Intel Drop #53 - Trump's Victory & The Coming Fiat Collapse
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The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, all intel sent by Gideon is edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):
Bill: We've had some incredible conversations the past few weeks, so I want this conversation to try to capture everything we got into. Shall we start with the U.S. election?
Gideon: "That is a good place to begin."
Bill: I feel like you called things very accurately in the past few Intel Drops on how things played out. Trump won, as you predicted. What did you think of the campaign and the outcome?
Gideon: "The campaign was a cabal operation, and one very cleverly and expertly disguised. There are multiple layers here to be examined."
Bill: It was one of the more dramatic campaigns in history, so dramatic and with so many iconic moments, we both came to feel it was staged to some degree, with A.I. directing narratives. What's your final synopsis? Were the results and final vote tallies accurate, in your opinion?
Gideon: "Generally, yes, they were. Many have observed Kamala Harris received 20 million less votes than Biden, thus demonstrating the fraud of the 2020 election. What happened in this one is that the outcome was closely monitored to be certain Trump won. I was told the cabal preferred not to rig this election, only a few, key Congressional races. They wanted Trump to experience a story arc, from being down in the polls to finally being popular in a genuine way. They wanted the votes to be real, to generally match the mood of the nation."
Bill: I felt that, I felt there was a lot of push back against the media and all these narratives, where a lot more people came to like Trump and dismiss the hatred spewed by the media. It seems more and more damage is being done to the media's credibility. Is the cabal allowing this, or doing this?
Gideon: "They are doing it. The cabal wants a new media run by alternative personalities to begin to dominate in the years to come. This rebuilds trust. It is a complex psychological operation. They will sacrifice the old to bring in the new. They have already succeeded, as people like Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand are more popular than ever. They are all controlled assets and Sovereigns within Obsidian."
Bill: People don't get the gatekeeping aspect. I see so many people cheering Trump on, cheering on these new alt media personalities, and I just shake my head. It's just so naive to buy into all of it. People who are a real threat to the system are not allowed to fill up NBA stadiums to lecture to big crowds, like Carlson is doing. That wouldn't be allowed.
Gideon: "No. Real truth-tellers are marginalized, shadow-banned or attacked. What is unique is some of this happened to Trump, for a period of time, but then the levers of censorship were finally released for this campaign, interestingly enough. In truth, all of it was a show, to build up a Trump story arc. Trump is not a true threat to the system, we are only led to believe that he is."
Bill: Now that it's over, and the dust has settled, the biggest thing people are noticing now is that Trump is appointing Neocons and Israel-firsters to key positions. I see some people on X are rattled about this. What's your take on that?
Gideon: "They are going ahead according to plan. Howard Lutnik, who is a top cabalist, ran the campaign, and he is suggesting these appointments. Trump just rubber-stamps them."
Bill: It's the same routine, isn't it? Candidate Trump says he's going to drain the swamp, then President Trump hires them.
Gideon: "There is nothing new under the sun, Bill. It is disheartening, though."
Bill: The Q Anon people would say Trump is revealing things by doing this, or keeping his enemies closer, by appointing these swamp characters. Could that be possible?
Gideon: "No, not in my view. It is to place cabal people in these positions, and, in part, a humiliation ritual. There is no reason to hire the swamp, unless you plan to expose them or fire them later. We saw from Trump's first term, he was actually loathe to fire anyone. He kept some terrible people around him until the bitter end. Once he gets these people in place, expect them to stay there."
Bill: I've talked about how Elon and Trump both seemed to hint this will be the "last" election. Trump suggested you won't have to ever "vote again". What's your take on that? Was that taken out of context, or was that code for something?
Gideon: "It was very much intentional, because it will be the last election. They are preparing for Obsidian and the reorganization of the planet. They know what is coming, they have been told and briefed, and they gave us hints. They are not only allowed to give these hints, the cabal encourages it."
Bill: Something I noticed, that I thought odd, which we talked about before, was how Elon Musk all of a sudden, during the campaign, kept bringing up the U.S. national debt. Over and over. What did you think of that?
Gideon: "It was clearly intentional. He is signalling something. It is not something he was ever focused on. So, what is behind that is raising awareness that fiat is about to become undone, through the collapse of the U.S. Dollar. He is right about the debt situation, but he is not telling you the real agenda there. The real agenda is that they are going to bring in a replacement for the Dollar, and that is what we call USDR."
Bill: I entirely agree, there's more to it. He must know something's coming to bring up the debt so frequently.
Gideon: "He does know."
Bill: There's this speculation Trump is the Anti-Christ. Donnie Discerned is one of the people who has really pushed this idea from a Christian and Biblical perspective, and I think he's aligned a lot with our views, too. I've linked to his Tweets before. Do you believe that?
Gideon: "I do not know that for sure. What I believe is that the Jews backing Trump believe he has a spiritual role for them to fulfill their end times prophecy. The cabalists at the top have other motives and a different perspective, and one I would call Satanic in nature."
Bill: Trump is sort of an actor, in a way, I guess more a TV personality. I feel like he's playing things up, this America first agenda. His actions never seem to follow through on it. I don't see him as an Anti-Christ, but I see him as morally compromised.
Gideon: "Trump is not to be trusted. He is a con man. You have to remember something, con men can be good people, in certain respects. They can do good things, like fund a GoFundMe for hurricane victims, or give a hug to the mother of a slain American at the hands of an illegal immigrant. They might be a good grandparent to their grandkids, something the campaign highlighted with Trump.
That is all irrelevant, because at the core, they are con men and liars. But, it is not black and white. This is why their methods are so effective. They are not purely evil people, just compromised people who will always put themselves and the almighty dollar first above all else. That is who Trump is, and he is controlled by those above him."
Bill: I agree. We can't forget what he did during Covid and how he pushed the vaccines, and still refuses to awknowledge that they're poison. But, I can't imagine Kamala Harris would have been better.
Gideon: "If you recall, Bill, I said consistently it did not matter who won. The path forward takes a few different turns based upon who wins, or won, but the destination is the same. The destination is Obsidian and what they are planning to do with Starlink."
Bill: There's so many clues with that, too, things we see Elon doing, and hints made by the Trump campaign about crypto. We saw Bitcoin skyrocket once Trump won. So, clearly people think Trump is now very favorable toward crypto, which we know is not what it seems.
Gideon: "There will be a deceptive bait and switch involving crypto, in which the U.S. Dollar is collapsed, or unwound, and Americans are transitioned to USDR. I only have a few details on how this is being done from my sources, but all of the public singnalling by the cabal is confirming it. I also see Iran being blamed for something, possibly a cyberattack that disables the power grid. This could be what leads to the demise of the United States, and provides a reason for war. Or, it may be the debt unwinding we spoke of before.
While it is possible the cabal will blame Trump for destroying the U.S., which would be a humiliation of MAGA supporters, I do not quite see it playing out that way. The U.S. will come to an end, but due to unforeseen forces sent against her. You may see patriots lining up to fight a foreign enemy.
All of it will be staged, but Americans may believe they are fighting for something, to save something. They believed this in WWII, which the cabal coordinated, and they may want to do that again in a WWIII scenario. This is how I think the cabal wants to trick people into Obsidian and USDR, so they somehow believe it is necessary to save their Republic. That would be congruent with the kind of trickery and deception the cabal is known for."
Bill: I agree with all of that. I feel like Trump could announce some phony gold-backed crypto CBDC, and people would jump for it, while it's really Obsidian in disguise.
Gideon: "He could, and it may even happen that way. The end of fiat currency is in sight with the world unaware and unprepared for its successor. Trump and Elon Musk appear to be tasked by the cabal to carry out the mission of its implementation, which is USDR."
Bill: I want to give you full credit, because two years ago you very accurately predicted what Elon was doing with X when he bought it. Your intel has been spot on. Our older Intel Drops described exactly what's playing out now. It's clear to me, X is becoming very big, and they want to use it for payments. You said it will be tied directly with Obsidian over a year ago, I think that's going to play out now.
Gideon: "Yes, X's popularity has grown tremendously, and Mr. Musk's tweets are being seen by billions of people. Pay close attention to his messaging. Everything happening is part of a bigger plan. A false awakening, a false light deception. The cabal has chosen this to be the path they take to implement their agenda, rather than totalitarianism, which was the direction the Democrats were taking and would have taken."
Bill: Ok, we've gone over the election, I wanted to make sure we touched on the main points. We might circle back to it, but right now I have some notes here, and I don't want to forget about the weather attacks. I'm talking about North Carolina and more recently, Valencia, Spain. In a few of our very old Intel Drops, you specifically said the cabal would use weapons to cause earthquakes and weather attacks. We talked about that when the Turkey earthquake happened. I think this is happening now. Are these events attacks, in your opinion?
Gideon: "Both North Carolina and Valencia were engineered attacks. There will be more."
Bill: What's the purpose of them?
Gideon: "Testing, terror and reorganization, but mostly testing. This is part of Agenda 2030. Population reduction, movement of populations to city centers, or 15 minute cities, control of movement, reduction of travel. In some cases, as I spoke of before, blood rituals. Death. Destruction. These are the motives and desires of the cabal. This is their Satantic agenda. Control, and ultimately, the compromising of the human soul."
Bill: I'm seeing a little bit more skepticism about Starlink, and more and more about nano dust and nano particles. I'm seeing this out in the alternative media more. Some of it is now aligning with our past Intel Drops. You've told me, though, that gatekeepers will soon come in and take over our Intel. We put that in our last Intel Bulletin. Do you have an update on that? By that, I mean, what we're doing and how the cabal might co-opt us?
Gideon: "Yes. Some of what I am going to speak of has come from a source I have in Washington D.C. My source told me that the cabal has watched us closely for over two years, as you know. What they know is that some intel has leaked and will leak, and they want to control the flow of that. I mean, intel about Obsidian. They have their people in place.
What concerns me is I was told we will be 'put down', in their words. I took that as the cabal will scrub us, censor us, possibly remove our Intel Drops or website. Then, replace a lot of our info by having it 'leaked', so to speak, through their own gatekeepers. By that point, anything left of ours will probably be gone. The gatekeepers would proceed to provide disinfo, a mix of the truth we exposed with lies and deceptions, so no one truly grasps the coming role of Obsidian."
Bill: We've also been monitored by agents, and we've felt the heat, more or less, many times. I'm always prepared we might get shut down at any time. They removed my website pretty quick two years ago, and that was a big shock to me. I mean, you rarely see websites removed from the web from cease and desist orders. It seemed like order came from pretty high up. So, I know it could happen at any time.
Gideon: "It could. Some of it is out of our control. I certainly pray this does not happen, because I do not want to see our intel poisoned by the cabal. By simply talking about it here and exposing it, I would hope it causes the cabal to change tactics."
Bill: That's an interesting point. We've talked about how when certain things get exposed, the cabal has to react or change course. So, any effort by whistle blowers out there really does have a positive impact, doesn't it?
Gideon: "I would always encourage whistle blowing, but it must be done the right way, and safely. One cannot simply go to the media anymore, or the alternative media. Even if a whistle blower is seemingly welcomed at first, they will be watched, monitored and either eliminated or compromised before their information can damage the cabal.
Since we took great measures to protect our whistle blowers, the cabal has been put in a position whereby they cannot act against them. Meanwhile, we can receive excellent, actionable intel and the whistle blowers can help us from the inside, and help us form a team, as we have.
I would recommend this is how whistle blowing be conducted, because unless you are Edward Snowden and can take perfect steps to gain instant mass media exposure and find yourself in a protected place, you will not be safe, at all. A series of perfect, if not lucky events, kept him alive, and exposed just enough that they could not then kill him. Most whistle blowers do not experience that."
Bill: In any case, even if this happened, even if the cabal got rid of us online, I think our team would be safe, is that right? We have all of these fail-safes in place for these outcomes.
Gideon: "Our team will always be protected and the cabal would have difficulty cutting us off. The reason is because we can always communicate via the methods we use now and that we have in place. We will always ensure that is available, and the cabal would have some difficulty shutting that down.
Even agents who have attempted to infiltrate our team have never been able to gain data that could harm us. For example, a list of our team members, which we keep protected. They have never seen such a list, even though that is something the cabal greatly desires, to know who is on our team. I have ensured they cannot obtain that because of how we have encrypted and compartmentalized things."
Bill: Our comms keep getting cut off, which is frustrating for our conversations, but they still can't breach the comms? By that I mean, hear what we're saying or see what we are typing to each other, is that right?
Gideon: "Yes, because I can see when the hacking attempt is made, to put it in simple terms. When I see that, I end our comms and switch to a new method, then I re-establish contact with you."
Bill: The big concern is if they could see some things you tell me that don't end up in our Intel Drops, or that we feel we can't put in them.
Gideon: "That is correct. There are things I do not want them to intercept, but things you need to know."
Bill: You've told me some scary things, especially about this thing in 2026. Is that anything we can talk about?
Gideon: "No, I can only advise that preparation is key. If you are Sovereign, you will have the advantage there. I am very concerned about those without Sovereign status, because they will have no choice but to turn to the government and Obsidian for survival during this period of time. The cabal is designing it all that way."
Bill: Obsidian may be this saviour that comes in and recuses people, and Elon will lead the effort?
Gideon: "I strongly believe that is how it is going to be implemented. The whistle blowers are beginning to believe that, based on what they are seeing."
Bill: There's big changes being made to USDR and certain aspects of Sovereign status. We're telling our team about it on our protected page. Can we discuss any of that here?
Gideon: "Not in detail. It is simply in line with what we would expect of the cabal. They will do everything do make Sovereign status advantageous for them, and for USDR to benefit them. We are seeing that now. Our team, thankfully, also benefits in this way."
Bill: We opened up applications for people to have their status in Obsidian changed, but so far we've only brought on three individuals to our team out of over one hundred fifty applications. Are we done doing this, or will the whistle blowers agree to more?
Gideon: "They have agreed to about a half dozen more members. The risks involved are too great to add more. We will be in contact with those who have applied and move forward in the process with them."
Bill: I'm thankful for everything they've done, I want them to know that. Are they safe now? I try to ask and keep updated on how they're doing.
Gideon: "Conditions are tense for them, but as high level employees, they are taken care of. The work conditions are comfortable. Their tasks have changed, while in the past they focused more on stress testing the software, they are now expanding into the banking side of things, where Obsidian interacts with the existing banking system. This has provided some additional intel for us."
Bill: I'm glad, and my prayers are with them. Have you spoke to your guide recently? Is there anything you can share?
Gideon: "Yes. I was provided some comfort from her, because of a family issue I am facing. It is not related to anything we are talking about. I am sure everyone has to step outside of all of this and face life issues, too, it is part of life. I failed in areas and see the consequences of that in a loved one I neglected, I suppose, emotionally. I do not want to say much more on this."
Bill: Of course, I understand. I'm looking at my notes, my final question is something you brought up with me last we spoke before comms were cut off. Can I ask you about that?
Gideon: "Yes, but I just want to say one more thing about that. I want everyone reading to know the importance of prayer and your intention. Take a moment to think of your loved ones, and what you have done recently to let them know you love them. Always seek God if you are in doubt about anything in life."
Bill: Very good advice.
Gideon: "As for what we spoke about, this event in 2026, I still need to verify things. I do not want to spread fear without it being fully verified. The cabal has agents putting out false info, too, to discredit us and others. We have to be mindful of that. I will have an update on it soon for you."
Bill: Good, our time is up, I'm going to let you go. As always, my prayers are with you and our team and the success of our mission, God willing we will defeat this, in the end.
Gideon: "We will, Bill. God bless and goodnight."
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