
What are the functional characteristics of the abrasive belt?

1. The high surface quality of the abrasive belt grinding workpiece is mainly manifested in small surface roughness value, sanding belt good residual stress state, and no microscopic cracks or metallographic structure changes on the surface;


2. Due to the light weight of the abrasive belt itself, the balance state of its grinding process structure system is easy to control, all rotating parts wear very little, and there will be no dynamic unbalanced factors like the grinding wheel. The abrasive belt grinding process is flexible and adaptable.


Belt grinding is very safe, low noise and dust, easy to control, and has good environmental benefits. When grinding, the belt is not as severe as the grinding wheel. Especially in dry grinding, the grinding debris is mainly the material of the workpiece to be machined, and it is easy to recover and control the dust. From the point of view of environmental protection, abrasive belt grinding is also very worthy of promotion.





The technical characteristics of the abrasive belt

The use of abrasive belts in abrasive belt grinders

Tips for using the abrasive belt correctly and reasonably