
Keto Chicken Salad

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Keto Connect @ketoconnect · May 20, 2020


Keto Chicken Salad | Fajita Style!


Keto Chicken Salad is one of my go-to quick lunches and meal preps! I always have a good quality mayo on hand and some canned chicken so it’s easy to whip up in a pinch. However, doing the same recipe can get a little boring so I like to change it up from time to time, and that is where this fajita style keto chicken salad comes into play! It really doesn’t get better.


Easy Keto Meal Preps


Meal prep is the key to success in our household, but not just on a dietary level. Having meal prep in the fridge allows us to be more productive because food isn’t taking up space in our mind. Matt can eat at his desk and I can eat alongside Theo (our 8 month old son( on his play mat or while I feed him in his high chair. Some of our go-tos foor weekly meal prep are:


1. Keto Chicken Casserole (easy and cheesy!)
2. Air Fryer Meatballs: eat them on their own, pair them with a side of veggies or top a salad for a quick meal!
3. Oven Baked Lemon Drumsticks (drumsticks are so underrated!)
4. Keto Bread: this is Matt’s go to for making quick breakfast sandwiches or eating with some butter.


We consider anything great for meal prep if it will last in the fridge all week. If it won’t last more than a couple days it’s just leftovers haha. Let us know what you’re favorite meal preps are below in the comments secion.


Slow And Tender


For this keto chicken salad you want to make sure the veggies are tender, but still have a nice bite to them! The creamy mayo, hearty chicken and slight crunch of the veggies makes this the perfect recipe for optimal mouth feel!
When you are cooking you veggies you want to make sure you don’t have the skillet on high. Aiming for medium and being patient will allow the veggies to become tender and almost caramelize adding another depth of flavor to this keto chicken salad.


Maximize On The Seasonings


Whether you’re making chicken salad, egg salad or tuna salad, the seasonings are what take it to the next level. We’ve given you the perfect ratio of seasonings down below to give this keto chicken salad a flavorful fajita flare! You can even use the same seasonings on you egg or tuna salad if you need a change.


Put It All Together!


The most important step is definitely cooling the cooked veggies in the fridge and then chilling the entire keto chicken salad prior to serving. Let’s be honest. Warm chicken salad never sounds good!
If you are low on mayo or want to cut down on the macros you can sub in half of the mayo with a Greek yogurt. I’ve been using two good plain Greek yogurt in my chicken salad lately and it gives it a lighter and fresher feel!


Fajita Style Keto Chicken Salad


If you are a fan of chicken salad or anyone in your family is, this recipe is a must make! It combines a ton of flavor, textures and the perfect keto macros for any meal of the day. Prep it for the week of work ahead and have a lunch you can look forward to everyday!