

When we speak of addiction, we mean a kind of compulsive dependence or obsession. We experience our addictions as something beyond our control and a habit that rules our lives and dominates our behavior, affecting almost every aspect of our lives.
Have you ever considered how your life would change if you were to stop using? How would it be to be sober and free from addiction?
If you’re ready to get sober, Lotus Wellness is here for you. Lotus is India’s Best Luxury Rehab and Wellness Center. Whether you’ve already completed detox or are looking to break free from drugs and alcohol, our premium Addiction Treatment center is the perfect place for you. Our client care team works with you individually to create an effective treatment plan that will help you live a life of sobriety. While some treatment programs do not work, Lotus Wellness and Rehabilitation Center offers comprehensive addiction therapy in a private and healing oasis. As a result, you will be able to make the most of every moment of treatment. In addition, unlike most other rehab centers, all of our lotus variant of 12-step therapy methods are customised so that any person seeking rehab has the opportunity to achieve total wellness.
When trying to break free from addiction, you need to understand why you are addicted. Why do I use drugs and alcohol? What is it I’m looking for? What am I trying to escape from? Why am I unable to stop?
Take the time to answer these questions honestly, and your chances of recovery increase tenfold.
Do You Have a Chemical Imbalance?
Many individuals, including yourself, move about in an imbalanced chemical state and feel horrible practically all of the time. Some people believe they lack the vitality to go through the day, while others believe they cannot slow down. Some people report feeling uncomfortable, apprehensive, irritated, or even paranoid that something terrible is about to happen at any time. On the other hand, others feel as though their judgment is clouded. All of those emotions stem from a chemical imbalance.
When a chemical imbalance occurs due to a failure in one of your glands, for example, to feel better, you may resort to an addictive substance such as drugs or alcohol. If you have too much adrenaline, for instance, you’ll feel tense, anxious, restless, and unable to relax. This may lead you to drink alcohol in hopes of calming down your nervous system, or you may resort to a prescription medication like Valium or Restyl to help you relax. If your body doesn’t produce enough adrenaline, on the other hand, you’ll feel sluggish and lack the energy to get through the day, and you could turn to cocaine or methamphetamine for a pick-me-up.
In other words, you may be a well-intentioned, kind person who has no negative habits and isn’t usually a drinker or drug user. Still, you’re suffering from a chemical imbalance. As a result, you drink or use addictive medications to change how you feel since you don’t know what else to do.
Were Your Past Events Unresolved?
Carrying around the pain, you’ve caused others or anger over losses you’ve suffered — whether financial, spiritual, physical, or emotional, such as the loss of a loved one — all generate discord in your current life, resulting in a chemical imbalance . Furthermore, even incidents from your upbringing that you are not aware of may have contributed to your current substance misuse.
Are You Having Trouble Coping With Current Conditions?
The inability to cope with current conditions in our lives produces anxiety, frustration, stress, and fear, which again creates disharmony and leads to the chemical imbalance that caused addiction. People who feel distressed or overwhelmed with the current conditions of their lives may resort to using and abusing drugs and alcohol. The truth about sobriety is you gain the ability to be honest with how you feel, and through Lotus wellness special therapy , we teach you how to cope healthily when difficult times arise correctly.
Do You Have False Beliefs About Yourself?
You’ll take actions that don’t achieve the results you seek if you have beliefs that aren’t aligned with reality. Disappointment, frustration, and conflict result in chemical imbalances in one’s body. Another cause for drug and alcohol addiction is an inability to cope with current circumstances. It’s related to the fact that your philosophy doesn’t help you in difficult circumstances, and as a result, you’re suffering from anxiety, stress, and an inability to attain your objectives.
You will be distrustful if you feel that the world is packed with individuals who will defraud you at every turn. Because no one likes to be thought of as distrusted, you’ll have a hard time developing friends and maintaining business connections.
It’s Time to Heal the Underlying Conditions Causing Addiction
Whether the underlying reason of your addiction is a chemical imbalance, unresolved healing from past experiences, false self-image or beliefs, inability to cope with present circumstances, or a combination of all four factors, remember this: not only are all the causes of addiction inside you but so are all the answers. As a result, you must be aware of how to gain access to them. The process begins with determining what internal imbalances are at play. Once you’ve done so, you’ll be able to treat the underlying issues and restore balance and harmony to your life; you won’t need or want drugs or alcohol again.


We at LOTUS are happy to help u or your loved overcome his or her addiction and stand up for RECOVERY .
Call confidentially 24/7 (+91 7339062555)
Reach us at info@lotuswellness.life
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