
# T a l l H o t t i e   D e e   E m m


Mor Heer ~>  https://www.instagram.com/svverhnovaya/


Part 1 of 3:(instagram limits length so had to do this way)...
WoW U LQQK GR8! =8^)  So $LEEK ~ Like a Giant Asian =;-o

Some girls think I'm very handsome.  What do U think? ~>

I have a nice body 2, but am a mere 6'2" HAHA  Actually I prefer tall galz.  They're more durable & ZeXXXy I think =D
I posted some style tips here you may like ~>

I didn't notice until recently maybe I have a thing for Asians in a way, as my favorite beige girl looked similar to this one who has that vibe in some expressions ~>

Endless lush, perfect kisses & all that fun stuff ~>

I put a shrine to her awesomeness here (a bit silly yes, for fun =) ~>

And other girls ~>

Part 2 of 3:
Good style tips here also = I like to post 'edgy' pages sometimes ~;D ~>

My favorite girlfriend was actually black = curvy 6'1" version of 'Gemstar' here ~>

I wonder if you made lots of babies, would you be more curvy as well?  Tends to happen with girls as they age and you have lots of 'room' to fill in really nice! =)  Don't know if would ever reach this but hoo noze! HAHA ~>

Gina (similar bod but taller) was so heavy, I was afraid to lift her.  Didn't want to seem weak LOL  Like try 2 pick her up & then can't run around with my doll = not sure how that would look =))  U R familiar with Ekaterina? ~>

She is with 'World's Tallest Models' here ~>

Part 3 of 3:
Maybe you can collaborate with her or can refer you to some good agency?  Would be fun to see you in fancy settings with the other girls! =D  You can apply to them here if you like ~>

You can mail them at:

I am not trying to hire you or anything.  I just think you're HOTTT! =D  If you want to chat with me or anything you can reach me at:


I would love to know more about you! =D  How are things in Ukraine for instance?  What is the (((Vax))) situation??  Some pages about that here (funny in a 'post-apocalyptic' way) ~>

I like to babble ~ helps influence people, mainly through other web sites who sometimes pick up on my ideas and other stuff (many others to share if U R curious =)  Enjoy!

