
Appeal to Teachers to Upgrade k-3 Reading Instruction Adding Truespel Phonetics


Time to Upgrade k-3 Reading Instruction with Truespel Phonetics

by Tom Zurinskas    6-28-22

Florida Standard Assessments this Spring 2022 shows the failure of k-3 reading instruction.  FSA finds that 25% of Florida’s 3rd graders can’t read (level 1) and should be left back https://justpaste.it/FSA3rdreading2022 . These chidden who can't read are future social problems.  The governor of New York, Eric Adams, finds that rampant dyslexia exists in incarcerated people that he wants to correct because he was dyslexic too.  It's not dyslexia, it's poor reading instruction in k-3.   


FSA results  also s show other  terrible 3rd grade reading failure numbers


  • 50% of ESL English learners can’t read (level 1)
  • 44% of students with disabilities can’t read (level 1)
  • 37% of African American kids can’t read (level1)
  • 28% of Hispanic kids can’t read (level 1)
  • 15% of Caucasian kids can’t read (level 1)

 The reason for these poor results, I believe, is the use of the ubiquitous Lucy Calkins method of teaching which has downplayed key factors in reading instruction, namely phonemic awareness and phonics, which she now admits was a mistake.  See  https://justpaste.it/Calkins2022 .  Instead, the Reading Panel of 2000 mandated phonemic awareness and phonics for reading instruction.  See how well it works in Bethlehem Pa.  bit.ly/3Nney8B .


I believe the ultimate solution is the use of truespel phonetics which integrates phonetics with phonics based on most regular US English spelling of sounds.  It shows a pure letter-sound relationship that transitions to regular spelling.  Another advantage is that truespel is free on the internet for anyone to use at any time.  See free tutorials and converter at truespel.com


Truespel is designed to be simple and can be learned in minutes see http://justpaste.it/course2  . Truespel for US English is mature with four books on truespel including a VOA dictionary, and phoneme frequency charts for teacher that exist nowhere else.


The important application is teaching reading to kids.   Using phonetics is a proven method of teaching reading by ETS http://justpaste.it/trueproof .  We need to teach kids he best way possible, and truespel phonetics opens the door to and integrates so many areas.  How can we teach phonemic awareness without a list of phonograms to write each sound.  See https://justpaste.it/needfortruespel .


In summary, stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  We need to implement a good English-based phonetic notation now for our kids, ESL's,  and everyone else, even the VOA.   Let me know I can help you implement and improve truespel.  No more keyboard unfriendly phonograms for English.


Tom Zurinskas, creator of truespel phonetics.