Intel Drop #34 - A Cataclysmic Event Is Being Planned
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Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download), Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.
Note: The following Intel Drop was heavily edited from its original format after we received threats regarding its content. Additional information will soon be posted via our password-protected page on our website (available to those who went through our Rescue Program), and a new password-protected portal we will be developing for our Sovereign team.
The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):
Bill: This is probably the first time we've had to change an Intel Drop like this. Can you get into what happened?
Gideon: "I received credible threats, or you might say warnings, that if I proceeded to reveal certain information publicly that all of the Intel Drops would be removed and further action would be taken against us."
Bill: What information are we talking about?
Gideon: "Intelligence regarding a coming event, as well as I believe some information related to the recent UFO sightings and disclosures."
Bill: Ok, well, to give everyone an update, we've decided to reveal some of this to our team but not publicly.
Gideon: "That is the direction we will go from here on out. We will use the password-protected page on our website to post updates there. We will also provide a new portal for our Sovereigns, and we will be updating them and providing that information to them via email."
Bill: If someone is reading this and wondering what we're talking about, can you explain it?
Gideon: "Those who inquired about our Rescue Program will know, as we have already provided that information to them and private access on our website. What we are discussing is not something the public can find directly."
Bill: When should our Sovereigns expect an update?
Gideon: "Michael is working on that, and it may be provided soon or in our monthly update."
Bill: We won't be using JustPasteIt anymore?
Gideon: "We may for more general updates. I have not decided on that yet."
Bill: Ok, now let's get into this information. We had everything planned for the Intel Drop, Michael had posted some of it on here, we were ready to go. Can you explain what happened?
Gideon: "After I sent Michael our conversations, he then placed them in an Intel Drop and began editing. It was not made public yet, of course, it was kept in a private state.
During that time, I received some information that I found to be a threat, but I also interpreted it as a warning. It was essentially said to me that if we posted certain information publicly, if we went forward with this planned Intel Drop specifically, then the JustPasteIt account would be erased and other action taken against us."
Bill: That does sound more like a warning. Can you tell us how you got that warning?
Gideon: "Through one of my sources who is known to have contacts to the cabal. He did not say it to me directly, he passed it along. I asked him more about it, but he was tight-lipped. He did not want to get into it."
Bill: So you think it's a credible threat?
Gideon: "It had to be. It seems they came upon this information only when Michael began editing it, so they must have some kind of backdoor access to JustPasteIt to be able to see that. So, it is very credible. It was not a random warning. It was communicated to me right after Michael posted it and began editing it privately. They saw what we were discussing and did not want it out."
Bill: I have to ask you what you think this was really about. I know you can't say a lot, but please give everyone an idea.
Gideon: "What the Intel Drop was intending to discuss are a few things. First an event, a planned event I had been told about from a source. I cannot say for certain it is going to happen or it will happen, but once we received this threat or warning, certainly it became more serious to me.
Beyond that, I intended to discuss some things related to the UFO issues lately, and I believe some of what I was going to say could have been part of that warning."
Bill: You're not for sure, though?
Gideon: "No, I am not sure about that, and I believe revealing this planned event was likely the catalyst."
Bill: Are you going to reveal this information on the password-protected pages?
Gideon: "That is something I am deciding now, but likely, yes, I intend to, or some part of it. I think our team needs to know, and I consider our team our Sovereigns and those who went through our Rescue Program."
Bill: What can you say about this event, if anything?
Gideon: "It is a planned event. I would call it cataclysmic in nature, and the cabal is involved. One of the disclosures recently about Antarctica is related to it.
That is the most I can say publicly about it, and even saying that could go too far, but I want to give people something they can look into."
Bill: You're willing to risk that?
Gideon: "I am. If the Intel Drops are removed, we will know, but I do not believe I have gone nearly enough into detail, either. What I just said is not remotely the detail of what we discussed."
Bill: No, it's not, but I'm glad you've given everyone something. What about the UFO issue? It's blown up in the news, of course.
Gideon: "Certain things are going to begin bleeding into this reality, is how I would put it."
Bill: How does it play into Agenda 2030, all of this playing out with CSRQ?
Gideon: "It is directly related."
Bill: Is this new information for you?
Gideon: "To some extent, yes."
Bill: Do the whistle blowers know anything about it?
Gideon: "No, but they increasingly have said to me CSRQ will or should come online once certain things have happened, and they are waiting for those dates to come. In other words, as the state of the world is today, CSRQ would not come online. We have already known this, though, that CSRQ requires a catalyst or event to bring it about, something like economic collapse, or this event I am referencing above."
Bill: Right, for sure. Are you fully and totally certain you are getting true info and that you are not being deceived?
Gideon: "I believe the information is accurate."
Bill: Ok, there's this whistle-blower, David Grusch, who says the U.S. Government has 12 alien spacecraft, then there's some more reports stemming from that. There's also the UFO incident in Las Vegas. What's your take on these reports?
Gideon: "Well, it is important to note Mr. Grusch does not have direct knowledge, instead, he was told things from highly credible people. He certainly believes what he was told, and he is credible. But be mindful of the fact he does not have direct knowledge."
Bill: Ok, what about the Las Vegas incident? I've looked into it, and it seems to have more to it than meets the eye.
Gideon: "It is part of the deception."
Bill: It is a hoax?
Gideon: "Not in the way you would think, no. All I can say is, it is part of the deception. Many of the people involved, the police, the family, I would say they do not fully understand what is happening, or why it happened."
Bill: I'm going to just come out and ask you straight up, do you think there are aliens that have visited us? Are they aliens, in your opinion? Are they demons? Extra-dimensional creatures?
Gideon: "I would regard them as extra-dimensional demonic entities. They do exist in our world, and they are not figments of anyone's imagination, either. There are countless hoaxes, though, and we do have to use discernment to parse those out."
Bill: Has the government actually recovered real craft?
Gideon: "In a sense, yes, they do have some physical objects."
Bill: Let me slow down. How come there's so little evidence? I mean physical evidence. And the photos and videos are always a little off, or blurry, or not that convincing.
Gideon: "One thing to keep in mind is that you are dealing with two forces that are attempting clandestine operations. First, these entities, second, the governments covering it up. It is not outside of reason that evidence would be hard to come by, particularly considering the technology both parties employ, but some of it does exist."
Bill: I wanted to ask you, how come you haven't brought this up with me much before? We did talk about it a few times, but not much in detail. Is it a subject you know a lot about?
Gideon: "I have some cursory knowledge and comprehension, yes, but it is not something I have focused much on. That is because the overarching end game approaching is much more of a spiritual battle that goes far beyond what these visitors are up to.
Their relationship to us extends from the astral plane, this dimension beyond ours that we visit after death. They come from that place, and even dimensions beyond it, and they work with and for the cabal. I believe our discussions in the Cosmic Rules Are About To Change Intel Drops that we did actually address this issue more accurately."
Bill: So people might want to read those to understand all this better?
Gideon: "Yes."
Bill: Are there any good aliens, or let's say, good entities trying to help us?
Gideon: "Yes, there absolutely are. It would be best to think of them as souls in higher dimensions, or angels, and not as literal aliens."
Bill: A lot of people are talking about a fake alien invasion planned by the cabal, like Project Bluebeam, is that is what is going on here? Some kind of controlled disclosure?
Gideon: "Not in how we think. What will come is a deception on a magnitude we cannot comprehend, and what they are telling me about this coming event is difficult for me to believe or accept. Some of it I do not really understand yet, Bill, and I am asking a lot of questions of my sources right now."
Bill: Did you know about this a year ago?
Gideon: "In terms of what I knew then and what I know now, yes, some things are different, for certain they are. That is partly because the cabal's plans appear to be constantly evolving, so that the deception can keep up with this ever-growing awakening."
Bill: They want to control the awakening?
Gideon: "Correct."
Bill: Are they controlling it? Do they seem worried?
Gideon: "My impression is that they are not worried, but they seem to be having to evolve narratives and events more than I expected. Maybe for them, it is expected, I do not know."
Bill: Well, one thing you predicted in September of last year has come to pass in spades, and that's how evil the cabal is, how open they are about it. Just Satanic images and art and craziness everywhere, it blows my mind how out in the open it is all of a sudden.
Gideon: "This is true. After the September meeting, things began to be revealed or were more out in the open. It has been quite shocking to witness. The cabal seems fearless in allowing themselves and their agenda to be exposed, to some extent. But again, that pertains more to the spiritual aspects, and what we discussed in those Intel Drops."
Bill: Is this event, the one you can't talk about here, is it going to bring CSRQ online?
Gideon: "It appears so."
Bill: How soon is it?
Gideon: "Within a few months."
Bill: Can people prepare for it? What can they do to prepare for it?
Gideon: "Unfortunately, if it is true, preparation will be nearly impossible. There will be efforts to save people, provide for people, give them safety, shelter, food, and all of those efforts will be directed by the cabal, virtually all of them. This is part of my fear, and part of the deception that will bring CSRQ online."
Bill: I'm going to ask you again, how strong are you on how accurate this event information is?
Gideon: "Very strong, now."
Bill: When you first got this information, you were not as strong?
Gideon: "No. But seeing they wanted to censor it, and do not want it public, that has been convincing to me."
Bill: I agree. Who is the most in danger right now, or who will be once this happens?
Gideon: "It appears almost the whole world. What is interesting, though, is the cabal has incredible tracking capabilities, some of that using Starlink. They essentially know where every soul is at all times, and they are tracking Billions of people in real-time. Some of that data will be used to save lives, believe it or not."
Bill: Ok, so this sort of goes back to those Intel Drops, where you said the cabal doesn't necessarily want to kill people.
Gideon: "I think it is very important that I emphasize that the cabal has no issue or restraint whatsoever when it comes to murder and killing. We will see more of it, we are seeing more of it. There is a social collapse taking place as we speak, an unwinding of the social order, things are coming undone. But it is more localized.
On a grander scale, the agenda will still follow what I discussed in the Cosmic Rules Are About To Change Intel Drops. The cabal wants certain people trapped in this reality and enslaved by them. They intend for most of those people to eventually be the Restricted and Quarantined classes, while many of the Common classes will eventually die off from the vaccines and other factors."
Bill: The whole thing is amazing and I can barely wrap my mind around it. It's mind-boggling, the scope of these plans. I feel like we're along for the ride, we can't do a damn thing to stop them.
Gideon: "An awakening could stop it, but people are not waking up nearly fast enough or in great enough numbers. We are losing the battle. I expected it. That is why we prepared our Sovereign team instead, so we have some kind of fighting chance once all of this comes to fruition and we are on the other side of the nightmare to come."
Bill: Can people do anything? What should they do?
Gideon: "Our Rescue Plan is still open. We have replied to almost everyone. So, we have done our part and done our best, and I feel like what we put in place is a good plan. I would encourage people to follow up on that. Outside of that, preparation is going to be difficult."
Bill: You've told me before, the best place to be is caves or caverns.
Gideon: "Yes, certain places, yes, but that is not an option for virtually anyone."
Bill: What about underground basements or shelters?
Gideon: "It is an excellent way to prepare, depending on where you are, but they need to be well-hidden. They need to be something the cabal would not have a record of, that it was built, or that it can be seen or accessed from above easily."
Bill: Ok, I'll bring this to a close. Thank you for sharing all this. I just want to confirm again, you'll be posting more on our webpage about this event, correct?
Gideon: "Yes, I am arranging that with Michael, we will post more in the password-protected section and inform our Sovereigns."
Bill: Is there any point you see us publicly posting more about this event?
Gideon: "If it appears we are very close to it, yes, but I would expect we would receive instant escalation, and the Intel Drops and all of our social media would be disabled.
We can try to have it arranged to be posted on multiple sites, but I would worry about retaliation against our team if we did that, as well. The cabal may see it as too antagonistic of us. It seems this information is either classified, or they simply do not want it out on a wide scale."
Bill: Thank you for your time again, and God bless you, and I hope you're safe and that we're all safe going forward.
Gideon: "I pray for that everyday."
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