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@anonymous · May 15, 2024 · edited: Aug 25, 2024

EZ BSD ?? =D


'Easy (EZ) Big SeXXXy Dame (BSD)' = The 'Only Sweetie (OS)' U Actually WANT =8^)

See Also 'Super Win! OS' iDiaz ~> https://justpaste.it/avdm4


'Nobara' (Fedora 4 'Gaming') Linux Iz Named After A Cartoon Chik 2~>


'Mercury' (FireFox) browser alzo (tho' iSuggested 'FoxyFox' W/a 'Furry' Avatar az heez en2 that LOL ~>



#BadDoll Ov Tha Avatarz


Not Az Hawt Az COOP HellFreex Tho Ya Mozt Ad MIT!

Video thumb


It's fun to develop software ideas & some of my 'concepts' R quite popular, like 'Media Player Classic' which iUse a LOT as my main thing for music videos & blabla.  iFound the original programmer 2 duet 2et & the iDia woz 2 mayk $umThen Fazt & E Z bot weth mor 'Options Available' inside =)  NEET TRIK!  U can download & explore some of the 'Variations' here (among others) ~>



Theez doodz wur tryin 2 'kill' it 2 roll into pricey hardware like 'Trinov' & others? ~>


My komentz about that heer  = iAm 'Dood McMan' ~>


Bot sinz etz 'public license' it was 'Resurrected!' =D  WOOO! ~>

Video thumb


Bot WATE!  Therz MOR! =D . . .



Note: Tha hole 'BE' thengz R mizzin $um #VitalBitz Lyk advanced 'channel mapping' frum tha 'Home Theater' variant, + tha 'maintainer' ov that = Mr. 'clsid' haz  sinz rolled 'Thumbnail Timeline Preview' options en2 et zo reely tha own lee rezon 2 uze 'BE' iz sum L8R variants kan run on Window $ex Pee (XP) than HT wonz kan, an that iz Y (??) thay uze et en thiz 'Integral' OS ReLeez heer ~>


An heer based on a different 'Engine' (No Win 7-able VurZon yet zorry =P) ~>



= IMHO ALL appz shood B'Ritten 2 run on XP.  Therez nothin U kan evur want 2 do U kan't within thoze (not really) 'Limitations'.  Frum #ThaBezt in 'Media Editing' (also partially based on my ideas) ~>


2 AdVanzd 'Processing Architectures' ~>



Anzo Awn =)  Note: 2 enable 'Effecting' on 'VAIO' & 'AUX' stov add 'VBCable' module frum heer ~>

= Shood do that by 'default' but WTF = No1'z PurFekd =))  The interface is also quite insane = wastes about 5X more room than it needs 2 (y'all shood B ' $uggesting' some 'Quik An ZLEEK' VurZonz Lyk MEEE! =)  It's so needlessly gigantic it literally won't fit  on the TV iRun with my #KitchenPC !!  =;-P  iCan move it around 2 C tha rezt ov et bot chopz ov partz =(  This is like that whole 'Get Ov Yor Weenie & Pretend U R A Chik' = #BadIdeas =)) ~>





Kood Fit Tho = No1 Needz Awl Thoze Nobz & '#RoundyBitz'!

Sliders 4 Everything  Instead Wood Tayk Lez Than 1/3 Tha $payz! =)

4 'Fyn Ad Ju$t In' Kood EXpand A 'MagnaFyd Vu' Wen Bitz R Hovered !!!

# O M G ! !  # D U H ! !  =D   Tryen' 2 Fit Et On Heer . . .


FREE Ov Craig$ Li$t !!  =B^)

= GR8 TV = NyzKolorz Avtur TweeKin' ~> 



iRemoved tha nyz LQQKin' butt KRAAAP built-in $peex koz' thay ZUUUK!! =;-o

 LQQX BTR W/Owt N E Waze =) ~>


W O O P !

Video thumb

Beaches R Nicer Round My #KaliZone Bot Mor #GothChix In U.K.


If All The 'Migrants' Looked Like Thiz That Wood B GR8! =)


Or Watever Other #Hot$tuff U Wanna Bring 2 My Door =D


Godda Haf FetNiz


#HotGeex UNITE! =D


So bak 2 OSes . . . it helps 2 give some background on 'Y' lotz ov folx R searchin' & wanna $witch.  $um comments kan explain a bit.  There are a bunch of different aspects 2 Y $oftware & Operating $ystems & other $tuff can B buggy on purpose or just thrown out there as a '#Troll$cam$ham 2 get 'Traction' with Lie$, & a lot of things like '$hhorthorn' & 'XP Aero' & the like R just useless junk 2 feel $uperior & 'Popular', because they don't really work but give the 'impression' of 'abilities' 2 'Out$iders'.  It's like some clown who rents a fancy car 2 try & impress a girl, instead of getting fit or something =))  I  have included some examples like first another clown who wrote a broken 'shell fixer' thing & is 'annoyed' that I am actually trying 2 help him fix the thing rather than just dik around & pretend 2 have 'invented' a 'utility' that actually works (it does not) ~>


WinSetView command line / batch mode #112
Answered by LesFerch
gaiking-uk asked this question in Q&A
last week
TLDR; Is it possible to call WinSetView via the command line, passing in parameters such as the folder path and desired view type?
last week
WinSetView does not actually deal with individual folders. It just sets your preferred defaults in the registry for each folder type and then clears all saved views. Explorer applies the view when you first open a folder.
For the folder type, Explorer automatically sets the type based on the majority content. Windows 11 is very aggressive about doing that. So much so that you cannot override what it picks. Windows 10 sets the folder type based on content until you manually set it and then it backs off (which is the way it should work). So, in theory, you shouldn't have to set the folder type. It should set automatically when you add content, unless you have enabled the option "Make all folders Generic".
Since Microsoft provides no API for setting the folder type, the only option to script it is to set the folder type with a hidden desktop.ini file. I think I could write you a script that will traverse your folder structure looking for folders named Audio, Images, and Video and set the folder types using hidden deskop.ini files. This method will only work on NTFS volumes that mount as "Local Disk" (like C: drive), so hopefully that's what we're working with.


N E Way Thay Kan Get 2 U


En Jekd U Weth Their Poy Zun

1 reply 1 new
Hi would you like some money? =)  iContinue 2 use 'Window $ex Pee' (Windows XP = Y #BillyBoy grins every time he $ez it #InsideJoke LOL =)) because it has by far the best file manager & start menu & save as diologue interface of any operating system (after combined with 'QTTabBar' & 'TaskbarShuffle & 'ZoomIt' =D  Like N E thing, nothing is perfect, but iTried yor 'WinSetView' thing on my Windows 7 '#BrokenToy' OS & it doesn't work at all.  iRed en $um ov yor notez maybe because iMainly use FAT32?  It's INFINITELY better than NTFS in so many ways, like N E random error fixes about 20X faster (literally) which is GR8 if U get a 'bad shutdown' or something = unlike N E thing after XP, which forces booting from NTFS partitions instead =P
So yes, az U might have guessed, iInstall XP 2 FAT32 partitions, & also swap them out quik & E Z via 'DriveImageXML', but that's going a bit off topic.  iAm giving U $um background Y this is important (2 stik W/XP or @ least their 'interface' =)  iWood like U 2 mod the actual 'shell' of Windows 10 so it will sort all files according 2 user preferences rather than force it's own bull$hit $abotage 2 try & generate Cu$tomer $upport Call$ & $o on (which is part of the real reason they keep deliberately fuking up every OS even worse over time).  Ideally iWant the XP explorer, or at least 'global' file setting that actually works = as XP explorer can set 'global' with no complication by saying 'apply to all folders' & it actually sticks.
It would also be nice to add a folder tree in the left size of the save as diolog for XP, or mod the windows 7 stile save as so (of course) no full row select krap, & also a 'line style' tree detail on the folder tree.  N E waze, a simple alternative (??) 2 all this is just 2 'port' the 'shell' (file explorer, start menu, & save as diolog) in a 'container' type arrangement so all the 'DLLs' it needs R in a single folder with everything else, & can run that 2 replace the interface of Win 7, 10, etc.  It's so shockingly bad how everything is so wrecked after XP, it's just an endless train of 'death by a thousand cuts' no matter how U slice it, so long as these '#ExplorerProblems' continue.  I'm literally looking into Linux options now because it's so bad.  No iDon't want my 'menu options & file lists & stuff all spaced out 3X bigger than needed like iCan only operate my computer on a cell phone screen tapping commands with my big toe on a touch screen = WTF? =))




THis is more like it (light theme E Z 2 do = just a 'dark' example = talking about the 'layout' =) ~>
$um may $ay 'It's not pretty enough' & that iz tru, bot it'z tha bezt TOOL 4 FUNCTIONALITY! =D  Iv iWant #EyeCandy iCan always browse pix ov #HotChix =D ~>
WOOP! ~>
N E waze, U can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com' & iCan $end U $$$ if U want.  I'm just looking 4 a 'compatibility layer' 2 run the SOFTWARE iLike.  iJust want the 'interface' 2 'get out of the way' & stop fighting AGAINST me at every step like 'Explorer' & 'Save as' & (2 a lesser extent) 'start menu' does in every Windows version after XP =P  2 B tru, Windows 95 B 4 'Internet Exploiter' even existed had the best interface = none of that 'web browser' bull$hit fuking up the stability in image views & file management, like the deliberate RAM leaks & stuff moving files, or 'IE6' (which is basically 'mallware') modding the 'shell' 2 fuk things up so bad 2 trik people into switching 2 2000, which didn't work (since a bit 2 $abotaged 4 'acceptance') $o rolled in 'Virtual PC' (so people could  'emulate' DOS in NT) 2 run their same old 'Office $uite' instead of FORCED 2 '#BuyItAgainGOY!! =))  Blabla = iCould go on & on but U get the idea.  It is all ruined by Micro$oft ON PURPOSE, so the whole 'blame the user' thing is like a thug blaming the victims of their attacks, like 'She asked 4 it because she wore a short dress'.  Don't put up with it.  Take a stand & fight 4 yor right 2 'Explore' without constantly being ATTACKED by an #Anti-UserOS =;-o

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BTW: A GR8 option 4 U (??) wood B 2 mod this 'integral' Windows 10 release ~>
If it's not available there, try here ~>
I've been using the 'Integral' XP thing for about a couple decades now & works GR8, just a lot of programs I want 2 use don't run on it natively, & it's silly 2 have 2 launch 64 bit virtual machines 2 use them from within XP (which yes it's quik & E Z 2 do but a bit 'slow') ~>
= 2 Change Windows 10 (64 bit) it so it has the things iMentioned = built-in way 2 permanently force 'details' view in every folder system wide, without it automatically switching back & so on, like after changing 2 'photo view' & exiting the folder it switches back 2 yor 'global preset' of 'details view' (or other user pre3ference U the user choose B it 'list' or whatever), & same 4 the 'save as' dilog, & also 2 add the lines in folder tree on left side of both, & auto-expand 2 current folder (duh) & permanently disable full row select in every case no matter what (user option 2 always force =) & also VERY important = show 'recently dropped items' at the bottom of the viewed folder contents list. THis is the default behavior in XP & 1 of it's most useful features, like when expanding a Zip or other compressed file the new items show up at the bottom rather than mixed in like 'throwing shrapnel' everywhere, & same when dragging &/or pasting contents = shows up at the bottom of the list = NEVER FORCE AUTO SORT BY ALPHABET OR ANY OTHER AUTO ANYTHING! =D



Tha Bezt OS Iz #Hungry2serv


When U R managing millions of files on many terabytes of storage (yes U can do that on XP E Z) it is INFINITELY faster when the OS isn't trying 2 wreck everything U do at every step, & also spacing everything so far apart U waste 3X the mouse travel & muscle strain 2 do it =)) Again, U can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com'. Happy 2 pay 4 it. Beats tha fuk out of 'switching 2 Linux' = not really keen on spending DECADES learning a 'new thing' that will always B 'half baked' because the PROGRAMS we want R not written 2 run on it. Everything in Linux is some kind of 'hack', like 'WINE' layers & 'containers' & 'emulators' & blabla = no thanx =P I could even put up with buying a 'license' 4 every Windows machine, but not while their Explorer is such a mess. It's a giant middle finger saying 'WE H8 U & WANT 2 RUIN ALL YOR WORK' at every stage with 7, 10, etc. 8 & 11 R such a joke they R not even a 'possible contender' LOL Even 'Vista' is better = pretty 'jelly bean' interface style LOL

1 hour ago
@Doodmanzy That's a really long message. I didn't read it all, but I saw that WinSetView did not run on your Windows 7 system. If you can provide more details, maybe I can help. What happened when you tried to run it? Was any error message displayed?
The details R in the reply, which U say U didn't bother reading.  Wen U get bored, please have a look at what I say & read it all & also have a look at this page ~>
& also this one, which I will probably complete by tomorrow (or check back 4 updates =) ~>
Again, you can reach me directly for payment to do mods if U want at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com' =)  Would like some other things besides just fixing the file management interface, like enabling vertical sync on XP (which can be done in a variety of ways iCan explain but R beyond my 'mere mortal non programmer guy' abilities).



iRefreshed the page & my comment & even his response 'dissappeared' = LOL  NO biggie!  Tried 2 repost & wouldn't stick, so either him or github R blocking my GR8 advices = LOL!! Posted this short bit instead ~>
U R deleting my posts?  How ((($adistic))) =;-o  That's Y iAlways save everything 'offline' so clowns can't try 2 '(((#CancelCulture)))' me =))  How DARE iMake GR8 $uggestions how 2 improve Windows & offer 2 pay Programmer$ = LOL!!  Here U go in case U didn't C it, or if '(((GitHub)))' (??) iz auto-(((Cen$oring))) my $hit =P ~>
= (would not post, so shortening it)
Visit these 2 links.  My E-Mail is in there & I can pay U =) ~>
The 2'nd link here will probably complete by tomorrow (or check back 4 updates =) ~>
= Wouldn't take the comment.  Instead it says at the bottom: "This conversation has been locked and limited to collaborators." = LAAAME! =;-o  Same old 'pretend there isn't a problem' thing = LOL!!  Lot of 'Programmers' do $cams like post a bunch of broken krap 2 PRETEND they R GR8 2 drum up bu$iness, only 2 fail again 4 the cu$tomers . . . 'But LOOK at all the 'fans' & 'Amazing Works' of my 'Channel' = It's definitely not me or incompetence or laziness.  U just need 2 pay me 4 more 'Configuration $ervices' (up front? =)) & 'Hope 4 Tha Bezt' koz iAM SOOO amazing with my many 'Freeware$' =;-o  & please don't ask me 2 do an 'escrow' where iAm paid on completion of 'functional modules'.  What do U think iAm, a home builder or 'Tradesman'? HAHAHA  iAm all about 'ideas' (that R never really achieved, totally half azzed or broken at best! =))  A lot of $oftware is like '4 Legged Flyers' = Y?  It's a fun 'idea' but not really 'functional', like the Welsh flag.  I'm part Welsh ma'self so know a bit about it = 'Prince Of Wales' & all that jazz ~>




Heerzan E-Mail iSent 2 MyMom full a RamBlenz bowt 'Tha Battle 4 Awesomeness' in '#CodeLand' (which $he probably didn't read either but sometimes =)  Mostly she plays 'Bollinger Bands' on $tox playin 'Option$' =;-o  Notice  most importantly the stuff about how Micro$oft already includes 'containers' or 'emulators' or 'virtual machines' or whatever U call it 2 run 'Virtual PC' in the background so DOS-based apps can run on XP in a way that is seamless & 'transparent 2 the user'.  This can work in BSD, & because it has a 'flexible' license U can roll it into that & $ell it 2 make BAZILLION$!! =D
From MEEE!: Interesting Tech Ideas =)
Photo Dood
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 1:52 AM
To: Mum-Z



Not Hur Tho Similar, Bak Wen iWozza #YungLad


iSpend lots of time 'trolling' people with various 'tech' ideas, & now & then they make stuff lots of people like =D  B 4 it (maybe) becomes a '$mash Hit' may as well share the 'inspiration' =)  The whole 'containerize/VM the alternate kernels thing' 4 a CONSUMER 'do it all' OS (where the 'naughty bits' R 'transparent 2 the user' is a new idea 4 'Linux' types.  There R some examples of it in Windows & Mac though like Parallels (which is something I was trolling them about B 4 they switched 2 BSD, which was exactly what I was trolling them 2 do at Apple B 4 they did it, but doesn't necessarily mean they did it because of me =))  N E waze, another example is when Micro$oft bought 'Virtual PC' 2 make '9X' (Windows '95, '98, ME) apps run on XP, which is NT, same as 'Windows 2000', but the $cam of trying 2 force everybody 2 re-buy their Micro$hit Office $uite again in 'NT' version 2 work on it didn't work, so they were 'forced' 2 add that 'compatibility layer' through 'Con NexTrix' ~>

= So wen U R running a 'Windows '98' type app (or other 'DOS-based' thing) on 'XP' or L8R, it's really running in a 'Virtual Machine' that is 'transparent to the user' = meaning they are not aware it is running that 'virtual Windows '98' (DOS) layer inside of Windows XP (NT) =)  So what I am describing here is essentially the same thing, but more advanced & flexible = iShould add that 2 the reddit below LOL  The 'Media Player Classic' program & a few others R directly based on my ideas (talking with programmers), & others like Reaper & the whole Apple X86 move R 'unconfirmed but reflect my suggestions = so hoo noze = doesn't hurt 2 'request' =)  Like with Reaper iWas 'trolling' the 'Jesusonic' guys 2 combine Winamp flexiblity in skinning & 'modules' with the routing trix from AudioTrak 'Direct Wire' stuff =;-o


Battle 4 BozNez In The  CrippleWare HellScape

Video thumb

~ B Thee Alight Unto Tha DarkNez ~ An All That Jazz ~


Wil 'Thay' Duet 2et?  U Hurd Et Heer 1'st! ~>
Go to ThoriumBrowser
Can't login on thorium android
Guys I can't login into my Google account on thorium android because my account already exists but it say sign in at the top I don't get it
Lord_Frick (Thorium maker)
1mo ago
Yes. It wont work. Google being a butthead. As far as I can tell, the limited number of non Chrome browsers that support google sync are doing so by handing over alot of money to google to get their browser whitelisted on their servers. More money than a single dev like me can afford
Wise_Alarm1652 (me)
Hi there would U like some money? =) If U need let me know! =D iWant a totally portable version of Firefox 32 bit that can run on Windows XP & is 'latest greatest & fast' like Thorium but single threaded like Firefox 52 so doesn't waste tons of RAM, etc. Also needs 2 B able 2 play Netflix & other 'wildvine' 'secure' $tyle $treaming $tes. So far only thing iCan find that works 4 that is regular Google Chrome =( iMainly run Windows XP & want a few mods done 2 that 2 if U can or know people who can, like enabling vertical sync in the desktop 2 avoid horizontal tearing of motion scenes in web browser videos, & enabling 'APO' (Audio Processor Object) so can use things like 'Equalizer APO' & others 2 adjust 'global' sound output in 'windows mixer', & disabling hardware locking so can use the same boot drive in other PCs without triggering the fake 'BSOD' (Blu Skreen Ov Deth) & instead just search for the necessary drivers like Win 98 & other better OSes did =)

Video thumb

It's All About The Right Ingredients =)

Newer does not mean better. It's unfortunate literally over 20 years ago everything online for video was working far better than it does now. It's a moving target where fools keep bloating things up & sabotaging everything, like adding garbage in operating systems we don't want or need & removing what we actually want, like the reason I mainly use XP is because the file management interface (with QTTabBar installed) is way better than anything else = saves tons of time. It's funny to see fools using windows 10 or 11 or even 7 thinking it is 'efficient' or something, meanwhile even in 'compact' mode everything is stretched apart like some phone OS designed for tapping things out with your big toe = ridiculous (wastes mouse travel, time, muscle stress, etc.)
U (or N E other 'programmer types') interested 2 help fix these things can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com' & I can pay 4 it if needed. Another GR8 thing 2 add would B some kind of 'kernel enhancement layer' 2 run 'modern' apps on Windows XP = like maybe 'container-ize' the Windows 10 OS 'in the background' & 'assign' apps 2 use those 'DLLs' & whatever like the whole 'run as' type thing (maybe auto-switching into it as needed?) so it 'just works' but we R not cursed with the horrible anti-user interface of Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11, etc. =) iWould like 'move 2 Linux' but iHear no matter wat U do it's a constant battle with bugs because they use fake stuff like 'WINE' & whatever, but what they REALLY need 2 do is a 'container' / hypervisor type thing so the 'non-native' apps can use the ACTUAL stuff they 'want' 2 run on, rather than 'hacked 3'rd party approximations' of the DLLs from 'open source'. In other words, we could just 'dump' the Windows 10 'install media' or whatever in there & it would use the 'pieces' but the user interface & stuff can B something much more flexible & functional like KDE Plasma or whatever on Linux =8^)




Maybe Mod 'Nobara' & combine it with 'gamer-ready' bits from 'Bazzite' & 'Chimera' (Garuda is a troll joke) & also media-centered stuff from 'Ubuntu Studio' (with their 'KX Studio' thing) & 'AVLinux' & 'Librazik'! =D A lot of these 'parts' are 'compatible' with the right 'modules' so combining them gives 'the best of everything', & then can throw in some nice Linux (or BSD? = then U can $ell it?) hypervisor / virtual machine type bits (that can B transparenet 2 the user) 4 running the 'Windows' stuff. In other words, it can boot up with all the stuff they will ever need 4 gaming & media, & ask 4 them 2 copy their 'installer media' for Windows '98/ME, XP, 7/10', etc. = & just use whatever is needed, automatically. There R lots of places people can also download 'enhanced' versions, like here ~>
People could boot up 'Nobara' (which is 'enhanced Fedora', which is 'GPL' Red Hat, which is IBM) & then launch 'whatever' apps or 'gaming configuration' of the others, some of which (like Bazzite) R also Fedora-based, & Debian bits all within that 'realm' like Ubuntu Studio & the rest I mentioned = covers all the bases with that + Win 98, XP, & 10 installed as 'VMs' or 'Containers' or something (I'm not an 'I.T. Expert', yet =) Hard drive (even NVMe) storage space is cheap now so it doesn't matter if it even bloats out 2 like a terabyte or something. Nobody cares = as long as it runs fast & stable, which it can by 'isolating' the parts in that sort of 'Data Center' way. No need 4 a big 'super huge Frankenstein kernel' or N E thing crazy like that =)) It's all possible RIGHT NOW with EXISTING technology & programs = just takes 'programmer types' 2 do it = or 'network engineer' types = whatever that means. Again, I'm no expert on those things = just can tell (because I am 'resourceful' =) what is NEEDED, & it's OBVIOUS how 'Easily' it can ALL work TOGETHER =D




Any possibility of a Thorium-only login (which would work with any email not just Google)? Just thought it would be good to be able to link my PC browser with phone. Thank you btw; really like the browser as it's very fast.
Wise_Alarm1652 (me)
It's very fast & he did a GR8 job yes, but Chrome is like 'polishing the terd'. Even something as simple as changing the default hyperlink color & so many other things R difficult or impossible 2 do in 'chrome' but quik & E Z in Firefox =) He should focus his efforts on enhancing Firefox, like resurrect the google app store plugin support 4 it & make it single threaded again so doesn't eat so much RAM. Modern browsers R such a $cam that way = deliberately crippled 2 waste as much resources as possible =P Thorium (like most 'latest greatest' trash = not his fault) eat a bazillion threads & many gigs just 4 a few tabs! It's ABSURD!! It's so far beyond the old jokes I would say like 'Some day people will be tricked into thinking they need a multi-core CPU & a gig of RAM 2 check their E-Mail' =)) WoW it's SOOO much worse than iEver imagined now LOL!!
Going by what I read on GitHub, I think he has a Firefox fork as well. But I haven't tried it:
Wise_Alarm1652 (me)
It's GR8 that he's 'learning about' Firefox 2 improve it, but what we really need is something like Thorium but fully portable, & since Chrome is sabotaged from the ground up 2 disable portability (must 'sign in' 2 'cloud' & 'sync' = reather than save configs 'offline') everything about Thorium is completely pointless compared 2 the ideal browser, wich is a 'SINGLE THREADED FAST & EFFICIENT 32 BIT VERSION OF FIREFOX THAT SUPPORTS CURRENT VIDEO REQUIREMENTS FOR YOUTUBE & NETFLIX & OTHER 'MODERN' STREAMING SITES AND RUNS RELIABLY ON WINDOWS XP' =) It's absolutely ABSURD how much RAM all these so-called 'modern' (like chopping off your weenie & pretending U R a 'girl' is an 'update'? =)) browsers R, & the main reason the main things I use are Firefox 52 (single threaded & fast). Opera12 is even faster but needs 'certificate' upgrades somehow as it's annoying because no way 2 permanently disable all the 'warnings' krap (yet).




Chrome (& Thorium) R only useful as an absolute 'last resort' when U can't do something on Firefox, because all of your work configuring & setting things up can be INSTANTLY DESTROYED the instant U try 2 change machines &/or don't have a 'cloud' account at joogle, which they can use 2 $abotage U, as they R so into (((Cancel Culture))) & stuff =P Firefox portable (from portableapps.com) can B made complately 'containerized' within a single folder with everything U will ever need right there, & can B moved 2 N E device & work same as B 4, unlike chrome or other bullshit browsers (includig Thorium). Yes it's fast, but only 4 'temporary casual use', like browsing youtube. Still need Chrome 2 watch Netflix & others = lame. He should fix that in 'Mercury' =) Single threaded with totally portable design =) I used 2 joke about how people would think they need a gig of RAM 2 check their E-Mail. Now they think they need many times that = it's insane. N E way, if he wants money 4 it iCan pay him = he can reach me at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com' =D


(mor ZOON! =)  Updating . . . Chek bak in a few daze? =D  Or may B-Not!  iKood get #AbductedByAliens N E TIME!  They will beam me up 2 their $hip ware they $how how their whole intergalactic empire runs on a simple clean Windows '95 $tylin' interface, because they R not about #JellyBeanBull$hit & #AntiFunction =D  Then they take me 2 their '#DoubleThinkEngine' like that 'improbability Drive' thing from the stories, but theirs is a Hellraiser type contraption that runs on suffering, so they hop from world 2 world drumming up chaos 4 '#DarkEnergy' =


How very (((Vaxy))) ov them ~>


Wach Owt! =;-o


Reminds me of the (((CarbonTax$cam))) 2 ~>


Mor 'Edgy' Fun Heer! ~>


Hail ((($atan))) !!  WHEEE !!! =D


B Sure 2 Give Up All Yor Rights Wen #TheEvilAliens Arrive LOL


Don't Worry How 'Upgrades' Rek $tuff, So Long As It's 'Newer' =))

 # A p p l i a n c e R i g h t s N o w


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