
(Big Links)  #JustFollowingOrders


Tales Of Infinite Corona


Yor RaynieDaze Pozt Heer ~>



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I find (((Corruption))) MUCH more entertaining, like watching a wolf eat it's own legs.  This Tweeter dood up in The Land Of Pure Suicide ((((Canada))) is a TRIP!  Loads of (((LockDown DOOM Plague Hoax))) analysis! =D


You know, because a more than 99% ADMITTED survival rate is 'such a crisis' =))  There is no 'pandemic'.  (((They))) R just using that LIE as an EXCUSE 2 destroy the middle class by shutting down their businesses, & destroying their lives various ways, like arresting you for having guests...
Quote: "Canada: Coronavirus Cops Raid Home After Report of Illegal Gathering (6 People)"



And old so-called 'at risk' weak frail goblins pretending 2 think they are gaining some 'special protection' by pimping the (((FakeDoomPlague Hoax))) krap that isn't even dangerous (infinitely less common than heart attack, for example), think again = like being forbidden from visits with your family, or having 2 sue 2 even touch your wife 'because safety'...



None of it has anything to do with 'protection from viruses'.  The purpose of the (((LockDowns))) & (((FaceDiapers))) is to DESTROY you, like HARMING your health with 'autoimmune disorder' creating (((Vax))) so the (((Bank$ters))) & their buddies can $teal all the wreckage of civilization easier.  They are (((Nihilists))).



Quote: "And here is the same chart, posted as a case *survival* rates (near 100%). This is why your business / restaurant / community / school / ability to move freely has been impaired."



What's more, the few who do catch a random cold or flu (which the (((Medical Indu$try))) always falsely labels as 'CoronaPlague') are almost always #FaceDiaper #MaskTards to begin with, proving yet again #MasksDontWork (against tiny $hit like viruses =))




=  #HoaxZombies  &  #MaskTards


Quote: "Andy Biggs rips mask narrative after CDC report shows 85% of symptomatic people 'often' or 'always' wore masks"



Which is no surprise, becasue masks INCREASE the risk of catching colds & flus, because the goo sits there in the fabric 'fermenting' on the #FaceDiaperZombies.  Masks don't block viruses, but are used to ruin lifestyle...



Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy



When It Comes To Masks, There Is No "Settled Science"


~> That payj haz 'gone missing'??  Will REpozt 'independently' from 'copy' soon!  =)  Joz Wate!  =D

~> Aaah now it's working again = Server #CaughtCorona 4 a bit??  =P


Malkin: Mask Mandates Are a Public Health Menace



(((CDC))) Urges All (((Doctor$))) To Massively Inflate Corona Death Numbers By Calling Any Shortness Of Breath Or Coughing Whatsoever As 'Corona' Or #DeathByCorona =))



Such a terrifying risk, this #PlagueOfEternalDOOM thing, in all it's #InfinitelyNewStrains we must address with #InfinityLockdowns =))



Quotes: "9/ This chart shows Ontario's overall fatality rate (5.9%, a scary number).  But also: fatality rates by age AND outbreak status. We see:
60+ fatality rate: 18.9%, but
60+ in an outbreak setting (i.e. LTC/Retirement): 26.7%
60+ in general population: 8.5% ...
Under 59 Overall Fatality Rate: 0.4%
(With Outbreak and Non-Outbreak fatality rates not materially differing.)"



Little Corona U R No Match 4 THIS Mazk Ha HAA!

An RaMamBah, Ev U don #MuzzleUp widda #FayzDypah an #DizTanz yo KRAKKKA azz, U Za #NaziHitlaBigotRedNeKKK!!!


Wisconsin: Jewish Judges Accuse Trump of Racism for Claiming Election Fraud





They're Not Burning Down Cities To Do Harm

They're Trying To Protect us Us From Corona  =)

Only A Bigot Would Deny Such An Obvious Fact !!



Fewer Shops  =  Less 'Gathering'  =  #SaferThanEver  =)


Quote: "You knew that the (((coronavirus and black oppression media narratives))) were going to intersect at some point with “racist and evil white gives innocent and good black man the virus out of pure racial hatred.”  ... Well, now that’s happened and I hope you’re happy." =))


Note: Kanada iz kold az FRAK, zo iv there's any ware yor #GonnaKachCorona it's an ice box like THAT!  & also the (((CDC))) admits is nothing but a generic mild cold virus (& yes every year lots of old & unhealthy people die of colds & flus because we are not immortal creatures, same way tons more die in car wrecks, or or from bad diet.).  Becoming  #Corona Zombies  &  #HoaxTards  is not a path to a long & healthy life.


Also always keep in mind the #PlagueHoax death stats are absurdly, criminally (((Fraudulently))) inflated (((Lie$))) pimped by the (((Media))) & (((CDC))) & (((Medical Indu$try))) as proven by their 'Fake The Death $tat$ 2 Get More Grant$' ((($cam))) mentioned above in "#DeathByCorona" = where (((Medicare Reimbur$ement$))) go From $13,000 without ventilator to $39,000 (Per Patient!) when placed on the #KillingMachine ((("Ventilator"))) 2 DESTROY their lungs ...



& #ZonesOfUltimateRetardation like (((Canada))) go along with it, because (((Of Course))) =))
Quote: "So, Global Canada, an apparently relatively inactive, lightly staffed non-profit, funded by Bill Gates, and run by a World Economic Forum veteran, has taken a its recent grant, and invested in a new, now heavily promoted, Canada-wide extended lockdown initiative…"



Bill Gates & the rest of the ((($wamp))) realy R #PureEvil...
Quote: "Bill Gates Released Video Featuring Pizzagate Satanist on Good Friday"



Germany Launches Extreme New British Style Lockdown.  Quote: "You’ll note that the only time you ever heard the term “lockdown” before 2020 was in the context of a “prison lockdown.”  That is the society they are trying to build here. It’s a prison society"...



All U Crazy Cows should stop going along with it...





More Nooz Ov Infinite #ChickenPocalypse Heer ~>


Truth is stranger than fiction! =))


Lettuce $pray


Soch Karona!


I'm not religious, but this article below about 'banning Christ-insanity' is interesting & true, except it's not about 'destroying Christianity' so much as ALL of 'Civilization'.  They ~ the (((Elite$))), are ((($atanic))), but (((They))) don't really believe in some horned creature from the lava, even though they do parties & stuff with their 'Priests' & such with the various rituals like #TheWhiskyRite...



It's really just another (((Excu$e))) 2 B (((Degenerate))) =))  The (((EndGame))) is a dead universe, because they R (((Nihilists))), but B 4 that (((They))) want a #SmallWorld with only enough #StupidPeasants 2 grow crops & clean toilets & stuff 4 the (((Elite$))) =P  Wouldn't want them 'Poisoning The Planet' with their vile exhaled breath & farts (literally they even tax cow farts in the (((Joo-K))), because 'Global Warming', or 'Temperature Change', or whatever the (((Excuse))) is this week, as we sail the seas of (((CarbonTax $uicide))) ~> https://justpaste.it/78alc & follow the (((Dictate$))) of their (((Monuments))) like ...


G l o r i o u s   W a l l s   O f   ( ( ( B a n k $ t e r ) ) )   C o m m a n d m e n t s


'Balance' = YOU Get 2 DIE DIE DIE!!!  So WE The (((Cho$en))) Can Own It ALL  =))



"Germany: Church Service Shut Down by Cops ~ It was about masks, goyim.  Masks.  Don’t worry – this isn’t the first stage of outlawing Christianity completely in the West.  There’s something very strange going on here, where the masses of peasants are incapable of grasping that a thing that is done for one purpose could actually be done for another purpose. People really need to get ahold of this concept, because “doing a thing while claiming a purpose, while actually having a totally different purpose” is the defining method through which this elite rules.  There is just no reason to give a straight explanation for what you’re doing when you can just as easily give a totally different explanation, that sounds more reasonable" ...



Embrace Your #True$avior, Goyim


Quote continued (Why write it myself when they sound like MEEE, pretty much =)) ~> "Boomers in particular have a big time problem with this concept. They will argue back and forth about if coronavirus is real, how dangerous it is, whether the government is lying and to what degree, but they can’t ever seem to ask: “are they doing all of this for some purpose other than the purpose they are stating?”  I was talking to a boomer who was talking about how in the end times of the Antichrist, they will outlaw Christianity. And I was like: “bro, look around, bro – Christianity is already almost entirely outlawed.”  And he was like, “you mean because of the lockdowns?”  And I was like, “no, not ‘because of the lockdowns,’ because Jews hate Christ (Note: Not 'christ', but 'white people'.  'Christ' & 'Christianity' & other (((Propaganda))) terms like 'bigotry / racism / injustice / rednecks' or the converse 'equality / inclusive / tolerance' etc. R all just code 4 ((("K!LLWHITEY!))) =)) & The (((LockDowns))) are just a stupid excuse fed to the goyim ...


"If you read the Book of Revelation (Note: Because the 'only' alternative to 'evil jooz' is a 'noble jew' named Mr. J. = LOL!!  How about being HONEST about how NATURe works?  Competition! = YAAAY! =), and find that the government is going to close down churches – what do you picture happening? That they come in and say “I hereby decree that no more should you worship Christ, because we now worship the devil instead”?  Nothing is ever that obvious and straightforward. And you were not told it would be obvious and straightforward. What we are seeing, right now, with our own eyes, is that police are raiding churches, and shutting down services. That is happening, right now.  They are tearing down statues of Christ. They are claiming that they’re tearing them down because of racial grievances against “White Jesus,” but what is the effect? The effect is, statues of Jesus are being torn down.  You need to start looking at the effects, and ignoring these various convoluted explanations, and understand that we are already in a time of outright and public persecution of Christians by a dominant Jewish ruling establishment.  This is your life and it is happening now, right in front of you."


Y e z z e n   D E E D !   =;-o



¡Ay, Karona! ~> https://justpaste.it/5ozz0


Now that (((They))) have weaponized the (((Medical Indu$try))), Y not weaponize (((P$ychatry))) as well? =)  Quote: "Last month, a California neurologist published a paper claiming that belief in Covid-19 “conspiracy theories” was the result of brain damage and hinting that institutionalization might be the only option for these incurable “patients.”





Which makes perfect ((($ense))) ~ N E 'Goy' who doesn't go along with having their lifestyle & business & future destroyed & going through an eternal face diaper humiliation ritual & locking themselves down at home away from 'guests & gatherings' is a 'Dangerous Tin Foil Hat Nutter' &/or 'May Already Be Infected With The ETERNAL DOOM PLAGUE!' = just take your pick & LOCK THEM DOWN in a more ((($ecure Pri$on))) behind bars & guards instead of that 'innefective house arrest' like the rest of the 'useless eaters' =))


Better 'Protect' Yourself, Goy.  Take The Shot(s) ...




But Remember, That's For #YesterdaysCorona, Now = #NewStrain !!!  =))
























The Ride 2 Infinitely Worse Peasant Slave Mask-Tard (((Hell))) Will Never Stop!

UK: Experts Want Third (((LockDown))) 2 B Be EVEN TOUGHER ~>


((=  It's The Eternally New Strain Of Infinite DOOM !!!  =))

Forever & Ever & Then Ever Again Some More, Goyim !!!!


"The less resistance, the more they'll push.  The nightmare is just getting started.  There’s a vaccine, yet the (((LockDowns))) are still a thing and experts want them to be tougher.  Why?  Because this whole virus craze was never about what they said it was about.  It was always about taking everything from you." 


(((They))) $ay: "If you go out, you can spread it.  People will die."  They really lov lov LUV (((That Phra$e))) =))  They were already using it back in April 2020.  Like: "If you drive your car you might hit someone and people will die.  If you go to a job you might cause an accident and people will DIE!  If you live at home you might start a fire while cooking and burn down the place & people will DIE DIE DIE MOTHERFUKER DIE IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT GOYIM?!?!   AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!  =;-o  Y don't U just all fuking DISAPPEAR like 'Good Goyim' so nobody has to ever die ever again...


Don't Worry, Goy, We'll Have Another Series Of ((($hots))) Ready 2 Go!




BEHOLD!  The Ultimate (((Vax))) Of Infinite Vaxyness! ...

~>  https://justpaste.it/3x64z  <~