
 Shariah Law, The Sunni Islamic Law is a paradise in this life & the way to paradise in the hereafter


Sharia law in Sunni Islam is in fact a paradise in this life & the way to paradise in the hereafter because it is the best law for all humans & all times, the solution for the problems, the best justice and security.. etc


For example


Shariah law in Sunni Islam supports the natural environment. Shariah law in Sunni Islam combat desertification. Prophet Mohammad said

"Whoever enlivens a dead land, owns it"



But, unfortunately, since most of the governments in the Islamic world are corrupt secular governments supported by some corrupt western and eastern governments, almost all of them don't practice this great law


Jihad in the Shariah law


l "Fight for the religion of God those who fight you, but, do not transgress. Indeed. God does not like transgressors". Quran 2:190 l

Also notice that other verses about Jihad uses the linguistic root (the). In Arabic & many languages, using the root (the) specify the verdict to specific idolaters who fought against Islam and haven't repented. The verses do NOT say: (kill every idolater or every infidel)l

For example, even in English, if you say to a kid (give this thing to a kid), he can give it to any kid. But, when you say to him (give it to [the] kid), he should give it to a specific kid because you added the root: the

These verses prove that it is forbidden in Sunni Islam to use or even make weapons of mass destruction. And, they also prove that it is forbidden in Sunni Islam to use bombs, or heavy weapons randomly or against goals when there is a possibility of hurting other than those who fights against Sunni Islam or its Sharia Law

l (Pakistani) Taliban..etc attacked civilians. But (Afghan) Taliban doesn't attack innocent civilians because its leaders are Sunni scholars who know that attacking innocent civilians (even if they are non-Muslims) is forbidden in Sunni Islam: Click here to see and click here to watch ;-)l

Is there a death sentence for apostasy?l

No, there isn't. Some ignorant Muslims thinks that there is death sentence for apostasy depending on some unauthentic narrations. But, the above verse, the verse 2:256 which says "There is no compulsion in the religion...". and many other verses in the Holy Quran prove that there is no death sentence for apostasy at all in the Sunni Islamic Sharia law. So, When someone leaves Islam he should only be taught about the evidence and proofs for Sunni Islam such as these: http://justpaste.it/Zy and then reminded by the verses that says that Islam is the only way to be saved and to be in paradise in the hereafter

Is there a stoning for adultery?l

Some people think that Sharia Law says stone all adulterers. This is wrong. The Holy Quran 24:2 says: "The adulterer and the adulteress, lash each one of them with a hundred lashes..". But, Some scholars say that there is stoning for marital infidelity adultery if it happens in public in front of 4 or more religious Sunni Muslim men witnesses, or he or she admits freely 3 times or more in front of the Sunni Islamic Sharia Law court that she or he did a marital infidelity adultery

The best economic & financial system


Shariah law in Sunni Islam includes the best economic & financial system in the world which protects the nations economy to avoid collapses or even any big economic crisis

The following links are world wide academic researches & studies about the following subjects

Financial system in Islam 


Economic system in Islam


Human rights in Islam


Minorities rights in Islam


Women rights in Islam


Orphans rights in Islam



Children rights in Islam


Embryos rights in Islam



Insects rights in Islam


Environment Rights in Islam

The Holy Quran is the first book in the human history to warn people against pollution even in the sea and clears out that humans are the ones who are responsible and they must stop corrupting the environment as you can read in the following verse

I quote "Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea for what mankind's hands have earned, that He may make them taste some (part) of that which they have done, that possibly they would return" the Holy Quran 30:41

The Holy Quran also warned against air pollution & even described the smoke in the sky as torment as you can read in the following verses

I quote "Then watch for the Day when the sky will bring a visible smoke; covering the people; this is a painful torment" The Holy Quran 44:10-11

Environment rights in Islam


Animals rights in Islam



The Punishment System

The punishment system in Sunni Islam is set to provide the best justice, equality, peace, fair security & the happiest life possible for the community & each innocent person etc. And no one is punished unless he/she chooses to be punished. How is that?! For example if someone lives under the Shariah law he must know that there is a capital punishment for killing any innocent person intentionally. So when he chooses to kill an innocent person that means he chooses to be punished by capital punishment. This system provides a great security for the community



This is a pie chart by ICNA shows the components of the Sunni Islamic Sharia law. Notice that most of it consists of rituals of worship, personal, economic, & family laws

Sharia law forbids any kind of coercion, torture or even pressure against any defendant, animal & insect. Bullfighting was banned in Spain when the Sharia law ruled it for about 800 years

These are only few great examples & there are tens of thousands of more great laws in Sunni Islam

What about women covering their faces, eyes & hands etc?l

Q: Many Muslim women cover their entire bodies including their faces, eyes & hands. So, is there any verse in the Holy Quran that commands women to do so?l

Answer: Yes, there is. The meaning of the Holy Quran 33:59 says: "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the dutiful believers to bring down over themselves some of their cloaks (which means that their cloaks are larger than their bodies & they must cover their whole bodies including their faces, eyes & hands). That is more likely that they will be known (that they are the women of the dutiful believers) so as more likely not to be annoyed or abused. God is Forgiving & Merciful (so obey Him if you want to be forgiven by Him & to obtain from His mercy in the Hereafter because Quran 7:156 and 40:7 says that God's mercy & forgiveness will be, in the Hereafter, for the dutiful believers)".

Note: In front of her close relatives who were mentioned in Quran 24:31 she is allowed to show her face and hands only if they are practicing Sunni Muslims. And, she also allwoed to show the same to women around her if they are practicing Sunni Muslims. The details are available in this verse and more details are available in Arabic here

Extremely awesome important links

imagine Trump as a Muslim. The full scenario of the shortest best movie starring Trump as a Muslim is here: http://justpaste.it/zy 

Scientists’ Comments on some Scientific Miracles in the Quran & authentic Sunni Hadiths: i-g.org & 

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The American math professor Jeffrey Lang converts from Atheism to Sunni Islam: https://www.math.ku.edu/people/faculty/lang.html