
Good viewer,

NB! I recommend that you click on the right mouse button and click "Open link in new tab" on each of the following links. Otherwise, one moment you will forget backspace and this main page will get lost. In any case memorize the address visually: JUSTPASTE.IT/FLATEARTH

Yep, the Earth is flat. The introduction has to be long, but you try briefly on an epic theme like this. This information exploded in 2015 and is currently spreading like a wildfire. The earth is flat, weather you like it or not. The evidence will convince you around. After investigating this link for one day you also have no doubt that it's flat. And it's not faith but knowing. 

Where to start from? The Earth Map looks similar to this. Arctic is in the middle where the compasses point and Antarctica is around the continents. The Sun and the Moon are near the same hight, max 3000 miles, I think they are lower than 1000. The Sun casts it's light on us kind of like spotlight does, and the Moon's light is not reflected from the Sun. The stars circle around the Polaris, the planets are not balls, only the stars are migrating and the Earth is standing still. 

At the moment, my favorite video proof is this. (right click and "Open link in new tab") The sun has a silhouette of the mountain in front of it. The mountain is 163 miles away and its height should be hidden behind the curvature of more than 1.95 miles due to distances. 

Next, I recommend looking few minutes the first, 2 minutes the second, 5 minutes the third and 5 minutes the fourth.

Before continuing roll down on this page and take a quick look how much there is evidence videos in many categories. To create a mood would fit here perhaps this song and second and third but believe me there are now more important things than listening to the music.

The place where we exist is not a ball that flies around the Sun but is stationary and flat. There is much more clear evidence than I imagined when I first heard about it. Over the sea has been filmed a lot, which should be hidden behind the curvature of the ball.

The following videos are only some from all evidence. Here's a selection of what I happened to saw what looked worth sharing.

1. For example balloons have been above the clouds with camera and the horizon is flat and at eye level although it should be lower and a bit curved. For a comparison, see thisFor 60 miles there there should be hidden 2400 feet of height (100 km - 785 metres), over 100 miles there should be hidden 6666 feet (200 km - 3.14 km) and over 200 miles there should be 26,644.8 feet of height behind the curvature (300 km - 7.06 km).

2. There are many videos and pictures where you can see an island, mountain, city or ship seen over the sea that should be hidden behind the curvature.

3. The sun in the sky should make an arc in the sky in the other way around. It's on of the most complicated proof to digest.

4. NASA has got caught cheating many times. They all have their own department down below. The bubbles in the cosmos are actually filmed in the pool and much more. If you spend a lot of time in this area, you will never trust what NASA anymore.

Until 2014 Youtube had about 30-40 videos on the flat Earth. But if you put it right now "flat earth" on the Youtube search, it shows that "About 5,170,000 results." It was 7,050,000 a while ago but they lowered those numbers. If you searsh "flat earth proof" then there is 1,510,000 hits, whith "NASA exposed" its 869,000. If "NASA lies" then 663,000 hits. It was 1,380,000 a while ago. On this page there is just a tiny bit of all the evidences. The ones that I have seen and felt worth sharing.

In early 2015, the Flat Earth topic exploded on the Internet. That the place where our souls exist is not a ball hurtling through the space but is flat, Arctic in the middle and Antarctic surrounding us. There is much more clear evidence than I imagined when I first heard the expression Flat Earth. Soon everybody will know it because the info is spreading like wildfire. Almost everyone who really investigates the subject openly and honestly, ends up becoming a flat-earther and they realize that we've been lied to for a long time. You just can't hide the fact that the Earth is not a sphere. There is no curvature.

This video shows that when it's January the Sun lightens more ground. Also in January it needs to make bigger circle in 24 hours but it doesn't seem to be faster when viewed from Earth because then it's circling a bit higher. The stars are also circling and the Earth stands still. The creator made so somewhere around 6000 years ago. Don't ask me why and who made the creator. And who was the creator of creator.

The first time that I saw an article about flat Earth was in July of 2015. It was written in Estonian, which is my first language. It was a long article with lots of proofs and it made me to scratch my head. Afterwards I was seriously 50-50. The following days when I had remembered about the subject, I was never close to a computer to do any research. I made flat Earth jokes with my friends about twice a month and every time my jokes ended with words "I'm 50-50". I'm amazed that I was not like "Wait-wait-wait. Whaaaat? It's possible that maybe I don't live on a ball? They are lying about the shape of this place?"  

I'm amazed I didn't investigate it the same day I read the article and didn't simply type "flat Earth evidence" or "proof" into the search bar on YouTube. One morning in the fall, just a few months later, I accidentally landed on a YouTube video titled "FLAT EARTH - 1960´s Space Jump 31km". It's deleted but there were screenshots from NASA video where the horizon were completely flat. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I started to investigate the subject closer. By evening I was 100% convinced that the Earth is flat. Didn't imagine there was so much proof already. I probably subconsiously thought that in this article there was all the evicence there is.  

The power elite, which is made up of satanists who are worshipping fallen angels, have been hiding God with globe lie and they have been pretty successful. With the globe lie are possible the Big Bang, random life everywhere, evolution and God is out of the picture. They control the banks, the big corporations and almost all politicians above the municipal level. Politicians are routinely paid off and/or their lives are actually threatened. One mafia/mob is literally controlling the whole World and politicians are the front men/women dancing to the elite's drum. All political figureheads are just puppets acting in a theater. Those who don't act according to the commands like Gaddafi, Kennedy, Hussein and probably some others are forcefully removed.

When you figure out that the Earth is flat and you have been lied to then comes up the questions "Where am I? How did we get here? What am I?". It will be great spiritual shift for you if you investigate, get passed the brainwashing and see the truth. After that you look life and yourself differently. Every moment in your life becomes somehow more magical. Being consiously on flat and under the dome people turn into being more spiritual, emphatic and less materialistic beings. You try to be good hoping the creator is proud of you.

By the way the Moon has it's own source of light and it actually has a cooling effect. Sunlight and moonlight are basically opposites. Here is a video to watch about this phenomena as people literally "test" the heat of objects in the moonlight and in the moonlight's shadow. Search "moon temperature test" if interested in more. 



(31.05.15) Horizon should sink and be curved: 

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(02.12.15) Why they lie: 

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(07.03.17) Demo of weekly show Globebusters: https://youtu.be/_WgLwO5kfU4?t=9m39s 

(07.03.17) Ten reasons why she knows the Earth is flat

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(05.02.17) Pythagoras and Eratosthenes gave trump card for flat Earth

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(25.01.17) After this are you still certain you live on a ball?: 

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(31.07.16) Often asked 21 questions: 

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(26.10.16) Fisheye lenshttps://youtu.be/ZXkCgB0cOGc?t=2m6s 

(18.08.14) Rocket crashes into the dome on 58. second: 

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(14.02.17) I think about creator and Bible like Jeran does: https://youtu.be/HNSmfBhM5u0?t=46m42s 

(03.05.16) Macedonian mainstream TV show: 

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(06.02.17) Human History & The Bible: 

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(05.06.16) Promoter of alternative medicine David "Avocado" Wolfe. Has 10 mil. likes in FB: 

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Table on contents 

  1. Ship doesn't drop behind the curvature
  2. Visible over water
  3. The sky
  4. Music
  5. NASA lies
  6. Human history
  7. Entertainment
  8. Documentaries
  9. Miscellaneous
  10. Some Youtube channels
  11. Some Facebook pages and groups


1. Ship doesn't drop behind the curvature

(05.10.16) 1. 

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(10.08.15) 2. 

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(26.09.15) 3. https://youtu.be/IdwIMtz8owI

(26.09.16) 4. 

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(17.08.16) 5. 

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2. Visible over water

Curvature calculator

(02.02.17) 1000% evidence. View from Wellington beach, New Zealand: 

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(09.03.16Oahu should be hidden 504 meters (1654 feet) behind the curvature

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(15.02.16) Chicago should be hidden 548 meters (1800 feet) behind the curvature:  https://youtu.be/hWhqAECumpg?t=1m3s 

(22.10.16) Oil platforms should be hidden 13.6 meters (44.57 feet) behind the curvature: 

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(25.02.17) Toronto should be hidden 111.4 meters (365.5 feet) behind the curvature: 

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(04.02.16) Superdome should be hidden 117 meters (387 feet) behind the curvature: https://youtu.be/02y4wkEFxPo?t=1m42s 

(19.11.16) Communications tower should be hidden 84.7 meters (278 feet) behind the curvature: https://youtu.be/Qnmw4ndj0ow?t=1m13s 

(09.02.16) Anacapa should be hidden 237 meters (778 feet) behind the curvature: 

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(01.09.16) Mountain should be hidden 234.7 meters (770 feet) behind another mountain: 

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(13.02.16) Humacao should be hidden 263 meters (864 feet) behind the curvature

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(17.12.15) Anacapa Arch should be hidden 73 meters (240 feet) behind the curvaturehttps://youtu.be/n1DQSBI42Eg?t=5m10s

(12.02.16) Mountain should be hidden 478 meters (770 feet) behind the curvature: https://youtu.be/F_n7z5G9vn8?t=2m4s

(01.03.17) San Mateo bridge should be 58.7 meters (192.7 feet) behind the curvature: 

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(08.11.15) Manakau should be hidden 518 meters (1700 feet) behind the curvature

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(04.09.15) Ships should be hidden 7.1 meters (23.4 feet) behind the curvature: https://youtu.be/eM2Tgjc528k?t=1m30s 

(02.07.15Laser test: 

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(05.03.17) Second laser test

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(11.07.16) Third laser test: 

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(29.06.16) Chicago is not a mirage: 

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3. The sky

(11.09.11) High altitude balloonhttps://youtu.be/jDs2T2PgxNM?t=5m30s 

(29.11.16) Same story

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(06.07.14) Same story: https://youtu.be/pnzUgKZ8m2k?t=3m4s 


(01.10.16) There is no polar day in Antarctic: 

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(20.12.15) Sun shrinks (solar filter): 

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(11.03.16) Same story

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(13.09.15) Same story

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(30.11.15) Same story

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(23.01.17) Atmospheric lensing effect: 

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(28.01.17) How can the Sun illuminate the bottoms of clouds: 

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(17.03.16) Click 1:10 many times. Watch moonlight direction: https://youtu.be/IK7Q76HNb4Y?t=1m10s  

(18.03.16) North and South should be with similar nature but are not:

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(22.02.16) Equator is impossible on the globe Earth: https://youtu.be/p-Uz3NOjboI?t=3m20s

(27.09.16) Flight paths reveal flat Earth: https://youtu.be/WtYWkTEDgjM?t=2m9s 

(14.10.16) Whats up with Sun's gravity? :) 

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(01.02.17) About the Moon, the stars and the Sun: 

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(03.07.16) Theory for southern stars: 

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(22.02.16) The Moon has cooling effect: 

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(24.03.16) Same story:

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(04.04.16) Lunar wave:

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(19.05.16) Same story:

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(03.03.16) Moon should be hidden

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(09.04.16) Explanes sunset: 

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(14.10.16) More about gravity: 

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(31.10.16) Mercury is seen too high in the sky after sunset:

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4. Music

Nothing But The Truth

Cartoon Ball

Breakin' the Law

Hello Flat Earth - NASA Lies


Earth Not A Globe


Dear NASA, Why Are You Lying?

Ballad of a Dead Conspiracist

"Paint it Black" Cover

The Flat Earth Movement Album

5. NASA lies

(30.01.16) NASA's first photograph of the Earth. Finland should be visible:: http://tinyurl.com/h84a2nl

(20.07.15) They took the next photograph of the whole Earth 43 years later - 2015: http://tinyurl.com/grfjvva

(20.01.17) On compositions North America is with different size: http://tinyurl.com/j9jz787 (video: 

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(15.01.17) In NASA video the Earth is flat also: https://youtu.be/I0sd7j3ZQn8?t=10m36s 

(02.02.16) Same story: 

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(15.01.17SpaceX Iridium-1 Falcon 9 faked landing:  

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(12.03.17) Astronauts talking about seeing stars in space: 

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(29.01.17) AstroNOTs use harnesses: https://youtu.be/LCzBvCB1uOo?t=1m22s 

(12.02.17) China's space program is staging also: 

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(25.11.16) Russian astronaut makes flat Earth joke: 

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(13.06.15) NASA fakes their photos: https://youtu.be/SWTdAxm3Opc?t=1m35s 

(22.04.16) No 24/7 live video from ISS: 

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(01.02.16) Compilation of NASA lies:  

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(29.04.16) ISS (International Space Station): 

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(27.03.16) ISS roof is leaking: https://youtu.be/zuBVCmC0ACM?t=16m58s 

(08.05.16) Photo of Jupiter is made with PC: 

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(17.03.16) NASA made ball Earth with an airplane window: https://youtu.be/Fa_SDViJIuc?t=1m59s 

(09.03.16) About NASA'st, SpaceX'st and etc: 

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(24.03.16) Space rockets leave flying horizontal: 

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(27.06.15) NASA says they have no video of spinning Earth: https://youtu.be/ihdrwIKmfTs?t=4m52s 

(02.03.16) NASA uses green screen: 

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(05.04.16) NASA fakes their photos: 

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(14.03.16) Same story: 

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(17.02.16) Same story: 

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(23.09.16) NASA says they can't get past Van Allen Belts: 

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6. Human history


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7. Entertainment

(14.12.16) It seems that Kanye West was cloned:

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(26.01.17) It's possible that Madonna was born as a man

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(28.07.16) It's possible that Jennifer Aniston was born as a man: https://youtu.be/5pA6uAQDyos?t=16m13s 

(29.01.17) It's possible that Britney Spears was born as a man:

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(12.02.17) It's possible that Lady Gaga was born as a man: 

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(30.01.17) It's possible that Miss USA was born as a man

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(22.08.16) It's possible that some female athletes were born as men: 

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(18.12.16) It's possible that  George Clooney's & David Bowie's "wifes" are men: 

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(25.02.15) It's possible that Justin Bieber was born as a man: 

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8. Documentaries

  1. (19.11.16
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  2. (10.10.16)
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  3. (24.02.16
    Video thumb
  4. (09.07.16
    Video thumb
  5. (07.08.16
    Video thumb
  6. (09.07.16) 
    Video thumb
  7. (09.07.16) 
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  8. (31.01.16https://youtu.be/Yt-g5PkXJfQ?t=5m50s 
  9. (15.03.16) 
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  10. (01.03.16
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  11. (28.08.15) 
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  12. (16.07.15) 
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9. Miscellaneous

(18.01.17) 3 million Flat Earth video results deleted from Youtube in one night: 

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(25.05.16) Listen from 11th and 46th second: 

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(11.02.17) Jeran purustab hästi palli: 

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(06.11.16) Gyroscopes are breaking the ball: https://youtu.be/D8Ca_ioR81A?t=4m50s 

(29.01.17) David Avocado Wolfe in Globebusters: 

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(04.05.16) Dinosaur hoax: 

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(12.12.16) Same story: http://www.telegram.ee/nwo/dinosauruste-pettus 

(09.07.16) Terrorist acts seem simulated

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(25.02.12) Freemason's traditions: 

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(17.08.16) Introduction to Freemasonry: https://youtu.be/-Y9MmRCL3rY?t=1m52s 

(31.03.16) Same story:  

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(04.06.16) Same story: 

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(12.08.16) Same story:

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(19.08.16) Same story: https://youtu.be/mCxMDZj1-Vs?t=6m1s 

(04.12.16) Same story:

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(06.04.16) Same story: https://youtu.be/YqiiA4bOt_o?t=13m18s 

(02.11.16) Many secrets exposed: 

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(07.08.16) Once there were bigger trees: 

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(21.08.16) About oxygen: 

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(25.01.16) About gravity:

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(18.01.16) Santos Bonacci teachings: 

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(03.11.16) CNN Faking The News: 

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(26.12.15) Where did the towers go? They turned into dust as they fell: https://youtu.be/r51a2HnAXCQ?t=11m38s

(10.04.11) 9/11 CGI planes:

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10. Some Youtube channels

jeranism https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_FY5mR4g22L_E9t1D_ExQ/videos 
jeranimRAW https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Eme8WvbuojYWHKMJMVHCA/videos 
Globebusters https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXIovaBdnA4UHdd-TZ-MqRg/videos 
dmurphy25 https://www.youtube.com/user/dmurphy25/videos 
ODD TV https://www.youtube.com/user/MrDoseman/videos 
TheMorgile https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMorgile/videos  
markksargent https://www.youtube.com/user/markksargent/videos 
Russianvids https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTrZJrLbsoN171bMFQKN5Xw/videos 
Chris Geo https://www.youtube.com/user/truthfrequency/videos 
DITRH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3XjdiuLcckJCFg7q-2Bvfg/videos
Flat Earth Asshole https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTlbjcTWjTLqNmcF3VL7Xag/videos 
Globe Skeptic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGMHcFZjIFfvK3doe_nt5vA/videos 
Flat Water https://www.youtube.com/user/imthegee1/videos 
The FLAT EARTH Reality https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwm95tvhXYlg2ORPXfVxR1g/videos  
EricDubay https://www.youtube.com/user/ericdubay77/videos  
StinkyCASH https://www.youtube.com/user/jwalstein1/videos 
cptmang https://www.youtube.com/user/cptmang/videos    
Flat Earth And Other Hot Potatoes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCysWJOqjorQQwc31oDShK6w/videos  
SmokeScreen Design https://www.youtube.com/user/bellyoffire/videos 

11. Some Facebook pages

The Flat Earth Revolution https://www.facebook.com/theflatearthrevolution/ 
God's Flat Earth: A Visual Reality https://www.facebook.com/GodsFlatEarth/
Flat Earth Matters https://www.facebook.com/fematters/ 

Facebook groups

Fuck illuminati and new world order https://www.facebook.com/jaberkhalaf12/
International Flat Earth Truthers https://www.facebook.com/groups/978626412192513/ 
God's Flat Earth: A Visual Reality https://www.facebook.com/groups/340314142805630/ 
The Original Flat Earth vs Sphere Earth https://www.facebook.com/groups/567884763367327/ 


Final words

https://justpaste.it/flatearth - please copy and paste this page everywhere. When the info (truth) spreads faster, the revolution comes faster. Share it with every single friend and let them investigate this subject matter. Soon, the politicians will be bombarded about the Flat Earth everywhere they go. Flat Earth subject is good litmus paper showing who in opposition in controlled opposition. One way to see change in world order is to share this link: https://justpaste.it/flatearth