
The Muslim Trump

The Written Movie Titled: The Muslim Trump

It is about when Trump and the Pope convert to Islam, What Will They Do?! Very Interesting.

إن كان لسانك عربياً فانقر الرابط التالي


If you wanna listen to this movie for 22 minutes instead of reading it, add an extention to your Chrome browser such as this one: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/read-aloud-a-text-to-spee/hdhinadidafjejdhmfkjgnolgimiaplp . But it won't read images.

Note: before & after reading the movie: The following 4 written images are the most important ever for the world. So, please share them with your contacts now:






هذه ^ الصورة عن القوسين تمت إضافتها في 29 12 2022 عندما كان عدد زيارات هذه الصفحة 23158 زيارة. ثم تم تعديل محتوى الصورة قليلاً في 21 3 2024 عندما كان عدد الزيارات لهذه الصفحة هو 24952 زيارة



About 90% of people in the Islamic world are Sunni Muslims & they differ in piety






* Note #1: All the miracles and scientific evidence in these ^ 4 images and in this page are easily testable and you can check them out all through a paper copy of the holy Qur’an, and most of them through an online copy.

* Note #2: After or before reading this movie, share these ^ written images everywhere (especially around the headquarters of the GOP, the Democratic Party and all political parties, their branches and offices. And, around the White House, Congress, Army headquarters, buildings, and bases. And, around the Supreme Court, all ministries, official, media, scientific and cultural bodies, universities, colleges, schools, places of worship, squares, crowded places, swing states, especially North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Florida, and Texas etc. Then the sparsely populated midwest states such as Wyoming etc), and on every wall and carve them or graffiti them in every square & on your cars. Ask a calligrapher to carve the text of these images in aluminum plates that fit easily inside your car's trunk then buy Eco friendly color sprayers to graffiti these images through the perforated text of the aluminum plates, everywhere easily & fast. The next few blue lines are new since 5 Nov 2023 when the visits were 24,372: And, buy a mobile generator and a drill powered by the generator or by the car battery to carve the texts of these 4 images through these aluminum plates on the mountains and the rocks in and near towns, and those deep in the wilderness as well, for the sake of future generations. Because the carving in the rocks, even if it is superficial, can last thousands of years or more, with God's will. And, buy a stamp pad then make 4 stamps: The 1st stamp has this link: www.JustPaste.it/zy The 2nd stamp has this link: www.i-g.org The 3rd stamp has the the 1st image. The 4th stamp has the 2nd image or the first 9 lines of the 2nd image. Then stamp by the 4 stamps on one dollar or euro etc to see if the stores accept it. If they don't, stamp the first 2 stamps only on another dollar or euro etc. If the stores accept it then always stamp the first 2 stamps on every paper currency you have, to spread the truth. Or, you can simply wright the 2 links on them using a pen, the 1st link on the face & the 2nd link on the back of the currency. If the stores don't accept a stamped currency although it's a legal currency then put each currency you stamp in the middle of other currencies so some stores may not notice the stamped ones. And, finally print these ^ images on your T-shirts, front & back. Then make more T-shirts like that and sell them everywhere & online. Literally, everywhere, spread these 4 pictures and the link to this page as much as you can. Every American and every human being has the right to know this information because it is the most important of all, urgently.

* Note #3: The ordinary stamps are more accurate for paper currencies. But, you shoud also have an automatic stamp to stamp everywhere possiable. 15 12 2023. 24502


The Movie

Hillary: Is it true that the Quran, the holy book of Islam, pointed out to 9/11 since about 1400 years ago?!

Trump: Yes, that is true 100%, but, Quran also considers 9/11 as a major crime because in the Quran 2:190, it is forbidden to hurt any innocent people, even if they aren't Muslims. So, 9/11 is forbidden in Islam. But, whether 9/11 was an inside job or not, it was the most famous news in the world since centuries ago. Therefore no wonder for the Quran to point out to it. So, let's get started: That crime happened on the day 11 month 9. The 2 buildings were 110 stories tall. The U.S. govt says that the attacks were launched by 19 people

So, the numbers here are: 11, 9, 2, 110 & 19. And, when we open the Quran & go to part 11, chapter (Surah) #9, verse #110 we find it contains the root of the word building 2 times & the remaining verses in this chapter are 19.

Hillary: Wow! that's so amazing. But, what does the Quran 2:190 say?

Trump: It says: "Fight for the religion of God (Islam) those who fight you, and, do not hurt others. Surely. God doesn't like the aggressors". Quran 2:190.

The Quran also says: "God does not forbid you from the ones who have not fought you on account of the religion (Islam) and have not driven you out of your homes, to be righteous toward them and to act justly toward them. Indeed, God loves the fair Muslims". The holy Quran 60:8

Hillary: Hey, BTW, have you noticed something in the numbers of the Quran 2:190?

Trump: What?!

Hillary: The numbers here are (2, 19 and 0) = (2 buildings were destroyed in attacks launched by 19 men & that place has became ground 0). So, I think these numbers may mean: (If you want to know the provision of Islam regarding that huge crime then read 2:190 in the Quran).

Trump: I think this is a smart conclusion.

HillaryBut, the 19 men were targeting more 2 buildings, the Pentagon & (U.S. Capitol or the White House). So, did the holy Quran point out to that also?

Trump: The other 2 buildings are shorter than 110 stories and the men were 19. So, let's see the nearest verse to Quran 9:110 with shorter number and at the same time has the numbers 1 & 9.

Hillary: Do you mean Quran 9:109?! Wow! It also has the root of the word building 2 times. That is very interesting.

Hillary: But, what about the Quran 9:5? Does it really say (kill all polytheists)?!

TrumpNope. Not at all. Notice that the Quranic verses about Jihad uses the linguistic root (the). In Arabic & English, using the root (the) specifies the command to be only against polytheists who are declaring war against Islam. The Quran has never said: kill all polytheists or all infidels.

TrumpFor example in English, if you say to someone (give this thing to a kid), he can give it to any kid. But, when you say to him (give it to [the] kid), he should give it to a specific kid because you added the root: (the). And, the holy Quran 9:5 has said "the polytheists", not: all polytheists

Hillary: ISIS, al-Qaeda, KKK, "Israel", Iran's govt & other terrorists are ignorant of all religions. But, there are many religions in the world

Hillary: And, each religion says: (I am the only true religion, the only way to be saved & happy after death & the only way to paradise)

Hillary: So, how can we know which religion is really the truth?

Trump: By proofs, true miracles and scientific evidences & facts

Hillary: But, which religion has proofs, living true real miracles and scientific evidences & facts?

Trump: Sunni Islam is the only one (Sunni Islam is NOT a sect. Sunni Islam is the original pure Islam & Sunnis are about 2 billion people)

Trump: For example, if you search for "scientific evidences for Sunni Islam", you will find many, such as the following link


But, 1st, see the few miraculous Islamic terrains on Pluto pics taken from NASA official website inside this link: http://justpaste.it/z3

Hillary: Wow! What amazing videos & terrains these are! I dived deep inside these links without feeling the passage of time

Trump: The previous list also proves that the Bible still has some divine parts that prophesied with great respect the coming of prophet Mohammad clearly by name in Hebrew despite the many distortions that happened to the Bible, after the time of Jesus, and led to many contradictions between the current distorted Bible & many scientific facts. For more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_and_the_Bible 

Hillary: Very interesting. Do you have more interesting proofs?

Trump: Yes I have, such as the following

Trump: Although Americas weren't known to prophet Mohammad & the old world; Quran describes accurately 2 places in the U.S.A

The 1st place


I quote: "Until when he reached the far west (North America) he saw (the view of) the sunset on a hot springs lake which has black mud & he found a people thereabout". From the holy Quran 18:86

It is clear to me that this verse is talking about Yellowstone Lake in Wyoming state in the U.S.A because it is the only large hot springs lake in the far west (North America) which has black mud and which had a people living thereabout long time ago before prophet Mohammad. And you can see a photo of its black mud inside this American scientific website: here and here: http://justpaste.it/mud 

When the verse told us that he could see the view of the sunset on that lake, that means the lake is large enough because we can't see the view of the sunset on small lakes. And, maybe that also includes that the view of the sunset there is unique & gorgeous as you can watch here 

Hillary: Wow! I wanna go to Yellowstone Lake right now :-). What about the 2nd place?

Trump: Oh, yeah

The 2nd place


I quote: "Until when he reached the furthest of the far east (the land where the sun rises first), he found the sun rises upon a people for whom I (God) had not made a (natural) curtain between them & the sun (such as trees)". The holy Quran 18:90

 Al-Tabari also had said (such as trees) in Tafsir al-Tabari. It is clear to me that this land had no trees. And, it is clear to me that this land is located in the furthest of the far east of Asia. And, since that St. Lawrence Island is located in the furthest of the far east and a piece of Asia geographically, and also had no wild trees; it is clear to me that this verse is talking about St. Lawrence Island in Alaska state in the U.S

Notice that this island is located between the U.S.A & Russia. This is a message to these 2 important countries globally & to the whole world


These 2 verses are talking about the same man B.C. He went to Yellowstone Lake then to Asia through Canada, Alaska & St. Lawrence Island

These are another proofs that the holy Quran is the word of God, NOT the word of prophet Mohammad peace be upon him. More proofs below

Hillary: Wow! I am speechless! Thanks a lot Trump. I want to be a Sunni Muslim too, NOW before I die

Trump: Massive congrats for you and welcome :-). And, if anyone lies to you by saying that Islam contradicts any scientific fact, make sure 1st that his info is really related to an authentic Islamic reference such as Quran by making your own research and make sure also that the translations you read are accurate enough then take (the key words of his lie + Islam) and search for them together here: http://scholar.google.com to find a trusted scientific reply to his lie and to see whether the info he claimed is a scientific fact or only a scientific theory. BTW, I have very good news for you. Albert Einstein embraced Sunni Islam long time before he dies according to his friend Karl Jaspers in the minute 3:18 on this video here

Hillary: This is very happy news. Thanks a lot. I am so happy for him. But, is it forbidden to listen to music & polite songs?

Trump: No. There is an opinion who says: Yes. But, it is a weak opinion with no authentic Islamic evidence to forbid good non-harmful music or polite pure songs

Hillary: Cool. How many Sunnis are there in the whole world?

Trump: About 90% of the people in the Islamic world are Sunnis, 3% Shia, 4% Sufis, 3% other religions, sects & beliefs including atheism. And, that means there are about 2 billion Sunnis according to official estimates. But, I think that the truth is that Sunni Muslims are about 4 billion people which means that most of the world are Sunni Muslims. And, I think that China & India has only about half a billion people or maybe less for each of them despite what the Indian evil terrorist Hindu party & the Chinese evil terrorist communist party claim

Hillary: Wow! But, what about the 90s Afghan Taliban? Are they considered as the most pure practicing Sunni Muslims right now?

Trump: They were. Here is the 90s Taliban: http://justpaste.it/TheTaliban <= Here is, also, why it is wrong to say: (Islamic radical terrorism). The leaders of Taliban in September 2021 are not true Sunni Muslims because they don't rule by Sunni Islamic Sharia law alone which is the final obligatory law sent from the Almighty God to all humans and all jinn i.e. all demons (good & bad demons should rule themselves by the law of God only). The Sunni Islamic sharia law is included in the holy Quran & the authentic hadiths (i.e. the documented sayings & actions of Mohammad PBUH which is the final prophet & messenger sent from God to all humans & jinn till the doomsday).

Trump: But let me tell you a secret.

Hillary: A secret?! Yes, go a head, please. Is it about Bell?! ;)

Trump: Nope. It isn't bout him. In fact, the so-called new leaders & govt in Kabul, Afghanistan don't belong to Taliban.

Hillary: What?! To who they belong then?!

Trump: They are fake & they are just agents of the CIA.

Hillary: What?! How did that happened?!

TrumpHere is what happened: In the year 2013 when founding leader of Afghan Taliban, Mullah Omar, has passed away, may Almighty God grant him a place in paradise, the criminal Obama created in Qatar this new leadership.

Hillary: What about 9/11?l

Trump: The answer is here: http://justpaste.it/9_11 

Hillary: This link has a very short interesting movie staring Sir Ben Kingsley. I hope it was a longer movie

Trump: Yeah. Very interesting but very short!

Hillary: What was the religion of Adam?

Trump: The answer is here: http://justpaste.it/Adams 

Hillary: What are the main differences between Sunnis, Shia & Sufis?

Trump: The answer is here: http://justpaste.it/Sunni 

HillaryWhat about ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram & terrorism?

Trump: The only way to solve these problems forever easily & fast without wars is here: http://justpaste.it/Boko 

Hillary: Thanks a lot. I feel so hungry for more true important knowledge. Please provide me with more valuable links

Trump: Sure: The Guardian: The death of evolution & atheism: http://justpaste.it/Theory 

Hillary: Wow! Thanks again. But, here in the U.S.A. where can I find the closest mosques & Islamic places to me?

Trump: You can do so by simply using Google maps searching for the word mosque, Islamic, Muslim or halal (for Islamic food). But, to be sure you go to true Sunni Islamic mosques & places only, the 1st thing you should do is to ask the the imam of each mosque & the administrator of each place you call or go to about the 90s Afghan Taliban. If he seems negative towards the 90s Afghan Taliban then he isn't a true Sunni Muslim. But, if he seems positive towards the 90s Afghan Taliban then he, most likely, is a good true Sunni Muslim

Islam Prophesied the Exact Date of the First Human Landing on the Moon

The Pope: Does Islam have any 100% accurate prophecy?

Bill Gates: Islam has many prophecies. And, all of them are accurate 100%. Not like the foggy words of Nostradamus and others which would fit many events by coincidence. 95% of Nostradamus predictions are  wrong. And, 5% of them are foggy predictions which would fit many events by coincidence according to some French experts who have studied his predictions

The Pope: Many Islamic prophecies? Like what?

Bill Gates: For example, the holy Quran pointed out in a miraculous way the exact date of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon by year/month/day

The Pope: Really?! Did the Koran mention Apollo 11 and its landing by name?

Bill Gates: No, the Quran didn't mention Apollo 11 by name. And, did not mention the landing on the Moon by name. God knows why. Maybe God wanted to make this prophecy as a surprise to the whole world and NASA after they complete their mission

The Pope: So, how the did Koran point out in a miraculous way the exact date of Apollo 11 landing on the Moon by year/month/day?

Bill Gates: When the Quran talked about the Moon in the chapter of the Moon (Surah(t) Al-Qamar) (which is the chapter number 54 in the Quran), we noticed that the main numbers of this chapter fit the exact date of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon in the Islamic calendar, NOT in the Gregorian calendar. Isn't that amazing?

The Pope: Let me see what you have

Bill Gates: OK. The chapter of the Moon has only 55 verses. Notice (5 and 5). And between the beginning of this chapter and the last verse in the Quran (1389) verses exactily, while the exact date of the landing was (5/5/1389) in the Sunni Islamic calendar

The Pope: What is the Sunni Islamic calendar?

Bill Gates: You may read some info about the Sunni Islamic calendar which was established by the Sunni Umar because the prophecy came using the Islamic calendar, not the Gregorian calendar. This calendar in Wikipedia is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_calendar 

The Pope: OK

Bill Gates: Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the 1st humans on the Moon on July 20, 1969, at 10:56 p.m. EDT

Bill Gates: We can convert this date to the Islamic calendar through several official reliable scientific websites such as this one from the (Home-Page of the Institute of Oriental Studies at Zurich University) in Switzerland here: http://www.oriold.uzh.ch/static/hegira.html 

And, here: https://www.aoi.uzh.ch/de/islamwissenschaft/hilfsmittel/tools/kalenderumrechnung/hegira.html 

The Pope: Wow! I found out that the conversion of the date (20/7/1969) is exactilly (5/5/1389) in the Islamic calendar. Glory to God. But, could you show me more explanation?

Bill Gates: OK. Again, what does this date have to do with the chapter 54, the chapter of the Moon in the Quran?

 This date is (5/5/1389). So, we have six numbers here. 5, 5 and 1389

Let's start with the numbers 5 and 5. This chapter has only 55 verses

What about the number 1389?

Between the beginning of this chapter and the last verse in the Quran 1389 verses exactly

Bill Gates: You can count the verses yourself over here: http://legacy.quran.com 

The chapter of the Moon is the chapter number (54) & the day 5/5 started on Earth before the day (5/4) ends in the USA & the Americas. All these facts combined are another great clear proofs for God & Sunni Islam

Note: It is from God's wisdom that non-Muslims landed Apollo 11 on the Moon on that exact date because if it was done by Muslims, some people may say that Muslims planned to do it on that date to match the numbers of the Moon in the Quran

The Pope: Glory to God. But when I counted the verses, I found them 1390 verses, not 1389 verses

Bill Gates: They are 1389 verses exactly
But, maybe you counted the last verse in the Quran while I said about the Moon's chapter: "(between) its opening and the last verse in the Quran" which means that you are not supposed to count the last verse in the Quran because the word "between" doesn't include it

The Pope: Oops! You are correct. Pardon me. But, when I searched the internet I found a webpage claiming that the verses of the Quran mentioned the word "Moon" 28 times

Bill Gates: The word "Moon" was mentioned only 27 times in 26 verses in the Quran. But, some people translated the word "crescents" in Quran 2:189 as (New Moons)! & counted it as if it was the word "Moon"! & some other people counted the word "Moon" in the title of the Moon's chapter! But, the title is not a verse. So, as I told you, the word "Moon" literally was mentioned only 27 times in the verses of Quran in Arabic here: http://justpaste.it/Qamar It was mentioned 27 times in 26 verses because it was mentioned twice in َQuran 41:37. So, the word Moon was mentioned 27 times in these 26 Quranic verses: 6:77, 6:96, 7:54, 10:5, 12:4, 13:2, 14:33, 16:12, 21:33, 22:18, 25:61, 29:61, 31:29, 35:13, 36:39, 36:40, 39:5, 41:37 (twice), 54:1 (The Moon's chapter), 55:5, 71:16, 74:32, 75:8, 75:9, 84:18, 91:2. So, the word Moon was mentioned only 27 times as you can see

The Pope: Oops! You are correct. Pardon me again. Thank you very much. Glory to God

NASA and The Moon Split

The Pope: You talked about the beginning of the Moon's chapter. So, what does this beginning say?

Bill Gates: I will let the scientists answer you if they would like to

Hawking: It says: "The Hour of the day of Judgment has come closer, and the Moon was rent in twain". Quran: Chapter 54. Verse 1. The chapter of Al-Qamar (The chapter of the Moon)

Neil deGrasse: That happened by God as a miracle for prophet Mohammad. The Moon was split into two parts or two bodies before about 1400 years for a short period of time. That happened to prove to the people that Mohammad is the final true honest messenger and prophet from God by the religion of Islam to all humans and jinn. It is a clear miracle because it is impossible to split the Moon without a miracle from God

The Pope: So, in Islam, it is a fact that the Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another

Neil deGrasse: NASA also says "the Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another"

Hawking: NASA does NOT know, for sure, when and how that collision happened. NASA says maybe it happened according to a particular theory. But, NASA is NOT sure about when and how that collision happened

Neil deGrasse: In the mean time, NASA is sure that the Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another". Exactly like what Islam has said since about 1400 years ago

The Pope: Glory to God

Hawking: NASA thinks that it is impossible to split the Moon into two parts

The Pope: Of course this is impossible without the power of God

Neil deGrasse: The following official website of NASA testify for this fact. They say on the last line of the 1st answer on the following official link that the Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another

I quote: "So I'm not sure that the Moon was "split" into two parts, but it is the result of two bodies colliding with one another"

Brad Bailey

NLSI Staff Scientist

August 3, 2009

But, later on, Brad edited his answer a little bit and deleted the following: "So I'm not sure that the Moon was "split" into two parts". And added "while it is not possible.." etc

Here is the official link from NASA: http://lunarscience.arc.nasa.gov/browse-past-questions

The Pope: Glory to God

Bill Gates: The conclusion

A. Quran pointed out in a genius way the exact date of 1st human landing on the Moon, the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon by year/month/day

B. Islam and NASA say "The Moon (currently) is the result of two bodies colliding with one another"

Also, there are miracles for Islam on Pluto according to the website of NASA inside this link: https://justpaste.it/zn 

All these facts combined are another great clear proofs for God & Sunni Islam

The Pope: Glory to God. I must admit that we also still have in the Bible some divine verses that prophesied the coming of prophet Mohammad mentioning his name litraly in the Hebrew language with a great respect for prophet Mohammad such as the song of songs 5:16. The Song of Solomon exists in a form of poetry using metaphors & talking on behalf of Jerusalem city & its great love for prophet Mohammad & prophesying his short visit to the city which happened later on at the time of Mohammad as the holy Quran says in (17/1) over here: http://www.noblequran.com/translation. BTW, (the desired qualities) (all together lovely) is the meaning of the word Mohammad in Hebrew & Arabic languages. This is a great interesting video about some details of this issue with evidence from rabbis pronunciation in Hebrew of the word Mohammad in it here:


Bill Gates: Wow! So, I guess the 2 breasts in the Song of Solomon refer to the 2 domes which were built later on by Sunni Muslims. Song of Solomon 8:10: "I am a wall, & my breasts like towers, then I was in his eyes like one who found peace".

The Pope: & there are in Bible even more great prophecies for Islam here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_in_the_Bible 

And here: AustralianIslamicLibrary.Org/Sheikh-Ahmed-Deedat.HTML 

The Pope: I also must admit that the oldest Jewish & Christian manuscripts agree with Sunni Islam as you can watch here & here. So, it is  clear that Jesus the Christ is only a human prophet & messenger from God; just like Noah, Moses, Mohammad & others as Islam really says which also says that God the creator of everything is the only god & the only Lord of the whole worlds. God almighty is NOT an old man. God almighty says about Himself in Quran 42:11: "Nothing is like Him, ever". And, also It is time for me to become a Sunni Muslim & resign from the Vatican before I die because I want to be saved & happy after death & go to paradise

All of them: We also have decided to become Sunni Muslims. We are so happy now

The Pope: I bless you. Oops. Sorry, I forgot. I mean, may God bless you :)

Oldest Christian manuscripts has nothing about the so-called crucifixion:

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Prof. Bart Ehrman is a very high profile scholar of the Christian manuscripts, and he found out that the oldest Christian manuscripts are compatible with Sunni Islam that Jesus was only a prophet & messenger from God & that he a wasn't crucified. Maybe this professor will be a Sunni Muslim if he studies Sunni Islam

Bill Gates: Islam is the religion of Adam, Moses, Jesus & every Godly prophet. No one can be a true follower of Moses & Jesus without becoming a good practicing Sunni Muslim

"And whoever desires other than Islam as religion, never will it be accepted from him & he in the Hereafter will be among the losers" Quran 3/85

"And whoever disobeys Allah and His messenger, then surely for him is the Fire of Hell. They are eternally abiding therein forever" Quran 72:23

To obtain salvation in the Hereafter, be a very good practicing pious Sunni Muslim. God said in the holy Quran (19/72): "Then I save the ones who were pious and leave crouching behind in it (the hell fire) the oppressors to other creatures by doing evil and to themselves by doing sin"l

Hawking: Is it true that the Quran tells that Earth moves

Bill Gates: Yes, that is true

Quran and prophet Muhammad said that the Sun moves quickly, but they never said in Islam that the Sun goes around the Earth

Also, Quran tells that God will make Earth stop moving on the day of judgement. &, that means: Earth is moving now. Quran says: "And among His Signs (on the day of judgment) is that the sky (the Atmosphere) & the Earth stop (moving) by His Command, then afterwards when He will call you by single call, you will come out from the Earth (i.e from your graves for reckoning & recompense)". Quran 30/25

Hawking: What about the Kaaba, the black box in Mecca?! Do Muslims pray to that stony room or house in Mecca?

Bill Gateslol Nope :) Kaaba doesn't represent God. Kaaba is a direction for the acts of worshiping God (such as prayers) to unite people towards 1 direction instead of being divided by praying towards different directions. The direction was the holy Mosque in Jerusalem then God changed the direction to be towards the Kaaba. For more details you may read The holy Quran 2:144-150

Shariah Law

Hawking: What about Sharia Law?

Bill Gates: My answer is here: http://justpaste.it/Acts 14029 29 1 2017



The American math professor Jeffrey Lang converts from atheism to Sunni Islam: https://mathematics.ku.edu/people/jeffrey-lang 

Scientists’ Comments on some Scientific Miracles in the Quran & authentic Sunni Hadiths: i-g.org & 

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Free written & vocal copies of the holy Quran

This: legacy.quran.com and: (

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) or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PqP0BCiTlE&list=PLWcE3bV3PyuP-WnyusYMlIPqg7qVZSOIm
are among the best translations of the holy Quran so far with fewer mistakes. Note: When you find in any translation the word (believer) or (believers) you should know that this is not an accurate translation because the original word in Arabic (momin) doesn't mean believer only because it also includes the meaning of (a sincere faithful practicing believer in Islam). And, also when you find (O you who have believed) you should know that this is not an accurate translation because the original word in Arabic (aamano) doesn't mean believed only because it also includes the meaning of (who became and still are sincere faithful practicing believers in Islam). The holy Quran 9:71, 49:14 and 4:65 prove these translations of mine.

The holy Quran 2:62:

      "Surely, [the ones who believe in & practice Islam, and the ones who truly followed Moses & the original Torah before the prophethood of Jesus, and the ones who truly followed Jesus & the original Gospel before the prophethood of Mohammad, and the original Sabians who truly followed prophet Yaḥyā (John) son of Zechariah before the prophethood of Jesus] who believed in Allah (God), obeyed Him and believed in the Last Day and practiced the obligatory good deeds sincerely - will have, in the hereafter, their reward near to their Lord (in paradise), and no fear (worry) should be concerning them, nor will they grieve". And, Quran 5:69 has the same meaning.

The holy Quran 5:46 etc talks about the original pure true Gospel & Torah because if they follow them truly they will know from them that it is obligatory to follow prophet Mohammad and obey him. Read the holy Quran 7:157 and Quran 72:23.

The best translation is coming soon in this link: Twitter.com/TheQoran, God willing. Please, don't miss reading the greatest book ever, the word of God, the holy Quran

For other languages: http://www.quran-hidayah.com/?gclid=CIj2pdH7sMwCFYu6GwodvesJeQ 

For many vocal (MP3) Qur'an translations including many in English: http://www.qurantranslations.net/mobile 


 If anyone doesn't believe that the former Pope converted to Sunni Islam; let him watch this video here

You may favorite this page on your browser so you can study it & study each link in it, & because it is the most important for your happiness.


Wow!: More magnificent living miracles for Sunni Islam: http://quransmessage.com/forum/index.php?topic=2686.15

This link was added to this web page on Friday, 8 Dec 2023 when the number of visitis was 24,475


Was Trump a peace maker? Here is the answer: https://justpaste.it/EvilTrump 


List of famous converts to Sunni Islam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_converts_to_Islam 


To email or chat with Sunni Muslim scholars, click here: i-g.org 


This same movie on Medium: https://medium.com/p/1ebec45e4911 


If Jesus was a god, why did he only speak one language?

When you ask Google or any biblical scholar, "What was the language of Jesus?" the answer will always be Aramaic. Therefore, if Jesus could speak only one language, it definitely means that he wasn't a god at all. Because if Jesus were a god, he would have been omniscient, including knowledge of all languages. Islam presents the truth about Jesus: that he was merely a great human prophet and messenger of the Almighty God. Moreover, if he were the final prophet and messenger from God, he would have declared it. However, he did not, which implies that he was not. Meanwhile, the Holy Quran confirms that Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet. The Holy Quran 33:40 describes Prophet Muhammad as "the last of the prophets."

By the way, the name of God in Aramaic is Allah, as you can see in the following image from the online Aramaic dictionary:


If Jesus was really a god, why did he only speak one language?!

When you ask Google or any biblical scholar, "What was the language of Jesus?" the answer will always be Aramaic. And, on Wikipedia, on the page entitled "The Language of Jesus” you'll find the 1st line says "There exists a consensus among scholars that the language of Jesus and his disciples was Aramaic". So, Jesus could speak only one language, and this definitely means that he wasn't a god at all. Because if Jesus were a god, he would have been omniscient, including knowledge of all languages. Islam presents the truth about Jesus: that he was merely a great human prophet and messenger of the Almighty God. Moreover, if he were the final prophet and messenger from God, he would have declared it. However, he did not, which implies that he was not. Meanwhile, the Holy Quran confirms that Prophet Mohammd is the final prophet. The Holy Quran 33:40 describes Prophet Mohammd as "the last of the prophets."
By the way, the name of God in Aramaic is Allah, as you can see in the following image when you search for the word God or god in any
online Aramaic dictionary such as: https://www.atour.com/dictionary  


تمت إضافة هذا الصورة والفقرة التي قبلها عن لغة عيسى في يوم عيد الفطر عام 1445 هـ حين كان عدد زيارات هذه الصفحة هو 25106 ثم تم تحديثهما بتاريخ يوم الإثنين 12 11 1445 هـ 20 5 2024 حين كان عدد الزوار حوالي 25309


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