
Intel Drop #57 - Trump, Musk & The Final Deception - Part 2

"Our team must succeed, because if we do not, there is a horrendous, unfathomable outcome that awaits humanity in 2030 and beyond."
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We Are Sovereign @OculumLabs · Jan 26, 2025 · edited: Feb 11, 2025

Intel Drop #57 - Trump, Musk & The Final Deception - Part 2



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Intel Drop #57


Note: Gideon has asked our readers to view the following video in preparation for this Intel Drop, titled, "I filmed over 1000 objects flying up in space from behind one tree plus a Starlink Train", and you may consider other, similar videos on the YouTube channel scannerguy1968 (we advise that you are not logged in to YouTube when viewing this, or that you use a VPN, but it is not required to do so).


The following was collated from intel sent to our team from Gideon. As always, all intel sent by Gideon is edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: How are you doing tonight?


Gideon: "As well as I can be, considering recent events."


Bill: I just want to start off with the comms disruptions that are preventing us in getting these Intel Drops out. It's really frustrating. Maybe you can talk about what we plan to do to prevent those disruptions.


Gideon: "Well, I am certain the cabal does not want certain information transmitted to you because you and Michael have the power to actually publish it. I have spoken to you before about an alternative we can use, a different type of encrypted comms system, so we will have to utilize it going forward."


Bill: It seems like during our conversations we're getting cut off when we bring up this coming event and some of these spiritual matters. I still can't get much direct from you on a few specific things, because we get cut off.


Gideon: "I think it depends on my answer to you. Their A.I. is making excellent educated guesses based on data packet patterns they can pick up, and from there, they can switch off certain VPN routes we are using."


Bill: These may also be our final series of Intel Drops, because you want to move these to our password-protected pages just for our team, is that right?


Gideon: "We will reach that point eventually, yes. The public Intel Drops have been an effective way to issue warnings about what is coming, but our team is our priority. The Intel Drops will eventually become private for only our team."


Bill: Ok, I'm going to move on here. Obsidian, USDR and the current U.S. Administration's efforts with DOGE is a huge story. Please open the discussion on that, because it's just incredible what's going on.


Gideon: "Well, this is a major acceleration of the agenda. The Trump Administration is moving quickly to put things in place, but before that, they are engaging in a brick by brick dismantling of the Federal government. 


There are two purposes to this. 


First, it is to direct Federal funds into USDR. The Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, has exposed a great deal of misuse of funds, which I think most people knew was happening, but they are only doing half the job. They are not telling us where the savings in funds will go. Have you noticed that? Right now, they are 'saving' $1 Billion per day, with a goal of $3 Billion per day. 


Bill, have you heard a single thing as to where those funds will be re-directed or re-allocated? Has the media discussed this?"


Bill: No, I've heard nothing.


Gideon: "Where does the savings go?"


Bill: Maybe to pay off the debt? It doesn't seem like that's discussed. Tax cuts? I haven't heard a thing.


Gideon: "Precisely. Trump has released a tax cut plan, which provides almost no relief and is smoke and mirrors of sorts, so the savings is not being given back to the people through that method. Furthermore, the Billions saved through DOGE will have a negligible impact on the U.S. debt and deficit, if it were applied to that.


So, where are the funds going? The whistle blowers have told me in-flows into Obsidian, particularly accounts related to U.S. Government officials, increased dramatically once DOGE's work began. We know where it is going, it is going into USDR."


Bill: What's the second part you mentioned?


Gideon: "The second part is a plan to fire a large portion of the Federal workforce, so they will be compliant with accepting Obsidian and USDR, the social credit plan and system. In other words, they will need Obsidian as they will be out of work. Additionally, much of the workforce is to be replaced with Musk's A.I. and robots. They are also preparing for a much larger reduction in population to come."


Bill: We saw Trump came out with the Soveriegn Wealth Fund, and to me that just confirms further what's going on, and what a name, too.


Gideon: "Yes, they will tie that into USDR, as well. They will funnel funds into it from the on-going dismantling of the U.S. Government into USDR."


Bill: You talked to me about spell casting, and I feel like there's spells being cast all over. I think this USAID thing and DOGE altogether is a type of spell, a way of saying, "Look how we're doing all this good, look how we're exposing things," it's so convincing because they're exposing real fraud, but in reality it's this systematic laundering of money into USDR.


Gideon: "Well, it's absurd to suggest they are stopping money laundering when the savings, as I mentioned, is not being tracked or disclosed. They are 'saving' $1 Billion per day, but where are those funds going? Again, it is not discussed at all. That is a bit of a spell or hypnotism being used, a slight of hand. They are just changing the money laundering operation from one thing to another. 


I have seen some keen observers relate Trump to the bankruptcy trustee overseeing the bankruptcy of the United States. This is only partially true. The cabal is not concerned with the U.S. Government debt, which is in the many Trillions. The cabal can reset or remove the debt any time, if they wish to. Instead, they will use it as an excuse to usher in their new 'Golden Age', the reason why we need USDR and need Obsidian."


Bill: I wanted to bring one other thing up, this DOGE project seems like it's cleaning up government and bureaucracy, but I've seen nothing about funds being reduced to Israel.


Gideon: "Funds to Israel are being increased dramatically. Which, in light of how Musk and others are championing this effort as a cost-saving and bureaucracy-reducing effort, is quite hypocritical and nonsensical. You are not saving any money if you are sending it all to Israel, and outside of what they are sending into Obsidian to convert to USDR, the rest is going to Israel, one way or another. Certainly through Israeli-controlled outfits, organizations and companies."


Bill: This goes back to something we talked about way back, that Israel would eventually dismantle the United States in some way and take her wealth. 


Gideon: "That is happening. Everything going on will benefit Israel. They are cutting off aid everywhere else, but not to Israel."


Bill: What about Trump's plan for the U.S. to take over Gaza? Some people say Trump played a game with Netanyahu, that he outmanoeuvred him in some way. I saw these videos of people reading Netanyahu's body language, like he was upset or something when Trump said the U.S. would take Gaza. What did you think of that?


Gideon: "The entire plan was given to Trump by Netanyahu. He was not surprised at all by what Trump said, he was pleased. The United States is controlled by Israel, they do not have any issue at all if the U.S. plays a role in rebuilding Gaza, why would they? It will be rebuilt on the graves of thousands of murdered children with money from the American taxpayer. From a ritual standpoint, that is ideal for them."


Bill: I want to get off Trump, but there's so much to cover. I saw his spiritual adviser is this Paula White, she seems like a charlatan to me.


Gideon: "She is a Luciferian and a high-level cabalist. They are all cabalists, Bill, and they love pretending to be Christians."


Bill: Ok, we can talk all day about this, people need to just keep up on my Twitter and our Telegram, we're posting a lot of updates, and it seems like everyday there's a direct confirmation of our intel and Obsidian in our CSRQ In The News Telegram and in our open chat.


Gideon: "We are reaching the final end game, so we will see more of these signs and confirmations. Thank you for posting those stories and keeping everyone updated."


Bill: Briefly, what about RFK Jr.?


Gideon: "He is compromised, to a degree."


Bill: That's a shame, because I feel like he's woken people up, but he already said Operation Warpspeed was great and he endorsed a bunch of vaccine-related crap, so it seems like he's on script now.


Gideon: "Again, he is compromised, but not fully. The cabal is allowing some truth-telling to happen, remember, I told you that over a year ago, the cabal is going to allow truths out. This is part of the ritual."


Bill: Something that really convinced me that you're right on this is how Trump spun the fire and water issue in California. He issued an Executive Order to release water, sort of like a campaign promise. It looked like he was doing a good thing. I looked into it, and the water wasn't re-directed to Southern California, and what was released, from two lakes way up north, was just totally wasted and caused some flooding and erosion issues. In other words, Trump didn't do a damn thing to help the situation, he just acted like he did. It was all optics. It was all fake. It was a con.


Gideon: "Bill, they are building headlines that sell the idea that Trump is fulfilling his promises. On some points, he has. He fulfilled promises on some pardons. Some of his Executive Orders fulfilled promises. Overall, it is window dressing. It is there to satisfy his supporters, while Musk, Lutnick and others do the cabal's work behind the scenes to move the agenda forward."


Bill: I'll move on to the next phase of our conversation here, we have to move on because the politics just gives me a headache after a while. I want to ask about the whistle blowers, then I'll get to some things our sources have told you. How are they doing?


Gideon: "They are safe. Their contracts were extended. I will not give a timeframe on that, but their work is continuing beyond what they expected. They very much believe the Trump and Musk agenda is a realignment of Obsidian. It is interesting some of the details they are giving me, but I cannot share them here, partly due to the comms issues we are having. I will once we fix that issue."


Bill: What are your sources saying about Trump and all of this? I mean intelligence sources.


Gideon: "There is a sense of despair. They know what is coming. My sources are all in agreement as to the agenda playing out. It is rather obvious at this point. There is no need to unravel it. It is what we said was coming over the past couple of years, and now here it is. 


The only real question left is exactly how Obsidian and USDR will be sold to the American people and to the world. That is what we are investigating now, and what the whistle blowers are giving me more information on.


Clearly, the cabal is aggressively acquiring USDR, so there will come a time they intend to use it as the future digital currency, and do away with fiat, and we are looking at the timeline on that. It is coming soon."


Bill: We posted a video that shows some really strange things in the sky we're going to ask people to watch that illustrates how our skies are filled with Starlink satellites. When do you think the Starlink activation will happen? What's your best timeline?


Gideon: "We think it will be October of this year. When it happens, we are expecting it to be tied to some kind of staged pandemic or other event. This may be a cover for the effects of the activation, which we believe may cause heart attacks and other serious health problems. This is more of a side-effect, rather than something intended, so the cabal may try to mask it with a cover story or staged event. They do not want anyone to tie any of this to Starlink at all."


Bill: How long will the negative effects be seen?


Gideon: "Over about one and a half months, we think."


Bill: So things will normalize after that?


Gideon: "Yes. The side-effects are expected due to certain individuals who have higher than normal heavy metals in their bodies, due to years of chemtrailing. Again, the side-effect is not believed to be something intended by the cabal, just a side-effect of this activation. 


Once activated, Starlink will directly connect with and communicate with the human body, via the nano dust placed in our food supply years prior. Everyone will be impacted if they do not have the antidote."


Bill: How will it affect us?


Gideon: "It can influence our thoughts and moods. We believe it can do other things, things that if I talk about them, we tend to see our comms get disrupted, as well. I expect by then our team will be provided the antidote in some way, via their Sovereign status, so we will be protected from it."


Bill: There's a big spiritual aspect to this, because you say everything going on, including Obsidian, even USDR, extends into the afterlife.


Gideon: "It does."


Bill: You've not wanted to talk about some of this as much with me for the Intel Drops, why?


Gideon: "I want to share it with our team, rather than publicly. I believe sharing it publicly presents a great risk that the cabal will escalate against us. You already received another serious threat this week."


Bill: I did. If people actually knew the messages I get, they'd probably feel pretty bad for me. Some really threatening, awful things. I've posted a few threats in the past, but you advised I not share too much. Who are these people?


Gideon: "Agents of varying levels, some either following direct cabal orders, or others trying to accomplish a task against us and gain favor with the cabal, gain Sovereign status themselves.


Some are also well-meaning people who have been deceived by gatekeepers who attacked us, people who believe those lies about us."


Bill: You told me about deceptions the cabal is using, let's talk about that for a moment.


Gideon: "With respect to the messaging?"


Bill: Yes, that.


Gideon: "The cabal is issuing gatekeepers who will carry the mantle of patriotism, free speech and truth-telling in greater and greater numbers. This will shore up faith in Trump's Golden Age. They are all being paid-off with USDR and Sovereign status, and in a few cases, threatened. You would be surprised what people will do when they are threatened, usually just about anything, so not all of these truth seekers are bad people, they are just being put in difficult positions through fear. 


The cabal is well-aware that a certain aspect of the world is more skeptical than ever, more accepting of conspiracy theories, so the cabal is adjusting for that. They are clever in how they are doing this. I notice Tucker Carlson is doing this, a man who is a cabalist with an enormous amount of USDR in his Obsidian Sovereign account. Most, though, will support Musk and Trump, or simply avoid criticism of both men. That is the clue to look for."


Bill: What about our spiritual well-being? You told me people who are good are being deceived more than ever.


Gideon: "What I meant was more that we are losing sight of the evil around us, how deep evil can go. How evil seemingly good people can actually be. We must use incredible discernment right now. The cabal will try to give us false hope, we have to be mindful of that. We must also pray, pray deeply to God and our Creator for protection and guidance."


Bill: Avoid all channellers, right?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: What about remote viewing groups, like Farsight and the Future Forecasting Group?


Gideon: "That is a good question. Both are actually compromised without realizing it. Some of their information, though, is worth monitoring. What they do is legitimate, but they are being compromised. They are being misled."


Bill: I felt that way about Courtney Brown making all these pronouncements about the aliens, it felt was ridiculous. He said the New Jersey drones were aliens and that much bigger sightings were coming, but nothing has come yet.


Gideon: "He is being misled. He does not know this."


Bill: What about Reptilians and Mantis aliens, are they real?


Gideon: "Yes, they are, but they are demonic entities. There is a structure beyond this world and in the afterlife that is not well-understood. We do need to discuss that. Although, I want some of those truths only to be given to our team, we can discuss some of it here in general terms."


Bill: You've emphasized Near Death Experiences to me in our conversations, and we covered that a few times in past Intel Drops. Do you have some updates?


Gideon: "I do. My guide, and the group I am working with, have additional data. We understand what is going on much better.


The Near Death Experiences are a long-term psy op, over many decades. Now, millions of people are aware of them, accepting of them, and a certain percentage follow them religiously. They are extremely popular on YouTube. We need to discuss what is really going on with them."


Bill: Do we need a separate Intel Drop for this?


Gideon: "We do, but I will share some things briefly now."


Bill: So these people dying, leaving their bodies, going into the light, that's all real? Of course, I think we have souls, but it's still crazy to believe it sometimes, the stories are so incredible.


Gideon: "It is real. What they describe is truly extraordinary, but understanding it beyond what is presented is key. Many who died were deeply deceived."


Bill: Well, let's give an example. Let's say the activation happens and someone dies of a heart attack. That person has the nano dust in them. What's going to happen to their soul?


Gideon: "It is presumptuous of me to say, I am not the Creator, I do not know for sure, but I will speculate with caution.


Their soul will leave their body, they may see their body and events surrounding it for a brief time. They will then enter a void, a place between our world and the next, and here often a white light or entities will visit them and lure them out of it. 


They will then move to another step in this process, one that is not shown through the NDEs, one that is terrifying in nature. This step is also an area where our comms become disrupted when I try to speak to you about it."


Bill: I know. The entire thing is a deception, right?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: What if you ask for Jesus, what if you seek God?


Gideon: "I believe we should do that, but we must stay in the void, this area we go into shortly after death, and we must be wary to trust anything we speak to. The demonic entities and the entire afterlife structure in the astral plane can mimic Jesus, God and angels perfectly, Bill. They will look and appear as what we imagine on Earth. The deceptions in the afterlife are, in fact, more intense, more powerful than anything on Earth."


Bill: We've had some talks that scare the hell out of me. You said the nano dust is the most key and horrible feature of the agenda here, because it does affect us after death. The antidote removes that, right?


Gideon: "It does."


Bill: How will the nano dust affect us after death?


Gideon: "My guide says the nano dust places a marker or tag on our souls, so the place most people will end up can process us differently. I have to be careful about what I say here or our comms will go down again."


Bill: I think that's pure evil, even if you can't share all the details, that sounds pure evil.


Gideon: "It is."


Bill: I want to point out that much of what you are saying is confirmed by a lot of valid third party sources. I would just encourage those reading to research it a bit deeper if they are disbelieving or skeptical. I believe it's called the Prison Planet Theory? Correct?


Gideon: "Yes, I have heard of that. It would be a term to start with to learn more. There are many sources that discuss the matter, some of them are good sources, some of them are disinfo.


What my guide and this group I work with have discovered, however, is not known at this time to the world, not through any source I have seen. These are highly classified and hidden truths, which is why our comms are getting interrupted."


Bill: Something I've noticed is almost not a single person who has had an NDE has shown any skepticism of these guides, or "Jesus" they meet, or anything they see. I mean, none, they just accept everything as it is, question nothing. Why is that?


Gideon: "It is because of a misuse of certain vibrational energy that can be manipulated to mimic the feeling of love, a real feeling we sometimes experience here on Earth. That feeling is amplified in the afterlife, and used by deceptive entities against our souls.


When we die, we are disoriented, sometimes afraid, and the so-called 'white light' and guides people encounter, as well as this feeling of love and warmth, all of it is simulated and we are very susceptible to accepting it without question. 


In a sense, those experiencing these NDEs are being drugged and hypnotized by a certain vibrational energy that is being misused."


Bill: What do you think of those few NDEs where people go to Hell? Those are horrifying.


Gideon: "They are, but something we have learned, and this is coming from multiple sources, is that certain NDEs are tailor-made for the individual. It is an unusual concept, but the NDEs people hear about that are so popular are a type of psychological operation. 


The NDEs that should be looked at are those where the soul, or person who died, questions what is happening, and some of those do exist and provide us truths and insights. They show in this after life the soul experiences coercion, bullying and manipulation. Such things are not of God, of course."


Bill: It seems like maybe eighty percent of NDEs are positive, and the others are negative. What's the agenda in that messaging?


Gideon: "To give people an overall sense of hope, but buttress that will some fear."


Bill: You're telling me, though, it's all deception? All of it?


Gideon: "The experience itself is real, but souls are entering into a deceptive space, and they do not know it. There is something bigger beyond all of it that the NDEs have never really disclosed, but my guide and this group have told me about it.


You cannot truly comprehend how vast and stunning this truth is, how terrifying, how deeply unsettling it is, but it has to do with where we will ultimately end up after death."


Bill: Some of these NDEs are so detailed, they're describing this world where there's Akashic records, this big library, these guides, these beautiful areas, beautiful grass and trees people talk about, interactions with God and angelic figures. It's like this wonderful afterlife astral world where people spend some time, then they reincarnate and come back here.


Gideon: "You have described it aptly, and correctly. But it is a deceptive realm. If you could see beyond the veil, you would find horrors beyond belief. You would find a truth most could not accept.


Remember, the NDEs are a type of marketing for us here on this Earth. The rest of us may experience something very different when we die. We only have the information of those who came back, not those who have not."


Bill: Very true. I want to save this discussion for a spiritual-focused Intel Drop, which we've been planning. I think we could write a book on the subject based on the dozens of conversations we've had about this over the past two months.


Gideon: "We need to expedite that. We do not have much time left. We have months, in my view. Our team needs to be ready, those reading should also know they do not have much time before Obsidian and the activation compromises them.


Without the antidote, without Sovereign status, some will perish during the activation, as well. You need to be right in this world and ready for the next. We will all die at some point. We should not fear it but we must be prepared for it. I hope what I can deliver to you, Bill, once our comms are fixed, as well as our prior discussions, can give people a roadmap for that."


Bill: I don't think people have a clue, to be honest. The stuff I see on X and YouTube, everyone believes the NDEs, trusts Trump and Musk, and even the skeptics don't get it, they don't see the big picture. 


Gideon: "No, they do not."


Bill: Your guide said our team is well known in this after life, or astral plane, can you expound on that?


Gideon: "Well, I believe I got ahead of myself in my prior comments. I did not disclose or discuss the other side of this, and that is the Heavenly realm and God's true purpose for all of us. We do have a purpose. We are seen and loved by God. The problem is that we are ill-prepared spiritually for what is to come, and the threat of the nano dust and activation is profoundly real.


My guide warns me over and over that our team must succeed, because if we do not, there is a horrendous, unfathomable outcome that awaits humanity in 2030 and beyond. We cannot allow the cabal to fulfill this agenda, Bill. 


We are protected, we are watched by those on the other side, those working against this agenda, so they are very familiar with what we are doing and they are trying to protect us."


Bill: I know you need to get going, so I'll bring this to a close. I hope we can get our alternative comms set up soon, what's the timeframe on that?


Gideon: "I spoke to Michael on that. I think by late February it will be arranged for us. I do not believe the cabal will be able to detect we are speaking once we use it, so I will be able to tell you more that keeps getting disrupted, especially about this event and what we learned about the after life.


I also spoke to Michael about a back log of Intel Drops that have not been published. We intend to publish a series of more Intel Drops or Intel Bulletins before we go off-line, so more will be posted in the coming month."


Bill: Good. What about people applying to our team? I know there's still a lot in process. Are the whistle blowers considering those people?


Gideon: "There are a few they are considering, yes, but the process is very, very slow. I expect we will keep it open for a bit longer.


We need a strong team and for that, we need strong people and we need to reach them. The censorship against us has prevented us from getting our information out to a lot of the right people who can help us."


Bill: Ok, I'll let you go here, and I hope Michael can get done editing our next Intel Drop, which will be very spiritual-focused, I look forward to that getting published.


Gideon: "I will talk to you again, Bill, stay safe."


Bill: I'll try to. God bless. Talk soon.




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Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5).


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