
Happy Valentine's Day Mr. T.! =D




I've been trollin' Mr. T. since back in the Ron Paul ((($hill))) days like on his 'he has no chance' krap.  What a sik jakazz.  4 those who don't know, Trump is & always actually a DemonCrat, but since he can't just pick up his hotels & leave like some (((Bank$ter))) with their 'magic numbers', he saw his evil deeds potential 2 wreck all his work, so moved slightly from the (((Dark $ide))) but still not enough, like his wall he mainly talks about 2 gain fans, but doesn't really want 2 make (fewer '$ubsidy beaners' 2 cut his grass).  How many people realize the corruption is so extreme the so-called (((Government))) actually $ponsors the invasion, giving them 'free' housing & 'welfare' stuff stolen from whites who perform actual work...  N E waze, it's interesting when 'leaders' do stuff I suggested, & gets me wondering how many others R nagging them about the same stuff, like convincing David Duke 2 tour Russia & get them 2 kick the worst of the (((Bank$ters))) out... & POOF!  There goes Putin! =D  BTW: 4 those living in (((brainwash))), that's Y the (((media))) & stuff R so against him. It's all just code 4: "KILLWHITEY!"  N E thing that harms whites, they will support, & N E thing that helps whites, they will attack.  Once U acknowledge that obvious, verifiable fact, everything they or their 'puppet goy' ever think, say, or do is always entirely consistent & predictable! =)

Oh, but this is a Valentines thing... so yea' got a $pam 2day from ((($hill))) clown Tim McCarthy bot whatever (he the big 'rep' on the 'Republicrat' side) asking me 2 'Sign The Card' here...


So naturally (as always) I injected some tips wat 2 do 4 good measure =D

"Don't invade Venezuela. Leave them alone. That includes letting them TRADE! Do some research instead of getting your 'intelligence' from sub-demons out 2 ruin more countries 2 hand the wreckage 2 the (((Bank$ters))). The whole REASON they R in 'collapse' is because so-called (((America)))... or as U might say: "The United States Of Isra-Hell" isolated them economically because they were independent with their own oil thing instead of licking the krap from ((((Bank$ter))) a$$.

Have Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, $yria & the rest taught U nothing? In a sane regime, 'The Wall' U liars speak about would cover the entire border, not just B a sick joke in the form of a 1,000 mile wide open doorway. The 'only need about a thousand' (miles) line in every one of your speeches always revealed (2 those who can do math) what a ((($cam))) it all is 2 U! Get on track & stop trying 2 pull trix against America. Make it a full wall, yes, 'From Sea To Shining Sea', not 'half-measure' B.S. they will just go around. More details here:

Oh & by the way, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! =D

Oh also, leave Iran alone 2. They're minding their own damn biz, meanwhile the (((U.S.A.))) is bombing everybody 2 dust. What next, tell us they R making lamp shades out of joo babies??? LOL!! Calling for 'freedom' & 'liberation' is just cheer leading 4 more death. It's truly cynical, evil bull$hit ~ U demons always mean the EXACT OPPOSITE! Iraq & Libya 4 instance were 1'st world countries with total 'equal's rights', & now they R dens of ISIS RAPEugee style krap that throw your preciouis queers off rooftops HAHAHA Calling the DESTRUCTION of countries 'Nation Building' is ((($atanic))) bull$hit.

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NOTE: Also good 2 put notes responding 2 'mailings'.  Hoo noze!  Maybe they sometimes read them.  Sure is fun that SOME of Trump's mantras R the same stuff I've been 'trolling' about for DECADES! =D  Hell, B 4 I got on his case, Duke was pretending only 'Western' Europeans R whites LOL!!  I'm all: "They make space ships & stuff.  So they got different techniques ~ look @ the RESULT!  WTF does it matter?  Get a grip!"  Frox sake, there R whites all over... even places like Lebanon & stuff (lot of the 'celebrities')...



French?  Just an example.  Don't let the tan & all fool U ~> 

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$pam = "RE: EXCLUSIVE (2 everybody =): Sign President Trump’s Card"

Reply: Tim McCarthy Is Anti-White & Pro-Israel = Very Bad For America.
Bod: Have the endless wars of (((American))) terrorism against the world taught you nothing?
Well, of course he already knows all of that = the problem is Tim is infinitely CORRUPT.
What a 'R.I.N.O. R.A.T.' =))
I should dedicate some pages 2 listing & detailing his ((($cams))) like I have 4 Trump.
Get on track, clowns...

With your '1,000 mile wide open doorway', etc...

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BTW: Melania's kinda' Magyar I'd say...


As yurt nomads go tho' I'd say sum Turx got it hapnin' (if U ignore the bleach =)


Their "Horde Spawn" =8^D


Both singers & used 2 B married = Guessing here, I can imagine the conversations: 'I didn't marry U 2 C U off banging groupies.  Maybe I wanna bonk whoever 2!'  Seems quite the story... touring with various doods = so 'Travel $how' =:-D  She should really B in movies!


I think a GR8 1 would B 2 C her lose her keys ~ Could put comedy stuff into it like X-boyfriend (who stole your keys but U don't know it) $ell$ himself =)) "I'm like a new man, as U can C. B 4 I was but a mere mortal, but since I got a mustache, the future is bright! =D I hope you're not intimidated by my awesome style. Some say it's power can B a great responsibility they can't handle, but I'm no stranger 2 danger! ~;-D I promise 2 use it's power 4 good & not evil."  & shee goze: "Yes I can C the magic in how it gives life 2 your words ~ like a sharp suit. You're like a slick hero from the '40's" =)) ... just make up silly lines as U banter = 'movie dialog' =D

Actually wood werk W/N E random hotties I think...

Hottie #1: "Where R my keys? I can't find them N E where! =( He'll think I'm so fuking stupid ~ like every other time I borrow the Porsche they just disappear & takes like a trip 2 the moon & back 2 find them!"

Hottie #2: "Maybe U should get some copies done?"

Hottie #1: "It's electric so they have like a code in them or whatever so that won't work."

Hottie #2: "Or U could just pay him back other ways =))"

Hottie #1: "I'm not a WHORE! I just like fancy things. I like 2 travel... (while bending over in mini & crawling around searching 4 stuff)"

Hottie #2: "You're the 1 complaining about his ugly dik, so obviously you're not into him 4 the bod HAHAHA"

Hottie #1: "SHUT UP! (cat fight, ripping off clothes =))" LOL...

Will Netflix ever do 'originals' like THAT? No, because it would B WAAAY 2 Awe$ome! =8^D

Wat 2 do?



Preach it, Sister ~ She swing both ways?


Actually a lezzie 'conversion' angle might B right up Netflix alley HAHA


Allz eye no iz I'm a big lezzie 2!  Trapped in a hawt boyz bod! =D

