
HillaryWhat about ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram?l

TrumpIgnorance is the problem. The leaders & members of ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram are not high profile scholars of Sunni Islam, while the leaders of the 90s Afghan Taliban are. So, ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram need deeper knowledge about Sunni Islam written by the 90s Afghan Taliban to be thrown to them by planes. ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram need knowledge, NOT bombs. Bombs & war could make ignorance, anger & terrorism increase & this is what, in fact, happened over the past many years of wars

For the sake of peace and saving the lives of millions of innocent civilians & the beautifull cities such as Mosul & Raqqa, I think the best way to solve many huge problems is to start peace talks with ISIS through intermediaries to reach an agreement that ISIL stops for ever all terrorism acts because Sunni Islam forbids attacking innocent civilians. And, tell ISIS that if it agrees on that and stops attacking other states, then it can keep and rule, by the Shariah law, the Sunni towns and lands that it has now in Iraq & Syria. And become with the 90s Afghan Taliban a normal one recognized state in the UN if it stops the plans and the acts to gain more lands and if it forbids terrorism attacks and if it swear allegiance to Afghan Taliban to guarantee the righteous policy

And, in the mean time, since that Al Qaeda leader has sworn allegiance to the Afghan Taliban, I also suggest to start peace talks with the 90s Afghan Taliban through intermediaries (such as the state of Qatar) to reach an agreement that the 90s Afghan Taliban rules the whole of Afghanistan, plus, the lands of ISIS, if it commands Al Qaeda to stop attacking other states and stop for ever all terrorism acts because Sunni Islam forbids attacking innocent civilians. And also if it commands all Al Qaeda members to leave other states freely and peacefully to join the lands of the 90s Afghan Taliban. And, if any person in the lands of the 90s Afghan Taliban violates the rules, he or she should be brought to trial in the courts of the 90s Afghan Taliban according to the Shariah law

Some American politicians illusion that these angry ignorant young guys in ISIS & Al Qaeda are hostile against the USA because they are different & because they want to change their way of life! This is silly, naive & ridiculous. They are so angry for 2 main reasons

1. Many US administrations opposed Shariah law & supported anti Shariah law dictators in the Meddle East & the Islamic world.

2. Many US administrations supported Israel against Sunni Muslims.

So, to make peace really easy, it is strongly recommended for all US administrations to stop forever these 2 main reasons & every other reason & to do so much pressure, such as boycott, against the Zionist so-called state of Israel to stop all the bad behaviors against Islam & Muslims. I love to be a peacemaker and I hope that these suggestions help a lot.

Here is: http://justpaste.it/4c in Arabic more verses and Hadiths which prove that ISIS, Al Qaeda & Boko Haram are wrong & so pathetically ignorant. When this Arabic link is sent to ISIS & others, most probably they will quit terrorism then repent to Allah (God) & then accept peace talks and maybe they will move to the lands of the 90s Afghan Taliban to guarantee avoiding terrorism forever, God willing. BTW, this Arabic link is written by a Wahhabi Salafi Sunni Muslim scholar.

More: http://justpaste.it/zy