Improving your mood
Winter weather does not encourage physical activity, the lack of sunlight exacerbates apathy. When your bad mood gets worse and lasts longer, don't let it take over.
Take action: change your diet, get off the sofa, start walking regularly (at least 15 minutes a day). Regular exercise has a huge impact on improving your mood (just a brisk walk, but every day). So, whenever the sun comes out from behind the clouds, go for a walk.
A diet rich in complex carbohydrates, fish, vegetables and fruit is also important. Drink herbal infusions with an antidepressant effect. Aromatherapy will also work well.
Aromatherapy to improve mood
The sense of smell plays a huge role, which people in Western culture are not aware of, but which Asians, for example, appreciate. In winter, they surround themselves with the aroma of citrus, cinnamon and vanilla.
Sweetness intermingled with citrus freshness and bitterness adds vitality and energy.
Omega-3 fatty acids for improved mood
These fatty acids affect the areas of the brain that are responsible for mood. Researchers have observed that people who maintain a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to suffer from depression. These can be found in sea fish, fish oil and linseed oil.
Vitamin B for improved mood
The more B vitamins we have, the easier it is to overcome stress, anxiety, sadness. Vitamin B3 (niacin) and B1 (thiamine) have antidepressant effects.
Look for them in bran, wholemeal bread, legumes, nuts and fish, e.g. salmon, tuna.
Carbohydrates for improved mood
Have an effect on serotonin levels (the happiness hormone). Sweets (simple sugars) raise sugar levels rapidly, resulting in a quick but short-lived improvement in mood.
Foods rich in carbohydrates (complex sugars) raise glucose levels slowly and over a longer period of time, and also provide us with minerals, vitamins and fibre. These include cereals, whole-grain bread and pasta.
Herbs to improve mood
An infusion of sage, nettle, basil and, above all, St. John's wort is recommended on a daily basis when the mood hits us. Nettle tea has a purifying effect, as scientists believe that toxic substances and heavy metals that are deposited in the body may be responsible for mood swings.
An infusion of nettle will help to get rid of them.