
~  Fave Moo-V Doodz!  ~


Favez Assorted 4 Extra Cinematic Convenience

~  Aktorz  ~

  •  #1! Dwayne Johnson! = 'Tha Rok' = Killz With Skillz = GR8 fun & dynamic (full 'range') realistic acting AND action vibeage.  Even SINGS well ~ WTF?  ~;-D  With all the wrestling experience he's like a 'Ninja Ballerina'  Schwarzenegger types by contrast R more like brix/Frankenstein/botz = Y Captain Accent $ometimes plays 1?  Bitta googlin reveals he's from a family of wrestlers = black wrestler dad from Canada, & Samoan wrestler grandfather on mom's side ~ so might say the whole action star thing is 'De$tiny'  =)




2 bad in sum flix (((They))) R clearly mocking him 2 drag his mystique down like the ill-fitting dorky outfit in 'Hercules' & half the thing prancing around in drag?  I know he's in drag in some (((PixOfNEXTFlix))).  Actually that site seems run by 'goy' bot get a break on Licen$ing 2 pimp "KILLWHITEY!" krap non stop.  I can emmajin the (((Meeting$))) = "U kan get tha hole $eries free if U jo$ make $um nu 'Drag Kiddie' shows."  It's not really about the $ 2 them.  (((They))) rank each other by how much damage they can do 2 civilization so they can hand the wreckage 2 their (((Bank$ter))) buddies.


  • Chris Hemsworth = Thor Dood (& others) = very kool Strongman Style, tho' not az 'bouncy' entertaining as 'Rok'.  SuperHeroicLooking & FUNNY 2 wen $tory goze there = dozza gud jawb.  As uzal put in pathetic situations like drunken clown in 'Snow White & The Huntsman'.  WoW he's in a lot of stuff!  Must check out... https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1165110/




  • Will Ferrell = 'Mugatu' in 'Zoolander' series is dangerously hillarious!  =D  From Anchorman 2 whatever, always pushing the boundaries of 'white jackass mystique' LOL!!  Mr. M. is up there with that 'Ride The Snake' junkie boi skit with Jim Carrey on (((S.N.L.))) =))



& Don't 4Get Mila Jovovitch as KATINKA!  =))



  • Kevin Sorbo = HERCULES! =8^D  I'd say my 'personality' is like a cross between Kev & Liam (in 'vibe'), with moments of (Christian) Bale-Out? HAHA =))
  • Liam Neeson = Interesting, consistently entertaining legit actor styles & good 'normal brute in tough situation' stuff = The Commuter, Star Wars, etc.
  • Predator = OK not a reel dood (??) or doodz thereof that 'Space Place' from witch thay hale bot theeze KrabFace Actioneers Got Moovz 2 $pare!  Dig 'specially how lose an arm & it's like 'WTF just move on' & keep swingin' HAHA  They should so totally dew moo veez W/all the klanz up yonder huntin' Xenos & shaggin' all HorrorPorno.  KAN U E MA JIN?  That 'Alien Vs. Predator' thing was 'optioned' online so Y not THIS?  It's All Po$$ibility! =D




  • Hugh Jackman - Good simmering 'action/stud dood' balance = seems most flix he's in R good, like 'X Men' & 'Wolverine' & 'Van Helsing' type things.  Was in some musical tho & that's not my thing.  Maybe he's a poof.  He adopts random low rent blackies 4 'beggar points' 2 (((Producer$))) it seems so that's dum...  Make your own, clown.
  • Ryan Reynolds = Funny & fit in stuff like 'Green Lantern' & 'Deadpool' = 'uniquely ironic / shockingly casually horrific' sense of humor & dynamic realism with his 'actor' skillz & all that jazz = FUN 2 C!  =D
  • Brendan Fraser = Always entertaining funny = silly yet tough, strong & kool all @ same time.  GR8 in 'Mummy' series & all the other flix I've seen him in.
  • Christian Bale = GR8 'crazytown stud' vibe in American Psycho & some others but not always.  Check the 'Bale-Out' =))  Since then seems most flix he's in spends all his time degrading himself tho ~ like penance 4 being assertive (part of Y (((they))) H8 Trump so).  Sick how he chose 2 ruin his own body in 'The Machinist' ~ never snapped back 2 his earlier sleekness ~ grabbed some 'toil face' & now has slice marks where they cut the bags out ~ tsk tsk...  If U R gonna 'prepare' 4 a role, don't let it B things like getting fat or haggard, only POSITIVE things like X-Tra Fitne$$ 4 'Action!'  =D
  • Keanu Reeves = Half Jap?  Heez Kinda Borin Bot good in action sequences (Matrix series, John Wick, Etc. =)  Faggot 'married' 2 some other goon in some flik on about how 'disgusting' historical English figures R (the usual "KILLWHITEY!" stuff).  But yea' if U put that out of the picture 4 a bit he's fun 2 watch in some stuff  =)  Or he could roll with it in doomsday flix all "I could kill U now, or put that pretty mouth of yours to work, so what'll it B?" HAHA ~ 'gay action hero porn'?  =))  SURREAL!  =:-o
  • Jim Carrey = GR8 but publically very anti-American like cheer leading 4 the death of N.R.A. members & stuff so dropz some pegz.  Kewl @ least how he 'embraces' the comedy goofball stuff 2 the extreme rather than that dork Robin Williams who was always trying 2 $CAM us by pretending a movie would B funny but just more boring 'dramakrap' = BOOO!  =P  So glad he offed himself = now he won't B around 2 make more 'I thought this would B a funny movie but no' flix HAHA  Carrey is not just 'goofy faces guy' but also bot GR8 @ doing 'evil' characters 2 = $KILL!  & he doesn't go off into some 'Ace Ventura' skit pretending his HORROR movie will B N E thing like it = INTEGRITY! (as far as the 'Acting' goze =))
  • Timothy Dalton = Funny & sly & cool!  =D  GR8 'villainy' in 'Hot Fuzz'.  Also did Jaymz Bawnd.
  • Johnny Depp = Every other character acts like some drunken poofter it seems but he's in lots of really GR8 movies & always 'interesting' 2 watch so it's not just about him, like 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' series, 'Dark Shadows', Etc...  @ least he lost everything 2 dykes he was dumb enough 2 marry & blew the rest of his fortune on ridiculously overpriced booze 2 poison himself with, so now I can watch him again as he 'paid the price' in a 'Karmic' sorta' way HAHA  Maybe I can check out Anthony Bourdain again now that he offed himself 4 good measure ~ THANX Jakazz = these clowns & their bragging about wanting 2 murder the president, like there's no point 2 just shut up.  It's all these stupid evil WHORES begging 4 work from the (((Media))) = "WOO I H8 white people SOOO much please put me in your ((($how))) so I can promote every possible form of degeneracy 4 U ~ like that dork Peter Fonda on about how they should look up Trump's kid in a cage 2 B raped by random turd worlders = what a sweetheart  =P
  • Pierce Brosnan = GR8 actor but many of the movies he is in R not GR8 ~ lot of (((Propaganda))) $hit like pretending guns R evil & white programmers R terrorists & various other "KILLWHITEY!" nonsense.  Since he gained weight I guess he's a bit desperate.  His wife went full blob ~ uzd 2 B SuperFireHot = waste.
  • Steve Carell = In 'The Incredible Burt Wonderstone' = GR8 'irony guy' =)  Seems 2 do basically the same funny character in every performance regardless of plot, but hay =D
  • Jason Stratham = Doomy 'action man' but 2 much (((propaganda))) in many flix he's in (gay hitmen, etc.), pretending it is our 'duty' 2 flood America with 'migrants' & other typical "KILLWHITEY!" cliches (((HollyWeird))) is into.
  • Vin Diesel = casually badass in 'Chronicles Of Riddick', 'Pitch Black', 'XXX', etc.  Lot of the (((media))) blabs about what a 'bad actor' he is, but I'm guessing it's because he doesn't go gay or tranny scenes in N E of the movies (that I can think of).  (((They))) R always trying 2 shoehorn that $hit into everything =P  Did notice him in a dress in some recent pix tho = maybe trying 2 grab some work as a 'muscle tranny'? 
  • Hugo Weaving = BossVillain dood in 'Mortal Engines' MooVee ~ also in 'Matrix' series as 'Agent Smith', & ElfLeader or something in Lord Of The Rings series = GR8 'DramaTiming' style = very entertaining! =D






  • Arnold Schwarzenegger = In some GR8 movies!  =D  'Terminator' of course, & many others!  Conan, onnanon... rather 'R.I.N.O./R.A.T.' ((($hill)))-tard, but then SO R LOADS OF THE PEOPLE IN THIS PAGE! =:-o  It's like a hiring requirement in (((HollyWeird))) 2 spout "KILLWHITEY!" rhetoric, because it's run by the (((Cho$en))) & their goal is always 2 ram civilizations down the drain & hand the wreckage 2 their (((Bank$ter))) buddies...
  • Chris Evans = GR8 in 'Captain America' roles = kind of generic but 'inspiring' sleek & fit 4 action stuff.  The self-titled 1 was supremely ridiculous with the insane dyke who is magically able 2 beat guys up LOL!!  How very #MeToo!  =))

~  Honorable (??) Mentions  ~

  • Sum random sleek-lookin' 'Blue Eyed Italianish' dood from an '80's Sci-Fi show.  I don't even remember the show title so will B searching on this.  He was realy fun 2 watch! =D  Kind of reminds me of a more 'idealic' version of that singer from the '80's group 'Double'.  He was playing an 'Alien' of some kind like 'Generic Perfection' person 2 doing whatever (forget the plot). I'm surprised he wasn't in more stuff!


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