
Tho Al Qarnain


This man is a great prophet & strong wise king called (Tho Al Qarnain) & he ruled America & the whole world long time B.C. by the law of God. The Holy Quran also tells that he was commanded by God to rule (in America) by the rules of God (i.e the Sharia Law of that time & that prophet B.C). i.e a sort of Sharia Law ruled in America long time a go. But, why did God describe accurately 2 places in America inside the borders of what became later on the U.S.A? God always knows everything & He knew that these 2 places are going to be parts of a very important, influential & known country globally, thus these versus has strong messages, NOT only to the U.S.A & other countries in Americas, but also to the whole world. Among these messages are: 1. The Holy Quran is the word of God, thus Sunni Islam is the truth. 2. The law of God has ruled in America & the whole world. And, the current final law of God (The Sunni Islamic Sharia law) should rule in America & the whole world a gain & if they don't, God may punish the U.S.A & the whole world by making the hugest volcano in the world under Yellowstone erupt again. And, if this happen, the volcano can destroy about half of the U.S.A. I hope not

Sharia Law is an obligatory law by God on Muslims, all humans & all jinn. So, if the leaders could rule by the Sharia law but they didn't do so, they will be punished also in hell fire in the hereafter for eternity. "And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then surely for him is the Fire of Hell. They are eternally abiding therein forever". The Holy Quran 72:23


Extremely awesome important links

imagine Trump as a Muslim

Here is the full scenario of the shortest best movie
starring Trump & Hillary as Muslims is here: http://justpaste.it/zy 

Scientists’ Comments on some Scientific Miracles in the Quran & authentic Sunni Hadiths: i-g.org & 

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