
Various 'Sent 2 White House' Ramblings 4 Mr. T.!  =;-D


More Ocean, Less ((($wamp)))  ~  Thanx  =) 


Uthur (((Korrup$hun))) Fax Heer:

An Mor = The Daily Deathrape (Skroll Downit) ~> https://justpaste.it/6gmyt 




Simple Solution = Nationalize The Medical Industry & Put Very Low Cap 'Malpractice' Awards!


Like the army has doctors 2 treat wounds & things = make them the training bed 4 all medical professionals, & do it cheap, so N E 1 who can actually do the job can get a job as a doctor, not the artificially jew-limited jew club of jew-focused 'medicine' 2 artificially inflate prices.


Also nationalize the drug industry.  U don't have 2 'confi$cate' the existing 1... just make all their stuff available as 'generic' produced by the government, all at extremely low prices (because everything in drug costs is 'approval' bribery & 'monopoly pricing' extortion, not the cost of the drugs themselves).


U don't have 2 close existing facilities, just make it paralell & every1 will B happy 2 pay 4 the cheaper GOVERNMENT OFFER than the STILL EXISTING overpriced $CAM that is the 'private' hospital.


All U need 2 do is limit corruption like how Trump will clean out the V.A.  The easy quick way 2 make that work is give them CA$H PRIZE$ 2 find & report corruption & other failings in their own teams.  They will compete with each other 2 eliminate their own corruption =)  Kind of like how people compete on 'The Apprentice' 2 win a job 4 Mr. T.! =D


N E 1 wanting treatment could go 2 the nearest school or whatever where U have some hospital rooms set up 4 'low priced public care'.  Those wanting 2 sell their house 2 treat their cancer or some other overpriced treatment can go 2 the 'private' hospitals if they want! =D


L8R! ~@~




2 things: First, it seems Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook owner) wants to run for president:


Here is how to easily defeat him:


"Zuckerberg = anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-civilization, anti-future."




Anti-Zuckerberg billboard-type campaign mantra might read:
What does Mark Zuckerberg think of customers?  Just ask him: "They trust me — dumb fu*ks"
Google it =))  He even admits it:


If he does run I'm sure lots of people will play options against his stock because Facebook will tank once word spreads what a vile demon he truly is...


As for that demon John McCain, here is some interesting dirt on him & the many Americans who died due to his arrogant selfishness:


I wonder if McCain would have voted against the insurance monopoly $cam (so-called Obama 'care') if people had been publicizing his many misdeeds more?




Alex Jones was very helpful in getting Mr. T. elected with the 'M.A.G.A.' minions & such.  The Playlist of over 30,000 videos on Youtube from Alex is not really accessible due to the way it is written (slow & code-heavy to the point it won't really load old items at all), but this complete fast-loading single page list style makes it easy to research topics and get interesting ideas.  U might want 2 check this faster way to browse & search Infowars playlist here! =)  Great for getting perspective on many topics, quickly with your web browsers 'find' features'.  'Find Bar Tweak' for Firefox (among others) can multi-highlight occurences of terms, etc.




There are 3 different people who have robbed me via mail and I have noticed a disturbing pattern where for individual robberies (instead of a 'class action' type thing with dozens or hundreds of robberies) neither the police nor the postal inspector, or FTC or others are willing to prosecute mail fraud criminals.  I have detailed records backing up the transactions, and everybody just tries to (for MONTHS now) send it in an endless loop where nothing gets resolved, or calling it a 'civil' issue when it is not (I send money, then they don't send product!). It's like 'immigration' law that way it seems = nobody will actually enforce it.  Can you help?  Or if you just want more details, please contact me =)  I think it would be great to help 'streamline' American commerce by helping weed out criminals, even the 'small time' ones, as they all add up.  For example, I just got off the phone with the district attorney's office in Colorado & they tell me there is no state law covering mail fraud (which might be a lie?), yet the postal inspector tells me it is a 'local police issue' (passing the buck! LOL!!)  Don't they get to make money from fines?  Commissions?  Quotas? (like parking tickets?)  Maybe an 'incentive' program is in order =)




It's time 2 fire any and all public school staff who use students as political pawns to attack Trump and other law-abiding citizens. Here is a story on how a student was suspended for staying in class instead of participating in an (ILLEGALLY 'required') 'Prote$t' event against Trump, against Gun owners, against the NRA, etc...




Funding any school employee who supports using the school and it's staff and it's students for political purposes is self-destructive, as they are 'programming' them to destroy America down the road (pulling the lever for another O'Bummer/Billary type, etc.)


The death toll from 'school gun violence' is so microscopically IRRELEVANT it's beyond absurd. About 5 people a day die in America just falling down stairs, and about 100 every day in car accidents! ALL 'gun control issues' are PURE PROPAGANDA for the purpose of DESTROYING America by disarming white people so others can dominate and wipe them out easier. Everybody knows this, but it should be addressed publicly by so-called 'Politician$' more, like illegal immigration is about destroying America, not 'helping freedom seekers' = ROFL!!




Alex Jones Goes Off On Trump Over Syria Attack! "F*ck Trump, F*ck His Family" 4-13-2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wug9BhSshFU
Sent to president: "People like me who worked hard 2 promote your (claimed) AMERICA first agenda were instrumental in getting U elected, but obviously it was all a $cam, as your warmongering has revealed, attacking Syria, & who else?  From now on I am urging everybody to vote 100% democrat for as long as they are in America, so that this rogue terrorist zionist scam will be weakened and eventually collapse under it's own corruption, instead of ruining even more nations (like you neo-con demons already did to Libya, Iraq, etc.)  I suggest you just let the 'witch hunt' do it's thing & resign yourself to playing golf and humping 'porn stars' or whatever =))  Russia will do the job YOU pretended you would, by expanding and filling the world with more white people who are trying to help rather than wreck everything they touch."


What R YOUR opinions?  Let them know here (contact 'the white house'):




Video thumb
HEY People! =D Every1 go send Mr. T. a message if U wanna'! Not that N E 1 necessarily reads them, but U never know! Funny how sometimes they do your advices ~ so probably lots of others with similar ideas. What will they do next? Here's what EYE sent 2day:
Sent to 'president':
"R U a nigger or something? What's with the absurd ALL KAPZ! rant on Twitter? U R just making yourself look like a (((Zio-Con))) war-mongering murder-mouth IDIOT fishing 4 lame excuses 2 start more war$ 4 (((I$ra-Hell))), same as with Korea & $yria (because they R not (((Bank$ter))) dictatorship$). Pledging to DEFEND yourself when attacked is NOT a threat 2 N E 1, + Putin will not let U get away with destroying more countries 2 hand the wreckage 2 the kike$. Obviously YOUR goal is 2 mass murder endless millions of Persians, same as your goal was (& still is??) 2 mass murder endless millions of Koreans. Stop being such a FOOL & do BU$INE$$ with them instead, you clumsy noob! =) It's funny how even some 'nothing slave' like me knows INFINITELY more how 2 build a safe & free world than some old puppet like U. Stop taking advice from yids & U would go a lot further in 'Making America Great Again'. Go visit this site for some details. It's even written by a JEW (a 'defector' who 'changed his mind' against your kind of INSANE nihilism).
Here's another JEWISH site U should go 2 instead of getting your marching orders form the himeys in D.C., etc.:


Don't 4get 2 click the 'Submit' button!
"Thank you for your submission!...




LOL! Now that Youtube has banned Alex Jones & so many others, I wonder when Youtube & Twitter & Facebook & the rest will try to further INTERFERE IN THE ELECTIONS by banning THE PRESIDENT! =))




U should pardon James Fields & combine that with an announcement that citizens should express their right 2 self defense when attacked by mobs of terrorists.
Would also B good 2 push 4 law$ that further criminalize blocking streets & stuff as 'terrorism' combined with shipment 2 'guantanamo' & whatever other 'camps' 4 disposing of criminal elements.  The 'troll factor' of this how it will cause left-tards 2 go even more insane with their ridiculous anti-americanism will just REDUCE their power & #'s by exposing their real (((agenda$))) = 2 wreck whites & destroy all their nations, thereby EXPANDING the size & power of the TRUMP TRAIN =D




THANK YOU for 'shutting down the government' =)  The BEST 'government' is one that enforces border security & does NOT murder foreigners in other places (so-called 'wars'), & also rounds up & deports trash who invaded, &/or puts them into PROFITABLE work camps 2 help repay what they $TOLE from us.  Ideally there should be a 'must be this hot to enter' requirement too =D
Could B from N E where, like this goddess is Turkish...
But of course, Mr. T. noze all about 'importing' QUALITY! =D  The same way U R constantly 'trimming the fat' & 'turning over' the 'soil' of 'apprentices', U can do with the junk that tries 2 keep dragging America down.  The longer the 'shutdown' the better = let them 'starve'.  They R no good 2 'U.S.' =P  The only thing a DemonCrat ever really 'needs' funding 4 is 2 spend it on illegals & other 'ammunition' they use 2 attack America 2 ruin the place & hand the wreckage 2 the (((Bank$ters))).  U may also want 2 address the 'fed' bank, as it is an independent criminal cartel.  I hear there is a part of the 'charter' or something that 'lets' the actual government simply 'write them off' for nothing, cutting ties & letting those clowns 'starve' as well =)




Trump 2'nd year anniversary note:
Speaking of Anniversaries, would B GR8 if Melania wrote a book like '4 The Love Of Trump ~ Make Marriage Great Again', where she 'trolls' the Left-Tards all about how wonderful & smart he is & how real women & men should act (like U 2 do! =)  Would help show that not all galz R nihilist demons like Billary & Pelosi & other "KILLWHITEY!' pussyhat minions.  It wood B SOCH a fun read (???) maybe even us Doodz will buy it! =D  U know, 2 explore the 'fantasy' of knowing an 'American' gal who is actually loyal & supportive instead of a 'divorce $cammer' LOL!!  U could also offer them as bonu$ item$ when people donate 2 your causes ~ via 'digital download link' so costs U 'Nothing'! =)
PAID FOR BY KEVIN MCCARTHY FOR CONGRESS ( = 'amnesty' turd world invasion 'R.I.N.O.' turd)




Tom Steyer, who pays for lots of anti-Trump ads on TV & stuff, promotes 'carbon tax / green new deal' scams while himself investing in coal plants (hypocrisy).  You should highlight this when you troll him =)  More details here:




'Mr. T.', This $urvey U posted is very insulting because it claims the only available options are to vote for Trump or Satan.


In fact there are MANY options like for instance Tusli Gabbard is against war...


& that's not 2 mention all the REPUBLICANS who would be BETTER than trump, like if Tucker Carlson ran for president! =)  I would suggest making him Trump's V.P.! =D  Would be INFINITELY better than getting all the WORST POSSIBLE ADVICE from (((Javanka))) & assorted 'bureaucratic tapeworms' like Boldon & Pompeo.


& what's with all the nonsense about it being 'wrong' 2 'give' Iran 'access' to billions?  It's THEIR MONEY!  It was $TOLEN from them by jew-merica, & O'Ba$tard simply let them have it BACK.  Even Trump himself admits in that in (some of) his speeches: "We should have never given them their whatever billions of dollars back."  Acting like your 'followers' are stupid is not an effective way to win more friends.  


Also if there is a false flag 'against our troops' by the 'chicken hawk cabinet' or N E 1 else, instead of going against Iran you should prosecute (((Those People))) who were actually behind it, like that 9/11 inside job, which even jews themselves admit:
BTW: Instead of 'Isra-Hel Firsters' like (((Javanka))) & others, U should make (((Makow))) an advisor, as well as (((Brother Nat.))):
More info...




Trump keeps mentioning Isra-Hell in tweets about 'patriotism'.  How is putting a nation of vampire parasite terrorist demons 'patriotic'? LOL!!  He mentions Isra-Hell even BEFORE mentioning America, because his MAIN interest is furthering jew scams, & ignoring the fact they are the main BULLIES in the region and throughout the so-called (((We$t))) creating all these wars, flooding our nations with raw sewage, etc.  Keep ((($hilling))) for Israel & the jews and people will vote for DemonCrats just to avoid your (((Neo-Con))) garbage, as clearly the 'JEWS FIRST!' rhetoric is all code for attacking Iran & making the flood of trash from Mexi-Hell & others across the globe even worse... as if (((We$tern))) Europe even exists N E more =))  The one GOOD thing about the 'crazy DemonCrats' is SOME of them acknowledge the obvious, verifiable fact that jews run congress... and YOU! =P  It's pathetic how Trump grovels to jews when all of them (including within his own so-called (((Family))) LOL) R against him.  Fire 'Javanka' & get on track.  I'll vote for a bowl of cat vomit before another 'Israel First!' maniac.  Why?  Beause at least with the DemonCrats America will be so totally ruined that it won't have the 'resources' to ruin the world like a ((($trong))) Jew-Merica with the 'endless wars'.  Snap out of it, cheeto man =)




The Function Of (((Enforcement))) Is 2 Destroy.  More proof that the function of 'ICE' & others is to ASSIST the TrollGoblin turd world sewage invasion 2 ruin America:
= 'Border Agents' HELPING Mexi-Tards enter =))  ClownWorld continues! HAHAHA  & this is where the tax dollars go... like the endless WITCH HUNT... and 'wars 4 Isra-Hell', and (((Homeland))) $ecurity molesting little girls & grandmas @ the airports (when everybody knows 9/11 was an inside job), & 'Immigration Enforcement' ACTIVELY IMPORTING the Turd World Trash!


In a sane regime borders R lined with the heads of invaders on poles, with the decapitated bodies burning between so the stench of death warns off fools who may want to invade.  Also bullets are so incredibly cheap compared to the endless BAZILLION$ WA$TED on the toad-faced chubby hideous violent 'genetic waste' the jews are using as BIO-WEAPONS of the DemonCrat party 2 bleed white workers dry & 'colonize' America with 'leftists forever' so they can ram America down the toilet & hand the wreckage 2 the (((Bank$ters))).


Nearly every citizen gun owner would be more than happy to PAY YOU (the government) for the FUN of going & doing 'target practice' along the border.  They simply need legal permission =)  Also, if the military were used to invade say, a mile wide strip all along THE ENTIRE BORDER with Mexi-Hell (on the FOREIGN side) they could do whatever they want, including putting those bullets to work, & it would all be legal ~ as legal as all those other INFINITELY LESS HELPFUL things like invading Iraq, Libya & others.  U should adjust your strategy entirely =8^D




I think it's pretty obvious the terror attack in El Paso at the Walmart was an inside job orchestrated by the DemonCrats, because the rhetoric, like the ChristChurch guy in Jew Zealand & the 'Pianist' who shot up the jew church put out retardedly left-wing-sounding 'manifestos' & just drop in some phrases about 'white rights' as if that makes sense of it all.  I've researched the 'right' many decades & they R not into things like promoting 'universal basic income' (welfare) & 'carbon tax' & pretending that it is the fault of 'corporations' instead of the JEWS behind the banking scam that push the invasion so they can steal the wrecked nations easier.  


The El Paso shooter even made the mistake of posting some 'hood rat' (black rapper) style things in their Twitter stream revealing they R really not a 'conservative' or 'neo nazi' or 'trump supporter' at all.  Like that 'ASPRocky' whatever = he puts out songs violently AGAINST the president.  The (((Left))) wants to use the terrorist tragedy as an excuse to ban guns & put a DemonCrat in office to flood the place with even MORE criminal invaders. It's clearly a ((($cam))).  I will be posting some pages with evidence & maybe forward them to various people in government.  


Like in ChristChurch in the video the guy shoots through the window (supposedly) but it remains undamaged = FAAAKE!  The DemonCrat debates & the whole race is going 2 become a contest of who can most effectively blame trump for the shooting, among other things.  People into rap who's 'Twitter handle' include the words 'Duke' & 'Trump' R not sincere.  They R faking it for (((Propaganda))), like jooz who paint swasticas on their own buildings.  Left-Tards in general have no will 2 live (they R all 'nihilists') so I bet it's super E Z 4 them 2 find 'voluntiers' for that nonsense, & they will keep trying 2 do similar 'stunts'. U should help put a stop 2 it =)  Find out who's really behind him.




Trump made several statements recently pretending to think that Iran may be behind an attack on Saudi oil facilities & whatever.  That is of course a lie, just like how 9/11 was a big '(((In$ide))) Job' & everybody on Earth knows it.  


Hell even the owner Larry ((($ilver$tein))) admits on video he 'pulled it', etc.  That's not something U can set up in a few hours. It requires a long & complex preperation, like laying out the fake 'exercises' for 'plausible deniability', same way U can B most certain it was a combination of Isra-Hell & (((America))) & the $audis themselves who carried out the attack, 2 then blame it on Iran.  


NObody on Earth will believe the lies, even though U may pretend otherwise, but more importantly these (((Endle$$ War$))) do NOT help America or the WHITE (oh no I said the forbidden word: 'white' LOL) people U were $elected 2 help.  All of so-called (((We$tern))) Europe has already been destroyed.  You want the jews 2 flood the place with Iranians next, as part of yet another 'migration'?  


Everybody you attack in yet another expensive (((War))), after you harm these random foreigners who were not attacking us or threatening us, your (((Buddie$))) then shove those angry VICTIMS into your home nations to wreck everything you claim to care about.  It's like self-vandalism.  Stop it =)


I can hear the (((Excuses))) now, but keep in mind some random 'events' are not equivalent to having the endless lives & labors of millions of people wrecked to rubble, which is all the so-called (((Military))) of America ever really does ~ meanwhile the $outhern border stays wide open, flooding us with goblins.  Get a grip, & stop taking orders from (((Javanka))) =))




You should pardon the 'Proud Boys' guys who are going to jail for being attacked by the democrat's terrorist street mob branch 'Antifa'.  This is pretty absurd = going to jail for defending themselves?  And while you are ignoring the destruction of white people's rights here in America (oh no, I said the 'forbidden' word 'white' LOL =)) you pretend Iran or Korea need 'freedom'?  That's just code for destroying even more nations and ruining everything, not 'freeing' something.  & even if it were true you wanted to 'replicate' something here over there ~ WHAT freedom?  For children to get their privates mangled by doctors at birth?  To have their kids turned into 'trannies'? To force Christians to make homosexual butt sex wedding cakes?  Bestiality next?  You know it's coming! =)) LOL!!  




Short link:




You should pardon them with a proud statement like 'Everybody in America has a right to defend themselves' blabla...




Why is Trump continuing to rob Syria & steal their oil & give it to yids in Isra-Hell, when all the jooz ever do is try to destroy Trump & destroy America & wreck every other nation on the planet??  What a traitor =))  So typical!  And yes part of why no matter what he says, no point donating to him, same way only reason N E 1 ever voted 4 him was 2 get rid of the beaners like he promised, but instead the flood of raw sewage from Mexi-Turd has INCREASED!  It's like in so-called (((We$tern))) Europe where instead of sinking the 'migrant' boats, they invite them in & give them 'free everything' (stolen from whites who do actual work), because the goal, as with every so-called (((We$tern))) so-called (((Democracy))) is 2 ruin white people & hand the ruins 2 (((Bank$ters))) =))  Details here:
And here:
Get the frok out of Syria, & leave Korea & Iran & the rest alone 2.  The (((Endle$$ War$))) never help America, & no matter what Trump ever does the himeys will always be against him, so stop wasting your time trying 2 please them.  They will never vote 4 him either.  They vote 4 DemonCrats, same way all the brownies do, now & forever, no matter what may sound 'possible' LOL  They vote by RACE, & since Republicans are not a pure "KILLWHITEY!" mob, they back whatever (((Tribe))) is.  & oh yes, FIRE JAVANKA! =D  She cry 2 convince him 2 'give' the coaster hat demons 'Golan Heights'? LOL!!  IT'S NOT 'YOURS' 2 GIVE!  What a ((($cam))) =P




Recently (((Javanka))) got TRUMP 2 do an 'Executive Order' banning criticism of Isra-Hell @ colleges or something?




Short link:


So weak & pathetic, considering the fact the best thing 2 do is disown them & stop feeding that rogue terrorist state bazillions of dollars $TOLEN from white Americans who perform actual work.  Even jews themselves admit this...




Short link:


That is a JEWISH web site, just like this one... highlighting the infinite (((Corruption))) of (((Javanka)))'s criminal 'Chabbad' cult, etc...


Not 2 imply jews were the only group behind 9/11.  The air force ran the drone into the pentagram after the section 2 B hit was evacuated & fireproofed some before the task, & Cheny ordered a 'stand down' on military respnse while running the 'drills' & so on.  Bush buddies & owner of WTC the (((Dual Citizen))) creep Larry ((($ilver$tein))) wired the place with thermate charges on the beams 2 such huge amount the molten pools of the goo remained lava-like for weeks.  U can C videos of this all over Youtube, & of course lots of research verifying the thermate (google 'Steen Jones Thermate' etc.)... & I wonder who got what cut of the gold & jewels & $$$ stored in the vaults in that building?  HAHAHA =))


So yes, by defending Isra-Hell, U R defending racism & criminality.  Isra-Hell is a RACIST APARTHEID blablabla terrorist regime, endlessly mass murdering people around them, steaing their stuff, pulling crimes & running back home 2 escape PROSECUTION (not 'persecution').  Same old krap, & U just suck it up.  Snap out of it.  Just because she's your daughter doesn't mean she's on your side or trying 2 help America or U or N E place where 'European people' live.  Fire (((Javanka))) =)




Trump is THREATENING Iran with TERRORISM by (((Joo-Merica))) if 'Iran kills it's protesters' ~ as if he is going 2 '$ave' them by dropping a bazillin bombs on their heads & reducing the nation to rubble like Iraq, Syria, Libya & Afghanistan?  It is (((The United States Of Isra-Hell))) that CREATED "Al-C.I.A.-Da' / 'ISIS' & so on, & only killed the 'Persian General' dood because he was crushing the TERRORISTS funded by (((The $wamp))).  Everybody on Earth knows 9/11 was an (((In$ide Job))) as will surely B the 'tragic protester massacre' that TRUMP is planning right now with ((($atanic))) freaks like Pompeo & (((Javanka)))? LOL!!


U don't 'Make America Great' by WA$TING infinite more TRILLION$ on (((Infinity War$ 4 Yids))).  Get a grip!  Leave Iran the frak alone.  What you CLOWNS ever PRETEND 2 think they do 2 their protesters is none of our business & your 'freedom' is the exact opposite = it is the CRUSHING OPPRESSION by himeys 2 promote trannies & every other form of anti-family, pedophelic suicide cult degeneracy your (((Chosen))) friend$ R into.


Mr. T. ran on avoiding (((RatBa$tard War$))) in the 'sand box', & building a wall 2 stop the flood of raw sewage from Mexi-Krap, & he's done NEITHER! =P  Tulsi Gabbard wold B an INFINITELY better president if she would simply flip on her 'Flood America With Beaners' garbage.  Oh well... choice still remains between a bowl of cat vomit or dog poop.  All the candidates R terrible 4 America, but they don't have 2 B!  I guess it will B fun on the web sites 2 bet when TRUMP! will pull the next (((False Flag Attack))) in Iran or something... like I'm guessing the jews shot down that airplane, & Iran is pretending they did 2 'save face' (avoid having 2 send more missles?)


The solution 2 ALL of it is so simple = get out of the sand box, & stop attacking the sand box.  Mr. T. said himself "That place is nothing but sand & death", so don't waste time pretending U ((($wamp Creatures))) R going 2 'liberate' something =)

