
Intel Drop #59 - The E.U. Confirms Obsidian's Public Launch

"There is a sense of urgency among all of my sources, my guide, the whistle blowers, a very strong sense we are nearing the end game. Those reading must know this."
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We Are Sovereign @OculumLabs · Mar 12, 2025 · edited: Mar 15, 2025

Intel Drop #59 - The E.U. Confirms Obsidian's Public Launch



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Intel Drop #59


The following was collated from intel sent to our team from Gideon. As always, all intel sent by Gideon is edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: I'm going to start tonight's conversation off with the big European Central Bank (ECB) announcement. I assume you've seen it?


Gideon: "I have."


Bill: They've announced a CBDC for Europe is coming in October, a "digital Euro," and it sounds just like Obsidian. 


Gideon: "It is Obsidian, a version intended for a specific series of events to come." 


Bill: What did you think of the specifics released? I was amazed they are admitting to the exact details the whistle blowers told us about over two years ago.


Gideon: "They are openly admitting to many of the control mechanisms of Obsidian, but it ties into other things we know, and in that sense, it is not surprising at all."


Bill: What do the whistle blowers see on their end with this? I mean, what's their reaction and can they see the E.U. implementing this on the back-end?


Gideon: "They can see it. They can also see various modules that are being prepared for what they call USDR 'products', which has to do with how the cabal plans to implement this."


Bill: I just saw the U.S. Congress is getting ready for a type of stablecoin, so that to me is just the U.S. getting Obsidian ready.


Gideon: "Correct."


Bill: You told me part of the deception is to get people believing that each country will have a their own version of a CBDC, some of them wrapping it up in different terminology.


Gideon: "Initially, we will see that. Most countries are preparing for this or they have prepared. By 2030, they will all be combined into the one world currency and government."


Bill: The underlying backbone is USDR. How will the "digital Euro" interface with USDR? Will it literally be USDR?


Gideon: "The 'digital Euro' that was announced is USDR. We may have access to our USDR accounts via the digital Euro. Even those in the U.S., who are Sovereign, may have access. This will happen in late October. So, this is a significant timeline for us as we prepare."


Bill: It's incredible to finally have that timeline in our vision and to know it's coming. Part of me is excited, but I feel guilty feeling that way. I think I'm guilty of wanting access to my USDR.


Gideon: "It is a natural desire to want that, but it is important to understand that despite the benefits we will receive as Sovereigns, what is happening is a type and form of enslavement for everyone else. Some would argue it is the Beast, it is the final step toward the fulfillment of certain prophecies."


Bill: I think it's horrendous, the actual proposals here. They want to track everything, set expiration dates, tie it to social credit and even carbon credit, which is something we can even see on the Obsidian back-end screens we've shared, I mean, the photos the whistle blowers took. So, that's another confirmation. 


Gideon: "It is. It is precisely in line what we were expecting."


Bill: I can definitely see Trump, at some point, reacting to the E.U. and saying, "Oh, we need one, one that's better." It makes perfect sense they'll tie it to gold, or even Bitcoin. Something like that. Something completely phony, of course.


Gideon: "It will simply be a marketing tactic to bring Americans on board. The cabal is well-aware that the term 'CBDC' is not supported by Americans and will not be accepted. So, it will be packaged differently. In Europe, though, it will be accepted, because the culture is different."


Bill: I was surprised by the fact almost no one seemed to react much to this news from the ECB. It's a major announcement. This goes to what we've been talking about, how the Internet is changing and how that's a reflection of the activation.


Gideon: "Indeed. There is some kind of activation testing going on and this is impacting behavior worldwide."


Bill: My general feeling is there's this huge sense of apathy and non-reaction to anything going on. People don't care. This is activation-related, right?


Gideon: "I strongly believe so. Starlink is being tested on people worldwide. The desired effect is compliance and complacency, right now. There will be more effects later on, much more serious ones."


Bill: Supposedly RFK Jr. wants fluoride removed from U.S. public water system, and I thought, "They don't care if it's removed, they already have Starlink." 


Gideon: "They no longer need fluoride for its intended purpose, true. It is certainly telling they would dispense of it."


Bill: Alright, I want to move on here to some other topics. We had a previous conversation about a major cabal meeting that took place, and I was hoping you could talk about that.


Gideon: "There was a major meeting in Switzerland a few weeks ago. I was given details about it by a source of mine. The cabal gathered at one of their underground facilities near Bern. It is here the cabal met to determine a future course of action regarding the coming timeline."


Bill: What was talked about?


Gideon: "That a catastrophic economic event is being planned, which will lead to the total insolvency of the average person. This is something we have warned of, over and over. Fiat will have no value, particularly the U.S. Dollar.


This meeting was held to determine which plan to use. War was on the table, so was a furthering of the Golden Age, or false awakening, which would be a more prosperous, positive timeline toward an outcome that results in Obsidian. 


It was determined the cabal will create economic chaos so severe it will mimic the severity of the Covid lockdowns and false pandemic, in terms of global impact. The hardest hit areas will see bread lines, panic and shortages."


Bill: When does it happen?


Gideon: "Sometime in August. Leading up to that will be market instability and signs of what is to come."


Bill: Your guide said something about this, maybe you can share that.


Gideon: "She is concerned about the lack of preparation of the average person against these things. She said almost no one is prepared or aware of what they are up against."


Bill: Well, it can't be stopped, I gave up on that ages ago. People have no clue, none. I'm thankful I'm a part of this team, because I see us as the only way through this. 


Gideon: "I believe that as well."


Bill: Your guide had concerns about our team, too.


Gideon: "We have always been strict in who we allow on our team, and I have rejected a number of people. I have begun to question if that was the right decision or not.


My guide believes we must make one, final push to reach people before August, and hopefully before that. We need to do more."


Bill: I'm glad you feel that way. We've really disagreed on that for a long time. I always wanted to do more, but you were always too strict in who you wanted on our team. What can we do? Did your guide say anything?


Gideon: "We need to find a way to reach the right people."


Bill: It's tough. The shadow-banning of our info really prevents that. There's just this wall of resistance to anything we do, and I don't think people even help much, such as sharing the info.


Gideon: "I am looking into ways to circumvent that. Michael also suggested we ask for help, too."


Bill: I think we should ask for our supporters to help. I'm sick of the gatekeepers taking up all the air in the room, so to speak. 


Gideon: "We will do more. I am talking to Michael about it."

Bill: Some of it is I think people don't believe this can happen. I have people write me now and then and they're still skeptical, or they'll tell me, "No, Trump's going to fix things." I think a lot of people just refuse to believe it. Now, the ECB all but announced Obsidian, what more do you want? They are literally telling us it's coming!


Gideon: "People cannot accept this could really happen, but it will."


Bill: There's spiritual aspects to this, too, that people don't understand. You said the meeting at Bern covered some of that.


Gideon: "My source said it did. The cabal spoke about their coming hierarchy and how Obsidian really works, and its true intended purpose, for the afterlife. I gained a great deal more knowledge and I asked my guide about it, and she agreed that it was accurate."


Bill: People don't know that all of this carries over after death. But, that's something that's so far out for most people, we don't talk about it much. The conversations we've had, though, they were incredible. 


Gideon: "There are things I prefer not to put into the Intel Drops. I believe we will share them with our team eventually, before the coming Reset."


Bill: It's just a very, very big and controversial topic. It gets into areas that even I wasn't prepared for, initially. I didn't believe some of it, if you remember.


Gideon: "No, you did not."


Bill: Then I did my research. There's a lot of evidence for it. I'm talking about the afterlife itself, from all these Near Death Experiences people have, then you have to skeptically examine those and you find the deeper truth and it's a horrible truth.


Gideon: "One must look for those deeper truths, many do not."


Bill: What do people reading need to know?


Gideon: "That the cabal controls aspects of the afterlife just as much as they control our world, our governments and our leaders in this life. That is the most important thing to know."


Bill: One thing that has really been proven with Near Death Experiences is that we do have souls. I think most people know that, but scientifically, it's hard to prove. May I ask, do you know what the soul is made of?


Gideon: "Yes. Trillions of electrons in a crystalline arrangement that cannot be destroyed. It is awareness and consciousness that has existed for eons, each soul is individual and unique, like a fingerprint.


The arrangement contains trillions of data, similar to what we would think of as a hard drive. It can be affected, disturbed, however. Memories can be erased. Souls can be drained of energy, too. But, the soul cannot die."


Bill: How does the soul exist within the body?


Gideon: "It is forced into the body at birth and contained within an electromagnetic force field powered by the heart, blood and nervous system. The soul is released when the body shuts down, when the heart stops long enough for electrical activity to cease."


Bill: With that in mind, with the notion we have souls, I always thought after death we would meet God and be judged. But the truth is something entirely different.


Gideon: "Death is not actually an escape or release from this world, it is a transition within a construct and hierarchy, one controlled by very evil beings. Our beliefs do not change that. Our belief in Christ does not change that."


Bill: I know. I couldn't accept that for a long time. Now I see the truth. What is going on over on the other side?


Gideon: "Again, there is a hierarchy. There is another world, similar to ours, too. It is not quite constrained by the laws of physics here. People do not have to eat, but they do. People can move their bodies about easier, more freely, but there is a security state in place. 


There is also an entire other processing center for souls after death that has nothing to do with this world I am talking about, and those souls undergo incredible deception and mind-control. If one does not get wrapped up in that processing center, one would transition to this other world I am speaking of, and it is similar to Earth but more dystopian in nature."


Bill: There's different stages, places, that souls go. How can we control that outcome?


Gideon: "With understanding, knowledge and intent. But, there are things that pertain to Obsidian that have changed that. Outcomes many will have no choice in."


Bill: It goes back to the question of free will. Do we have free will to chose what happens to us after we die?


Gideon: "My guide says we used to, but many will not any longer. She says the vaccines, nano dust in the food supply and activation are all part of a cabal plan to capture our souls permanently, in this life and in the next."


Bill: If someone is reading now and thinks this sounds crazy, I want to remind them you've spoken about these things for over two years, and we've catalogued all of it in our The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops. (Note: See bottom of this Intel Drop for links to those Intel Drops.)


Gideon: "It is not a new opinion of mine, no, but it has been informed with new data and information over the past two years. I am sure I would need to amend some things I said two years ago."


Bill: We know what Sovereign status means in this life. What does Sovereign status convey in the afterlife? 


Gideon: "More choices and freedom, but we will still have to live and function within this hierarchy I speak of. We will have options, though, to fight back and to get out. Options others will not have."


Bill: Where is God in all of this?


Gideon: "Outside of the construct we are within now and we will be within after death. He is outside of it. He is aware of all of it, watching and in some cases, protecting, but rarely intervening directly."


Bill: What is this construct?


Gideon: "I prefer not to discuss some of these things any further."


Bill: May I ask why?


Gideon: "Agents read these Intel Drops. My guide told me we must be careful of certain topics. The cabal holds highly guarded secrets in this area of discussion."


Bill: Ok, can I ask one more thing? Does USDR convey into the next life, or afterlife?


Gideon: "The cabal intends for that, yes."


Bill: You'll have to forgive me, I have one more. Don't answer if you don't want to. Will the cabal know we were not supposed to be Sovereign after our deaths?


Gideon: "It is possible they may, but the more we learn, the more I know, it appears it does not matter. If we are Sovereign, if we obtain the antidote, it will not matter, we will carry with us something the cabal sees as sacred or in some way separates us. Or, I should say, we carry only our souls with us, we are not impacted by the nano-tech. The cabal sees 'clean' souls as Sovereign.


It appears after a certain point, we cannot be stripped of Sovereign status, but we are not at that point yet."


Bill: I see, I know there's been a lot of purges of Sovereigns within Obsidian because of this audit. It seems like the cabal is getting ready, they want this hierarchy in place.


Gideon: "They do. They are finalizing it. Those who make it past this audit will be, essentially, untouchable. That is what I have been told."


Bill: I have more questions, but as you said, you want some of this to only be shared with our team on the password-protected pages. I'll let you go now, I know you had things to attend to. Do you have any final thoughts to share?


Gideon: "Yes. There is a sense of urgency among all of my sources, my guide, the whistle blowers, a very strong sense we are nearing the end game. Those reading must know this. All of our warnings, all of our information is about to be proven right, and by the time it is proven right, it will be far too late for most. 


So, I ask those with discernment to use it now, to pray and to act, to help us, to join us, in any way the Lord leads you."


Bill: Good, you're sounding like me on this, we should have been doing more, we need to reach more people.


Gideon: "I now believe you were right."


Bill: Alright, thank you for another enlightening discussion. We'll talk again soon, God willing.


Gideon: "We will. Goodnight."


Bill:: Goodnight, God bless.




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Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5).


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