
Intel Drop #55 - The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change (Part 6)

“The cabal has no power over our Creator. The cabal knows this. Their only power is in compromising souls and leading them astray, leading them from God."
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We Are Sovereign @OculumLabs · Dec 25, 2024 · edited: Jan 1, 2025

Intel Drop #55 - The Cosmic Rules Are About To Change (Part 6)




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The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, all intel sent by Gideon is edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: We've had a few eye-opening talks in the past few weeks, so I hope we can capture all of that in this Intel Drop. I have some notes, so I'll just proceed with some rapid-fire questions to start.


Gideon: “Proceed, Bill.”


Bill: We talked extensively about drones over two years ago in our early Intel Drops, our early readers will remember that, and now it's all over the news. I feel like it's actually a big confirmation of your information. What's your assessment in light of what's going on?


Gideon: “I have spoken to some of my sources about this and I am going to need to address specific things, one by one.”


Bill: Ok, with the New Jersey drones, one thing that's been going around is that they're nuke sniffing drones, trying to find a rogue nuke or nuclear material. Did you buy that theory?


Gideon: “No. Certainly, those plans exist, of course, but there is no intel I am aware of that it will happen."


Bill: I feel like the story has proliferated everywhere, to the point it's practically on the news. I mean, this idea the drones are for sniffing nuclear material. Normally, the cabal doesn't just telegraph their plans like that. Am I making sense?


Gideon: "Yes. If the cabal is going to conduct a major operation, you will have a few small leaks, very small leaks, similar to Obsidian, similar to clues released before Covid and 9/11, but knowledge will not be widespread and it will actually be suppressed.


This story you are speaking of has quickly entered the public realm, carried by certain gatekeepers, and it has not been censored, so I am skeptical they will proceed. It may also be a cover story."


Bill: What do you think the New Jersey drones are, exactly? Military drones? A foreign nation's drones?


Gideon: "They are Planatir* (the company's name has been purposefully misspelled. Please see the note at end of this Intel Drop) advanced A.I. drones, being introduced to the public this way. Somewhat as a show or display of power."


Bill: Interesting. What do you think of Whitney Webb, since she's gone after Planatir, and written a lot about them trying to expose them? Is she a gatekeeper and a Sovereign or not?


Gideon: "We never had her status checked. I would guess she is not Sovereign, but there may be an offer on the table for her to become one."


Bill: As an aside, I've seen a lot of comments on the Internet of people grateful to Planatir for "making them rich" since they bought their stock a few years ago, and it's now gone up a lot. Something about that really irked me.


Gideon: "It is nothing to feel grateful about. They cannot imagine the trick they have fallen into, for they have gained no wealth at all and they have possibly lost their souls for it in supporting and investing in such an evil company."


Bill: There's another side to this drone issue, Project Bluebeam, the idea of a fake alien invasion, and also people who really think these are real E.T. craft. What do you say on that? 


Gideon: "I have seen some of the videos, and so far, there is nothing I have seen that conventional drones cannot do. Ground-based laser technology can also be used to create flying holograms. As I said, some of it, or most of it, is Planatir's top A.I. drones being introduced to the public.


That does not mean there is not more to this, however. There is a bit of intel I came by, also confirmed by my guide, that the activation of the nano particles through Starlink may initiate the ability for humans to see certain entities beyond our realm; these entities will display great deceptions.


We hear a lot about an 'upgrade' in spirituality for humanity coming from purveyors of the New Age movement, as if we are going to ascend or reach a different dimension, and I now believe these are gatekeepers preparing the public for what Starlink and the nano particles will do to our ability to see beyond this world. We will discuss this later on."


Bill: I have that in my notes, so we'll get back to that, it's very interesting. I wanted to bring up how Elon Musk emphasizes free speech so much. Is the cabal trying to emphasize free speech as a form of pacification? Or to give people a false sense they are winning or defeating the cabal by speaking out against their crimes?


Gideon: “Yes, in a sense. The cabal is overwhelmingly in a position of strength, but they are feigning weakness. It may be the grandest deception of all time, when it is finally done. The cabal is going to sacrifice some of their own to allow for false victory, for the public to believe they have won or defeated an enemy, simply through social media action.


They are controlling the opposition, but their game is far more sophisticated than in the past. Before, they simply suppressed truth-tellers and promoted blatant MSM deceivers, now they have promoted seeming truth-tellers and even allowed them to tell the truth. It is stunning to witness, the cleverness of the operation, and its seductiveness. Some of it is now being directed by the cabal's advanced A.I., which is why it is far more intricate and multilayered than past psy ops. 


Something else to consider is that the cabal will allow truths to come out, then do nothing about them. This, too, is happening, especially with child trafficking. They allowed the truth to be told, but the cabal runs and controls the groups trying to supposedly stop child trafficking. They also pacified the public with films like Sound of Freedom, to give the impression something is being done, when nothing is actually being done.


Bill: I do see that, how people are speaking out, but literally nothing is actually changing. Is that a type of so-called humiliation ritual? To show the evil and then do nothing?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: Is the free speech being allowed to also identify people, so the cabal can target them later on? Put them in Quarantined status?


Gideon: "Yes. That does not mean one should not speak the truth, but speaking it on X.com is like joining the cabal's own data mining and limited hangout operation and speaking the truth. You put a target on your back. I still recommend people speak the truth on X.com, but they should use anonymous emails, names and a non-cabal controlled VPN."


Bill: It won't matter what anyone believes or knows, in terms of the so-called truth, once Starlink activation takes place, is that right?


Gideon: "Considering the nano particles have already been dispersed, once the activation occurs, this is true. Free speech will not matter if your own body is compromised and linked into a system, one you might call the Beast system, through direct connection to a worldwide satellite grid that covers every inch of the Earth. 


Those practising free speech and trying to tell the truth will also be identified through the current X.com data mining operation. Certainly, those expressing so-called antisemitism are being identified and will be specifically targeted by Starlink and placed in Quarantined status in Obsidian."


Bill: Someone asked me if you can go physically underground to protect yourself from Starlink?


Gideon: "To an extent. You would need to remain underground permanently, since the signals are going to be pulsed non-stop. This is not practical for hardly anyone, and those few who are underground and have prepped for it are already known to the cabal. They will be visited by drones and extracted. This is why we believe the antidote that rids the body of the nano particles, to be given to Sovereigns, is so critical."


Bill: There was a photo of Trump, J.D. Vance and Elon Musk at the Army vs. Navy game, next to a Planatir advertisement. Planatir also ran a TV ad for that game in that featured killer drones. Stunning to witness the overt symbolism and messaging there. We spoke about this before, and you said there was great "evil" in that photo. Maybe you can elaborate?


Gideon: "The imagery and signalling in that photo, and the fact that drone ad also ran, is very significant. Musk and Trump are both high-level cabal operators. If you are a high-level operator, and highly-ranked Sovereign, you are not in that position if you have not given your soul to Satan. 


I understand the public marketing by both men, as well as Mr. Vance, is probably very convincing to many. Trump may seem a populist for the people, and Musk a free-speech champion, but I beg of our readers to look deeper. 


Matthew 7:15 says, 'Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.' With each of those men, they have supported many cabal agendas in the past and they have surrounded themselves with cabalists, and they all have expressed utter devotion, loyalty and servitude to Israel."


Bill: I saw a video of Planatir CEO Alex Karp being spread all over, and people were acting like he's this great patriot. It's like we were being told, "Look at Alex Karp, he's great," even though he goes to the Davos meetings and is a cabalist. Then I looked up more videos and he's speaking out against so-called "wokeism" just like Musk is, and Trump is, and this billionaire BIll Ackman and a lot of these new, populist cabalists that came out of nowhere. But, he also tacitly supports Israel and is against antisemitism. This is really strange shift in narrative.


Gideon: "You shared that with me. Be aware, these are the individuals also working to enslave humanity. They are dispensing with the Left and now taking over the Right. They will decry woke ideology and put out it to pasture, but they will begin to hit back against antisemitism. They will keep the woke ideology that favors them and allows them to imprison and target their enemies, whilst making you believe they really fought for you and freedom."


Bill: It's just evil and obvious, but not obvious. I can see how people are falling for this. I'll move on here, can you give us a quick overview of the progress of Obsidian and USDR, then we'll move on to the spiritual matters?


Gideon: "Yes. We now have conclusive evidence USDR and Obsidian will be directly linked into X.com and Musk's future payment systems, email and other appendages that are being created for X. Essentially, X will be the future social credit score suite of control software, very heavily cloaked and marketed in a different way.


We suspect they may roll out freedom-cloaked 'metrics' that will deceptively look like a rating system friendly to free speech activities, but will end up being quite the opposite. The underlying system running it will be Obsidian, with a user interface overlay that will serve marketing purposes.


I cannot emphasize enough how X.com is being used and is going to be used in the future to further the cabal agenda. It is central to it. As I have spoken of years ago, when Musk first bought X, it will be a critical conduit of Obsidian and Reset that is coming.


It is not what anyone expected. Many thought a Reset would come under the auspices of the WEF and more obvious globalist entities. It will not. The cabal's A.I. systems have made these adjustments on the fly. Strategically, it makes sense. Spiritually, it makes sense, and that might lead us on into that topic now."


Bill: You've mentioned "spiritual capital" before to me, which I thought was an interesting term. I don't think people really understand what the cabal cares about. They don't care about money or power, in the traditional way. Maybe you can explain better what I'm getting at?


Gideon: "The cabal thrives on power and money, but what they truly value is your soul and your consent to their agenda. If they can compromise you, and by 'you' I mean all of us, if they can compromise us in any way, that is a currency they value and one, in fact, they tie into money, and that they will tie into USDR.


What we learned recently, which I have alluded to, is that USDR itself has far greater applications than simply being a new form of payment or money system. It is extremely important to the cabal for so many reasons. It is why they have used a very unique system whereby cabalist Soveriegns have transferred vast amounts of fiat wealth through crypto to essentially acquire USDR. That process, in and of itself, gives USDR value, as far as the cabal is concerned.


There is even more to this. It gets into an area many would have difficulty accepting."


Bill: What's the best way you can state it? I know some of it you can't reveal. Your guide told you not to reveal it, is that right?


Gideon: "Yes, entirely for the protection of our team. If I say certain things in these Intel Drops, we will be escalated against by the cabal. Our material will be totally erased."


Bill: It's a really big thing, because you've told me in private, and to me, it's shocking. It's never been revealed before, as far as I know.


Gideon: "The grander purpose of USDR? No, that has never been revealed. It is a very close cabal secret."


Bill: You talked about a clue the cabal has left, can I share that?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: It's a phrase we're all familiar with, we've heard our whole lives, and it's that "you can't take it with you," which is to say, you can't take your money with you after you die. I mean, I think we all understand you can't. You've explained to me that is not true. I won't go beyond that.


Gideon: "It is not true, correct. I would also like to advise that money is the root of all evil, but money itself is not evil. It is only the root of it. The phrasing of such is important. The cabal understands all of this, while the rest of us are left in the dark. 


What you do with money carries with it a spiritual component, a signature. Imagine the good one can do with money? A great deal of good, and some do use their wealth for good. This is truly important, because it carries over into the next life. Of course, for the cabal, the evil they commit with money carries over as well, and carries with it certain implications.


It is critically important those on our team who have acquired USDR understand that what we have acquired must be used to protect our team, to protect us and to serve our mission and to serve God. The cabal believes we will acquiesce and choose to enjoy our Sovereign freedoms and wealth after the Reset, and that is why they have not aggressively tried to eliminate us. The cabal would gain untold spiritual capital if our team were to acquiesce in such a way. 


I know our team is stronger than that. Our mission is to defeat Obsidian, and we will not sway in any way from that after the Reset."


Bill: I still wonder if people reading actually understand what's about to happen. Everyone's going to lose all their money and then have to use USDR, and you won't get much unless you comply with the social credit scoring. Do you think the average person conceptually can grasp this? People think the U.S. Dollar will stand forever and fiat will exist forever, and that Trump will save them.


Gideon: "The banking system utterly insolvent. Even Elon Musk has called attention to this, to prepare people for what is going to happen. They know the game is over. If they audited the books, so to speak, the apparent insolvency would lead to massive bank collapses and hyperinflation. They have to make a change, a Reset. 


Instead of an uncontrolled collapse and Depression, they are going to control it and bring about a Reset and outcome that serves them. Humanity, in the chaos, will be caught nowhere to turn but to accept the new currency, USDR. Trump will offer it as a bailout. They will champion that they are bailing out the people, not the banks. 


The marketing approach will be an extraordinarily effective deception, almost all will accept it gladly, but they will find there are strings attached. The cabal may not even attach those strings initially, a new wrinkle in all this we are learning."


Bill: What do you mean?


Gideon: "The cabal may introduce USDR as a type of 'sound money' and issue it as any other cryptocurrency, then slowly or quickly introduce the restrictions and social credit aspects of Obsidian. This has been suggested by the whistle blowers to me, but they are unsure, as well.


We are watching closely as Obsidian enters its final stages of development. A slow introduction is potentially more devastating, because when it is finally released, when we issue our warnings to people, no one will listen, they will believe USDR is a good thing, tied to Trump, Musk and some kind of sound money or gold standard."


Bill: That sounds to me like the cabal's A.I. making those on-the-fly adjustments.


Gideon: "It does to me, as well."


Bill: There's so much, too, that's going to happen. There's this event coming in 2026, a natural event. I know you can't get back into that, you already said all you could in past Intel Drops, but what about any other major events coming? Any times or dates you can speak of? I'll get back on topic after this question.


Gideon: "2025 is a catalyst year, with a major events planned. Everyone needs to be prepared for possible disruptions to the Internet and to the power grid, by the way. Even with Trump in power, expect the unexpected.


We do have solid intel on the date of the Starlink activation, however, and it is too close for comfort. That date will only be shared with our team, not publicly."


Bill: We've talked before about the spiritual battle playing out. What's the latest update from your guide on this? 


Gideon: "My guide has had many warnings for me, so I will need to walk through each of them. She has told me the Covid vaccine operation was effective in causing compromised souls to exit this realm and join the cabal in the astral plane for operations there. Interestingly enough, those operations could bleed over into our lifetimes, but I will have to discuss that more in depth. 


These are exotic and esoteric concepts, but also Biblical. We will move on after this life and face judgment, but we will also find God's everlasting love, grace and forgiveness awaiting us. The cabal wishes to intervene in that, to prevent that. The means in which they will do that is through the nano particles placed in our food, the Reset, Obsidian and Starlink. A combination of technologies all used to capture the soul itself. 


How can such a thing actually work? Through our own consent. It may not seem like it, but we are consenting spiritually. Many will do so willingly. Those on the outside, those who resist, will do so because they will have no choice when faced with the alternatives. Many will submit. Suicide is not an option, either, spiritually. We must face what is before us. 


I have been told our mission is critical, if not one of the most key aspects of God's plan to stop the cabal. Beyond that, and this is key, it is a chance for those on our team to find redemption and cleanse ourselves spiritually through our actions after the Reset."


Bill: What about people who can't be on our team, what chance do they have? 


Gideon: "My guide said God is bringing certain people to our team, so they will find us, one way or another, they are intended to find us. For those on the outside, who may not end up a part of our team, a grave outcome awaits them without concerted spiritual discernment, and most importantly, protection. My guide said those who will not have access to the antidote, who will experience the full effect of the Starlink activation and what comes with it, they must do multiple things to save themselves. 


First, intensive, daily prayer is necessary, and they must directly address God and ask for protection. They must remove certain electronic devices from their homes, including Wifi and cell phones, because these devices will be used after the activation to intensify the effects of it. They must read the Bible, but not any Bible printed after 1990. My guide said the older the Bible, the better. She said the Bible must not be a re-print of an older Bible, but an actual Bible printed as early as possible.


These are basic guidelines. I do not want to say too much, as I am not a spiritual teacher nor do I have the authority to declare these steps. They were simply told to me. I would advise those reading to remember I am a flawed human being, and not to treat my words anything more than that. I do my best to impart the information I have been trusted with so others can know these deeper truths."


Bill: Thank you for that reminder and your humility. I have some notes here, so I'll go back to a more rapid-fire question format. Has your guide spoken about Trump's victory and if so, what did she say?


Gideon: "She said if Kamala Harris had won, America would rise against her. She said the cabal would have needed to use more aggressive tactics, such as a planned blackout and possibly an invasion, things we have spoke of before in past Intel Drops. They were real plans, very much a possibility. While the outcome would have been bloody and very difficult, she said the cabal would have had more difficulty controlling the narrative.


She said even with the Starlink activation on the horizon in such a scenario, there was a chance, a small chance, that within the chaos, enough Americans and Europeans would rise up to destabilize the system itself. She said Trump's victory not only doomed America, it ensured the cabal's plans would proceed without resistance.


I was also told A.I. made the final decision to elect Trump in the Summer of 2024. Before that, everything had been engineered to bury Trump under investigations and charges, demoralizing his supporters. Then, with the decision made, the assassination attempt was staged and so were other incredible events throughout the campaign that were so iconic they appeared to be scripted, and they were."


Bill: I remember Trump was in deep trouble before they flipped the switch, then it all went away. You said it all would, too, the charges would just go away and that he would win, so your call was correct. Did your guide tell you all this back then? 


Gideon: "I was giving some hints then, yes, at the time." 


Bill: What did your guide say about the activation and how it will, or could reveal, these entities? You mentioned this earlier.


Gideon: "She said the cabal wants to open up certain portals and bring demonic entities into our world. Right now, that is not effective because people cannot see them. While people are already spiritually influenced by demonic forces, those influences are very minimal because the separation between our world and the next is so firm and final. God created it this way. The cabal wants to undo that. 


Scriptures speak of 'signs and wonders', if you recall. The Starlink activation can potentially bring this about, and the cabal is working on it. If it does, people will see entities, and they will see great deceptions."


Bill: Will the antidote, when our team gets it, will it remove this ability?


Gideon: "That is expected, yes. My guide warned we would not want to lay our eyes on such things. It is not an ability we would want. Much in the same way she warned we should avoid looking at A.I. photos."


Bill: Is your guide working with anyone or any other groups who are working against the cabal? If so, are their missions like ours or different?


Gideon: "That is a very good question, and the answer is yes, she is. There are three other groups I know of. I am in contact with only one of them.


Their missions vary. Our mission is, and will be, more focused on espionage, intelligence-gathering and infiltration. Other missions are focused on protecting children, bringing spiritually gifted people to safe areas so they can survive, including some underground facilities, and missions to sabotage current cabal leadership. 


It is possible, and it has been discussed, whether some of our own members of our team could instead help with these other missions, if their skill set suits it. Not everyone on our team will be suited for intelligence operations, but they may have other skills that could help in saving children, for example. The USDR we have accumulated will be extremely effective post-Reset, and we need to use it wisely, so that is in discussion as we speak."


Bill: I think that's wonderful news. We will share this with our team privately?


Gideon: "We will, soon."


Bill: Are any of these other groups related to Q-Anon or these military white hats we always hear about?


Gideon: "No, those are cabal deceptions."


Bill: Ok. What does your guide say about salvation? Let's say someone doesn't join our team, they end up getting activated by Starlink and the nano particles begin to effect them. Can they pray and receive God's help to separate themselves from this grid?


Gideon: "In a word, yes, but they will be so deceived by that point they will not call out to God to ask for such a thing in the first place. That is the great design of the cabal here. She said salvation is always available, but the cabal's intention is to ensure no one ever seeks it, or that it never occurs for them to. 


It may be hard to imagine now, they may say to themselves, 'Not me, I'm different', but one should not underestimate the power of the cabal's deception and mind-control techniques. They are so powerful I must be mindful of them."


Bill: What has your guide said about the advancements of A.I. and where that is headed?


Gideon: "She told me the cabal can now script and create fake events and news narratives quite easily with A.I., as well as utilize Hex as we discussed in our last Intel Drop. The scripted events have been done with the Gaza incursion, entirely fake stories were created for testing purposes, and it happened during the U.S. election. It is being tested, not deployed yet, but if you look carefully, you may see some of these tests. 


The A.I. available to the cabal is considerably more realistic than the public versions. The A.I. does not just generate video or images, it accesses public databases, changes records, and can create scenarios so convincing that a person can be seemingly killed in an entirely generated A.I. car crash, reported on the news, to the point their own death records will even exist in public records. But, the event never took place and the person was not killed, at least, not that way. The A.I. can direct cabal operators to eliminate that person a different way, if necessary., likely with a drone assassination.


In short, the cabal can create fake events and even create fake evidence to prove those events. Let me repeat that, they can create fake events then create fake evidence to prove them. If they decide to escalate against us, they will use such techniques against us, as well.


The only thing A.I. cannot do is generate a real human being out of nothing, of course, but robotics are advancing, too, and cyborgs will be introduced by 2030 and then begin to proliferate. There is another  agenda there, whereby the cabal wishes to remove our souls and place them within these cyborgs, or robots."


Bill: I have to ask about that. How can they do that? How can they remove a soul and put it into a machine like that?


Gideon: "My guide said CERN can do such a thing, but in testing, the person is not only killed, their body obliterated, their soul is instantly released and cannot be physically captured. The process is slow and costly, and not effective to capture hundreds or thousands of souls at a time.


So, it is being perfected and connected to Starlink for mass use. Once perfected, the cabal will use a mobile device, likely placed on a drone or within one, and energy weapons, to eliminate targets and capture their souls as their soul leaves their body. These concepts are extremely unusual, but appear to be based in fact and in reality. We do have souls, and capturing those souls is a high priority for the cabal. 


The implications of this, of course, are terrifying, and one reason why our team is so important because we will be exempt from all of this as Sovereigns. We will not be targeted at all, meaning we can work against the cabal surreptitiously."


Bill: We haven't talked a lot about child sacrifice and trafficking, but it's something that's been swirling around in the Zeitgeist for a long time. Tory Smith was someone who really pushed the idea that all the top politicians rape and murder kids, and he died suspiciously, I think it was eight years ago. What does your guide say about these things?


Gideon: "That it is true."


Bill: Do you know about Tory Smith's story and allegations? 


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: Was he killed by the cabal?


Gideon: "Yes, he was."


Bill: Do people like Mike Pence rape and kill a lot of kids? All the top politicians do this?


Gideon: "I will only speak about what I know and can confirm. While I suspect they do, and I have been told by countless sources that they do, I only have direct knowledge of one individual. That individual is a somewhat prominent German politician. He has been involved in many crimes, and I was involved in an effort to arrest him. It was not successful, unfortunately, and I nearly lost my freedom and my life. This was over fifteen years ago. 


I saw direct proof, which also linked to other politicians, but on the camera footage we obtained, their faces were obscured or blurred out except his, because even my own superiors were taking orders on what they could show as evidence. The case was something that ultimately led me down the path of resisting the cabal, in fact. I know of many others accused of such things, but I have no direct proof."


Bill: I just want to say, you've changed some information above so you can't be identified, right?


Gideon: "Yes, the nationality of the politician and some of the timing."


Bill: Ok, I know you do that a lot, but you never change the meaningful parts of what you're saying. People need to understand how important obfuscation is in protecting us and our team.


Gideon: "It is vital. Without it, we would have been identified and so would have the whistle blowers. One mistake can lead to our identification. That is why the Intel Drops are carefully reviewed and edited by Michael."


Bill: What's your guide specifically said about this heinous evil, I mean, how the politicians kill these children?


Gideon: "That most children harmed this way are protected by angels and most do not suffer, their souls are released before the most grave crimes are committed against them. The cabal is always trying to circumvent this, however, in every way imaginable, often utilizing demonic spirits as the soul leaves and trying to capture or harass it, but they remain protected by God."


Bill: Will the children be trapped by the nano particles and activation? 


Gideon: "That is a good question. No amount of the cabal's technology can capture a soul that did not consent to evil. There are innocent children born into this world with no prior commitment or agreement with the cabal, and despite every effort, the cabal cannot capture them unless they make a conscious decision to compromise themselves. Usually, this cannot happen until about the age of twelve or thirteen, but it can happen younger, depending on the development of the child. 


God created a mechanism whereby the soul is not allowed to make full decisions until a certain point in the development life cycle, and this was to protect innocent children. Unfortunately, children can still be possessed by demons, which is rare, or influenced by them. However, most of the problem child cases we see, where a child may commit murder or harm, that is the case of a soul that already belongs to the cabal re-entering this realm to cause pain and havoc."


Bill: Incredibly interesting and complex answer. I want to know more on this. I'll move on, though, to another question I had. What does your guide say about solar events and claims Nibiru, or this Nibiru system is closing in on us and will cause worldwide catastrophe?


Gideon: "She says there is an event coming, but that Nibiru is not real at all."


Bill: What about the polar shift? I can't remember the exact terminology, but they're saying a pole shift happens every 24,000 years or something like that, and the next one is due in 2040 or so.


Gideon: "She said only the magnetic field is changing, and this happens slow, over many years. It is already happening and some adjustments need to be made to various instruments because of it."


Bill: What about this idea the Sun has changed, it's more white now than yellow? Did you ever ask her that?


Gideon: "No, I have not."


Bill: Ok. I'm still watching the Trump Administration shape up, and I think he appointed a ton of obvious cabalists into important positions, just awful people. What has she said about what to expect?


Gideon: "She said the Administration is, essentially, for show, and that those appointed will do little or no work, and that the efforts of the Administration will be completely detached from the actual agenda of the U.S. Government. She said the appointees are figureheads to form controversy and distraction. She said others were appointed as gifts or rewards to certain loyal Sovereigns. 


She described 'two' Administrations would exist, much like they do under Biden. She said a 'dark' government exists and is carrying out advanced operations against people worldwide, while a 'television' government exists as a figurehead, a symbol, a distraction.


She also said immigration will increase under Trump, and immigration from India will be drastically increased, and that the mass deportations will be mostly for show and not even take place. This agenda appears to tie into how they want to combine the USA, Canada and Mexico together into one union by 2030. Trump has even alluded to this recently."


Bill: It's called The North American Union, it's a conspiracy theory that's been around for years, now it's going to happen?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: So will Trump have any actual power, since there's this underlying dark government?


Gideon: "Yes, in the sense he will carry out scripted narratives."


Bill: I remember he went to the WEF, shook hands with Klaus Schwab, said a few things against globalism, but I thought, "How is he fighting any of this?"

Gideon: "Nothing Trump did in his first term damaged the globalist agenda. The entire term was planned out, scripted and directed. The purpose was to give the impression he was fighting globalism. He would either be re-elected, or he would lose, be humiliated and his MAGA supporters demoralized. The cabal changed plans, clearly, to use him in a different way now, with Musk."


Bill: Have you ever disagreed with your guide on anything?


Gideon: "Yes, absolutely."


Bill: What were those things?


Gideon: "On spiritual issues, things that came to me as a shock, things I could not believe at first or accept. This was some time ago, though. I have since been educated and shown incredible proofs, even miracles."


Bill: What miracles?


Gideon: "Do you recall I spoke of other groups?"


Bill: Yes.


Gideon: "I have been involved with one of them and I witnessed things that are beyond comprehension. Thankfully, those things were within the auspices and under the direction of people working for good and against the cabal."


Bill: I know you had issues with that group because of someone they had brought on board, you said you wouldn't work with them until he was removed. Do you have an update on that situation?


Gideon: "Yes. My grievances against that individual are finally being investigated by the group. I am awaiting an update on their conclusions. They were also infiltrated by an agent, and they are dealing with that, as well."


Bill: Are they OK?


Gideon: "Yes, but some of their data was corrupted, they were misled by it. They are reviewing all of their materials to remove the corrupted data. The issue deals with a hacker who broke into some of their systems and changed data. They would have ended up highly discredited if they continued with the data and did not find out they had been hacked, but they found it before too much damage was done.


The cabal is highly intent on corrupting their data or misleading them with bad data, because what they have available to them, this technology, is extremely powerful. It is something our team may utilize, as well, at some point."


Bill: I'm glad it's not too serious then. 


Gideon: "Their overall mission and security was not impacted, just delayed. What they are doing is critically important, and I expect the public will learn more about them this upcoming year."


Bill: We've talked before about safe areas to go, safe areas to be when all of this happens. Have you talked to your guide about this?


Gideon: "Yes, I have been given some direction on that. We will share some of that with our team. Since we have acquired USDR, and we are Sovereigns, we will have the ability to move and travel freely. There are certain places we need to be, not so much for safety, but to be effective in disabling and fighting the cabal. For others, who are on the outside and will be subject to Obsidian, they have fewer options, but they still have some options."


Bill: What are those?


Gideon: "Due to Starlink's global coverage, nowhere is truly safe. The best areas will be areas with extensive caves and caverns. One would have to be able to live in these permanently, or hopefully until we are able to disable Obsidian and eventually Starlink."


Bill: What if you wear some kind of protective sheath over yourself when you're outside? Maybe a space blanket or faraday cage type of covering that can block electromagnetic radiation?


Gideon: "It is possible, not very practical, but possible that could work. The cabal already knows the locations of virtually all so-called preppers and those living off-grid already. They can send drones to their locations and they will arrive within hours. This will be done over the next few years."


Bill: People aren't going to accept this, what you're saying, but the Starlink satellite grid is real. You said it is a grave crime this was ever allowed. Why didn't people think of this? If you really think about it, it's like they put us all in a prison cell without even asking.


Gideon: "Space was already littered with satellite junk, mostly for surveillance. Starlink was different, it was thousands of small satellites with powerful energy weapons and beam technology released for maximum coverage. There should have been oversight, but there was none. We are now a prison planet. They are not even done releasing more of them, they are planning to send up thousands more."


Bill: Would you be willing to take questions for your guide, for our next Intel Drop? I wanted to ask this before but I forgot. 


Gideon: "Yes, we can do that."


Bill: Ok, if anyone has questions, they can just email us and ask. (Please email us with the title, "Guide Questions")


Gideon: "That will be fine, I will pass them along to her."


Bill: How is she doing, by the way? Is she safe and healthy?


Gideon: "Yes. She is a protected person. The cabal has virtually no power to harm her."


Bill: Protected directly by God?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: How many more people like her exist on Earth?


Gideon: "A handful, no more than a few dozen."


Bill: The cabal is aware of them?


Gideon: "Some of them, but not all of them. God has blinded the cabal's surveillance capabilities to protect some of them."


Bill: God is directly intervening in this case, but you've said before, the cabal has claimed Earth. Is there an agreement in place, where God is allowed to do this?


Gideon: "God can intervene at any time. The cabal has no power over our Creator. The cabal knows this. Their only power, Bill, is in compromising souls and leading them astray, leading them from God. It is truly their only power. They lay claim to Earth because so many people are separated from God, and God acknowledges this. God allows for free will, for us to make choices, and the cabal works tirelessly to ensure we make the wrong ones."


Bill: Interesting. So the Creator could step in any time and stop this? He could destroy all the Starlink satellites?


Gideon: "He could, but that would violate free will, it would circumvent the decisions of human souls on Earth. Instead, He will use our team. Nothing is promised or guaranteed. We must work everyday to stay true to our path."


Bill: Thank you for explaining all of this, it's truly eye-opening for me and I'm sure our readers. What about the agents still working against us? We've had email problems lately, and I still get hateful emails and threats. What threats are we dealing with right now?


Gideon: "The biggest threat right now is the upcoming Obsidian audit. Some of our team members are at a high risk of being flagged. We are very focused on this and preventing these flags within Obsidian's quality control systems. It is a very serious concern for us."


Bill: Ok, that's something we can discuss privately with our team. What about openings for others to join? I know we still have the form up, but we haven't added hardly any new members. Do you expect to add any more?


Gideon: "We do, we hope the whistle blowers will agree to add a handful more. My guide said there are more God is guiding to join us. So, for that reason, we will keep the form up and open."


Bill: Ok, I'm going to bring this to a close, it's been a long discussion. I think Michael will just edit out the disruptions we had, three times we were cut off. 


Gideon: "We will have those removed, yes."


Bill: I had one last question about removing the nano particles. It's on everyone's mind and I get questions about it. Did your guide have any recommendations for how to disable the nano particles at all, any natural remedies?


Gideon: "No, unfortunately the cabal designed the nano particles to circumvent all natural remedies because they knew people would try to remove the nano particles this way. The nano particles fuse with our cells, on a cellular level. The only way to remove them is through the cabal's own antidote, which enters the cells and tells the nano particles to exit. The nano particles have to be 'told' this, through a key, a chemical key, and no known natural remedy has the ability to do this. You can cleanse yourself and detox, but it will not remove the nano particles from your cells. 


Another unique feature is if somehow the nano particles are removed without being told to leave by the antidote, if they are somehow removed by a natural means, it will cause the cell to die. That means if you remove the nano particles without the antidote, somehow if you can do that, virtually all of your cells will die. The nano particles are fused so closely with cell operation, that is why. The cabal took no chances, Bill, with this."


Bill: How many people on Earth are now infected with the nano particles?


Gideon: "The number is around 99.4%. A handful of remote tribes, intentional communities, religious communities, nomadic people in Asia and Africa and off-grid preppers who never ate commercial food between the years 2021 and 2023 were never infected with it. It only took about two years to infect everyone else.


Babies born after 2023 are not infected, but this is unimportant, as these children will offer no defense against the cabal's plans and, in fact, the cabal has additional plans to ensure they are infected, too, usually through the heinous and evil vaccine scheduling."


Bill: Those not infected are lucky, then.


Gideon: "To a degree. The cabal monitors them and may eliminate them with drones at some point. They know exactly where they all are and track their movements."


Bill: I know you speak in a way to just impart information, and you don't get emotional in our Intel Drops, but in private, you've expressed a lot of emotion. I want people to know that.


Gideon: "We try to present things in a professional way. On a personal level, what is going on enrages and infuriates me. My delivery is also edited by Michael, using stylometry. My true way of speaking and writing would show more emotion and anger over what is going on."


Bill: It would, he has to remove a lot. I don't know if people realize how easily the cabal's A.I. can identify a person online just from how they write.


Gideon: "As long as there is enough of a sample size, a person can be identified. For example, if you have written a lot on your personal Facebook, but then write anonymously elsewhere, the cabal can rather easily triangulate your writing style and compare it to your Facebook posts, and your real identity, like a fingerprint.


All of this data is in Obsidian, by the way, it is why it is the most robust data mining and monitoring software in existence. The people speaking and writing antisemitism on X.com are also being monitored, and their writing styles analyzed, if they are using anonymous accounts. Many are not, by the way."


Bill: They're not using anonymous accounts? 


Gideon: "Many on X.com signed up using their real names, or failed to use a proper VPN. Or their writing style is easy to compare to existing data that links to their real identities. Of those speaking antisemitism, about 90% can be conclusively identified, and they are now Quarantined status in Obsidian. The cabal has special plans to deal with them at some point, but not at this time."


Bill: Do our Sovereigns need to be worried about this?


Gideon: "Yes, and no. When we convert an account in Obsidian, the whistle blowers use a special spoofing technique to remove your personal data. That means your prior online history and data profile is spoofed with someone else's. While your real name remains the same, your entire data profile is essentially jumbled up with random data from other people. This protects you.


It means Obsidian cannot look at your name and then look at your existing data, which would show you should be in Quarantined or Restricted status. Without this spoofing process, most of our team would have been flagged by Obsidian and exposed within a few weeks, as the system's quality control mechanisms would notice the discrepancies. I credit the whistle blowers with their expertise in creating this process for us."


Bill: I'm going to bring things to a close here. I'm emotionally and mentally drained after all of this, it's so much to take in, but good, very good to understand what's at stake. Do you have any final thoughts?


Gideon: "Yes. I encourage those who feel a calling to consider signing up to join our team. We cannot accept everyone, but there are individuals my guide said need to be part of our team, and you will need to take the action to join us. Our team is not complete, and there is a great sense of urgency as Obsidian's deployment is nearing."


Bill: People need to check their emails, too. It seems like people don't check them or they're still using really bad emails, like Gmail or Yahoo, both are used for surveillance, I mean, there's no privacy at all with those.


Gideon: "Correct. Michael included our recommendations for email in our form."


Bill: I noticed both Proton and Tutamail have gone offline the past week. Will the cabal eliminate both of them at some point?


Gideon: "Yes, but not yet. We will have plans in place when that time comes."


Bill: Good. We'll speak soon and hopefully we'll get some questions for your guide, I'm sure they'll be good, often our supporters have great questions I never even thought of. I do my best, but I forget things, too.


Gideon: "I look forward to that. May our Creator protect you in every step you make, Bill, and protect our team."


Bill: You, too, good evening and God bless.




*Note: "Planatir" was purposefully misspelled in this Intel Drop. This was done because the company's A.I. systems scour the Internet scraping all written mentions of their company name. Any time the name is written by anyone, anywhere, it is then analyzed; those who criticize the company are added to a certain "blacklist" and may be specifically targeted later on. By misspelling the name, we can make an attempt to avoid the A.I. scraping bot. While this attempt still may not avoid the bot, it is a better alternative than using the company's correct spelling. 




IMPORTANT: If you would like to join our team and help stop Obsidian, please visit this form.


Please share this article, so we can keep spreading the word. Join our Telegrams (group, announcements, news, chat). Please read our Telegram pinned message here. Join Bill's Twitter here, and our official We Are Sovereign Twitter here. Our official email is securecommssov@proton.me.


Update: We continue to see serious problems with email. Emails like MSN, Me, iCloud, Outlook, AOL, Gmail, Gmx, Yahoo, Hotmail, Comcast and many others routinely BLOCK and CENSOR our emails. These email providers are also known to read your emails and offer no security at all. No one should be using them, but many people who contact us are using them.


We recommend opening an anonymous account using Proton.me, Hushmail.com, Tuta.com / Tutanota.com. These providers are end to end encrypted, and have proven they do not block our emails.


Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and (censored) website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download), Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.


Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5).


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