Intel Drop #36 - The Cabal Is Preparing For 2030
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Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3).
Intel Drop #36
The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):
Bill: I think we should start this Intel Drop by addressing what's going on behind the scenes. Are you ready to get into that?
Gideon: "Yes."
Bill: Both myself and Michael had to relocate to different countries recently. It's been stressful, and we've had trouble keeping in communication with some of our team and posting updates. I thought we should discuss why you said we needed to do that.
Gideon: "I felt it was necessary based on intel I am getting. The cabal is planning for a new pandemic, and the Northern Hemisphere is going to be impacted by that this Winter.
I believed both of you were in places that could see restrictions for travel, so it was best to get ahead of anything the cabal is going to try."
Bill: Well, I do agree we needed to be ready, I'm just worried where we both ended up could see a lot of restrictions, too, eventually.
Gideon: "They will, but not yet. Eventually, we believe the only safe or secure places left will be a few very isolated areas around the globe. Once CSRQ comes online, you will be safe since you are both Sovereign, but we are not there yet."
Bill: Do you think they are delaying CSRQ? Do you have any more intel on that?
Gideon: "There is some kind of delay going on. It appears they want more time to manipulate the markets and in particular, crypto. They may want to pump it one last time, then crash it. There are also a lot of other moving parts right now. The cabal is positioning everything."
Bill: You talked to me more about the year 2030 lately, can we get more into that and why it's so important?
Gideon: "Yes. The year 2030 is some kind of marker for the cabal, it carries a lot of importance for them. We believe, my sources, along with the whistle blowers, we all believe they need CSRQ online well before that date. So, we are seeing that target for later this year, or next year, but no later. They have to get everything organized for 2030, and things are going to start ramping up for that."
Bill: What kind of changes are we talking about here?
Gideon: "It appears now they want another round of vaccines, which shocked me and some of us observing all of this. They are preparing another pandemic, but they are also releasing a lot of false information, too. It seems they know the world has awakened to their pandemic scam, so some of what we see being released may be false."
Bill: Right, I saw Alex Jones was all over this. But we know he's Sovereign in CSRQ. So do you think he's part of the false release?
Gideon: "I do believe so. That does not mean we should not be mindful of it, but we have to use discernment, as well.
The cabal is likely to prepare something different than just another Covid variant. They are aware of the skepticism and criticism of the last fake pandemic, so they will pivot to something else. We need to be watchful."
Bill: That makes sense to me. They are not going to be as obvious, right?
Gideon: "They may not."
Bill: Before I forget, we've had some serious problems with infiltration, agents I mean. Can you talk about that?
Gideon: "Yes. At least one agent infiltrated our Rescue Team program. We were trying to help people, but this agent unfortunately caused so many issues, we had to roll back our efforts there. The whistle blowers also became very uncomfortable, knowing that part of our operation was compromised."
Bill: What do you mean?
Gideon: "They did not want to help us on certain things, for their own safety."
Bill: Of course, I get that.
Gideon: "They have done a lot for us and risked a lot up to this point. I am no longer pushing them on anything, I just request things and I let them decide. There is too much at stake right now. It is a miracle that thus far, they have not been discovered."
Bill: I had someone ask me about that, they were wondering how they haven't been found out. I know why they haven't. Maybe you can explain.
Gideon: "We used multiple obfuscation techniques in terms of how we initially began communication, and up to this point. So, among thousands of CSRQ employees working on the project, it has been difficult for the cabal to pinpoint who I am communicating with.
The cabal cannot fire everyone, or investigate everyone; that would be logistically difficult and slow the project down, so ultimately they have tried to infiltrate us. The only real progress they made on that was through our Rescue Program efforts, which we shut down before the agents could do any damage."
Bill: Ok, thanks for explaining that. I don't want to get off track, though. There's a ton of things going on. What do you think about the Maui fires?
Gideon: "Directed energy weapons, or DEWs, were used there, in conjunct with a weather event, some high winds. The cabal is not stupid. They do not do tests like that without some kind of plausible deniability, so there was a weather event in play. But those paying attention can see something was terribly wrong. The event was a test run for these weapons and there will be more events like this."
Bill: They incinerated people, whole families trapped in cars and houses. This just shows how evil they are.
Gideon: "They will not hesitate to kill. They only hold back so as not to be too obvious with what they are doing."
Bill: How is this going to play out by 2030? Will they be using these weapons a lot more?
Gideon: "Yes. They are going to use them on those who resist. Those who resist the vaccines, the lockdowns, the tracking implants, and those who refuse to assimilate into CSRQ. They expect it will be many, probably up to 500 million strong who refuse to comply."
Bill: Do you know why Maui was targeted?
Gideon: "I do not know, but others have connected some dots. It is a major location for the cabal of importance for some reason."
Bill: I'm looking at my notes, and before I forget, we had shared in our private page with our Sovereigns some of these changes to USDR. Do you want to discuss that briefly?
Gideon: "Yes. We can see they intend to destroy the crypto market at some point. They cannot use USDR without destroying crypto. They have to crash it, so that there is only one crypto left standing, which will be USDR itself. This is very important to the cabal and the transition to CSRQ. So, I am watching the crytpo market closely."
Bill: There's a big move to get USDR with these Institutional accounts. How much money are you seeing moving in crypto by the cabal?
Gideon: "We are seeing Sovereigns acquiring enormous sums of USDR through crypto right now. This is Phase 2 of USDR acquisition. They need crypto for this, and then they will destroy crypto once they are done. The entire process is complicated, but elegant in its design."
Bill: What about all these people who are stuck in the lower classes, Common, Restricted and Quarantined? How are they going to survive?
Gideon: "They will have to comply with the mandates, the implants, the vaccination requirements. The only way out of this is to resist. The cabal wants CSRQ to trap everyone, so there is no way out."
Bill: This feels like the Mark of the Beast to me, what CSRQ is. I think it's the Mark. I don't think the vaccines were the Mark. Do you agree?
Gideon: "I agree. I believe taking the Covid vaccines separated you from God, but it was not the ultimate test. The final test is CSRQ, whether you go along with it or not."
Bill: How can people resist this?
Gideon: "They will have to live a barter lifestyle, off-grid. But our concern is how the cabal wants to target these people. They can easily find them in the forest. They will easily be able to find small settlements. This is where we expect to see these DEW weapons used, under the veil of forest fires."
Bill: So is that why there have been so many forest fires? What I mean is, are they making that seem more normal or something?
Gideon: "They are. That is why they set them. The only reason was so that when they start targeting people with DEWs, they will just say, 'There is another forest fire.'"
Bill: There's always forest fires, but this year was not normal at all! And all of it was arson and stuff, not weather related. That was obvious.
Gideon: "It was, but not to the average person. They still believe what the TV tells them."
Bill: This is all a set up for the future, then? Normalizing so many forest fires so they can target people?
Gideon: "It is. It worries all of us a lot. By that I mean, all of my sources I am in contact with. We believe once they start using these DEWs to wipe out resistors, people will just pass it all off as forest fires."
Bill: It's a nightmare, I see it now, all playing out. None of these fires were normal at all, but people are so brainwashed, they just think it's natural fires. It's not!
Gideon: "This is the worry. They seem to want to use fire as a way to wipe people out, this is their preferred method."
Bill: They still have drones and robots, too, right?
Gideon: "They do. They will use them as well, but for now, we see these DEWs being heavily tested. They are almost impossible to fight against, and it is very plausible to say high winds or lightning caused a fire and wiped out a small encampment or settlement."
Bill: What about how the DEW lasers don't target things coloured blue? Is that way to protect yourself? I've seen that all over, how blue-coloured things, like cars or houses, didn't get torched in Maui.
Gideon: "They have other DEW weapons that can specifically target the colour blue, too. This is a psy op so that resistors use blue on their cars, homes and so on. Blue tarps are also common and easy to purchase, so expect more of those to be bought. Using blue was a cabal strategy. They will be able to find those people even easier now, once the gatekeepers push this around the conspiracy circles. Everyone will think blue protects them and their property. It does not."
Bill: Because they have other lasers, right?
Gideon: "They do. For now, they are using the ones that do not target the colour blue. This is a psy op, so people associate blue with protection. I am repeating myself, but it is important to understand this. They will just use the other lasers that they have that only target blue, in the future."
Bill: Of course they will. This is really bad. That means all these people who will resist will just be sitting ducks. They need to wake up.
Gideon: "They need to realize that using a colour probably will not work. It is possible, though, that shades of white or black could work to stop the lasers. I am investigating that, what kind of colour the lasers cannot target."
Bill: Do you have any intel on that?
Gideon: "None right now. I am asking about this, trying to get more intel. We suspect there must be some kind of vulnerability. It is possible you could paint your things with something the lasers might not be able to target, for example. Not necessarily a colour, but possibly a paint containing a certain metal compound that might deflect the laser weapons. This is speculation on my part, and I intend to find out if this could work."
Bill: That's really critical then. What about the safe food list, do you have any more information on that? Some people have been asking me about that.
Gideon: "No. The whistle blowers said they have seen some internal memos about it, and it seems the Sovereigns will get that information formally once CSRQ is online, through their bank or some kind of app or portal all the Sovereigns will use."
Bill: Right. It will be something everyone uses to access CSRQ, right? But the Sovereigns will have a different section or more sections than other people will have?
Gideon: "Yes, we expect the app will be universal, but Sovereigns will have more access, more data, more sections within the app for accessing certain advantages, or exemptions."
Bill: Ok, that makes sense, and within that we would see the safe food list?
Gideon: "Yes, there will be a section for that, that the other classes do not see."
Bill: Good, I'm glad, that's a relief.
Gideon: "For us and our team, it is. Once we get that information, we will release it, if we can."
Bill: I hope so. I saw JustPasteIt was down last week. Do you know what happened?
Gideon: "The cabal broke into their servers to get information on us, and a few other whistle blowers who use the platform to post information. We had no information that would be useful for the cabal, though, so we are safe in that sense."
Bill: Ok, we speculated that was what was going on. Will the cabal take it down?
Gideon: "That is not likely now, but when CSRQ comes online, they will."
Bill: Back to my notes here, I want to talk more about 2030 again. What if the cabal can't complete their plans by then? What would happen?
Gideon: "My information indicates they would fail in their overall mission. Something about that date is extremely critical for them."
Bill: What if we could push back or delay all their plans? If we keep exposing them, it could work. If we could delay CSRQ, it could work.
Gideon: "A major awakening of humanity would be needed, but yes, with enough delays, the cabal would be in a more desperate position."
Bill: Do you think more people are waking up?
Gideon: "They are, but they are all attached to the monetary system. They are all controlled by money. The cabal knows this. The cabal knows that no matter what people may believe, they can still control people with a combination of money and fear.
To stop this, huge parts of the world would have to begin using a barter system, stop using money, stop using ATM cards. They could still use cash, but they would need to hoard some of it, because they cabal will ban cash eventually. It could then be used as barter."
Bill: That's incredible, though, how trapped we are by banks and money. We need to get people to realize this, and realize all their fiat wealth will be gone, too.
Gideon: "It will be all destroyed, and everyone will be transitioned to USDR."
Bill: We've had some people write us and we just haven't got back to them. I'm a little worried about that. We need to help these people. Are the whistle blowers still open to making people Sovereign in CSRQ?
Gideon: "They are, but we are backlogged with requests. It is up to them to take action. I cannot force them to take action, I can just request it."
Bill: I get that, I do. I just think we need to help more people. Our team's pretty small. I wish we had at least one hundred on our team, preferably as many as possible. This is the only way out of this.
Gideon: "Being Sovereign?"
Bill: Yes!
Gideon: "I would agree. If I could, I would do more, Bill, but I cannot. The whistle blowers have emphasized to me in recent months how dangerous this is for them. How close they think they have come to getting caught, too."
Bill: Is there any way we could find more people working on CSRQ to come forward and help us?
Gideon: "I have explored that, but no one has come to me."
Bill: Ok. Back to my notes here. What about the United States? The country seems like it's about to collapse. What are your sources saying about the chaos there?
Gideon: "The U.S. only stands today because the fiat system is still in use. The cabal is preparing to do away with it, and in that process, the U.S. will be destroyed. We expect a cataclysmic economic collapse there, but also a fairly quick recovery and relief as the transition to USDR is made. We believe most Americans will go along with it, simply out of desperation."
Bill: That's scary because that means they will take the Mark.
Gideon: "It does mean that. Everyone should resist no matter what. No one should ever submit to CSRQ. Only Sovereigns have the exemptions for everything, so if one is not Sovereign, they have to resist."
Bill: What about our team. We can trust all of them, right?
Gideon: "There was one person I had concerns about who was removed from our team some time ago. The rest of our team I have full confidence in."
Bill: Good. I'm still thinking about these DEW weapons. It's clever how they would use forest fires. It all makes sense now. Does anyone realize this? I feel like you're the only one to connect the dots on this!
Gideon: "I have not seen it presented that way, no. There is a lot of talk about DEWs right now in conspiracy circles online. So there is awareness, but not full awareness. People need to realize the forest fires are staged as a cover for DEW weapon use, and that the colour blue is probably a trick by the cabal."
Bill: Well, I almost want to just give up on our public stuff at this point, it doesn't seem like anyone is even paying attention. I know it doesn't bother you, but it bothers me how agents attacked us and seemed to have won that battle.
Gideon: "We cannot control what people do, Bill. We can present the truth, and they can choose to spread it or not. Unfortunately, most people just spread cabal gatekeeping information, which is well-funded and promoted everywhere."
Bill: It's all Astroturf crap.
Gideon: "It is."
Bill: How much of the alternative media is compromised, do you think?
Gideon: "80 to 90% of it, one way or another. There are a few good sources left. Jim Stone, for example. You can still find some good information on Godlikeproductions, though the forum is attacked daily with bots and agents."
Bill: A friend of mine sends me a lot of TikTok videos. A lot of them are conspiracy-related, but always seemed off or dumbed-down in some way. Do you know how the cabal is using TikTok? Because it seems like there's a ton of conspiracy stuff on there being posted and millions are seeing it.
Gideon: "Everything is filtered on TikTok, so if you are seeing it, the cabal is allowing it. The cabal has allowed a lot of discussion of Maui on TikTok, but some of it is mixed with disinfo and some of it is completely false. As long as they mix it with disinfo, it will not be a problem for the cabal."
Bill: What would worry the cabal, in that way? What could someone post that will scare them?
Gideon: "If someone started a movement to get off the fiat money grid, and somehow developed a barter system. Or if someone exposed our information about CSRQ. But that would be censored immediately, too.
On some level, the cabal does not seem to care if they are exposed. In fact, it appears as if they are allowing it. This may have a ritualistic purpose, Bill. In other words, people will know the truth, generally, by the time CSRQ comes online, but still choose to accept it. The cabal wants that."
Bill: I get it, that makes sense. It's crazy but true. There is so much conspiracy information out there now, they are not even hiding a lot of it! They're controlling it with gatekeepers, of course, but a lot is being exposed.
Gideon: "Indeed."
Bill: We have to bring this to a close. Do you have some final thoughts for everyone?
Gideon: "I want to thank everyone who has helped us, shared our information and supported us for the past year. I want to thank our team, as well, for following our instructions and protecting everyone involved. One leak, one mistake, could compromise us, but so far, that has not happened. That means everyone on our team is doing the right things to protect all of us. So, thank you to all of them."
Bill: Do you think in six months we'll still be online and posting Intel Drops?
Gideon: "I do not believe so."
Bill: We'll go as long as we can then?
Gideon: "We will."
Bill: Is there anything people can do to help us, or help themselves? What's your best advice?
Gideon: "Understand you will be faced with accepting CSRQ at some point, and that if you accept it, you will accept the Mark, and therefore, you must resist it. Understand this will be the greatest and hardest spiritual test of your life, and it is going to happen soon.
Understand, as well, that we will do all we can to help as many as we can, but that we are limited in what we can do. I still encourage you to write Bill or Michael. They told me they want to help more, so you can reach out to them and they will try their best."
Bill: Thank you. I appreciate everything you said there. We'll talk again soon, God bless.
Gideon: "God bless, Bill, and be safe."
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