
Intel Drop #52 - Why The Cabal Does Not Care If You Know The Truth

"It is incredible to process, the knowledge of it. Many would not believe it, even those who might read this, they would reject it. It is more in the area of esoteric knowledge."
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We Are Sovereign @OculumLabs · Oct 5, 2024 · edited: Jan 1, 2025

Intel Drop #52 - Why The Cabal Does Not Care If You Know The Truth



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Intel Drop #52


The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: We have a lot to cover, since so many major events have been transpiring lately, but I wanted to quickly ask how things are going since we re-opened applications to join our team?


Gideon: "We have not officially added anyone yet to our team. The screening process is more careful due to persistent agent infiltration. It is possible we may not add anyone to our team, though we do believe a number of good candidates have applied."


Bill: Why would we not add anyone?


Gideon: "I expect we will, but whether anyone is added or not is ultimately up to the whistle blowers. They have to take the risks in terms of editing accounts within Obsidian. I have to carefully contact them, and they have to agree to proceed."


Bill: Understood. I know we've been taking a long time to reply to people who inquired. A few asked me if we're going to reply (reach Bill Sweet on Telegram here). Should they continue to wait?


Gideon: "Everyone who applied will be contacted one way or another, whether they are accepted or not, but replies are taking time. It may take up to one month to receive a reply from us.


One of our email accounts was already compromised by agents, so any emails that were sent will have to be re-sent using another account. If a person was already contacted by us, they will need to wait for us to re-establish contact."


Bill: The account that was disabled by agents, can they see inside those emails? Is there a risk there?


Gideon: "No, they cannot get into the accounts, but they can attempt to get the email provider to shut them down from the outside. They were successful in that case by erroneously reporting it, but there was no breach of data." 


Bill: If the cabal wanted to escalate against us, could they breach the accounts?


Gideon: "They would need to use quantum computers to break the encryption. It is possible, but unlikely that level of technology would be utilized for this. That would require considerable investment and resources, and it is not in the interest of the cabal at this time.


As I have said, the cabal gains more spiritually if our team fails and acquiesces to the benefits of Sovereign status, and we do not fight back once Obsidian is online. While low-level agents still attack us, and there are on-going threats to our team, many of them are actually trying to gain favor with the cabal by attacking us."


Bill: Ok, thank you for the update on that. I'm going to run by you some current events, then we'll get into a deeper discussion. A lot has been going on. I'll start with this hurricane that hit the North Carolina mountains of the U.S. Do you believe it was a manipulated or directed event? 


Gideon: "Natural disasters happen and they always have. In this case, I have heard some chatter that the cabal has a hand in this. How FEMA and how the Federal government is handling it is very unusual, but in line with Agenda 2030 objectives. They have, in fact, allowed people to die, and they are doing little or nothing to rescue people."


Bill: Yes, I've heard a lot of that. Why would they do that?


Gideon: "It may involve ritual sacrifice or a humiliation ritual against the people. The cabal has become more openly brazen.


Many Intel Drops ago, I spoke of planned bloodshed coming and how the cabal would become more open in their evil, and not hide it like they used to. That has taken place precisely as I said, especially with the Israel war, but also with more specific events."


Bill: That's true, it happened exactly as you said.


Gideon: "It ties into what we have talked about before, whether a false awakening may happen. This could only happen if the cabal allows their evil to be exposed, to be open, to be even obvious to those most asleep.


This may be happening, or it may simply be that the cabal knows they are in full control, and with the nano dust in place and the planned future activation, they can do anything they want and they will. 


In other words, they simply do not care if they are exposed and seen for what they are, because they know we are all already captured via the nano dust and only they have the antidote for it."


Bill: We've seen the cabal do evil things in the past, like with 9/11 and the Iraq War, but it was always covered-up, always just stuff left for conspiracy theorists to unravel. Now it's definitely more obvious, there's no question, it's being allowed to be seen.


Gideon: "It is. There is still aggressive censorship of very sensitive things, but overall, a great deal of evil has been exposed on social media and it is being allowed to be exposed. Not everyone is seeing it, but enough are seeing it that a tipping point could occur."


Bill: But you've said as long as gatekeepers are in charge, it doesn't matter, right?


Gideon: "That is right. One person who continues to highlight this problem is David Icke. He is very aware of this, and one of the few people who is not compromised. He understands the gatekeeper issue better than just about anyone, and he continues to highlight the issue, to his credit."


Bill: These gatekeepers either want Sovereign status or they've accepted it, correct?


Gideon: "In many cases, yes. The cabal will sometimes take a person aside, a person with a solid record within the Alternative Media, and give them a few options. The cabal will explain that person will either be killed or given cancer if they do not go away, their family will be harmed, they will be aggressively censored and discredited, or they can accept Sovereign status or work for it. The ones who refuse we do not hear about much anymore."


Bill: They're being approached, just like happens in Hollywood, I'd guess. Like at parties, I feel like a lot of celebrities are groomed first, brought in. That brings me to the P. Diddy arrest and revelations. What's going on there? It looks real to me, he really had these parties and tons of celebrities compromised themselves.


Gideon: "It is real, and true what happened, but watch carefully at the end result. You will hear a lot about lists, secret videos, and those who will be named, but will there be any arrests or indictments? There may be a few sacrificial lambs, but look for trials, convictions and sentencing. Will there by any of that? I do not believe so."


Bill: Right, exactly, I'm seeing these posts all over X saying, "This person will be exposed" or "There's a video of this celebrity" but nothing is ever posted! Nothing! No one is ever arrested. I mean, they arrested Diddy, apparently, but I'm not seeing anything else going on. So, it's the cabal allowing this or directing it?


Gideon: "Yes. It is similar to the Epstein situation. Epstein is alive, according to Obsidian. No one was arrested.


The cabal is doing a type of false exposure, and dispensing of old assets, which would be Hollywood assets, and moving in new ones. The new assets may be the very ones reporting on this story or exposing it, and they may later rise up to replace the old assets."


Bill: Now, with Trump, he's promoting a crypto on his X, or Twitter, something called World Liberty Financial. Trump's also embraced Bitcoin. This feels like a shift now, and tied into Obsidian. What do you think?


Gideon: "It certainly is. First, his own crypto project is simply a fundraising scheme so they can buy more USDR via the fiat they raise from it. I do not think the project is a long-term aspect of Obsidian. You can also see Trump has other fundraising projects, such as selling gold watches. This is a desire to raise funds for USDR. They all know what is coming, Bill. 


In the wider sense, though, Trump and Elon Musk, assuming Trump wins the election, will both be key in getting Obsidian accepted."


Bill: In terms of him winning, things are going more his way, in the polls, and to me, the Kamala Harris campaign is just a joke. If you're not a hard core Democrat, I don't see how you could support her. 


Gideon: "She is losing, and they know this. The cabal is controlling the outcome, though. The narrative is key here. The cabal may want a very close, contested election, which will lead to chaos. They may put Harris in power, enraging not just Trump supporters but even more people who are waking up." 


Bill: Is a landslide victory for Trump possible?


Gideon: "Yes, but it simply does not matter who wins. The cabal is in control of the outcome. Both outcomes benefit the cabal tremendously. A Harris Administration continues the current Biden policies, which highly support and favor Agenda 2030 and the destruction of the United States. 


A Trump victory is a false victory, it would tie into the false awakening scenario. I consider the false awakening scenario actually more dangerous, in the long-term, more destructive.


If you cannot see or know your enemy, or if you believe the enemy is your friend, you are in a very poor position. If Harris wins, then the enemy is clear for the American people, at least."


Bill: Trump's also come out and basically said he wants prison or serious consequences for people who are allegedly anti-Semitic, he always sides with Israel, surrounds himself with Jews, is in favor of destroying Iran, so on that front, it's just all the same old Israel first agenda, no matter how it's dressed up.


Gideon: "I do not disagree at all." 


Bill: Musk is really pushing free speech, though, really pushing against a lot of these horrible media narratives. It makes me think he's a good guy, but I know he's not.


Gideon: "Remember, the Bible describes the Devil as masquerading as an angel of light."


Bill: It's good to remember that. I've seen some people on X suggest Trump is the Antichrist and Elon is the false prophet. What do you think of that?


Gideon: "It is worth considering. I believe the cabal actually wants to fulfill parts of Biblical prophecy, and so do the Jews, so it would not be beyond them to actually create these scenarios on purpose to try to fulfill the prophecy."


Bill: I'll shift gears here. We talked before about this group you were involved in, but you didn't want to get too much into that. There's a person working with them, a former colleague of yours, who you don't trust. Is there any update on that?


Gideon: "I have continued to maintain informal contact with them. Nothing has changed, as that individual is still involved with them, and I do not want to be part of their group if he is involved."


Bill: I know Michael has a relationship with them, he's helping them with Stylometry, since he's an expert in it. Do you have a problem with that at all?


Gideon: "No, we have discussed things, and he knows what is going on. There is no conflict there. His work is also informal and he advises, but he is not officially involved. I have expressed to him that I am opposed to him becoming officially involved with them, and he has agreed to keep his relationship informal. 


I also support the overall goal of the group itself, their work is important, I simply have concerns they may be compromised by this individual."


Bill: Are you certain this guy is bad news? I mean, is there any chance you're wrong?


Gideon: "There is a chance I am wrong about him, yes, but I consider that very unlikely."


Bill: When was the last time you talked to him?


Gideon: "We had contact a few months ago, not directly, but through the individual he is in contact with via this group. He knows my opinion of him. He is aware of me, very aware. I know he does not like my opinion of him and he is trying to sway people against me. Outside of that, it had been a number of years, many years, in fact, since we worked together."


Bill: Ok, what about the group itself, do you want us to talk about what they're doing?


Gideon: "No, not until I am certain this individual is removed. Then we may be able to work with them again, and even both of our teams could work together."


Bill: I've had some people ask who this group is, some asked if they're the Guardians of the Looking Glass group, what should I say?


Gideon: "You can answer them in private the answer to that, but not publicly. As I said, until I feel confident this person is removed, I do not want to publicly endorse them or for us to post their information. I want to be completely sure they are not compromised. I am still looking into this individual and doing some background research on them, so I will give updates as I learn more."


Bill: Ok, good, thank you. I'll move on here. We talked a lot about USDR recently. I still don't think people actually get what's going on. It's the future CBDC. It amazes me how people literally have no clue what a CBDC is, or that it's coming and it's a big part of the agenda. Why are people so blind to this?


Gideon: "Because they accept the normality of what is standard today. They cannot see things can change in an instant, and that they will."


Bill: How will the cabal get USDR online, in a real way? How does the transition happen, at this point? What do you think and what are the whistle blowers saying?


Gideon: "I believe, and the whistle blowers also believe, that fiat currency, like the Euro and Dollar, will see an unwinding sometime in 2025. During that panic, or crisis, the CBDC comes online, which is USDR, and it is supplied directly to every bank account. Everyone will simply login to their bank and see a new account, with USDR in it, next to their fiat account.


The whistle blowers have said they have seen this being tested at the fusion center they are working, and they have spoken to colleagues about this type of testing of the banking system and USDR itself. The major shift here, though, is USDR may come online while fiat still exists, which is a very interesting wrinkle in all of this. 


I think it is a wise move by the cabal if they do that, because people will accept it more. They will be more comfortable because they can still use fiat, though it would be likely losing value and purchasing power, and they can use their USDR allotment, or UBI, and get used to using it. If fiat is completely destroyed, then USDR brought online, that would be a much more abrupt move, and it could see more backlash."


Bill: Have the whistle blowers worked on this directly, what you're describing? 


Gideon: "No. They do not directly work on the banking side of Obsidian or USDR. They stress-test Obsidian overall, as white hat hackers, and they have authorization to access accounts, edit accounts and so on. They are involved in reviewing accounts of various statuses, as well, which has been beneficial for us, for our team, because that enabled them to covert our accounts to Sovereign status through a special data spoofing process."


Bill: Will the CBDC actually be called USDR?


Gideon: "Probably not initially. We believe the cabal may use a variety of names upon release. Within Obsidian, though, it is called USDR. The designation of SDR has also been seen by the whistle blowers. The cabal may just release a so-called digital Dollar or digital Euro, at first, and I have some intel suggesting that is the plan. It will all link into Obsidian and USDR. It is even possible people may end up using a digital Dollar and Euro and not realize it is USDR, at first."


Bill: You told me they've found something very strange in Obsidian with respect to USDR. Do you want to talk about that?


Gideon: "I can speak generally on it. I have to be careful, because if I reveal what they told me, the cabal may be able to triangulate that information and find out who the whistle blowers are. This is because we believe what they have seen was probably only seen by a handful of workers at these fusion centers."


Bill: That makes sense. In being as careful as possible, what's the new revelation with USDR?


Gideon: "The cabal is doing something very unusual with USDR. It has a purpose beyond what we knew. Something very important to the cabal, in the grand scheme of things. What is truly incredible is I was able to verify some of this with the aforementioned group, because I was involved with this group. As you well know, I visited with them and met with them a few months ago.


Everything the whistle blowers revealed to me about USDR, this new information, it tangentially and somewhat loosely had been confirmed by this group. Not in the same terms, but it ties together. So, that was a major confirmation for me."


Bill: Well, you've told me in private what it is, Michael also knows. Will we tell our team about this, on our private page?


Gideon: "I expect we will, by the end of the year, at least. I think they should know. It is not essential that they know, or actionable knowledge, but they should know."


Bill: Would you call it something good or bad?


Gideon: "For us, for our team, it is very positive. It has long-term positive implications for us. But for humanity? I do not think it is a good thing, because they will see no benefit.


It is incredible to process, the knowledge of it. Many would not believe it, even those who might read this, they would reject it. It is more in the area of esoteric knowledge."


Bill: I believe it completely, it just made sense to me. I can't believe no one really figured it out by now.


Gideon: "That is because it is highly suppressed and hidden knowledge."


Bill: If you talked about it fully and openly here, would the cabal escalate against us?


Gideon: "Yes, they probably would. Especially if I revealed key details that I know."


Bill: I guess I can just say, it just means there's a lot more to USDR than people realize. Is that a fair way to put it?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: But we're not even at that step yet, because all these Trump supporters and Elon supporters, they're clueless, just blind, they don't think USDR could be real, or if it is, they think Trump and Elon would be against it! 


Gideon: "That is the deception going on. How they reveal USDR, how they bring it online, I am more and more convinced it will be under the direction of a Trump Administration and done in some kind of clever way, a bait and switch, something where people believe USDR represents freedom. They may suggest a new Dollar, a crypto Dollar, which will be USDR, and claim it is backed by gold. I strongly wonder now if that how they will do this."


Bill: Ok, would Trump and Elon reveal it's a worldwide currency? Or act like it's some American thing only?


Gideon: "The cabal could present it that way easily. The current banking system, through SWIFT and BIS, is a worldwide system, but people believe their local currency and local bank is entirely separate. So, the mind control already exists.


We already live within the Beast and we refuse to even accept that. The coming Beast is just an upgrade, to a digital and social credit system that is far more robust."


Bill: But all these Christians still think it's coming, as if they're not already awash in all this evil, already consenting to it.


Gideon: "They are consenting. I now believe every swipe of a debit card is consent, and so is payment of tax to a Satanic government. We are sullied."


Bill: That means I'm sullied, you are, our team is, so what now? 


Gideon: "We continue forward and we redeem ourselves by fighting Obsidian once it comes online. God always provides a path to redemption, in my opinion. We are on that path. We must stay on it. I believe we will be redeemed if we complete our mission to the best of our ability."


Bill: Before I forget, something I found unusual was how the cabal wanted to invest, or buy USDR using fiat, like U.S. Dollars and Euros. You explained it, and it made sense to me.


Gideon: "It appears the cabal wanted to do this so its own members would, in a sense, prove their dedication and loyalty to the cabal, to USDR and the new system by submitting their own fiat to obtain it. They did not simply want to give away free USDR to their members 


The result is that a new tiered system is being revealed within Obsidian, showing the cabal is now designating Sovereign members based on their total USDR holdings.


We have made our team aware of these new details. It is not unexpected at all the cabal would rank their members based on total USDR acquisition, considering the importance the cabal places upon it."


Bill: Right, this is why we see all the money moving, all of it moving through crypto, right into USDR. It's a big cover for that. It's a big game, and nobody actually sees the real purpose.


Gideon: "It was planned in advance this way. Crypto is the perfect cover."


Bill: I've spoken to a few crypto experts, and my impression is they're arrogant, and they love Elon Musk. They just seem blind to me. They don't think an CBDC is coming, or if they do, they think it will be optional.


Gideon: "They do not actually see that crypto is a form of enslavement, not freedom. That does not mean every crypto project is evil, of course. Some are, in fact, decent in their approach, some smaller crypto coins have a good purpose behind them, but most of the large cryptocurrencies are controlled by the cabal. The idea that Bitcoin is not controlled is also false."


Bill: I'm checking my notes here, I'll move on to some other topics now. There's this Pentagon guy making the rounds, I mean on all the podcasts, Luis Elizondo, he's talking about UFOs, or these UAPs. What do you think of him?


Gideon: "He is a cabalist and a propagandist. I suspect he is being paid very well, in USDR, for what he is doing."


Bill: What's the point of them revealing these things?


Gideon: "Well, they are not revealing anything, Bill. Elizondo is telling the world very little that was not already known, it is simply coming from a more official source. The Pentagon is quietly admitting a few things, but nothing they are admitting is concrete or tells us anything new."


Bill: Do these UFOs really exist, in your opinion?


Gideon: "Yes, they do."


Bill: What are they?


Gideon: "Some are craft of our own military. Others are not."


Bill: Can you get into that, what it is?


Gideon: "This is not the time for that, nor do I want to get into speculation about these things. We are focused on our team, our mission, and disabling Obsidian. When we get too deep into these subjects, it simply gives agents fuel to attack us even more. It serves no purpose. The agents will claim I am a believer in Little Green Men and that I talk about UFOs now, and they will run with that. The agents look for any reason to lie about us, and and I do not want to give them any more fuel."


Bill: True, they do, but people want to know the truth about this, about UFOs.


Gideon: "Bill, I think the assumption here is that I know the truth about UFOs. I do not know the full truth on this subject. I do not want people to assume I have the truth and knowledge about every subject, I simply do not. It is not my area of expertise, and I have no direct knowledge on the UFO subject."


Bill: Ok, thanks for clearing that up, I'm sorry if I assume things. I apologize. I jumped the gun there.


Gideon: "It is OK."


Bill: I put in my notes an observation on something I'm seeing online, and that's people believing in this "5D upgrade" nonsense. It's where they think we're all going to shift into a new dimension and consciousness soon, and everything will be OK and "good" E.T.s will save us. We've talked before about this, I thought you might want to address that here.


Gideon: "Yes, it is a cabal propaganda campaign. It is a mass deception."


Bill: It seems to be working. So many people are believing it! It's everywhere. I hadn't really noticed until I looked into it more, and it's like the past few years there's been this big push by the gatekeepers on this and people just gobbled it up.


Gideon: "It is a major setback to awakening. No such upgrade will take place, and there is no Galactic Federation or any type of so-called E.T. group trying to free humanity or step in to save us. 


Channelers are real, though, and they are contacting dark entities on the other side and believing the lies being fed to them. It is very dangerous, very evil, Bill."


Bill: It's almost like the next phase of Q Anon. It's all about just sitting back and waiting for some dimensional upgrade, where you just sit and you're upgraded to 5D or something. It's so painfully obvious it's all a scam.


Gideon: "Unfortunately, many believe it, and many now dismiss the power of the cabal. Many believe somehow humanity is winning. Elon Musk is adding to that. This is part of the false awakening, if they go that direction."


Bill: People are so gullible. So blind. I had someone attack me saying we're pushing a bunch of fear. We're not pushing fear.


Gideon: "Well, awakening involves continuously seeking truth, and realizing the cabal cannot be defeated simply by believing in things like '5D upgrades' or following Elon Musk on X. This is a serious battle. The cabal takes it seriously, and they intend to be victorious. Largely, they already consider themselves victorious over humanity. If we want to stop them, we have to take fighting back seriously. I do, and our team does, that is why we have a real plan."


Bill: It's amazing how we're attacked, though, these agents are vicious. I get some really hateful emails. Some are from people who actually buy into all the lies of the agents, then attack me. We proved one of these agents was involved with a pedophile, we literally proved it. But people don't bother to do any research at all, none, they just believe the agents.


Gideon: "Ignore them. Our mission is all that matters and it will always come first. If the attacks get in the way of that, we will close down the Intel Drops and go silent to protect our team."


Bill: I know you need to get going here, and if we talk too long it presents a security issue. Sometimes it's why our Intel Drops get delayed or we don't release more, if anyone was wondering. Do you want to explain that?


Gideon: "The longer we talk, the higher the chance our comms can be intercepted. So, it is best we keep our conversations less than thirty minutes at a time, or have shorter conversations over different times and days, so I can change our encryption and comms methods. This means we have to splice many conversations together for Michael to create an Intel Drop."


Bill: Thank you for explaining that. Do you have any last thoughts to share until our next update?


Gideon: "If you believe you can help us disable Obsidian, I encourage you to fill out the form we provided. It is a slow process, but we also have a deadline. We have only about one month left, so decisions need to be made by the whistle blowers on who to accept and it must happen soon."


Bill: Ok, we'll speak again soon. Stay safe and God bless.


Gideon: "You as well. Have a good evening."




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Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and (censored) website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download), Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.


Note: We also recommend reading our Cosmic Rules Are About To Change series of Intel Drops for the full context of what is transpiring from a spiritual perspective (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5).


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