
Bad Smart & Final Employee Mistreating Customer =P

Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 6:06 AM
To: 'customer.relations at smartandfinal dot com'


I would like to cash in my 'Smart & Final Gift Card'.  It was given to me as a gift, but I was insulted by an employee for no reason, so I don't feel like spending my money there.  The incident occurred around 8PM on May 31, 2018.  The receipt says the cashier name (the person who insulted me) is 'Rena'.  Here is the store location:

1464 East Grand Avenue
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Phone: (805) 574-1599

If you would like, I can scan the receipt for more detail for you to investigate, &/or send the physical receipt to you for your records.  If you have a video recording system at the store maybe the conversation is archived as well?  I was buying 3 heads of lettuce in the 'fast lane'.  The insult occurred as follows, as the cashier was engaging in 'chit chat'.  To the best of my memory, it here is an excerpt:

Me: "Oh that's a bit high ~ I won't be getting those" (regarding some unpriced muffins I found in the 'discount rack' but without tags on them.  The price she pulled up at the register was higher than I wanted to pay).  "I guess I'm used to Ralphs closeout rack prices up in San Louis =)"

Her: 'So you work in San Louis Obispo'?

Me: "No I work here.  I flip a house now & then.  Lots of free time.  I'm like a mini Trump, like if Trump were really lazy =))"

Her: "Trump is psychotic." (Those were her exact words.  I remember that clearly.)

Me: "Yeah whatever" & I left the store with my lettuce after she charged me.

I was not even stating a political affiliation or 'controversial' topic.  Trump worked in real estate fixing up buildings, & I fix up houses on a small scale.  It's a similar line of work is all.  Her comment is insulting, basically calling me 'psychotic' if I support Trump, & calling the president psychotic, etc.  This is totally inappropriate conduct for any retail employee.  Imagine if I were a cashier & said that about Obama when somebody said "I work in activist groups.  I'm like a mini Obama =)"

I think the most that would be acceptable besides of course "Well that's interesting" or whatever might be "I'm not a fan of him." or similar.  That's not a slanderous statement, just a civilized and polite way to state a political view.  Saying "Obama/Hillary (insert whoever here) is psychotoc." is an very insulting & can make people feel uncomfortable when all they want to do is buy some lettuce =P

Or do your support things like how the media openly cheer leads for his assassination & other nonsense? If U do, then please keep it 2 yourself, & tell your employees 2 as well.  Can I cash in the card at the store, or would I need to send it someplace?  If I were store manager I would seek to find people who treat others with respect rather than bash them for their ASSUMED political affiliation at the register.  Over time, it can add up to a lot of lost business as people simply move on to shop at places that are not so 'opinionated'.

Thanx =)


Their response: Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 7:35 PM

Good afternoon (Customer),

I would like to truly apologize for the way you felt after visiting my store on May 21st. I have always felt we are in the customer service business and it turns out we also sell groceries. My name is Matt DeWolf and I am the store manager. I will follow up with Rena and ensure we have a clear understanding of what great customer service is. I appreciate your feedback, it helps us better our business.

Thank you,

(Name Here)

Store Manager


My response, Sent June 6, 2018

Hello =)

I'm not trying 2 B a pest. It's really not a matter of 'feeling' something. I'm simply stating facts. Employee statements like 'Trump is a psychopath' is not how 2 attract business. Let me give U a heads up: Trump had about 80% of the overall nationwide vote. The only reason he was allowed in (as an 'outsider' rather than a typical complete $hill) is because it was such a landslide result that even all the fake voting machines & endless fraud couldn't keep up, & so conceded their 'it was so close' lie about his victory. You know, like the bazillions of dead people & illegal aliens voting, & many of those & the rest multiple times (shuttled around on busses to break even more voting laws), almost all of them without prosecution. Here are some image examples to illustrate this obvious, verifiable fact:

Typical Trump rallies vs. typical Hillary rallies (turnout):

Multiplied by more Trump locations as well:

80%+ of public against Hillary:

I was not making a political statement at the register. I was referring to his real estate business (he renovates properties). They were turning it into a slanderous (which is ILLEGAL by the way, but rarely prosecuted in politics) scolding session with lies more common in the (((media))):

Pretending 2 think 'Trump Is A Psychopath' is like 'Antifa' pretending they R into 'tolerance', as them and other TERRORIST organizations like "(ONLY) Black (CRIMINAL) Lives Matter" burn down cities:

N E wayz, how do I go about refunding my gift card? I don't want to shop there any more if you continue to support employees like that in any way. Or alternately, maybe you could tell me what hours they work there, because if given a choice I prefer not 2 B around them. I'm definitely NOT into all that "KILLWHITEY!" stuff. The only thing I maybe 'feel' about N E of this is it is annoying 2 think N E $ I spend might go to support somebody like that, so I want to limit it if possible =)  

I would ask for a personal written, signed apology from them as an alternative, but I have no illusions that it would be sincere, so that is pointless.  In my experience, leftists lie even more often than right wingers =))  It's a ratio thing.  Nature is dirty & nobody's perfect.  U never get exactly what U want.  Trump only lies about 70% of the time rather than the more typical 90+ HAHA  More about that here (though the line about 'vote democrat' is sort of 'reverse psychology' = @ least he's willing 2 chat with Korea now, with all the upheaval about this):


If U visit that link & read it a bit U will clearly C I am not some kind of 'right wing zombie' in the slightest!

So how do I get the money out of the card? That way I can spend it elsewhere if I choose. =D

Now just imagine if they said the same thing to customers about Obama while he was in office = LOL!! I wager the response would B very different.



Their response, June 6...

(Hey U),

Feel free to come in tomorrow morning, Eddie will be on duty and be able to get you cash for your card.

Thank you,


My response, June 6


R U being 'passive aggressive' with this?

What do U mean 'morning'? Store opens @ 6 (says the site). I don't get up at 6AM, & what if 'Rena' is there? That's the 'scoldy leftist' cashier I wish 2 avoid. Like I said B 4, I don't want 2 B around them =P I'd rather just mail it off someplace. I don't want to shop there N E more. I could always give the card away but that's besides the point. What happened was not my fault.

If I mail it 2 the store with a note can U do it that way & send me a check? =) If U want me 2 sign a 'testimonial' or something as 2 what happened I can do that 2. I'm not making stuff up. I'm not trying 2 B a pest. Lots of places out there 2 get groceries! Movin' on... =D

If there is somewhere else I could mail it 2 'cash it out' please let me know =)

Updated the details here:


L8R ~


Their response, June 6

Good evening (U),

Rena will not be there, if 6am works we could do that. I’m just trying to get you your cash. Do you want me to come pick up card and return cash? I would be happy to do this. Not sure how long mailing in card would take.

Thank you,


My response, June 6

I don't care about speed, nor am I suggesting anybody make a special trip or whatever.  If you can give me a name and address to mail the card that would be great =)  Then you could have whoever send a check back for whatever is left on it, thanx.

Like 4 example: "Mail to...
Smart & Final bladee bla
Care of so & so
XYZ main st, etc.


Their response, June 6



Mail it to the store 1464 E Grand ave


Thank you