Not being aware of certain laws and dependencies in the world around us does not make us subject to them. Do you realise that you are being heavily manipulated every day? Who manipulates you and why?
I wonder how much truth is in advertising...
I once heard an advertising specialist say that advertising is the only lie that people are willing to listen to...
Perhaps, but still a lie remains a lie...
Let's think for a moment about advertising, for example toothpaste. Almost every TV spot says that toothpaste is recommended by dentists. True or false?
In my opinion it is true. The only problem is to realize why a dentist would recommend me toothpaste so that I would have such healthy teeth that I would not need his services?
What does a dentist live from? The client (patient). If he or she works for professional satisfaction, maybe he or she cares about customers' healthy teeth....ale what if he or she works for money?
A similar situation occurs with washing powder. You hear in the advertisement that "a product recommended by leading washing machine manufacturers". I assume (although I may be wrong, of course) that the producers care about the profit from selling new washing machines. If so, you have to somehow "force" the customer to replace the old washing machine with a new one, and if you spare the machine with weird fillers used to produce the powder, the customer will come to get a new one himself...
When I realise how we are being
on a daily basis, my hair is on my head...
What about taxes?
Who pays more (as a percentage of income), someone who works on a job or someone with a business? A full-time employee, of course!
I am not saying that a self-employed person has easier or better contacts with the tax office. Of course, it is easier to be an employee because when we work for someone, they organize our time, tell us what to do and when to do it, take care of our insurance and so on. I just want to show that, as employees, we are milked cows, which are used by all state institutions, no matter what political option is in power.
That is why everyone in the media, in schools and practically everywhere around us is promoting so strongly the model of making a living by selling their time in the form of paid work. The employee pays higher taxes, because there is practically no way to reduce them. Who benefits from a citizen paying high taxes? Sure, 'government' in the broad sense. When you are working on a job, the tax office is your tax adviser and its profit means your loss...
I therefore say that we are being manipulated in this regard too. We are being manipulated because then somebody has a benefit and that somebody is not us ...
The best thing about this is that a huge part of society is not even aware of these dependencies and lives in blissful ignorance of what is happening with their money.
When we become aware of these different dependencies, we come to the conclusion that it is sometimes worthwhile to turn our thoughts on and get out of the Matrix around us.