
Stress promotes the development of depression


Stress and depression

People who have long-standing family or work problems and those who have experienced dramatic events (e.g. the loss of a loved one) may have a heavily stressed psyche.

The patient himself ( also his environment) may not notice the first signs of emerging depression.

Disturbing signals:

  • we are sad most of the day, we feel it almost every day, we often cry,
    we are not interested in the world around us, we neglect our duties and passions,
    we feel tired all the time,
    our appetite changes (more or less) and our weight changes (significant weight gain or significant weight loss),
    we have trouble sleeping (insomnia or also excessive sleepiness),
    we feel anxious, get excited for no reason,
    we have problems focusing, solving tasks and making decisions,
    feeling unnecessary,
    thoughts of death.

When you have been experiencing 5 of the symptoms listed above for 14 days, it is essential to go to a specialist for advice.

Your GP should signpost you to facilities where you can get free psychological help.

Depression that is properly treated is a completely treatable condition.

How to treat depression?

Pharmacological measures - the patient has no reason to fear drug treatment. The antidepressants used today, do not cause dependence and are safer to use (very few side effects). Their effectiveness is very high, but it is important to remember to take them systematically.

Psychotherapy (so-called complementary treatment) - the patient has a series of therapeutic talks with the doctor to help him regain his mental balance .

It is worth remembering that the support of the environment for the sick person and the understanding of the illness by those closest to him are very important for the success of the therapy.