
Tha Vayz Ov (((EEE-VOL))) !! =;-(


$ e l l i n g   D e t h   W i t h   A   $ m i l e !   =D

E z   E t   2   L 8 ? ? ?   R E P E N T !   =8^)


Will she continue 'working hard' 2 ram civilization down the toilet, or 'get on the right side of history' & 'fight 4 freedom' & all that jazz?  HOO NOZE!!  Playz Yor Betz! =D  Skroll B-Lo 4 mor 'Edgy Bitz' an 'Matters Katro' . . .


Hur Pozt Heer ~> https://www.instagram.com/p/CVlUdtKJrY-/

'Meemzolia' sez . . . (((Kill$hot))) NQQZ !! =;-o  EXTRA EXTRA !! (((ZuckerBooger))) is a joo ~>


So renaming (((FaceBugger))) 2 'DEATH" !! is 2 B expected ~>


Because 'Judaism Is A Religion Of Death' ~>


BTW: That's a joo admitting this.  Here's another example (many others listed if U read down into it) ~>


& more ~>


The promotion of death via the name change is consistent with pushing the (((Suicide Jabs))), which 4 instance R jacking up child kill rates ~>


And murdering over 700 people a day right away (not 2 mention long term 'early demise') ~>


This is by their own admission too ~>


Meanwhile the (((Media))) Wh0rez promote the destruction, because (((Of Course))) =)) ~>


Because they 'Love' kids SOOO much, like #PedoSnifferO'Biden? =)) ~>


Holding them up like 'Human Sacrifice' 2 please (((Bo$$man)))?? ~>


Cheerleading 4 the exterminatino of Turks through 'Attrocity' (((Bull$hit))) like Iraq/Libya/Syria & others B 4 (read the T-Shirts in the 'photo collection') ~>


Details (Long Links Version) ~>
iThought the silly new 'Meta' name announced 4 (((FaceBugger))) was the usual 'anti-customer' routine trying 2 ignore the fact they are PEOPLE & not just 'meta data for $ale 2 adverti$ers' & so on, but actually it's (((Hebrew))) 4 DETH! =))  How typically ((($atanic))) = Details here ~>


Short link:


More ~>


Short Link:


This is 2 B expected, with the (((Agenda))) of wiping out the 'Goy' via 'The Deadly (((Vax)))' & so on ~>


Short Link:


Yes, he's a joo = so (((Typical))) ~>


iGez it's 4 tha bezt ~>
= "Makow I Am THANKFUL The Deadly (((Vax))) Is Exterminating The RETARDS Who Would Submit 2 This Krap =)) ~>

= LOL!! Quote: "On Tuesday I decided to comply and get the vaccine because I didn't want to lose my career. I love my job and am very excited for what's coming next for me."
= Cut off your balls to keep your job!  So excited 'what's coming next' = LOL!!
= Cut off your dick or you're FIRED! =))
#FullRetard =D
Like (??) = "Bright future 4 U if U just... remove your eyes.  Here's a fork.  Do it NOW!  GOY!!" =))


But hey she's 'Just Following Orders' right, like Mr. Vax above? ~>



More on (moron? =)) 'Katie' Katro's extreme (((Corruption))).  Note: It's not 'defamation' when it's TRUE! =))  Unfortunately yes, all 2 tru . . . REPENT! =D




Meemtaztik DM (Direct Message) 2 KDK (Katie Katro) on 2021-10-27 . . .

Part 1 of 2:
HAY KDK now that you have pledged your total commitment to ((($atan))) by promoting the mass poisoning of children, instead of warning mothers & families against the obvious verifiable known dangers of the (((Doom Vax))), maybe you will like to add some other ridiculous (((Propaganda))) to the mix like interviewing mothers on how wonderful it is that they convinced their boy to chop off his weenie so he could 'transition' to 'female'?  = FUN FUN! =D
You promoting the poisoning of kids ~>
Then you hold 1 up, like a 'human sacrifice' ritual? ~>
That's what 'Win$' you the (((Award$))) from (((Bo$$man))) at the (((Network)))?? ~>
No benefits to kids, only dangers ~>
Part 2 of 2:
Reminds me how U pretend (((Vote Fraud))) doesn't exist, & George Floyd was 'murdered', etc..  U R not so much a 'journalist' (whatever that means?) but a 'repeater' = a ((($hill))) 4 (((The $wamp))).  May as well embrace it fully instead of pretending you have redeeming qualities besides your cute smile =D  That way it flips from annoying to hilarioiusly ironic like watching a wolf eat it's own legs =))
BTW: Some verifiable scientific facts about how the (((Deth Jabs))) R designed 2 destroy those who submit 2 it ~>
((($atanism))) is a trip!  It would B GR8 4 U 2 look into it 4 tips to advance yourself up 'The Chain Of Command' faster through (((Z.O.G.))) or whatever?  U flirt with it already like your 'Exterminate The Turks' parade & 'gay marriage' nonsense.  Yor other 'fans' don't notice the (((WarMonger Agenda))) ~>


KDK Insta-Comment . . .



I love Katie Katro😍


@brooklyn_soldier169 Yes wonderful how she pretends Joe Biden got more votes than TRUMP & that the endless (((Fraud))), proven up, down, & sideways by video evidence & audits & so on is just 'baseless allegations' =))  She's a real hero HAHAHAHA




Mor 2 C! =D  Need 2 go through the 'comment saves' 2 find tha bezt rantz tho, bot heer R zum da rekd Lynx ~>

Pretends a 'suspect' who is on video attacking cops & begging 2 B placed on the ground because he already couldn't breathe even while sitting alone in the back of the police car because he was already dying of a drug overdose (& confirmed by autopsy) was 'murdered', even though also the cop followed official procedure at every step including the 'knee down' thing the whole time ~>



Even the some of the (((Media))) horez openly admit 'Saint Heavenly Floyd', The Greatest Blackie Who Ever Lived (May Peace B Upon Him =)) was already suffocating from an overdose B 4 going 2 the ground...


Quote: "George Floyd told police he was claustrophobic and struggling to breathe even before he ended up face down on the Minneapolis pavement"


Autopsy confirmed how doped up he was ~>


Not only 1 of the ugliest creatures 2 ever exist, but way violent criminal history 2 = a true 'champion of diversity' he was =) ~>


Quote: "The Hennepin County Medical Examiner's official autopsy made no mention of asphyxiation as a cause of death"


He was a 'speed baller', mixing 'uppers' with 'downers', but died of a heart attack 'due to asphyxiation' so claim the (((Media))), who also claim that burning down cities all year long is 'peaceful protest' =))


"The county ruled the cause to be “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” It also cited heart disease and drug use as factors that could have contributed to the death. The secondary autopsy, by contrast, specifically said Floyd died from asphyxia.  So who is right? ... “If you were to present that video to 100 different board certified forensic pathologists, you’d get 20, 30, 40 different ways of turning that into the statement of death,” he said. “This happens with about 5-to-10 percent of the cases we do.”

= interesting how they constantly mix truth with (((Lie$))) =))  They say 'results inconclussive' but at the same time scream "MURDER!!!" =P  It's a game 2 pretend they R not just (((Propaganda))) Wh0rez.


Check out some of the evil twits she works with, like this munchkin clown ~>

Evil Gook comment


Asians should develop some fresh prayers B 4 meals, 2 honor their lord & savior: Saint Heavenly Floyd =) ~>


KDK comment


Congratulations!!!! So well-deserved!! 👏👏👏❤️


@nydiahan thanks so much, Nydia! 😊


@nydiahan HAHA U would say that, #EvilGook that U R, propping up 'Saint Floyd' the violent junkie who died of a drug overdose after robbing a store & attacking cops & begging 2 B placed on the ground because he killed HIMSELF as some kind of 'saint', even bashing white people when n!ggers go around attacking in 'anti-Asian hate crimes'.  U R as truly ((($atanic))) as 'Katie' Katro with her promotion of the destruction of children through the (((Clot $hots))).  Now she gets an award 4 doing their dirty work?  Typical (((HollyWeird))) krap.


Example ~>

evilgook instagram comment


It's the blacks attacking the Asians, about 84% of the time.  They only report the race in the (((Media))) about 16% of the time, trying 2 pretend it's mostly whites doing it = ((($cam))).  U can watch the videos all over the internet of so many blackies bashing Asians, & this clown cheer leads 4 the attackers like BLM & the rest = total suicide-bomber type behavior (doesn't care how much she is harmed, so long as she can harm whites in the process).  Get a grip.  Your ((($cam))) is so transparent ~>


U know another thing that's pretty funny is a lot of the 'Asian Hate' stuff is blackies reacting 2 the (((Fake Plague Bull$hit))) spewed by the (((Media))) U work 4 #$atan =))  Blax don't know how 2 negotiate, pretty much, & prefer violence, so U R kind of asking 4 it with the whole 'Bat Soup Wuhan Lab' nonsense ~>


Corona is just the regular seasonal colds & flus, (((Rebranded))) as excuse 2 ram civilization down the toilet & hand the wreckage 2 the (((Bank$ters))).  So in an interesting 'Cosmic Payback' sort of way, U 'Reap What U Sow' with the anti-Asian violence = cheer leading 4 the (((Hoaxes))), & it makes the blax angry @ U, etc.  The problem is the jews really ~>

U work 4 ((($atan))) ~>


Blabla . . . meemtaztik:
I like how Katie Katro promotes the extermination of children in her so-called (((Fake Nooz))) reports ~>


We'll never 'combat extreme weather' unless we get rid of all these 'useless eaters' yes? ~>


Details about the genocidal anti-child (((Clot $hot))) rollout ~>


Katro is a truly evil, ((($atanic))) figure, selling deth with a $mile, but that's typical of N E 1 in the (((Media))).  It's like a 'job description requirement' & as an employee of ((($atan))), like (((Di$ney))), they want U 2 regularly reaffirm your commitment 2 the destruction of civilization ~>


'Katie' Katro also pretends (((Vote Fraud))) doesn't exist, even though there is video evidence & all kinds of other facts proving the election was stolen all over the place, like 4 instance even kicking the observers out & blocking the windows, etc. ~>



Vitally important 'work', spreading (((Lie$))) = no time 4 'pointless distractions' like building a family or whatever?  Some quotes (emphasis added)...


"NOT DATING !!" =))






Who cares right?  Can just flood the place with more violent stupid terd worlders 2 'enrich' things ya?  Because they do such a wonderful job at elevating civilization in their home nations HAHAHA =))




Who gives a fuk about 'America' N E waze right?  Can always head bak 2 hur 'home' country & speex tha lingo 2! ~>



= 🇦🇱 Immigrant/bilingual



DM (Direct Message) 2 KDK (Katie Katro) 1 ...
HAY KDK GR8 vid here about your ABC group & the network! Check it out ~>

Part 1 of 2:
KDK GR8 (sort of) nu stuff on the deadly (((Vax))) bio-weapon, proven by medical doctors & stuff with absolute precision & stats & all that jazz...
Mass Child Sacrifice ~>

Pretending It's Normal 4 Kids 2 Die Of Heart Dissease =)) ~>

All Killing, No 'Saving' ~>

Dying Is Our Duty 2 #LordVax =)) ~>

Note how they pretend 'kills 117 to save 1', but of course it doesn't save any at all, & is purely destructive, by (((De$ign))).  Note these R both joo web sites (((Unz))) & (((Kirsch))) HAHAHA  I guess when ((($hapiros))) R going barren they start 2 take notice?  Abby On Empty ~>

HAHAHAHA =))  Instagram sympathy magnet ~>

Part 2 of 2:
The goal is 2 mass murder everybody.  The people behind the whole 'corona' dybbuk 'malicious posessing spirit' (posession) thing is a dead universe.  Evil people don't want 2 feel like pathetic, parasitic trash, so they invent ideas like 'it's good to do evil' = like 'not mass murdering kids, but 'saving the planet from their horrid carbon emissions', etc =))  & yes, literally satanic, in plain sight...
https://bit.ly/3CCK1OS (repeat =P)


OOPS!!  That ((($atanism))) link @ the end was not what I meant 2 post.  The (((Media))) is ((($atanic))) yes, but meant 2 mention Gate$ ~>

What is ((($atanism)))?  Ask tha (((Jooz))) themselves!  Happy 2 admit it all!  CHECKMATE! =)) ~>

Vax = depopulation & suffering. U should not go around promoting extermination through mass poisoning, expecially against kids, but whatever = as long as U R famous & getting paid 'does anything even matter at all'? LOL


Just keep spreading more (((Bull$hit))) 2 ram America & everybody in it down the drain, so the (((Bank$ters))) can $teal the wreckage easier ?? =P


Long Links 4 DMs Above (in case the shortened 1's break =)


(((Media))) info . . .
Mass Child Sacrifice . . .
Making Kids Have Heart Attacks . . .
All Harm, No Benefit . . .
Just Call Child Heart Problems 'Normal' = HAHAHA Goy . . .
Sterilized Vaxxy Jooz / Cosmic Payback? . . .
BTW: More On Moron ((($hapiro))) & his ((($hill-Tard $kamz))) . . .
& Mor 'Typikal Jooz' ~>

WOOP!  The Brother Nat 'Defector' Collection ~>

Gate$ ((($atanic))) Adverti$ment$ . . .

Jooz admitting jooz R ((($atanic))) . . .
https://justpaste.it/9m7gb (a lynk zo nyz 2 C et twyz =)


Mor Glory Oz 'Tales Of The Infinity Plague In Eternal Hoaxyness' . . .





If only The Infinite Plague Of Eternal DOOM could last 4ever, with U =)

Surprised She Hasn't Gone Off Into (((Carbon Tax))) Nonsense

iGez 'The Mighty Corona' Is All (((The $wamp))) 'Needz'?



iLyk 2 browz hur chan koz hur fayz ez lyk my fave beige chik woz pretty much ~>



Chix R reely all ovur tha map tho ~>



Mor Heer ev ya skroll 2 'Cheesecake' an awn B-Lo ~> https://justpaste.it/6gmyt


OnWerd ~ KDK Pretends that actual protesters on video all over the internet being invited in by cops who even held open the doors 4 them while chatting with them are 'terrorists' ~>



Lumping them together with the (((False Flag))) clowns ALSO on video shipped in by the (((F.B.I.))) in busses & so on, also on video openly BRAGGING about attacking before, during, and after their terrorism = total (((K!LLW!TEY!))) moves by the 'rent a liar' (((Network))) =P


((($election))) False Flag 'Agent Provocateur Riot(s)' ~>  https://justpaste.it/9mn5i  !!! =8^D


Pretends Pennsylvania so-called (((Government))) has 'free & fair elections', while ignoring the mountains of evidence of (((Vote Fraud))), because (((Bo$$man))) would fire her if she didn't spew more of the same 'nothing 2 C here, move along' (((Agenda))) ? =))



Not like it's so hard 2 do actual research, 'Katie' =))



Anzo Awn =P  WAAAY Kewt Zum Tymz Tho


Lyka Fishen Loor ?? WACH OWT!  =;-o