
Go Take "The Trump Poll' =)
Short Link: http://goo.gl/pwRZZB

Long version (WTF?):

Permanent link to THIS page: https://justpaste.it/28u85

My Responses (What do YOU want 2 say?):

1. Do you approve of the job being done by President Donald J. Trump?
Stop attacking Korea & Iran. They are minding their own business and AMERICA is the rogue terrorist state that destroys nations, like Libya, Iraq, Syria & Others. Stop it. It does not help us. Everybody NEEDS Nukes to DEFEND themselves against US!

2. Do you approve of the job being done by President Trump regarding the innovation and improvement of our country’s infrastructure?
WHAT infrastructure? There is still no immigration enforcement. All the illegal fat ugly stupid violent beaners raping the this civilization & degrading it, stealing 'free' medical & other 'social' program $ are still here. You have done NOTHING to get rid of them. Go to any California hospital emergency room and see for yourself = mostly illegals!

3. Do you approve of the job being done by President Trump regarding the economy?
Until you get rid of the illegals there will be no significant recovery. It's de-facto 'illegal' to hire WHITE PEOPLE to work any agricultural or construction related job in California. The farms don't even advertise in English! That should be illegal in itself! PROSECUTE them! It should be ILLEGAL to advertise for work in ANY foreign language here, & ILLEGAL hiring should be PROSECUTED!

4. Do you approve of the job being done by President Trump regarding the roll-back of restricting regulations?
GIVE ME A BREAK!! Read This PROOF Trump Pardons Racist, Criminal Jewish Fanatics who hire TONS of ILLEGAL ALIENS! https://www.henrymakow.com/jews_must_confront_dark_side_o.html

NOTE: (((Google Chrome))) may block the page pretending it is 'unsupported'.  If U can't C it, use a free proxy link like this: https://proxybrowser.xyz/index.php?q=zaWk1NmcZ1_dqNtgmMel1a2jktCgro-T06OTzpWuqMLSpqPYxcWnnsyj06CkwZvEpqGQ2Jqbxo_TZMzYnaM

Short link: http://goo.gl/MMPyLp

Ironic using (((Google's))) own link shortener getting around it = HAHA, + that is a JEWISH web site in the 1'st place admitting all of it.  They even 'shadow ban' THE JEWS THEMSELVES who try 2 EXPOSE the CRIMINALITY! =:-o

5. Do you approve of the job being done by President Trump regarding the sanctity of life?
NO!! People with no will to live who want to terminate their own blood line by offing their fetus should be allowed to to so, especially if they are beaners, niggers, or other turd world trash. Their 'lives' are part of the PROBLEM, not something 'beneficial' to the world. Their EXISTENCE is a DRAIN on civilization. Their 'lives' do HARM to America, not help.

6. Do you approve of the job being done by President Trump regarding national security?
WHAT national security? Cheer leading for more wars? Syria, Korea, Iran. GET A CLUE you WARMONGERING FREAK! You Betrayed Us ALL! More details here: https://justpaste.it/1jmla

7. Do you approve of the job being done by President Trump regarding the better care and treatment of our heroic veterans?
LOL @ 'Heroic', 4 WHAT?! Mass murdering endless millions of foreigners who were not attacking or threatening us? America is a terrorist state and you are a terrorist. You already murdered a bunch of Syrians who were defending their country, and now you want to nuke Korea next, then Iran, etc.. Stop it.

8. Do you approve of the job being done by President Trump regarding immigration and securing the southern border?
I live in California & was born in Los Angeles. Things have always continued getting worse, and Trump has done nothing to stop it. There are illegals all over wrecking the place, & those who R not 'Illegal' (if non-white) always vote to destroy America = almost 100% DemonCrat, etc.

9. Are there any other issues you’d like to see represented on this approval poll? (Optional)
The border is TWO thousand miles long, and we do not 'only need about a thousand (miles)' as Trump says. That's just a big DOORWAY then (will just go around it). The Rio Grande & hills R not 'natural barriers' & they cross them ALL THE TIME. We know also of Trump's memo where he has NO intention of ejecting the invaders, but taxing them 2 pay 4 the USELESS DOORWAY that will have NO RESULT WHATSOEVER but to WASTE money given 2 the 'contractor$'... https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/2783270/Memo-pg1.pdf

Also, it does not cost ANYTHING to fix the border. In fact, all the gun owners would be happy to do it for FREE if you simply allow them to legally go do their hunting things down there. Also doesn't WASTE $ on 'military' that will go always searching 4 innocent targets like Syria ~ freax sake.

10. Are there any other thoughts you’d like to share with the President? (Optional)
Do not attack Korea or Iran or any other foreign nation (including Mexi-Hell). Do BUSINESS with them. Also, allow any white European to instantly enter America with a quick path to citizenship that is FASTER than all the random turd world sewage pretending to be 'refugees' = give me a break. Sweden & the rest are filled with middle aged 'refugee children' in school classrooms alongside the young white girls who they rape, etc. The suicidal nihilism is surreal beyond compare! =)) That is the future of America if U don't help out = the extinction of the white race, 2 please the nihilist (((Bank$ter$))) so they can $teal the wreckage cheaper. =P It's all part of their plan, & everybody knows it. Also, stop WA$TING our $ funding terrorists like Isra-Hell, ISIS & others.

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NOTE: Hit 'Submit', & forwarded 2 'donation' page, & said "Thank you for sharing your opinion, (name here)"  Accepted my long response! =:-o Or said it did... hoo noze, maybe just a $cam & no1 ever reads =P