
The Comedy Clowns Of 'Veterans Today'


T h e   R u s s i a n   N a z i   H i l l b i l l y   T e r r o r i s t  s   A r e   A t t a c k i n g ! !


At first I didn't realize this is a COMEDY site, though I'm not sure = do they realize they are satire?  The $hit they spew is SO absurd how can they B 'serious'??  =))  Hav A LQQK !!



Short Link:



LOL @ trying 2 sound 'Elite' = "Veterans Today: Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services" ~ Oooh 'Clandestine Services' = how James Bondy!  =D  So 'Tactical' HAHAHA

= No, just another typical ((($hill Rag))) spewing endless "K!LLWHITEY!" nonsense with some half-truths wrapped in endless (((Bull$hit))) excuses 2 attack Trump fans like N E other (((ClownWorld))) goblin or (((Boomer-Tard))) post-hippie / 'disgruntled grunt' pimping the (((Vote Fraud))) 2 ram America down the toilet through (((Communism)))  =P  U can reach the Zombie Goons here to your views on their amazing advices:  "editors (at) veteranstoday.com"  It's like a site that might be called 'tolerancetoday.com' & filled entirely with various strategies about how to destroy white people  =))  The hypocrisy of claiming they are 'honoring the constitution' & 'fighting for justice' or whatever is hilarious.  How about 'Peace And Prosperity Daily' ?? . . .




"The least we can do is wear masks so nobody in America can share a smile, because truly in a world of crisis like this where the rice pickers in China often have inadequate homeowner's insurance there is nothing worth smiling about until we can finally liberate them through humanitarian bombing."  =8^D



Check out this krap about how it is 'superior' to mass murder random foreigners who were minding their own business, so long as they try to defend themselves instead of just sitting there in their homes as you drop bombs on them, because 'Rambo' (or whatever =))


I   G a v e   M y   E y e   F o r   T h e   F r e e d o m   T o   M a s k   U p !



Quote: "I am a real combat veteran.  My first thought when exposed to World War 2 style combat was this; it is totally impossible to survive “extensive combat” and anyone who claims they have and isn’t in a fucking wheelchair or worse is a liar."



Short Link:



= Woo so 'impressed' U destroyed other civilizations while taking a risk in the process ~ like how we should admire rapists because girls sometimes fight back?  =))  How about CREATING things of VALUE rather than wrecking the world & then bragging like you did something 'good' = EEEW!!   Like Europe & the rest are so much better when you 'Burn It Down'?  LOL!!  Lot of U 'military' crazies C yourselves like a big street gang & hop on whatever train U think gives U the most 'power', even if it's just the power to 2 get away with wrecking stuff = typical (((DemonCrat))).  U C supporting the (((Endless Frauds))) of 'Bidenism' as an opportunity 2 get off abusing more people with less risk to yourself = ((($adistic))), like air force psychos bragging about 'touching the face of god' as they drop bombs on people's heads, or bragging at parties about how many Serbians they killed.  I don't forget what you say . . .




Quote: "VT: It is time for law and order to prevail in the US.  We now have everything but.  Police love killing black people, those who reach for phones or those suspected of thinking about resisting wrongful arrest for such crimes as DWB (Driving White Black).  It happens every day, wanton killings, police executions."


= (((Bull$hit))) !!  Like all the 'brutal police' that stand by & watch as n!ggers burn down cities?  Statistically cops R actually more likely 2 kill whites who commit crimes.  When the (((Media))) pretends 2 think some goon attacking a cop should not expect 2 B shot it's just a trick 2 try & reduce enforcement so wites can be more easily robbed & destroyed by the pet brownies of the ((($wamp))).  Cops hesitate with goblins because of all the (((Lie$))) they know the (((TV))) will $pew against them if they dare 'dishonor' another 'precious sacred monkey-tard criminal'  =))  The statistical reality is all there on the FBI web site & many others to easily google things like 'cops more likely to kill white suspects' & blabla  I'm white & get stopped by cops often when 'walking at night', because it is considered 'unusual' & 'suspicious'.  They do their thing & U R on your way. If U play some 'hood rat' garbage being mean 2 them U can bet they will try 2 turn it into something else 2 meet their 'charge quotas' =P




Quote: "The Washington hillbilly insurrection with Trump personally blocking any response by authorities to his armed mob is the worst of the worst.  White killers were allowed to roam the halls of government with automatic weapons, hunting down elected officials under the direct protection of our grifter President and under the direction of his criminal cabal."


= WTF doesn't sound like a 'veteran' but some ridiculous jewey ((($creenwriter))) fantasy, with all the usual "K!LLWHITEY!" cliches of 'hillbillies' & 'NASCAR Nazis' =P  Trump supporters are simply regular people who want America to succeed, not be destroyed, & Trump didn't try to block anything.  The capitol repeatedly requested backup & the black DC mayor & others refused it, because the (((Plan))) was 2 use (((Agent Provocateurs))) like (((Antifa))) 2 vandalize & try 2 pretend Trumpers R 'terrorists' as further excuse 2 ((($teal))) the election away from Republicans.


Quote: "It is time to protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America as so many of us are sworn to do.  If this involves shooting White criminals who are engaged in acts of terrorism or insurrection, in Washington DC or Lansing, Michigan, so be it."


S t o p   T h e   # O r a n g e N a z i   R a m p a g e  ! !   =;-o


E n s u r e   T h e   F r e e d o m   T o   E n d   S m a l l   B u s i n e s s e s !


= Oh thanx 4 the orders (((Ma$ter))) ROFL!! =))  Tell me next how important it is 2 have trannies on the front lines HAHAHAHA  I didn't realize it at first, but yours is a COMEDY SATIRE site, not "(real)" at all!!  'Defend the constitution' against people who want 2 defend the constitution!!  The hypocrisy is HILAROUS! =D  Everybody knows Biden ((($tole))) it, including YOU!


Quote: "As we speak, hotel rooms are being booked in Washington, parking lots for the hired busses paid for by  DeVos and Coors, by the MEGA billionaires who place Apartheid Israel over America.."


= Oh right, like Trump is more (((Corrupt))) than your "K!LLWHITEY!" rag promoting 'President (((Eimhoff)))' (Kamala's owner ~ Biden is just a 'place holder' vegetable drooling retard).


Quote: "DHS has 10,000 armed police.  The FBI has a similar number.  Police departments along the East Coast and inland need to each send 200 officers or more, racially balanced, with full tactical gear, armed with their issued M4 carbines."


= Yes you want all those 'balanced' ( = Anti-white) clowns 2 mow down anybody who tries to DEFEND the constitution & prosecute the CRIMINALS who ((($tole))) the ((($election))) through extreme & well documented & totally proven massive (((Vote Fraud))) HAHAHAHA  Jeez, U R so freaking (((tran$parent))) =))


Quote: "Now that capability is used only against our poor, our people of color"


= U R RIDICULUS!  Everybody knows about the endless (((Riot$))) burning down cities across the country & nobody touches the 'coloreds'. Give me a break! =))  U really hate your audience of 'white grunts' so much U pretend they R literal retards.  Nobody is stupid enough 2 believe your (((Bull$hit))) =))  'Oh the innocent coloreds abused by the cops' (after robbing stores & attacking cops, etc. =P)


A r s o n   R i o t   L o o t e r s   O f   I n f i n i t e   J u s t i c e


F i g h t i n g   F o r   P e a c e   ! !


Quote: "the hillbilly thugs who would turn this nation into a hellhole under the rule of the Kosher Nostra thugs in Moscow and Tel Aviv"


= Oh back 2 the 'Trump is a Russian agent' & 'republicans are hillbilly thugs' krap = so lame.  Is he also a lizard alien from another dimension? =))  & don't forget the (you think it is so clever) 'poison pill' krap pretending 'if U don't like jews, U should endorse this Biden fellow who is even MORE controled by jews than Trump ever was' thing =))  I'm a white guy who looks Italian, & into Turkish music, & born  in Los Angeles, & live in California & am a Trump supporter.  I never knew I was a 'Russian Hillbilly Nazi Agent', but  thanks for the tip!  =))  Maybe you can tell us next how the many literal 'Mexicans' who voted 4 Trump are 'Nazis' too, or the brown 'rappers' who like him, because he's not out 2 steal their $$$ & give it 2 illegals ~ on & on HAHAHA  U & your jewey (((Bull$hit))) rag all 'nazi' this, 'nazi' that.   Watching U (((Zio-Con Clowns))) $pew is basically a game of 'Countdown To Nazi', like 'Countdown To Corazon' with a Mexican song, because U know it's coming... 1 2 3... CORAZON! =))  Oh tell us about the 'Six Grillion' next HAHAHA


Quote: "According to a report from HuffPost, Capitol Police warned House Democrats on Monday night that there are three potentially violent demonstrations planned ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration next week—including one plot to surround the Capitol and assassinate them."


= Totally absurd!  The ((($wamp))) would just replace them INSTANTLY with another random set of (((Puppet$))).  They're like shark teeth.  The only way 2 stop them is 2 get at the (((Root))) & 'Drain The ((($wamp))) =)  O'Ba$tard 4 instance was just a disposable puppet speech reader 4 (($oros))).  It would really need to include things like prosecuting the (((Bank$ters))) backing the (((Propaganda))) like the (((Lie$))) U R $pewing, otherwise it can just grow another dozen new heads & never stops trying 2 fuk everything up =P


H e r o e s   O f   T h e   M o r a l   H i g h G r o u n d


W i z a r d s   O f   T o t a l   T o l e r a n c e


Quote: "One involves encircling the Capitol and assassinating Democrats on their way into the building."


= No, you & others are just PRETENDING 2 think 'random Trumpers' R planning something 'violent' so you can spin it into excuses to ABUSE regular white people who are just minding their own business & didn't like that the election was stolen by the likes of George $oros, real name (((Gyorgy $chwartz))) =P


Quote: "Police reportedly told members that, this time, they’re ready to handle the plots."


= LOL @ pretending that they thought the demonstration, in which they (((DemonCrats))) themselves shipped in & imbedded Antifa / BLM 'Agent Provocateurs' was something that 'surprised' them... after the cops opened doors for them & escorted them in & all that jazz HAHAHAHA


"We spend $750 billion annually on "defense" and the center of American government fell in two hours to the duck dynasty and the guy in the chewbacca bikini"
#VIDEO Large group of protesters entering the south side of the Capitol
"they 100 percent opened the doors and let them in.  What the ....
Etc!  U would think it’s difficult to convict someone of “walking through an open door while the cops usher you in" but nothing is impossible in 'The Land Of Tolerance' under 'President Drool'  =))
B e w a r e   T h e   T e r r o r i s t s   O f   I n f i n i t e   D a n g e r  ! !

Quote: "And another demonstration, which three members (what 'members' of 'what'?) said was by far the most concerning plot, would involve insurrectionists (oh that word again = 'insurrectionists' = peaceful whites who dare walk around waving a flag & saying 'stop the steal'?) forming a perimeter around the Capitol, the White House and the Supreme Court, and then blocking Democrats from entering the Capitol ― perhaps even killing them ― so that Republicans could take control of the government."


= Silly goon, 'perhaps' this, 'perhaps' that... 'perhaps eating a sandwich... I really don't know, but they are DANGEROUS TERRORISTS and might STEAL YOUR PODIUM!!' =))  U know that Trump supporters R not trying 2 'take control of government'.  They just don't like that their votes were ((($tolen))) & fake ones invented by the (((DemonCrats))) in this massive (((Fraud))).



Y o u r   V o i c e   M u s t   B e   H e a r d  !   R i s e   U p  ! !


= They just want a fair election.  If Biden won fair & square they would B fine with it, because they also know that his (((Platform))) is so extreme real humans don't actually go along with it, only 'Antifa' & 'BLM' supporter types do, which is a very small # nowhere near 50% or more of the population.  That old dizzy zombie can't even get a decent crowd to show up at his 'events'.  It's all a big, sick (((Joke))), 2 rub everybody's faces in the obvious (((Lie))), like how Billary would have to literally bus in fakes 2 fill her microscopic venues 2 pretend she has an (((Audience))), which was usually mostly her own traveling ((($taff))) LOL  =))  & BTW: I'm not even pretending Mr. T. is so much better, but at least he doesn't want 2 play (((Eternal Lockdown))) & (((Endless Riots))) to destroy every small white business like Biden/Kamala, etc.




It's pretty obvious why ((('Veterans Today'))) hides their writer's real names & stuff.  Check out the extreme, pathological hatred of whites oozing from every word.  Trump is just a symbol.  (((They))) hate him because he treats everybody THE SAME, instead of trying to ruin America & Americans.  The goal ov jooz is the extermination of the white race, & 2 rob & enslave the world, handing the wreckage 2 (((Bank$ters))) & their (((Buddie$))).  It's all very simple, & Y (((They))) always slam those in the way of that (((Agenda))):


(((HateMongers))) Pretending 2 Think Trumps R Slobs, etc...



Note: Or maybe they are just neat freaks & like 2 keep everything clean, like his resorts?  Duh =))


Quotes below from the (((Propaganda Rag))) so called "Veterans" Today.  Note: It helps if you imagine the so-called ((("Writer$"))) sitting at desks tapping away something like this '$chlomo' meme below, as then it makes a lot more sense what (((They))) R $pewing =))


A   T y p i c a l   ' W r i t e r '   F o r   ( ( ( " V e t e r a n s " ) ) )   T o d a y ?

" I ' m   A   N o b l e   &   B e t r a y e d   ' V e t e r a n '   L i k e   Y o u ,   G o y "

. . . B i d e n   C a r e s   A b o u t   Y o u   A n d   W i l l   F i x   Y o u   U p !


I t ' s   A l l   B e c a u s e   O f   T h e   O r a n g e   D e m o n !

C r u s h   H i m !    C u r s e   H i s   P o o p - H e a d   N a m e !

E v i l   N a z i   O r a n g e   R a c i s t   R e d n e c k   P o o p F a c e

K K K   T r a i l e r   T r a s h   P o o p - S l i n g e r   B i g o t !


Great (((Pathology))) Quote ~> "The single most accurate definition of the Jew is: “a humanoid creature which is biologically driven to undermine natural systems of order.” = to make it easier to enslave & rob people =;-o



Note: That article doesn't mention the BENEFITS of 'free love' like guys able 2 make more kids with more variety with less effort & also avoid getting stuck with galz who get lazy or unfit over time.  Being single helps keep people in better shape, & it's not like most animals 'mate for life'.  Dolphins just fuk everybody 4 instance  =))  I don't view Trump like some 'daddy'. He's just less (((Corrupt))) than the more ((($wampy))) alternatives who ran against him.


Back 2 The Rag ~>


  • "the wife, defacto birther, white supremacist and knowing arm candy for a grifter and conman."

Note: "Birther" is somebody who acknowledges the obvious, verifiable fact that O'Ba$tard was not even an American citizen.  It's covered in detail by people like Orly Taitz, with tons of verifiable documentation. He was just a disposable puppet speech reader for a (((Bank$ter))) named George $oros, real name (((Gyorgy $chwartz))), who paid about 2 billion 4 his $eat  =P  Remember: N E 1 who doesn't hate white people & want 2 destroy America is a #HitlerBigotNaziFasticstRednecKKK!!!  =))



  • (Melania) "first lady, most hated in history, most reviled" (O'really? =))  Because she doesn't spew the "KILLWHITEY!" krap U adored from O'Ba$tard's so-called 'wife'?  What true goblin.)


  • "The evacuation" (???  Like it was hit with nerve gas? LOL!) "of the White House and the need for a sanitation crew" (because Trump is made of poop, dripping blobs of stink?) "reminds one of an eviction from a trailer park." (jews R very into 'scat humor'.  It's because their so-called 'minds' R so full of $hit?  & remember, if U R white, no matter how successful & helpful, U R just 'trailer trash' if you try to help white people, because only non-whites ever deserve 'a$$i$tance' =))


  • "As for Melania, we may never know who she really is.  Most of us don’t give a fuck either." (because she is a white, loyal, Christian woman with white child & white husband who reads bible passages at his rallies = OH the horror =))


  • "What will life in Mar-a-Lago be, the scene of Donald’s alleged child rapes" (typical (((Defamation))) from the (((Chosen))) Rag-flingers of ((("Veterans"))) Today? =))  Yes I'm sure (((They))) have loads of 'proof' of these 'rapes', like he is also a 'Russian Agent' HAHAHA)


  • "For four years, pissy linens, diarrhea spray on floors and rugs, cheap burgers and pizza smell permeates everything, and nobody noticed out of fear." (& U would 'know' this how?  U sound like a true friend of the 1'st family who visits often HAHA =))


  • "The Trumps present themselves as the most recent generation from a family of slumlords and brothel managers" (Whores do love fancy hotels I guess, but that does not make it a 'brothel' of course.  It's not as if the so-called (((Writers))) on this rag believe what they R saying. It's just a platform to spew ((("K!LLWHITEY!"))) hatred, trying 2 trick N E 'dumb grunt' goy cattle 'veterans' who may resent having their legs blown off stepping on a mine in Iraq 4 (((Isra-Hell))) or whatever I guess =  "Just Blame Trump!" (even though he din't start any wars).  It's all more proof: "Whatever you do, you can never please a Jew." =P)


  • "Trump revels in filth" (as you can clearly see from his many piles of pure filth, like this 'FilthyStinkyBrothelBigotPizzaPoopTrailerTrash' hotel he owns in Florida, pictured below)




Message 2 $ite ~>

Subject: Vets 2Day: Tips To Make Your $ite Even Funnier! =D
From: Dood McMan blabla@bla.com
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 6:38 PM
To: editors (at) veteranstoday.com
Body: The Comedy Clowns Of 'Veterans Today'
If U went more extreme, like posting stuff on how to make your own Trump voodoo doll 2 torture it, & make photo essays where U dismember say, a Trump cake by having your dog poop on it & whatever (be creative =)) it would B even MORE entertaining than the usual 'yawn-fest' of 'Oh Trump is a nazi rapist poop head', as we've heard all that nonsense a trillion times.
There are infinite ways you can spew your (((Defamation))) in 'artistically interesting' ways.  If you want more ideas, maybe have a look at this page & adapt some?  Like...
"Trump Is A Tranny Lizard Alien From Another Dimension!"
Let me know, thanx =)
Here 2 help! =D


Forward (For https://dailystormer.su/ ) ~>
Subject: Andrew I Think You Can Use This Joke Site 4 Inspo! =)) RE: Vets 2Day: Tips To Make Your $ite Even Funnier! =D
From: Dood McMan blabla@bla.com
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 6:43 PM
To: andrewanglin84 (at) gmail.com
Body: Go Here 2 C! =)