a great deal, but also a group who are not Sovereign status in Obsidian. This group has extremely important technology."
Bill: Right, we discussed them, between our comms getting cut off. You're trying to help them get converted to Sovereign status. Have you been able to?
Gideon: "We are working on it."
Bill: Is this group going to end up working with our team? Are we going to join them?
Gideon: "That is our plan, our hope, yes."
Bill: Is this group known by the public? Do they have a website or any kind of comms people might know of?
Gideon: "They have in the past, but they no longer have any social media activated right now. Some agents have posted under their name falsely, however."
Bill: What is this technology they have?
Gideon: "I cannot disclose that here, other than to say they do pose a threat to the cabal."
Bill: Why would the cabal want you not to discuss them, or not want who they are published?
Gideon: "Because if people learn about them and join them, those people will end up with access to this group's powerful technology, and the cabal wants that technology to be suppressed. The cabal is also very concerned if we can surreptitiously convert their members to Sovereign status. So, it is a multitude of things that has motivated the cabal to interrupt our comms on this issue."
Bill: Will the cabal react to us discussing this here in this Intel Drop? Should we include this part of the discussion?
Gideon: "I believe we can. The cabal is concerned about us releasing specifics, not what I have said so far. If I were to give a specific name, or even direct people to a place to go to learn more, or way to contact this group, that could get our Intel Drops immediately removed and other escalation would take place. If I remain vague, it will likely not lead to escalation."
Bill: Understood. What is our plan right now with the information about this group?
Gideon: "To continue working with this group, help them get Sovereign status for all of them, and to help integrate them into our team. The cabal is concerned about this, too, but less concerned than if we release who they are and get the public involved, it seems. This group has the ability to also release information on their own, through their own comms, so if we coordinated, we could reach a wider audience, and the cabal does not want that to happen."
Bill: If you coordinated with them and did some kind of info release, couldn't the cabal just escalate and shut it all down?
Gideon: "The cabal could likely stop it but not without some people learning about it. They would prefer to disrupt comms between us, and prevent it from getting released in our Intel Drops in the first place. The comms disruptions are, if anything, a warning to us."
Bill: Does this group want to reach out to the public? It sounds like they could stop Obsidian or do some kind of damage to the cabal this way.
Gideon: "They do, but going public presents a risk versus reward scenario, and we have to weigh all of that. One major challenge is breaking past the cabal's gatekeepers, who have the public completely hypnotized, and this group will have a better chance to do that than we can, but we need to ensure they are made Sovereign status first."
Bill: Got it. If we can get this group changed to Sovereign status, does that increase our chances of stopping Obsidian after it comes online?
Gideon: "It does a great deal."
Bill: Is this group strong enough, or is their technology strong enough, to stop Obsidian now, or before it comes online?
Gideon: "No, they do not have that ability. They also lack Sovereign status, so without our help, they would not receive the antidote. They desperately know that they need that to carry on their work. I am working closely with them to help them with this, along with the whistle blowers."
Bill: Will we tell our team about this group, privately?
Gideon: "We plan to do that, yes."
Bill: But not publicly?
Gideon: "If we do, it will be a coordinated release of information, a burst of it posted as many places as possible, before the cabal can censor it. Doing so presents many risks, so it will be done only after all parties agree on a plan of action. Those reading this now should be ready for it in the coming months."
Bill: Ok, I see. One of our Sovereigns asked me how at risk we are, in terms of our team. How protected are we, right now, in terms of the obfuscation done in Obsidian?
Gideon: "In my discussions with the whistle blowers, we are reasonably protected. For the cabal to target our group, they would need to purge hundreds of thousands of Obsidian Sovereign accounts, because hundreds of thousands have been generated using our team technique by the cabal themselves for their own members. It would cause so much internal collateral damage that they are not willing to do that.
In terms of our previous Sovereign team, whose real accounts were edited, so far we believe only one person was identified by the cabal. That person is no longer on our team, and no information could be gleaned from them about anyone else on our team. That is because we have carefully kept our team compartmentalized."
Bill: Interesting. Some people think of compartmentalization as sort of a bad thing the government does. Can you explain why it's good that we've done that?
Gideon: "Compartmentalization, in and of itself, is not a negative or positive thing. It is used effectively by intelligence agencies. It is a means of ensuring information does not bleed into other, less secure areas. In our case, it means if one person on our team is compromised or exposed, they alone cannot compromise the rest of us.
As I have spoken about in the past, we have had issues with some team members, who either betrayed us or made terrible security mistakes, and because of our security protocols, we are still here, and the cabal does not have information on our team."
Bill: Ok, thank you for explaining that. What happened to that person who betrayed us?
Gideon: "They made a terrible mistake of trusting a cabal agent, and furthermore, believing the agent."
Bill: Do you know if the cabal rewarded them? Did they join the cabal?
Gideon: "My information is that the cabal neutralized them, but I cannot confirm that."
Bill: What does that mean? Had them killed?
Gideon: "Possibly. I was told they were neutralized. That could mean a few things."
Bill: But why? They helped the cabal, they worked with an agent. I don't get that.
Gideon: "Because the cabal saw them as a liability. The cabal used them for their purposes, but saw them as an individual highly susceptible to deception, through their own agent's methods. This means that person's use for the cabal had expired, and if they were to be protected or a made a cabal member, they would be a liability. The cabal does not want people who betray others, because they could then later betray the cabal itself."
Bill: I see. I feel terrible for that person if they really lost their life, but I'm also upset they betrayed us. Do you think they had bad intent, or did they just get fooled?
Gideon: "I believe it was a mixture of both. This was was not recent, though, this was last year. Bringing up all of it now brings up some mixed emotions for me. I know you were not that involved, but Michael was. To see our team betrayed was devastating for both of us, and to learn what happened to this person later, it was shocking, and I pray they did not lose their life for it."
Bill: I talked to Michael about it a lot. It's really sad. I'm sad for them, but I guess we don't know for sure.
Gideon: "We do not, I was only told that by a source. I do suspect it is true, though."
Bill: Do you think that person really believed they were doing the right thing?
Gideon: "They did, but since Michael had some correspondence with them, and interacted with them a lot, I came to see them as a very unstable, very weak person. I read that correspondence. They attacked us viciously, even hatefully, partly over things in Intel Drops they did not agree with, some things which later came to be proven true. They were also regurgitating some of the lies the agent was feeding them."
Bill: It's just sad and a terrible shame. These agents are very deceptive, but I feel like I can spot them, I think people on our team can, too. How could an agent manage to deceive them? (Our FAQ discusses more about how agents operate.)
Gideon: "It only worked because of this person's inherent weaknesses that were already present. The agent was able to play off of that, feed into what this person was already feeling and thinking. You have to be spiritually strong to resist deceptions from well-trained agents. If you are spiritually strong, agents can be spotted much easier."
Bill: I know the rest of our team is strong. We haven't dealt with anything like that in a long time.
Gideon: "We are very strong right now, I have a lot of confidence in our team. I also greatly respect and admire some of our members, because of the things Michael sends me."
Bill: You mean the things they write us, then we forward to you?
Gideon: "Yes. We have wonderful people on our team, very well-informed, very intelligent."
Bill: I agree entirely. I hope they know we do appreciate what they send to us, whether it's articles or ideas. Some of what they have provided us has actually helped us.
Gideon: "It has."
Bill: I want to get into some recent news events, then we will get into the questions and answers supporters submitted. Is there anything you wanted to add to what we've been talking about, or are you ready to move on?
Gideon: "We can move on."
Bill. Ok. I'll start with something we were talking about before, which I find really interesting. What is your opinion of RFK Jr. right now, who is running as an independent for President in the U.S.?
Gideon: "I personally like him, but that is irrelevant as to the reality unfolding. There is a scenario in place, that I have been told of by reliable sources, in which Trump is taken out or removed in some way, and RFK and Biden become the main contenders.
Once Trump is removed, his VP would be the standard bearer of the Republican ticket. This person will not be widely popular; in addition to that, many Trump supporters will lose their spirits over his removal, possibly his assassination. They will become despondent and unmotivated. This will ensure RFK and Biden compete with each other.
RFK has also curiously positioned himself to be appealing to Trump supporters. This gives us a clue as to what is unfolding, that it is planned, because RFK has diverged quite a bit from his previous positions. The scenario is extremely unusual, and I find it a way in which the cabal can compromise the entire truth movement by electing RFK as President."
Bill: Ok, and by that you're saying RFK is compromised?
Gideon: "Yes. He was not before, but he is now. We do not know in what way. He is not Sovereign in Obsidian, for example, but that could change at any time. It is possible he is under either some kind of mind-control or undue influence to make certain decisions going forward. It is possible he is being carefully guided by the cabal.
It is even possible, though unlikely, that he knows he is controlled by the cabal and he is playing along to avoid his own assassination. I do not know for certain, I have just been told about the aforementioned scenario."
Bill: Understood. That implies an election would actually take place. Do you think that will still happen?
Gideon: "The cabal can choose multiple scenarios for how this year will unfold, and an election taking place is one of them. There are also scenarios of total financial collapse, and even civil war in the U.S., brought on by the flood of migrants who will act as agitators.
The cabal is choosing right now the best option in which Obsidian is accepted, and the world is transitioned. It can happen with chaos, or with a more gradual transition. I believe it will happen with chaos, because the cabal desires bloodshed."
Bill: What about the timelines from the person at Davos? Where do those stand, in your mind? Are they accurate?
Gideon: "They are helpful to let us know what the cabal has told some of its top people. We can see April is a key month coming up. We can see October will have a major event, as well, possibly cataclysmic in nature. The dates did not always include specifics, though, so we do not know exactly what some of these dates mean."
Bill: I know you planned to share more of that on our private pages, do you still intend to do that?
Gideon: "Yes."
Bill: What about the crypto market? Bitcoin went way up.
Gideon: "This was predicted. The cabal's in-flows into Obsidian and USDR increased dramatically, leading to this spike in price. Eventually, crypto will experience a catastrophic collapse."
Bill: Someone asked me if there is an opportunity to 'make money' with this crypto jump. I felt like they don't see the big picture at all, but maybe you can address that.
Gideon: "It is entirely short-sighted to think in such terms in the first place, as fiat will be eliminated in favour of USDR. Gaining fiat does nothing to save anyone, in fact. If anything, you would want to gain some fiat and issue an in-flow to gain USDR, which is what the cabal is doing, and what our team is doing."
Bill: I tried to explain it to this person, but they didn't get it. Almost no one does. I see all this frenzy over crypto going up, but they don't see the end game at all.
Gideon: "Belief and faith in fiat is why the cabal is so powerful. As long as people put so much of what they have into fiat, which is completely insolvent in the order of many trillions, the cabal can simply reset the financial system and put people in an impossible situation, a situation where they have to accept the new universal currency, the new CBDC, which will be USDR."
Bill: Someone asked me to ask you this, so I will. What will Bitcoin's top price reach?
Gideon: "I do not know. If I had to venture a guess, I would say $80,000, but only briefly."
Bill: What can people do with their fiat, anything?
Gideon: "Ideally, they would be a part of our team and work through us to gain USDR with their fiat, which those on our team are doing. Outside of that, almost nothing useful can be done with fiat. You need the antidote, too. Fiat cannot give you that."
Bill: I posted another confirmation about Starlink on my Twitter. This is a pretty strong confirmation, because it shows Starlink is a military operation, just as you said a long time ago.
Gideon: "It is interesting to see that confirmation come into the news. Starlink is a sheath of surveillance and control that now wraps the planet like a blanket. No oversight at all, no one paid any attention, as this enslavement apparatus was put in place. It is tragic and terrifying for humanity."
Bill: I agree. Now let's get to some of the questions supporters submitted to us. Michael is going to obfuscate each question, so they can't be traced, and remove the person's name or any other identifying information. I'll begin with the first, which follows, "Will all countries be affected the same as USA? If a person lives in Ecuador, South America, what will all of this look like? Thanks."
Gideon: "Any country that has a bank that uses SWIFT will use Obsidian and transition to USDR. In addition, if there is an ATM in any given country, town or village that uses Mastercard or VISA, then Obsidian will be present. You will see the most impact in major Western countries at first, and more of a trickle-down effect in third world countries."
Bill: Some interesting questions were submitted by this reader, as follows, "Are they manipulating time? I feel time is flying by like it is both yesterday and forever ago. Will God truly not interfere? Why is the media suddenly talking about bunkers? Is it a distraction from something else?"
Gideon: "Very good questions. As for time, CERN can affect timelines and outcomes, which I have talked about before. But I have no information that time is being increased or is faster than normal.
I believe God uses groups like ours to combat the cabal, but I do not believe God will intervene to stop things Himself, because God allows for free will. This is what my guide has told me.
The media is talking about bunkers because a number of cabalists are, in fact, building and readying bunkers. The cabal releases a lot of truthful information because they know no one will do anything about it, and they know Obsidian is coming, Starlink is ready and the nano dust is already in the bloodstreams of virtually every person.
Simply put, they do not mind releasing truth, and sometimes they do it on purpose. Furthermore, bunkers are being prepared for a coming event."
Bill: A supporter asks, "What kind of money will be for all people except Sovereigns? For all classes, will it be money with a limited time?"
Gideon: "All non-Sovereigns will be issued a monthly allotment, enough to live off of. A type of universal basic income. It will be tied with your social score, as well, and likely tied to your job performance. It should be noted, many jobs will be eliminated with A.I. and the reduction in the population due to vaccine deaths, the eventual deaths caused by the nano dust activation and an upcoming event.
In terms of limited time, that is a very good question, because funds will expire at the end of each month. They will have to spend it, or lose it. People will not be able to save USDR whatsoever, only Sovereigns are allowed to acquire large sums of it."
Bill: A supporter asked, "When will they stop using nano dust in the food?"
Gideon: "My understanding is the main deployment of the nano dust already took place over the past two years, and it has slowed. The food supply is still compromised, however. After Obsidian comes online, the food supply should be free of all nano dust, as everyone will already be infected."
Bill: A supporter asked, "What can you tell us about the current Israel / Palestine War, and will it expand into a regional war, or what is the end goal purpose of the war?"
Gideon: "The Israel and Palestine conflict is a blood sacrifice, in which hundreds of thousands have been killed, and tens of thousands of children have been killed. The cabal can use it to expand it into a World War Three scenario, if necessary, but that is not its main purpose.
I also know a great many people are against it, and see the needless bloodshed, and it has somewhat exposed the evil of Israel, but the cabal does not care much about this at all. That is because they know the nano dust is already in place, so is Starlink, so is Obsidian. They simply do not care if some truth is exposed, or their murderous campaign is seen for what it is.
Public outcry or not, they can and will commit this murder because they can and they wish to do it as a blood sacrifice to Lucifer. The cabal will be conducting more blood sacrifices before Obsidian comes online. Greater and wider bloodshed is also planned in other conflicts, primarily in the U.S. and E.U."
Bill: A supporter asked, "Is it expected that only one dose of the antidote will be available per Sovereign individual, and that it will be just enough for that one individual to be cured? As in, sharing one dose with multiple people who are not Sovereign will make it weaker or ineffective?"
Gideon: "Breaking up the antidote and using it on multiple non-Sovereigns to save them will not work. The antidote will not be effective. The formulation is designed for one person. The cabal also knows some Sovereigns might try to save some non-Sovereigns with it, even their own cabal members might do this, so they made the formulation to be specific to work on only one person per dose. Only one dose is needed, as well."
Bill: A supporter asked, "After taking the antidote, will we be immune to exposure to nanotechnology (air, water and food) or, from then on, will we have to eat only nanotechnology-free food?"
Gideon: "A person will not likely be immune. This is because the antidote is designed to clear all nano tech from the body, and then vacate the body and leave it clean. Nothing is left behind, so the person could still be susceptible to future nano tech in the air, water and food.
It should be understood, the nano dust has already been issued into the food supply, so once Obsidian comes online, there is no need to continue issuing nano dust or using it. The cabal does not want to re-infect themselves.
With that said, if the cabal were to have any future uses for other nano tech, they will provide ways to protect themselves, possibly through another antidote or other means.
Contrary to what some believe, the cabal is against having nano tech in their own bodies, because they believe it defiles them and sullies their pure creation, which they credit to the dark forces they worship. It is a grave threat to the rest of us, however, who wish to have a connection to God."
Bill: A supporter asked, "What would you say to somebody who says that taking Sovereign status is still engaging with the beast system and so therefore participating in it? What would you say to somebody who says it seems like a cheap way out and selling out those who have fought so hard?"
Gideon: "These are good questions. On the first point, we would not participate in being Sovereign if it were required of us to take the nano dust, to take a mark or implant, or to take an oath to the cabal or to Lucifer. So far, none of that has been required or is present, at all. If it is, we will reject Sovereign status immediately.
It is our belief the cabal sees Sovereign status as a 'pure' state of human condition, much like how they want to keep their bodies free of nano dust, so they have put no requirements upon it, no oath, no implant. They want to be pure, in their minds, and they want everyone else to be impure. For this reason, our team accepts Sovereign status, but we are also mindful not to adhere to any rules or accept anything that would violate our own ethics, morals or what God would want.
We also do not believe we are selling ourselves out. In fact, we believe we are on a mission from God to stop Obsidian, and we intend to do that."
Bill: A supporter asked, "When should we start buying gold? How do we protect o ourselves and recognize food that has MRNA? If there is an antidote the sovereigns will be taking, what is it and how do we get it?"
Gideon: "No one should be buying gold, as such is a complete waste. Its sale will be banned for non-Sovereigns, and any attempt to barter it will be severely monitored and punished.
MRNA in the food supply is not easily detected, nor does it represent the real nano dust program that already happened. It is, in fact, a bit of a distraction from the real program. They want people focused on MRNA, not the nano dust itself.
Sovereigns will be given the antidote at local pharmacies. They will simply have their phone with them, scan their Biometric ID which proves they are Sovereign status, and it will be issued in a small vial."
[Comms are interrupted.]
Bill: I'm back, that was odd.
Gideon: "I am here."
Bill: Should we continue?
Gideon: "I need to go. I need to reset our comms. The questions are excellent, though. There are more, correct?"
Bill: Quite a few more. Some of the others are really detailed and complex, so they'll require a lot of attention. (If you would like to ask Gideon a question for the next Intel Drop, write to with the title "Gideon Questions".)
Gideon: "I would like to answer them in the next Intel Drop."
Bill: Let's do that. I'll let you go. When do you want to reconnect our comms?
Gideon: "By tomorrow, at [redacted] UTC. Will this work for you?"
Bill: Yes, that's good for me. Before we close things, I wanted to mention something you told me before, and that's something about what your guide told you recently, maybe you can conclude that thought.
Gideon: "Yes. I want to emphasize to everyone reading this that to stop the cabal, we must work together and act. Many of my sources, including my guide, have expressed to me a deep concern and frustration that the cabal's gatekeepers are gathering up so much attention, while nothing is being said about the coming social credit system or CBDC.
Since we are working with a very important group that has critical technology, we are concerned that if we do a joint release of information in the future that the cabal censorship, agent attacks and a lack of action by the public at large would mean the information will simply be lost and nothing will come of it. To all of us, that is a deep and grave concern. It would mean our efforts would be for naught."
Bill: Well, I agree completely. If someone is reading this now, it's because someone else shared it somewhere. Us just posting on Telegram and Twitter didn't really do it, it only spread because people shared it. We created the accounts, we posted it, but if no one shared it, no one would have ever seen it.
Gideon: "This is how genuine information should be disseminated. Not through advertising, which is how the cabal operates."
Bill: Agreed. Well, I hope people do something, we can't do it alone. In any case, thank you for your time again, and I hope we speak soon. I know you have something big you want to share, too, in the next Intel Drop, so I look forward to that.
Gideon: "I do. Thank you, Bill, and I will be praying for your health. Some of what we discussed earlier should help you with your health, too."
Bill: I know it will, I will try it out, thank you. God bless, good night.
Gideon: "You as well, goodnight."
Update: We continue to see serious problems with email. Emails like MSN, Me, iCloud, Outlook, AOL, Gmail, Gmx, Yahoo, Hotmail, Comcast and many others routinely BLOCK and CENSOR our emails. These email providers are also known to read your emails and offer no security at all. No one should be using them, but many people who contact us are using them.
We recommend opening an anonymous account using, (discontinued),, These providers are end to end encrypted, and have proven they do not block our emails.
Update: If you need help setting up Telegram (without using your real phone number), write to us at: - title "TG Account". We will provide the steps to create an anonymous Telegram account so that your real, personal phone number is not connected to it.
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Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and (censored) website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download), Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.
Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4).
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