Today, brands are increasing their digital footprint to reach as many people as possible. Email marketing is one way to increase the digital footprint of any brand. Those days are gone where people would only check their emails for order details or interview schedules. As a result, email marketing has become an effective tool to communicate brand values and promotions.
But do you know, by adding a logo to your email signature, it can bring additional benefits for your business? In this article, you will know why you need a logo on your emails.
What is an Email Signature?
Before proceeding with why you need a logo on emails, you first need to understand what an email signature is and what it does. You may have noticed at the end of emails, the name of the company, the name of persons who have sent you an email, and their respective job titles. This section may include the address of your brand’s headquarters as well. This is what you call an email signature.
Wouldn’t your signature look empty or incomplete if you don’t add a logo to it? It’s not about looking empty or incomplete. The point is, you are missing the benefits it can bring you.
Brand Recognition:
Your design is not just a piece of visual art but also it’s the face of your business. It helps you to build a strong identity and presence. When you are trying to build your identity and presence you must add your custom logo in those places where it can create an impact and your emails are one of those places which you shouldn’t miss out.
This will help you to achieve recognition. When you market from different platforms, chances are you will reach more people. So, don’t miss out or underestimate this platform.
Builds Connection:
Building a sustainable and long-term relationship with customers is every business’s main goal. After all, it’s the customers that bring profitability to businesses, building relations with them is important for the growth and sustainability of any firm. When you send promotional emails to your customers, this helps you to strengthen connections with your customers and when you add logos, customers will feel more connected to your business.
Furthermore, you will be able to retain them and even influence their purchasing behavior from this platform.
Yes, by adding a custom logo design your venture would look professional. It’s not just a randomly said thing, it’s a fact. You may have received tons of promotional mails and when you saw that there was no logo in those, you wouldn’t have taken them seriously or completely ignored them because they were looking unprofessional or amateurs. Only amateurs will not add their logos to their signatures.
The reason it makes you look professional is that your logo is copyrighted and this gives a sense of authenticity and professionalism. Be professional and start increasing customers.
Important factors to consider before adding logos to your mail:
Since now you know what benefits logos on mails can bring but before you add them, there are some important things to consider.
Keep it simple:
Sure, email marketing is a different platform but that doesn’t mean rules don’t exist here. Just like traditional methods, this platform also requires you to keep things as simple and plain as possible. Let’s be honest, complexity never works in any place and platforms. Keep your mail signature simple and clean. This will create more chances for the audience to engage with your content.
Another important factor is size, when you take a service of a custom logo design company, ask your designers to provide your emblem in different sizes, in-mails you will require smaller sizes, make sure they are easily scalable and are versatile.
Mobile friendly:
Yes, it has to be mobile-friendly; otherwise, your efforts would be wasted. Today, most engagements that occur between brands and customers are through mobiles. Almost 80% chances are your mails will be viewed by the audience through mobile phones. Make sure to design it in such a way that it is compatible with smartphones.
That’s why keeping things simple is emphasized because complex designs will take lots of space and will take time to load and this will create a distraction and you may fail to make any impact.
Email marketing can be a real game-changer for your brand if you do things the right way. So, play nice and you will get the results in no time. If you haven’t got your logo, then always seek custom logo design services; never rely on template-based designs.