
The Truth about Vaccines - Terrifying

The Truth about Vaccines - They have always been deadly
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Shane @shane_st_pierre · Mar 1, 2021 · edited: Mar 6, 2021

 Vaxxed 2 Producers Release Devastating Information To The World




General Disclaimer:



CDC Death and Injury Stats (under reported)



You are being lied to.
There's REAL DAMAGE Happening To Real People...
The evidence is OVERWHELMING!

Big Pharma REALLY doesn't want this to get out.
They are going to Extreme Measures to keep this cover-up going
and continue their life-threatening disinformation campaign.

As you know... Censorship is real...
So the tech giants (Google, Facebook, Youtube...) will systematically
remove ANY TRACE of this critical information!

You Won't Find This Controversial Information
Anywhere Else!

We Know We're Taking A HUGE RISK -
But you DESERVE the Truth.
Help Us Spread This Docu-Series NOW...
Because The Threat of Mandatory Vaccines is Here!







Dr. Jennifer Margulis thoroughly explains the fundamental concept of “informed consent” and shares some “insider secrets” of the CDC.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shares the real reasons why vaccine manufacturers have no liability and describes the “precautionary principle”.

Hear from an attorney who litigates vaccine cases in the “Vaccine Court”.

Get a “behind the scenes” look at a “vaccine legislation” meeting with a Congressman in the Rayburn House Building in Washington D.C.

Hear the personal story of Davida and Nico LaHood (District Attorney for Bexar County, TX) as they describe the differences in their four children

Mike Adams (“the Health Ranger”) articulates the “risk-benefit” analysis that is required for vaccines and elaborates on the similarities and differences between “vaccinations” and “immunizations.”

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. describes the smallpox epidemics in Victorian England and assesses the impact of the smallpox vaccine on these outbreaks.

Pathologist and HPV expert, Dr. Sin Hang Lee M.D., discuss editorial censorship of his articles about HPV DNA being found in the HPV vaccines.

Dr. Jack Wolfson, D.O. describes his appearance on NBC Television discussing the measles outbreak at Disneyland a couple of years ago.

Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O. describes how he regrets failing to do his homework prior to vaccinating his patients.


Exposing Big Pharma, Hospitals and Vaccines 

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Vietnam did not have Autism before Gates and his Vaccines

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Vaccine Safety Censorship and Coverups






Kerri Kasem, a multimedia personality, producer and writer, has anchored music, talk and entertainment programs for radio and television. 2018 marks her twenty-first year in the business. In February 2010, she joined Premiere Radio Networks for the launch of Sixx Sense with Nikki Sixx and The Side Show Countdown. In April of 2014, she left Sixx Sense to form the Kasem Cares Foundation, a non-profit organization which and has successfully passed bills in multiple states to stop elder abuse. Soon after her exit from Sixx Sense, Kasem joined Gurvey’s Law on 790KABC.

In addition to co-hosting Gurvey’s Law, Kasem co-hosts the syndicated Red Carpet Radio for Cumulus Media heard on 300 across the US and Get Mortgage Fit heard on 170 stations.

In the the summer of 2014 Kerri made her return to TV hosting segments for ABC’s Rising Star. Kasem previously served as co-host of the nationally syndicated Racing Rocks with Riki Rachtman for nearly seven years. She has produced and hosted shows for MTV Asia, National Lampoon® and Sprint. Her credits include hosting, MTV USA and Asia, America’s Funniest Home Videos and Coming Attractions on the E! Network, FOX News, SiTV’s The Rub and UFC programs Ultimate Knockouts 3, Ultimate and Ultimate Knockouts for the UFC and SPIKE as well as a motorcycle travel show for SPRINT called SEE America. She has also co-hosted mornings with Alan Stock on KXNT in Las Vegas and The Solomon Free Money Hour on Angels AM-830, she co-hosted Protecting Your Family with attorney Naz Barouti and spent six years on 97.1 FM TALK in Los Angeles and has also been featured in dozens of magazines.  


Honest Experts are Trying to Warn You about Vaccines 


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<iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none;" src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/EU5b9cR4BE6D"></iframe> 

The Truth about Vaccines – by Dr Suzanne Humphries

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Internist and Nephrologist doctor Suzanne Humphries discusses the truth about vaccines, her opinions and her experience during her medical practice.
Only for educational purpose and it is Not a medical advice.

full credit and copyright goes to vaccines revealed team headed by doctor patrick. 



Hippocratic Hypocrisy – FULL 



A Blank Check to the Vaccine and Drug Manufacturers 




In this explosive interview, Spiro Skouras is joined by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. The two discuss the latest developments regarding the coronavirus situation which was declared a global health pandemic, by the Gates funded World Health Organization, as more information comes to light questioning the need for a global lockdown.


Dr. Tenpenny and Spiro examine and explore, the motives of the global response by governments, global institutions and private interests, as Dr. Tenpenny exposes perhaps the most alarming aspect of the crisis yet!


No, it is not the virus, it is the blank check issued to the vaccine and drug manufacturers, which not only provides unlimited funding, but also provides blanket immunity to Big Pharma for any harm attributed with the treatments produced during the declared emergency, including all drugs and vaccines.


Covid and the Vaccine – Truth Revealed 


These leading experts risk being censored, shut down, and cancelled to make sure you are armed with the truth.

This 9-part documentary series includes well-credentialed doctors, scientists, researchers, legal experts and champions.

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Vaccines Revealed  9-part documentary series includes the experiences of doctors, scientists, researchers, legal experts, champions, parents, as well as those living with vaccine injuries and their families. By sharing this information with you, we hope you are able to clearly understand your rights on vaccinating yourself and your children.

After watching “Vaccines Revealed,” you will have many of the answers to your vaccine questions, and most importantly, confidence in your vaccine decisions.” 


Healing From Vaccines Preview - Emily Marsh


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Healing from Vaccines Masterclass - Module 1 


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The Germ Theory Deception

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Pasture warns against the Mark of the Beast











Robert F Kennedy Jr.


“The global public health cartels are silencing freedom of speech and putting the people in fear so that they can control them.”

Del Bigtree


If you control how immune systems work, then you have control of the human being.  Then you have a worldwide enforceable police movement to take away your rights to control your own body.”

Dr. Zach Bush

Triple board-certified MD

“We can predict very well that this, (COVID-19) is going to be gone in 2 years. (Like other SARS outbreaks) And so, we don’t need to clamber for a vaccine because by the time we even find an effective vaccine, we will have come into balance with this virus.

Colton Hall


“If you want to sell a product somehow you need to give people a reason to buy it. If you tell everybody that everybody is sick and you sell a whole lot of fear. And then you say ‘Don’t worry we’ll come and give you the answer.’ then of course people are going to buy it.”

John Stockton

NBA Hall Of Fame

One of the things that sticks in my head is losing someone like Steph Curry to basketball would be a crime. I just think what a disappointment to this world it would be if that guy didn’t become who he is. So I wonder who we are missing out on right now.”

Dr. Christiane Northrup

Women's Health Advocate

“We are now vaccinating pregnant women, but we are telling them they need to be careful of the mercury in fish”

Dr. Ben Tapper


“If I had spoken these words last year it would've fallen on deaf ears. The reason that my voice went all over the world is because truth is treason in an empire of lies; and in a time of treason truth is a revolutionary act”

Dr. Rashid Buttar

Emergency Medicine Specialist

“I don't think it's about power and money. I think If it's about anything, it's dumbing the population down and hurting people. It's more sinister than just power and money.”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman


“They didn’t have a virus that they pulled RNA out of. They put it into a computer and let it fill in the gaps with just random sequences from other viruses or other sources. They basically made it up”

Brian Hooker

Biologist Researcher

“I used to follow the Coronavirus data. I stopped doing that because the quality of the data is so poor I feel like we are shooting arrows into the dark”

Andrew Wakefield

Former Physician/Activist

“What we are seeing in the news in the U.K now is a new Coronavirus more contagious and infectious than the original strain. Why?

Mary Holland JD


I learned about vaccine injury from my child’s experience of it. I was aware that vaccine injury was possible – 1 in a million, or so I thought. When my child suffered - my appreciation of vaccine injury risk changed fundamentally.”

James Lyons-Weiler

Sr. Research Scientist

“They have politicized this so that we can't even have a conversation about public health without it becoming a political conversation. And we can undo this”

Tom O'Bryan

Functional Medicine

“Social distancing creates stress hormones and they weaken and demand your immune system to respond to the stress. Eventually you start wearing out your immune system. Then it's not able to do its job when you're exposed to something like a virus.”






(Photo illustration: Dado Ruvic/Reuters)


If you feel like you haven’t been exposed to enough stupidity today and would like to remedy that, the New York Times is here to deliver.

“Big pharma is fooling us,” reads the New York Times headline. “Heroic work went into the development of the coronavirus vaccines. But that doesn’t mean this industry deserves your affection.” The essay is by Stephen Buranyi, and it contains some absolute gems:

The turpitude of the pharmaceutical industry is so commonplace that it has become part of the cultural wallpaper. The screenwriters of the 1993 movie “The Fugitive” knew they could find a perfectly plausible villain to menace Harrison Ford in a faceless drug company out to cover up its malfeasance. (The film was a hit.) In John le Carré’s 2001 novel “The Constant Gardner,” [sic] a British diplomat uncovering a pharma giant testing dangerous drugs on poor Africans is similarly easily to swallow: Its plotline echoes a real case involving Pfizer in Nigeria. (The company has denied any wrongdoing and settled out of court the suit brought by the families of children who died during the testing.)

And yet, since the pharmaceutical industry stepped in with the vaccines, generations worth of ill will appears to be melting away. Last year, Gallup polling had the pharmaceutical industry ranked the most disliked in America, below both big oil and big government. By this September — even before the vaccines arrived — the industry’s approval rating was already improving.

So, the worry here is that people may be responding more strongly to a real-world vaccine against a real-world plague than they are to . . . fictitious events in movies and novels.


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Amitabh Chandra of the Harvard Business School raises one obvious multiple-choice question in response: “Let’s think about the argument in this article: A virus causes over $16 trillion to damage to the U.S., through lost lives and lost economic activity. The government pays $10 billion and we get two vaccines with 95 percent effectiveness in nine months. This was: 1.) a really good deal; 2.) a handout to big pharma.”

The issue of “affection” raised in the headline is interesting. One of the things that is genuinely great — and, ultimately, humane — about the free-market system is that it doesn’t matter very much how buyers and sellers feel about one another. If I need to fill up the car and the price is right, does it really matter if I feel any “affection” for 7-Eleven, or do I just give them the money and get my gasoline and go? (I do feel some affection for 7-Eleven, a former employer of mine, many years ago. I also kind of hate 7-Eleven, because they are a very bad neighbor.) Even the companies people tend to have affectionate feelings about — Apple, Porsche, Armani, whatever — mostly work for money, not love. That’s how it should be. Adam Smith had that one right.

We need not be under any illusions about the pharmaceutical business to believe, as many of us do, that Pfizer et al. are much more likely to be of some use in an epidemic than are op-ed moralists at the New York Times.