A cryptographic cipher is an algorithm that transforms plain text into encrypted or cipher text. It protects data and communications from unauthorized access and ensures the data's confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity.
In a cryptographic cipher, the plain text is transformed through a series of mathematical operations and manipulations to create the cipher text, which can only be decrypted back to the original plain text with the appropriate key or key pair. The key is a unique code or combination of characters to encrypt or decrypt the data.
Types of ciphers in cryptography:
There are several types of ciphers in cryptography, including:
- Substitution Cipher: Substitution ciphers replace plaintext letters or groups of letters with the corresponding cipher text letters or groups of letters.
- Transposition Cipher: Transposition ciphers rearrange the order of the letters in the plaintext message, creating a new cipher text message.
- Stream Cipher: Stream ciphers generate a continuous stream of cipher text by combining the plaintext message with a random stream of characters called a key stream.
- Block Cipher: Block ciphers encrypt blocks of the plaintext of a fixed length, typically 64 or 128 bits.
- Asymmetric Cipher: Asymmetric ciphers, also called public-key ciphers, use two different keys to encrypt and decrypt messages.
- Hash Functions: Hash functions generate a fixed-length output, called a message digest or hash value, from an input of any length.
- Quantum Cipher: Quantum ciphers use the principles of quantum mechanics to provide a higher level of security than traditional ciphers.
Why is cipher used in cryptography?
Ciphers ensure the secrecy and integrity of information, implying that only the intended recipient can read and interpret the message and that the information has not been altered in transit. Certain ciphers require the sender to possess a secret key that only they know, allowing for the authentication of the sender's identity.
Ciphers are still used today in modern communication systems, such as online banking and secure messaging apps, to protect sensitive information from being intercepted and read by unauthorized parties. In addition to their practical applications, ciphers have also been used in art, literature, and puzzles, as they can provide an element of mystery and challenge.
How can InfosecTrain help?
Cryptography is a method used to convert plain text into encrypted text and vice versa, protecting digital privacy. Cryptography also plays a critical role in network security, authentication, and access control, making it a crucial element of any comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. If you want to learn more about cryptography, including cipher, consider taking InfosecTrain's Certified Ethical Hacking certification training course, which can help you develop important skills to protect data from unauthorized access, interception, and modification.