
Intel Drop #50 - The Beast System In This Life & The Next

"It appears God has allowed this to happen because people have free will. People can choose, and people have chosen the Beast."
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We Are Sovereign @OculumLabs · Aug 16, 2024 · edited: Jan 1, 2025

Intel Drop #50 - The Beast System In This Life & The Next



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Intel Drop #50


The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: This is probably going to be one of our longer Intel Drops because there's so much we've gotten into in recent discussions, and I want to cover all of it. How much time do you have tonight to talk?


Gideon: "I put aside an hour."


Bill: Ok, I've got some notes so I don't lose track. People don't know this, but you basically worked for the cabal in the past, but it's complicated. I'm not sure if you want to get into that or not?


Gideon: "I can speak on it for a moment."


Bill: You worked for the cabal for years and did their bidding, but you didn't really know it was the cabal, is that right? And you thought you were doing the right thing?


Gideon: "For some of my career I did work for the cabal but I was not aware of the full extent of who I was working for. Once I found out, I made careful steps to exit that career."


Bill: Do you have regrets about any work you did?


Gideon: "Some of it. I later had my eyes opened as to what I was doing. This was a very long time ago, too, Bill. A lot has gone on since then, in my life. I have spent considerable years working against the cabal since then."


Bill: I just think people should know you know the cabal on a personal level. You know what they're about. You've seen how they work. You know them inside and out, in my opinion, based on what I know. I'm not judging you, either, because I know you got the hell out of there once you knew what was going on.


Gideon: "I did. That is why I can sleep well at night."


Bill: One thing that's amazing are the sources you cultivated over the years, people still working in the intelligence field. I love some of the discussions we've had, some of the tid bits of intel you get. There was something that came up that you thought you could share, did you get an answer on that?


Gideon: "I did, yes, I believe we are talking about the same thing. This is in reference to the afterlife intel?"


Bill: Yes, that.


Gideon: "I did get permission."


Bill: I'd like to talk about it. What did you learn?


Gideon: "What I was told is coming from a senior scientist on a major classified project for a certain European government. It involves NDEs, or Near-Death Experiences."


Bill: What's the project entail? 


Gideon: "They are, in short, inducing NDEs and directing the departed soul to carry out missions. The soul then returns to the body and they are brought back to life. This scientist is scared to death because of some of what is being said, what is being brought back."


Bill: We talked about this for about three hours a while back, it just never made it into an Intel Drop. I think it's one of the most incredible stories I've ever heard. Now, it does connect to this group you spoke of, at least partly, is that right? I mean, the group you said is going to release information soon.


Gideon: "Yes, it does. This particular individual is working with that group, providing them information. I expect there will be some public disclosure soon on it. It is also possible the cabal may try to censor it."


Bill: What else can you say about what he said? What are they learning about the afterlife? Ok, wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here, I want to talk about this from the start. How do they induce the NDE? Who are they doing this to? 


Gideon: "The individuals involved are always under the age of 12. They are chosen for a variety of reasons, one of which is they must demonstrate very high intellectual acuity for their age. The government needs children who can follow instructions. 


Children are solely used because their soul can be dislodged from the body, and the body can be brought back to life, with a very high success rate. The success rate for adults is far too low, but it has been extensively tested on individuals who might have been disappeared, individuals taken out of society."


Bill: Maybe like homeless populations that seem to go missing?


Gideon: "That would be an example, yes."


Bill: So it doesn't work on adults, it works on kids. What's the success rate for kids?


Gideon: "It is high, and higher the younger they are. This is because it appears the soul and human brain do not fully fuse together until about the age of 3, and entirely by the age of 12. I do not know the complete science behind it, just a general outline. This is what I was told."


Bill: Is there brainwashing and programming that goes on?


Gideon: "Yes, extensively, so the child complies."


Bill: Are the children harmed or tortured?


Gideon: "He told me they are not, that they are treated well, but they do undergo psychological conditioning, which is a form of abuse."


Bill: It is. What's the mission, in the afterlife? 


Gideon: "The mission is something where the scientist describing this to me found himself unable to fully disclose it, generally out of fear. He believes if he utters the words, there is enough surveillance to track him. I told him there are measures we can use so he can speak freely. He would not do that with me. He has done it with the group I referred him to."


Bill: I see. Did he give any hints, any idea of what the mission is? What is the government trying to do in the afterlife? Explore it? Understand it?


Gideon: "They already understand it fully, Bill, there is no need for that or to explore it. It has been charted and studied, probably for centuries, by the cabal.


The missions are very specific, and the children, or their souls, they go to specific places, which exist in what is called the astral plane and another place, the astral planet. 


They go and do things, tasks, complete orders, sometimes deliver messages, sometimes conduct surveillance. That is the most he would tell me. There is more, but it was not told me to, it was told to the group I referred to."


Bill: Ok, I got ahead of myself, when they induce the NDE, how does it work?


Gideon: "It is done using a mixture of chemicals, similar to how anaesthesia works. The key is the central nervous system must be shut off, all electrical activity must cease in the body for the soul to be released. That does not happen under general anaesthesia, of course, so more is done."


Bill: To me, it's just evil, but it sounds like something the cabal would do. This is the cabal, right?


Gideon: "It is, yes, through an arm of the government."


Bill: I should have put together some notes on this from our prior discussions. My head is buzzing with twenty questions. What exactly happens at death, and where does their soul go? 


Gideon: "Once the central nervous system shuts off and all electrical activity ceases, the soul is released, which is a high energy ball of protons, something I do not know how to explain, nor did my friend. We do not fully know how consciousness somehow exists within this ball of energy, but it does, and resides in the body, we believe in the brain, near or within the pineal gland. It actually exists within two or three dimensions beyond this one at the same time, as well."


Bill: Once you die, where does the soul go?


Gideon: "It expands and moves on to another dimension. Our dimension usually fades quickly, for the soul, as it observes its surroundings. It moves onto the astral plane, a dimension that overlays our own, that we cannot see, feel, or detect virtually at all while here alive, but it is right beside us."


Bill: It's really hard to believe all this, even though I actually believe in a soul and in God. I still can't wrap my mind around it. Why can't we detect the soul or these other dimensions?


Gideon: "The body is a carrier, or container for the soul, and the soul is trapped inside it during a lifetime. It cannot escape, move, or do much of anything, it is wrapped up and contained by the central nervous system electromagnetic force field that all bodies produce. Our bodies are actually electricity generators, though this is not widely published or discussed. It appears that is the mechanism that keeps the soul in place. 


In terms of detecting it, there are some methods, but these are highly suppressed by the cabal. The other dimensions can be detected, but again, the methods are suppressed."


Bill: So, to recap all of this, the children are killed, basically, they've been given instructions on what to do once they die, they go fulfill the mission, then they are brought back to life?


Gideon: "Correct."


Bill: How long is their body dead?


Gideon: "Ten to twelve minutes."


Bill: I've read some NDEs before, and it seems like people always say their time in the afterlife was way, way longer than the time they were dead. Is that right?


Gideon: "It appears so. It appears the project this scientist was involved with wanted an ideal death time of ten or twelve minutes because it afforded the maximum mission time in the afterlife and best chance to still bring someone back. 


That time is what seems to be a few hours or days when they are in the afterlife, even though it is only ten or twelve minutes here. Time here is different and somewhat an illusion, while time in these other dimensions either does not exist or things happen all at once. It is conceptually difficult to grasp."


Bill: What if it's a shorter death time, it seems chances of coming back would be higher?


Gideon: "Yes, but there is a period of transition for the soul, it is not instant upon death, and that seems to take a few minutes, in our time frame. The soul has to fully move on to the next dimension. The person has to be dead at least a few minutes just to get that process completed."


Bill: Is that why some people die and come back and don't report anything? You have to be dead a while before anything happens?


Gideon: "Possibly."


Bill: What is the astral plane like, compared to here?


Gideon: "Some of this information I got from this group we have been speaking of, not just the scientist. 


There are at least two types astral areas we are speaking of, so I need to be clear. There is something that overlays Earth. If your soul stays in this area, you would see the Earth as we see it, but also a lot of other things, more colors, something called M-Band noise, which would be all the thoughts everyone is thinking, which could sound like a train of chatter and noise.


You would also see entities, other souls, what we think of as ghosts. You would see a number of odd things. You would be able to pass through walls, too. Since time is different in this plane, souls can end up in temporal time loops. These are known as ghosts, often residing in or around surroundings for decades and never leaving. To the ghost, time has barely passed, and some may not even know they are dead, while to us, decades have gone by and they are still there.


Most souls do not stay in this area for long, they move on to the astral world. This is a separate place though in the same dimension. The scientists I spoke with said it does not overlay Earth at all, but it is connected in some way. The soul would go through a tunnel of sorts to reach it. There, they would find an Earth-like planet very different from our own, but also familiar in certain ways. It is in the astral dimension, but souls can appear 'material'-like, and experience material things, if they choose, and they do.


I was told it is dystopian in nature, with a top-down ruling hierarchy. I was told some Hollywood movies specifically show it, describe it. The laws of nature are different, gravity, and so on. People can read thoughts and walk through walls, but the rules in place do not always allow it. There is a strict police state in place. There is extensive drug use, alcoholism, sex and prostitution. All of this takes place because the soul can materialize certain things and experience the third dimension, or a simulation of it, like here on Earth.


They enforce rules, though, otherwise souls could exert more influence on their surroundings, materialize things using thought alone, and so on. The power structure would break down. How they maintain the power structure, it seems, and why, is the biggest secret of all, one so incredible, this scientist was in fear for his life if he even thought or spoke the words."


Bill: What do you mean if he thought them?


Gideon: "His thoughts can be read if the government sends a child on a NDE mission to investigate him. He believes they have done such things to one of his colleagues, who ended up taken away. While the child may have only been dead for ten minutes, in the astral, he can spend hours or even days investigating someone like his colleague and examining his thoughts."


Bill: Wow, I see. So he monitors his own thoughts? Controls them so he doesn't think of certain stuff?


Gideon: "He does his best. He did disclose some things to me, but much more to the group I sent him to. I advise them on how he could speak and think without fear."


Bill: Oh, I see, so there must be ways to block this extra dimension from seeing what's going on in this one. Is that right?


Gideon: "Yes, there are ways to do that."


Bill: Like a faraday cage?


Gideon: "Similar concept, yes."


Bill: Right, well, this is overwhelming information. It's just mind-blowing to me. I want to ask more, but I wonder if we need to speak privately for a second here, I think we should.


Gideon: "Off-record?"


Bill: Just a second, I need to ask you something.


Gideon: "Ok."


(Conversation resumes)


Bill: We've had multiple entries in our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series, and in those, you do speak of the astral plane, from information from your guide. It seems this coincides and confirms with what she told you. Do you think it does?


Gideon: "It does, but with more detail, there is more knowledge the scientist is imparting."


Bill: Does your guide not know certain things?


Gideon: "My guide has not spent hardly any time in this astral plane, or world. Her knowledge is from other sources. My guide has spent time with our Creator, who exists entirely outside of Earth and the astral world."


Bill: Did you discuss what this scientist said with your guide? 


Gideon: "Yes, and she confirms all of it as accurate, and she is aware of these black projects. She is deeply concerned about them."


Bill: I feel like it's highly confirming, because you said the astral plane or planet was like this, dystopian, they enforce laws. You talked a lot about this in the previous Intel Drops. The cabal controls it just like Earth, right? The same cabal?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: If a soul ends up there, is it still a soul, or does it have a body?


Gideon: "It can materialize as a body, and it must remain as such. There are laws against shape-shifting, and certain powers are only afforded to the hierarchy."


Bill: How can they enforce that?


Gideon: "Because they have the same powers. They can read thoughts, there is mass surveillance far greater than there is here because, for example, you can see through walls there, if you want. So, while a soul who ends up there has more powers than they have here, because of the nature of the dimension, the power structure also has far greater powers. It equalizes."


Bill: Why is this astral dimension like that? It seems very weird to me.


Gideon: "Different laws of nature apply there. Laws of motion, gravity, cause and effect, they are vastly different. Thought itself forms the reality, in fact. The cities, the towns, everything is formed by thought on the astral planet. How that structure remains in place is due to the power structure and enforcement in place. Without it, the planet would dissolve into various thought-forms produced by the millions of souls within it, all creating their own worlds. This is not allowed.


I should add, this astral planet is just one place among this entire dimension, which is vast in its size, extending across the universe and including countless other worlds, ones that are not traps or controlled by a cabal. To get to them is another matter."


Bill: Is this astral dimension where God resides?


Gideon: "No, God resides in dimensions above it, but God is present in all dimensions, as well."


Bill: Why would anyone agree to being there, on this astral planet you're talking about?


Gideon: "A few reasons. Those who are there are often trapped there, often lured there and trapped. Those who are there are bonded by agreements, which are taking place in this life, which is the most important and chilling factor one should consider. Those who are there, some of them, want to be there, because of the benefits, the power, the hierarchy they can join, and move up within. I am speaking mostly of cabal members. 


Others are drawn to the rampant sex, drugs, gambling and hedonistic lifestyle, one that does not require hard work, one without consequences, since no one can actually die or be harmed physically there. They are drawn to this, only to find later they have made the most grave mistake imaginable.


There are other ways, though, the cabal can harm you and hurt you in the astral, ways that are terrifying and possibly worse than death or torture here on this Earth. Those who are there know that, so they comply with the police forces."


Bill: I think we spoke of this, you said Blade Runner is close to what it looks like.


Gideon: "Yes, if you want to know some idea of the astral planet, watch both Blade Runner films."


Bill: You've said the astral plane and astral planet, they're different things, right?


Gideon: "They are."


Bill: Does this planet have a name?


Gideon: "It does, but invoking that name carries within it a vibratory signature that will bring unwanted entities in my direction. There is no reason for me to say it. My understanding is that the group who will release information may use it, though. Michael discussed some of that with me the other day."


Bill: Is it a name that's out there, like something you could Google?


Gideon: "Yes. It is a Biblical name."


Bill: Does the cabal want this astral planet to be secret?


Gideon: "Yes, they very much do. They prefer we humans either believe in materialism, in religion, in New Age beliefs, or in the versions of NDEs they offer and show. They do not want people to believe anything I am saying right now."


Bill: How do you mean, in terms of the cabal wanting us to believe the NDEs?


Gideon: "Most NDEs are sanitized experiences of the individual so that when they come back, all of us believe a certain experience awaits us."


Bill: But it doesn't? 


Gideon: "It does, but it is not the full truth. Many will experience the so-called light and tunnel, and they may speak to God or Jesus, but these are entirely deceptions. Only those washed in the blood of Christ, who have full salvation, may bypass these traps, but even then, my guide said God's holy chosen few are being trapped and deceived upon death."


Bill: How is the cabal allowed to mimic Jesus? To make a fake Jesus, in the afterlife?


Gideon: "Because the realm is not ruled by God, it is ruled by Satan. When we die we are still in Satantic realms. People do not have knowledge on how to escape these areas. Some even believe they are in the Godly realms. Remember, Satan is an Angel of Light. You must remember that."


Bill: Interesting, true, but God isn't darkness, He is not the opposite of light. Is He?


Gideon: "It is nuanced. In the simplest way, Satan is copying and mimicking the pure love of God."


Bill: I can't believe God allows this, though, to allow people to stay trapped, even after death.


Gideon: "We allow it, Bill. We allow it. Through the contracts we have made in this life, the compromises. The cabal believes we belong to the cabal. It appears God has allowed this to happen because people have free will. People can choose, and people have chosen the Beast."


Bill: What would it look like if a person did not choose the Beast in this life? What would that person look like? As someone we could model?


Gideon: "That is a very good question. My guide has spoke about this a bit. She said that person would not participate at all in the money system. She said that is key. That person would probably have a small farm, live off the land, and never use money, they would only barter.


I have asked how many of these people exist today, and she said no more than about 350,000 on the entire planet. She said they will go directly to God upon death. She said the cabal also sometimes tries to find these people and get them to use money and technology. Interestingly enough, they usually reject it or never use it, if it's given to them."


Bill: Does the cabal try to force it on them?


Gideon: "No. The cabal gains far more power if they willingly do it. That is what the cabal wants. If they turn away and go about their nomadic ways living off the land, the cabal tends to leave them be."


Bill: I guess the nano dust wouldn't effect them, either, right? If they're living off the land?


Gideon: "It will not, because they never consumed it in the mass-produced food."


Bill: We're not in that special group, I'm not, you're not, I don't know how to handle this information. Most of our readers aren't. We're all in the group that uses the money system and technology. I just don't know how to process it. I feel like God is abandoning us.


Gideon: "He is not. But we also have work to do. We have work to do, Bill, to be ready for Him."


Bill: I feel like we have to stop Obsidian.


Gideon: "We do."


Bill: I feel let down because we've been attacked, these agents are just relentless in their lies and deceptions, and now here we are, Obsidian is about to come online and just a few thousand people read the Intel Drops. A few thousand. How can we win? A few thousands is nothing.


Gideon: "That is not for me to decide, of course, but we do not need millions of people believing in this to stop Obsidian. We need the right people on our team to stop it."


Bill: Yeah, I get that, I do, I just can't believe the denial. We've been right about so much. We've shown how Obsidian is real, all the confirmations, we post news stories everyday proving it, it's going to happen, people just refuse, refuse to accept it. It makes me want to give up.


Gideon: "It is not about the public, Bill. It never has been. We cannot save everyone."


Bill: Someone said to me that the whistle blowers should come forward, show their faces, go to the media, tell the world about Obsidian. I found that extremely naive, but maybe you can explain why that can't be done.


Gideon: "They do not want to die in vain, Bill, or for nothing. They know this system is so classified that their exposure of it publicly would be dealt with swiftly by the cabal. They would not be able to do any damage to Obsidian or the cabal, no media outlet would air their story, and, at best, it would circle among alternative media gatekeepers before being memory-holed."


Bill: Ok, I think what they chose to do, by working with you, it's a lot better. It's actually very smart. They can feed us real intel and help us change accounts to Sovereign. It's just smart, how you've done all of this.


Gideon: "I believe it was the most wise path we could have taken."


Bill: Like I said, this may be a long Intel Drop, because I haven't even covered a lot of topics here. My head is still spinning from what that scientist told you. I may return to that, but let's move on.


Gideon: "That is fine. We can return to the topic later." 


Bill: There's been some big news stories recently, things that keep confirming Obsidian. One is that nano bots have been found in the blood of the unvaccinaated. Another one of them is Bank of America has all but released information showing they have a full digital ID system set up. I know you're aware of this. Is that system also Obsidian?


Gideon: "Yes. You have to realize the underlying subsystem that controls all of the digital ID measures is Obsidian. It is simply under different names. This is so that people will not resist. If people believe each individual bank has their 'own' digital ID program, they are less likely to link it to a one-world type of system.


It is similar to the fact we have so many different banks, yet they all use the SWIFT system that runs through BIS. Every transaction runs through BIS. Obsidian is somewhat an update to that."


Bill: This goes back to some of our recent discussions about how we already accepted all these things, how the cabal basically believes they have conquered humanity. It's why their A.I. is putting "666" into everything, inserting it, it's like a way of almost either mocking us or letting us know what's going on. Is that along the lines of what you're saying here?


Gideon: "It is. We already exist in a quasi-Beast system, where we have consented to control,

surveillance, we have submitted to a one-world banking system under SWIFT and BIS. 


I do not consider it the Beast, however, nor do I think the cabal does.


I believe the cabal believes we, as humanity, gave consent for the cabal to proceed with Obsidian by already participating in their previous systems of banking and commerce that violated natural law and God's laws."


Bill: At what point do you think someone should have resisted all of this? What point in time?


Gideon: "It could be argued once credit cards became mainstream, that was the point to begin to resist. Once tracking become so prevalent. I do not know the exact date or time, but I would say by the mid-80s, many patriot groups were raising alarms about this."


Bill: There's still skeptics out there who don't think this will happen, and some think Trump will stop CBDCs, for example. He's said something like that, so did DeSantis. Can we trust any of that?


Gideon: "No. They are cabalists and Sovereigns in Obsidian. They know what to say."


Bill: I'll briefly get into politics here, then move on to other things. The Kamala Harris campaign has been a rollercoaster, where things started out with Trump way ahead after the assassination attempt, and then quickly Biden stepped down and Kamala rose up. This all looks scripted and manipulated, like we said in the last Intel Drop, it just keeps confirming that. 


Gideon: "It is. The rise of Trump, then his fall, then Kamala's rise, all of this is being done by the cabal and by A.I. systems to increase emotional engagement of the population. We saw the media go very negative on Biden, then with the flip of a switch, they went very positive on Kamala Harris. We saw her rise in the polls abruptly. Much of this is manufactured, because her real support is minimal."


Bill: Could Kamala Harris win this?


Gideon: "Yes, if she remains the nominee. I have said she may not, but if she does, I have said many times, it does not matter who wins, whether it is Trump, or if it was Biden, or now Harris. It simply does not matter as to the agenda. Each outcome serves the cabal, and the outcomes are, in fact, rigged to begin with. 


The only difference is each outcome will have different consequences and outcomes for the losing party. If Trump loses, Trump supporters will be on the verge of civil war, and the Harris Administration will actually pursue more aggressive policies against them. If Harris loses, they will use Antifa gangs, manufactured terror and migrants to create chaos. In either scenario, Obsidian will come online.


For the record, I lean toward Trump winning, but it will be contested and chaos will ensue."


Bill: Just when I think Trump is decent and if I were American, I could see myself voting for him, he goes and says some stupid things. I don't mean offensive things, like the media gets upset about, I mean stupid things like how he boasted how he gave Miriam Adelson the Medal of Freedom. He said some questionable things there about veterans, if people listen to it. 


Gideon: "Certainly, his undying love for Israel appears to have no limit. I think that alone is enough to dismiss him as a serious person who might implement real change."


Bill: Well, some say he has to do that, or he would be killed.


Gideon: "A careful reading of his behavior would suggest he takes part in the ritual of submitting to Israel with glee. Someone who values money above all else would not hesitate to make compromises in such areas. I have said before, I do not believe he is necessarily blackmailed or that the cabal has to threaten him. They ply him with money easily enough."


Bill: Do you think this goes back to how he was bailed out of his casino failures by Wilbur Ross? I mean, at that point, they must have had something over him. They saved him, and he must have given them future concessions to go along with their plans.


Gideon: "That is almost certainly the case. You also have to remember Trump was going to run against Pat Buchanan in the year 2000, and he attacked Buchanan for the very things he now says. Trump has proven to be a chameleon over the years, finally taking on the role and mantle of a nationalist firebrand, whereas in the past he was a Democrat."


Bill: That makes me think of Vance, how he picked Vance, who was an anti-Trumper. It's almost like Trump is saying, "I know this is all a game," so he picks a guy who hated him and now likes him. I wonder if behind closed doors they just have a laugh over the roles they play, as if they're actors or something.


Gideon: "Well, I have sources who tell me he is an actor, and it is all an act, and he enjoys it, partly due to the money involved, certain assurances he's given."


Bill: Ok, but what about the legal problems? What about all the charges? I mean, he looks persecuted. I can't imagine he would agree to that if he's just an actor.


Gideon: "Yes, but is he in prison? Was there not supposed to be a prison sentencing in July? What has come of it? Very little, thus far. We should wait and see the outcome, if he is impacted in any real way at all, or not. I suspect not. In fact, I know he will not be.


They will float charges and jail time, but nothing will come of it. If it does, I will be surprised, but the cabal can replace Trump if he is sent to jail. In other words, the real Trump will end up on a Tel Aviv beach sunning himself next to Epstein."


Bill: It's a little bit like his damaged ear, all but forgotten now. No photos show any damage. Then he said his earlobe got shot, but we know that's not true. It's all strange. I think the last Intel Drop really told the truth about all of it. 


Gideon: "It does feel surreal."


Bill: It doesn't make any sense. We're talking about someone brought up on tons of state and Federal charges, yet nothing has really happened, convictions but no sentencing. We're talking about a guy shot in the ear, who claimed now part of the cartilage got shot off and the earlobe got shot, but there's zero evidence of any injury, none.


Gideon: "That is because they are all Sovereign, and all belong to the cabal. They all know what is coming. They are playing their roles, within a script. Part of the ritual is to give clues, too, allow a few clues to be known. They even did this with 9/11, just more carefully."


Bill: Elon did that interview with Trump, they're saying a billion listened in, but then the media downplays it. What's real there, in terms of numbers?


Gideon: "It is in the range of 400 million people listened to at least some part of it, including short clips. That number will grow. The numbers are far beyond anything Kamala Harris can draw."


Bill: Did you listen to it?


Gideon: "Some portions."


Bill: What did you think?


Gideon: "Trump talked excessively, but cleverly in his delivery, and Musk chose his words carefully, from what I can tell. The net effect is people gained trust in both men, despite whatever the media claims."


Bill: Do you think the script will flip and Kamala will fall and Trump will rise again?


Gideon: "Yes. As I said, this rollercoaster is for emotional impact among each voter base. The cabal wants them to feel wild swings for their particular side. It induces euphoria, then anxiety, and back again."


Bill: There's so much pandemic news, which we covered in the last Intel Drop, we're talking about Bird Flu and Monkey Pox now, two made up diseases. Where do you stand now?


Gideon: "I expect a real disease will be released, possibly this Winter. I know it is being tested now. Monkey Pox is also a symptom of two things, the vaccines and nano poisons. The cabal can activate a so-called Monkey Pox outbreak anytime, anywhere, via the vaccinated or through nano poisons. It does seem the latent nano dust in all of us is not part of that, however, that will come later through Starlink activation."


Bill: That's really, really scary, because right now people are disbelieving of all of this, so if it's real, then that puts people in harms way. They won't take it seriously.


Gideon: "No, they will not, which is what the cabal wants."


Bill: That's so evil. You're completely certain it will be a real disease, a real pathogen? A bacteria? 


Gideon: "I am certain. There may be fake scares that precede it, however."


Bill: How deadly?


Gideon: "Not deadly if you are unvaxxed, but in coinciding with the nano dust and activation, whether you are vaxxed or not, you will be impacted without the antidote."


Bill: Everyone will be impacted by the activation.


Gideon: "Those without the antidote, yes, everyone."


Bill: Right now, that's you and me, too. We haven't gotten the antidote. How and when will Sovereigns get it?


Gideon: "It is expected they will receive an alert in their banking app, connected to Obsidian, that will direct them to the closest pharmacy to obtain it. It will be free. It will in a small container, and I believe it is reddish in color. It is not a pill, it is liquid in form. It is just one dose for that person.


It cannot be separated and shared with others, is my understanding. The cabal does not want their own Sovereigns sharing it with friends and family who are not Sovereign, and they know that is a possibility."


Bill: I really, really hope it's safe to take. 


Gideon: "The alternative is not safe, either, Bill. We already have the nano dust inside of us, and once Starlink activates it, we are, essentially, doomed."


Bill: I think that's where I want to know more, what happens after activation, why we're doomed. You say it's because it affects our souls.


Gideon: "That is my understanding, it affects the soul, and by extension, our afterlife path, and where we end up, which will be the aforementioned astral planet."


Bill: Would we end up there to begin with? I mean, without all this, is that where we would go?


Gideon: "Not necessarily. Most people die and they follow the light, into the Satanic reincarnation trap. They enjoy a wonderful time there, which is a lovely place bathed in white light and artificial love, but then they are manipulated and pushed by their so-called guides to go back to Earth.


That is an entirely different experience from the astral planet. By being in that cycle, at least a soul has a chance to escape and to find God. Once one arrives to the astral planet, it appears there is no escape."


Bill: Who ends up on the astral planet?


Gideon: "At this point, the vaccinated do. They go directly there upon death."


Bill: If you end up on the astral planet, can you find God from there?


Gideon: "By every account, by every source I know of, from my guide as well, the answer is no, that it is the ultimate trap, the ultimate end point. It also has a type of Hell there, below it."


Bill: Is that where Hell actually is?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: So if you end up there, you can't get out, you can't reach God?


Gideon: "I do not know fully, I have just been told that to escape from there it is nearly impossible."


Bill: Why?


Gideon: "Because if you ended up there, it means you did something in this life to sign a contract over to Satan, to agree to something, to sign over your soul, to allow yourself to be compromised in some way.


By the time the nano dust is activated, it is believed by my guide that Satan will claim every one of those souls."


Bill: This is very, very hard for me to believe or take in right now, I need to think about this for a moment. I think I understand what you're saying. You're saying we are choosing this, but I don't feel like we are. I don't feel like it's fair.


Gideon: "I do not entirely, either, but I also understand where my guide is coming from when she says we keep choosing to live within a Beast-type system, and when Obsidian comes online, that will be the actual Beast system. If we live within it, then Satan believes he can claim us, and it appears God is not disagreeing."


Bill: If we take the antidote and get the nano dust out of us, we will avoid the astral planet?


Gideon: "My understanding is that we will, yes." 


Bill: I still think there is a way to salvation, there has to be way. If we truly seek God and we want out of this nightmare, I think we can get out. Don't you?


Gideon: "Yes, and no. I used to feel how you felt, now I am very uncertain. That is why we have to fight Obsidian. If we do nothing, then we are complying with Satan.


How can we be with God if we comply with Satan?"


Bill: I guess we can't, I guess that wouldn't make sense. At all, actually.


Gideon: "Now do you see why I am very, very concerned?"


Bill: I do. There's no easy way out here. I just thought the blood of Christ saved us.


Gideon: "It does, Bill, but we keep washing it off, because we keep participating in this Satanic system."


Bill: I get that. Does your guide think our team will be ok? Because of what we're doing?


Gideon: "Yes, because we are fighting back, we want to destroy everything, all of Satan's plans. There is no higher virtue."


Bill: Good, good, I feel that way, too. What if we fail?


Gideon: "Well, we are only as strong as our weakest link. I pray everyday our team stays the course and does not fall for agents or Satanic lies. If they do, I do not know if our team will make it."


Bill: God is good, that I know, and God will not abandon those who seek Him. I don't care if we're betrayed, I'm not slowing down. 


Gideon: "Nor am I."


Bill: What's the news on this group you spoke of? Because I really want to know what this scientist is telling them.


Gideon: "They are preparing for the public release, it may be a few weeks when it comes out, or sooner. Michael is working with them to ensure proper obfuscation through Stylometry, the same done for the Intel Drops. He is an expert on it, so they agreed to have him help them with it."


Bill: How will people know about it?


Gideon: "I have heard they will release it on as many platforms as they can, and it is then up to the public to receive it. They told me they are choosing not to do any advertising at all, somewhat on my advice."


Bill: You advised them not to?


Gideon: "I did."


Bill: Why, though?


Gideon: "Because my guide told me we should not, and I felt they should not."


Bill: Did you ask your guide if it was ok for you to advise them of that?


Gideon: "After the fact, yes, I informed her, and she agreed with it."


Bill: I'm sorry if I sound frustrated, I just hate how the gatekeepers flood all of these alternative channels with garbage and the good stuff gets buried. I hope that doesn't happen here.


Gideon: "I simply know they will make the information available in every way possible, and allow people to then share it, much as we request people share our information."


Bill: But people don't, they don't do anything, people are so lazy.


Gideon: "My guide always advised me that we should not force anything on to anyone, that it should simply be presented and they should make their own choices. Advertising somewhat betrays that. The cabal also uses advertising. I believe we should not, and they should not." 


Bill: Do you think we shouldn't push for people to share our info?


Gideon: "I told Michael I think we should not, but he has not removed those suggestions that people share the information. They should do it on their own without prompting, but Michael disagrees, and I have allowed him certain authority, so on that point, I will not interfere."


Bill: I see, well, we're getting into some more off the record types of discussions here, not so much what we would normally put in the Intel Drops. I want to jump right in with the fact the whistle blowers have agreed to help more people. Can you give an update on that?


Gideon: "Yes. They have agreed to convert more individuals to Sovereign status, provided certain provisions are met."


Bill: In what way?


Gideon: "There are risks for them to make these account conversions and edits, so security and vetting will be prioritized."


Bill: Just some backstory here, we did a great thing with the previous pipeline project, but it was attacked relentlessly by agents and we had to shut it down. Will this be a different process than that?


Gideon: "Yes. The previous process we used was excellent, and kept the whistle blowers safe. However, it allowed anyone to join fully anonymously, and that presented opportunities for agents to infiltrate the program. They essentially destroyed it and made it impossible to continue."


Bill: What will this process entail?


Gideon: "It will be similar to the one we used to create our first team. Those accepted will have their accounts in Obsidian changed, and receive proof of the changes. The whistle blowers agreed to this, but only for a small number of individuals, possibly only five or ten."


Bill: When do we plan to announce that?


Gideon: "I do not have an exact timeframe, unfortunately, nor the final word from the whistle blowers that they are ready. When, or if, they are ready, we will proceed with it. If someone is interested, they should inquire now via email."


Bill: Do you think the cabal, since they are monitoring us, will they escalate against us now because we're doing this?


Gideon: "They will, but the whistle blowers are amenable to this because my guide said our team is not quite strong enough, and they agree with her. We do need more people on our team.


The whistle blowers do not want their efforts to go in vain, either. They do not want to have helped us only to have fallen short because our team is rather small right now. We need enough people to act against Obsidian to have any hope of destroying it."


Bill: That makes perfect sense. If I had it my way, we would have a lot more people on our team, but like you said, there's risks, a lot of them. I hope people get that. The whistle blowers have to actually do these edits at their workplace. Can you explain what they do, briefly?


Gideon: "Yes. They pull up an existing record in Obsidian of an individual and convert them to Sovereign status from their previously held status. Most people are Common status, and some are Restricted or Quarantined. We found most of those who joined us early on were Restricted or Quarantined, which is a confirmation for us that they are who we want on our team.


The editing and conversion process is not intensive or difficult for the whistle blowers, but the whistle blowers must make it appear the edit is congruent with their daily activities and job requirements."


Bill: Ok, what maybe people don't know is that there's dozens of technicians in fusion centers all over the world doing this. Far more than dozens, more like thousands. So, this makes it harder for the cabal to pinpoint who it is, right?


Gideon: "Generally, yes. Another factor is that the programmers and security specialists have already been through extensive security checks. To investigate and then fire dozens of them in the hope they cast a wide enough net to catch my men would only lead to greater delays in Obsidian's completion because they would have to hire and vet new programmers. 


I have come to the conclusion the cabal simply does not care enough to commit major resources to stopping my men since we have only changed a small number of accounts, but there still remain major risks for them, regardless."


Bill: Ok, I have something in my notes here, I want to ask about. We talked before about this, and it's how important the afterlife is. It's something this other group is focused on, the one that's going to release information. You told me we need to be thinking about that more, not our life here. Is that right?


Gideon: "We do. We spend our time worried about our time here, our money, our jobs, the newsmedia, the politics, and we are completely ignorant to the fact the bigger picture is what happens after this life, to our souls. The cabal wants us focused on the material world, here and now, and not on what comes next."


Bill: That's not far from what Christianity teaches, except Christians these days don't even resemble real Christians anymore.


Gideon: "No, they do not. Most follow preachers and pastors who do not even know the cabal has changed the Bible. How can you trust a preacher or pastor who does not know that? The Bible now contains modern words like 'Matrix' and many bizarre changes. Anyone who is old enough should see those changes, but these pastors and preachers are blind, or they are cabalists."


Bill: Most of them worship Israel, as well.


Gideon: "Yes, they do, they worship a Satanic entity, somehow believing it is divinely connected to the Holy Land, so they must respect it, and somehow they must admire and protect the Jews. It is just infiltration of Jews into the Christian church over the years, pushing Christian Zionism. It is an abomination."


Bill: How does being Sovereign in Obsidian affect us in the afterlife? If at all?


Gideon: "It will positively help us if we end up on the astral planet. According to my guide, some of us will have a mission to go there and destroy it, too."


Bill: Can you describe that more?


Gideon: "She told me some on our team will be chosen to go to the astral planet and work against the cabal there. Since we are Sovereigns, we will have extra privileges afforded to us there. We will be part of the cabal there, and we can work within to destroy it. Somewhat similar to what we will do in this life, against Obsidian."


Bill: Do you think our team is ready for this information? Is this new information?


Gideon: "It is new within the past few months. My guide said to be careful in revealing it. I will not say more, partly because it may cause escalation. I personally believe the cabal is already aware of this, though."


Bill: You mean aware that some of our team members will eventually go on this mission after they die?


Gideon: "Yes, the cabal knows that, but they are not concerned. Once a soul ends up on the astral planet and they have privileges, much like with Obsidian here, they will not want to give those up.


The privileges there are extraordinary, far more incredible than anything here. In fact, it is something the cabalists in this world think a lot about, a lot more than their wealth here."


Bill: You've told me everything the cabal is doing with USDR actually transfers over into the next life, is that right?


Gideon: "Yes, it does, as a form of credit. The more wealth the cabal gains here, in fait, and especially now in USDR, it will be a credit that is transferred to the astral planet. They say you cannot keep it after you die, but in this case, you can."


Bill: Right, you can't take it with you, as the saying goes, but you're saying you can. Is that another deception? The cabal always tells us we can't take anything with us.


Gideon: "Yes, they do not want people knowing the truth about the astral or the afterlife at all. They definitely do not want people knowing about this aspect of it."


Bill: This is a big, big concept and revelation to me right now. This is very big. It's causing my brain run with questions. It means everything we gain in USDR here, we will keep over there? 


Gideon: "Yes, if one is chosen by God to go to this astral planet to perform a mission, then yes."


Bill: Can we go whether God chooses us or not?


Gideon: "We can intend to go there after death, yes, but most would not want to, unless they are Sovereign. All Sovereigns who are part of the cabal will want to go there, but everyone else will be forced there or manipulated to go there. The structure is similar to what Obsidian will put on Earth here, it has already existed there for thousands of years. It is a dystopia."


Bill: What if people read this and think it's crazy? A lot of people just don't believe anything, they think we die and there's nothing else, or they don't even believe in souls, or they believe in a very basic idea of dying then going to God and Jesus and Heaven.


Gideon: "If someone only believes in the materialist version of reality, and that there is nothing after death, then they are hopelessly deceived and brainwashed. The proof of life after death is beyond question, and well documented. Other forms of documentation include remote viewing, which is proven. We know this material world is not what it seems, and that modern science is mostly fraudulent. 

We also know the Bible has been changed by the cabal. We know the afterlife is not what it seems, and people who have NDEs go into a false light, where false versions of God and Jesus appear. There is no question or doubt these are false versions, because what happens to people in this false light involves manipulation and coercion in thousands of NDE cases. A true God would not manipulate or coerce souls. NDE cases also show people meet Mohammed, Buddha, all kinds of different religious figures, tailored to what they believe in. We know virtually everyone is going into this false light, including Christians."


Bill: People can't accept this because we open our eyes and all we see is this material world. It's like there's nothing else beyond it.


Gideon: "But there is. Most people have had spiritual experiences in their lives. All they have to do is find those, and they will find God. Unfortunately, for others who are compromised and claimed by the Devil, they will find Satan in those experiences."


Bill: How much of a role do entities play in our lives?


Gideon: "A significant role, according to my guide. They are always influencing us in small ways. They are everywhere. "


Bill: Are they demons?


Gideon: "They are many forms. Demons are a specific type. Other types are energy farmers, tricksters, influencers, or dark shadow guides. Demons are more volatile Satantic spirits that cause destruction."


Bill: Did you believe all of this five or ten years ago?


Gideon: "No, but I had a colleague very high up in a military research and development department who did. I thought he was a bit unhinged, until I spoke with him more and more, and learned more and more. He was not unhinged at all, he was brilliant."


Bill: I worry what we say is defying what people believe. It's so far out there. But it also rings true, to me.


Gideon: "People should not take my word for it, they should use their own discernment. If they look deep enough, they will find there is an afterlife, they will find we are met with deceptive false light and entities when we die, and that the Christian version of death has been captured by the cabal.


There is a way to God, but we are compromised in this life, we committed to Satan without fully knowing it through our actions and choices. In fact, we did know, but we live in denial."


Bill: I want to go back to this idea of how our team can work in the afterlife, too. This is a very big thing. It means we can do a lot more. How can our team be prepared for this?


Gideon: "They need to pray to God for guidance. If they are strong, after they die, they will be chosen for this mission. When they die, they will go to the astral planet and they will find they are greeted as Sovereigns and given great privileges. If their hearts are true, they will know they have a mission to destroy the cabal there, as well. It will not be hard to dicipher what is going on.


Their Sovereigns status means they will be welcomed, given great riches and privileges, and power. If they fall prey to any of that, if they give in, of course, they will be giving themselves to the cabal and Satan. I believe no one on our team will do that."


Bill: There's much, much more meaning now to what we're doing. Do you plan to share more of this in future Intel Drops, talk about it more?


Gideon: "Yes, I do, but there is not much time left."


Bill: What about people sitting on the outside, who don't have Sovereign status?


Gideon: "They are infected with the nano dust, and there is great concern by my guide that they will eventually die, whether soon or some time from now, whether naturally or via the activation or disease, that once they die, they will be captured by the false beings and taken to the astral planet as slaves."


Bill: That's what the cabal wants with all of these unvaccainted people, isn't it?


Gideon: "Partly. They also want some of them kept on Earth for as long as possible, alive, so they do not die. That is part of transhumanism. They are going to kill off a lot of people, but the ones left, they will keep alive. That is why birth rates are dropping, by design. They are going to stop births, overall, in the long term, and only allow selective ones.


They are planning something very, very big for Earth in the next few decades. There is also a catalysmic event coming, which they are preparing for."


Bill: This group that's going to release things, Michael's helping them, what can they do to help the world? What are they doing to do?


Gideon: "They have incredible technology. You will see. It will help people, in fact, at least those who understand and listen."


Bill: Good. I'm looking forward to that. We will let people know?

Gideon: "I do not know if we have plans to. When the information is released, I suspect people will know and find it. If not, we may help. I do not know for sure. Agents will attack it ferociously, I suspect."


Bill: Our time's about up. What is anything else you want to say before we go?


Gideon: "Understand that agents are operating online at all times. Since Kamala Harris has risen, thousands of more agents are posting. Some have noticed this. So, agent activity is at an all time high. If you are falling for any narrative right now, or believe she is winning, and Trump is losing, then you are falling for false narratives. That means you are lacking in discernment.


Trump is winning, but the cabal released agents to shift the perception, so people believe Kamala is winning. This is an example of a psy op in progress. You need to have discernment to know what is happening. The biggest problem is that good people are falling for agent lies, all of the time. All of the time. You must use discernment. They will lie unceasingly so you do not believe certain truths."


Bill: Its unbelievable how much they lied about us the past two years. If we were not threat, we would never get that kind of attention.


Gideon: "We certainly would not. Any time you are being aggressively told not to believe something, it should give you pause. Agents typically attack in that matter, attempting to get observers to disbelieve, they want to discredit aggressively. That's really the sign, if it is aggresive and highly negative in how they attack, then it usually means it is an agent. It means they are not being fair or balanced, they are really just pushing something onto you.


Their own gatekeepers do the work on the other side on the coin, pushing narratives, but they are never, ever attacked."


Bill: I never see them attacked, not much, you're right. Especially on Rumble, which is a cabal outlet for alternative media, they are free to grow and say whatever they want.


Gideon: "Alternative media is now a breeeding ground for gatekeepers, many hoping to get Sovereign status by serving the cabal."


Bill: Thank you for explaining all of this, and for this eye-opening conversation. I'll let you go. I pray for your health and pray for our team.


Gideon: "I pray for you and yours as well, Bill. God bless."




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 Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5).

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