Green Tea Capsule is a type of fat burner that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong teas and black teas. Green tea originated in China, but its production and manufacture have spread to other countries in East Asia.
Benefits Of Green Tea Capsule
(a) Green Tea has protective antioxidant properties and bioactive nutrients that support weight loss, blood sugar regulation and overall detoxification.
(b) It reduces that feeling of heaviness and helps clear the mind.
(c) Anti-inflammatory, it supports heart health and builds immunity.
(d) It reduces signs of aging and stimulates skin renewal and rejuvenation.
(e) It regulates cholesterol and enhances blood circulation.
(f) It is beneficial for brain and neural health.
(g) It eases inflammation and supports muscle tone.
(h) It lowers stress, burns fat and speeds up metabolism.
Dosage Recommendations For You
(a) The recommended dosage of green tea extract is between 250–500 mg per day, Or
(b) As Directed by a physician.
Where To Buy
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