
Erica Chenoweth

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Silent Factory @silentfactory · Nov 5, 2022 · edited: Jun 14, 2024

Berthold Beitz Professor in Human Rights and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School and a Susan S. and Kenneth L. Wallach Professor at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Chenoweth’s research focuses on political violence and its alternatives.

Blog: "Rational Insurgent" - https://rationalinsurgent.wordpress.com/

Website: https://www.ericachenoweth.com/


The Success Of Nonviolent Civil Resistance [TED lecture; 04 Nov 2013]

Between 1900-2006, campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance were twice as successful as violent campaigns.

Erica talks about her research on the impressive historical record of civil resistance in the 20th century discusses the promise of unarmed struggle in the 21st century. She focuses on the so-called "3.5% rule" — the notion that no government can withstand a challenge of 3.5% of its population without either accommodating the movement or (in extreme cases) disintegrating. In addition to explaining why nonviolent resistance has been so effective, she also shares some lessons learned about why it sometimes fails.

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==> More information and material regarding Erica Chenoweth:  https://bit.ly/tsnvcr [Dropbox download]



Questions on the "3.5% rule"

After more research Erica Chenoweth questioned the "3.5% rule" as it should not be applied as an 'iron rule'.




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How many people does it take to oust a political leader? [BBC 19 Sept 2020]

Woman in white facing line of riot police


"Which are more effective, violent or non-violent protests? And how big does a protest have to be, to drive a political leader out of office? One researcher, who has studied these questions carefully, thinks 3.5% of the population will nearly always succeed." More: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-54142487



"How To Topple A Dictator"

Is violent or non-violent protest more effective?

BBC Sun 20 Sep 2020 PodCast interview with Erica Chenoweth.




==> More information and material regarding Erica Chenoweth:  https://bit.ly/tsnvcr [Dropbox download]


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1917 The Nonviolent Revolution

The Grassroots Working-Class Revolution that Lenin Crushed

The Success Of Nonviolent Civil Resistance (Erica Chenoweth)

"Towards A Living Revolution - A five-stage framework for creating radical social change." (George Lakey)

Why Protests Are Usually A Waste Of Time
The Blueprint For Revolution - Srdja Popovic



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