
Why you need a simple logo for your business?

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Harry @Harry4 · Mar 22, 2021

Many businesses design their logos by adding lots of textures, gradients, colours and fonts. They believe this will make their logos attractive and catchy but these choices backfire and as a result, their logos become a joke on the internet and social media platforms.

In this article, you will know why you need a simple logo for your business and why you should avoid complex designs.

What is a simple logo?

When it comes to designing, the simpler the better, a logo that does not have various fonts, colours, gradients and textures is simple. In short, a simple design that doesn’t rely on such factors is a perfect choice.

Designers when creating simple logos they use a minimalism approach and effectively utilize negative spaces. Let’s discuss what benefits you can get from simpler logos.


Many brands that have successfully established themselves and instilled their name into the minds of the audience have memorable emblems. Whether it’s Nike’s Swoosh or Apple, they are both simple and memorable.

It’s the simplicity in your design that will make your logo memorable. Do you recall any complex design that is memorable? You will not find any because people don’t remember them.

Reflects your brand:

Complex designs never reflect brand values because people cannot connect them with the products/services or even the brand itself. While an emblem that is simple and unique will always create an impression, people most of the times will understand the brand’s message.

Though, a custom logo design company don't have to tell everything about your brand. Apple’s logo is a bite taken out from an apple but that doesn’t mean they sell fruits, due to its simplicity it has made an impact on people. You should design in such a manner.


Your Custom logo design has to be consistent and you can’t achieve consistency with complex designs because you will use it in many platforms and formats. This will make it lose its touch and magic.

While a plain and flat design will be consistent throughout because it has fewer elements and they remain the same and unchanged, retaining all their magic and touch throughout the mediums.


Flat and simpler designs are not a new concept or phenomenon. Many brands that have started over 100 years ago have been using them and never changed any element. Mostly, they never redesigned their logos.

Chanel and Gucci have been in the market now for a very long time and their logos are the same as they were in the 20th century, why? The answer is that their designs follow a minimalism approach, in the process making them simpler and plain.

Some tips for creating simpler logos:

To make them more catchy and effective firstly you should minimize the use of different gradients and textures. Use fewer colours and fonts, it is strongly advised that during the designing process don’t add any colours.

Once your design is complete, then play with colours. Again, use only a few colours otherwise it will look confusing and distracting. Lastly, remove realism from them, they should not look realistic.


Logos play a crucial role in branding and creating the personality of your firm. So, make your logo as simpler as possible. Don’t forget to take the services of professional Custom logo design services; with their experience, they will give you the best results.